HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-06-29, Page 8•
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WEDNESDAY, JUNE .29th;' 1956. ,
The sudden death of. Mr,• Wal-
ter George' MacKenzie occurred
from a. ' .coronary thrombosis,
• • °shortly before midnight . on Sun -
•.day, June 19th, 1955. •
A lifelong resident of Kinloss
Township, Mr, Mackenzie. was
born and lived his whole life on
the family harnestead, Lot 4,
.' Con, 4, Kinloss. He was the son:
o the: late Peter IL MacaK e�nzie,
'and ' Elizabeth, Valens. Born ; on
December .9th, 1880, he was the
youngest member of a family of
eight. He was, married in Toronto
:.on • June 24th, -1926:,1 by.' Rev. D.
• T. L. MacKerroll" .to Donalda C,
MacDiarmid. He •is survived by
• his wife. 'and .` a sister, Miss ,Eliz
abeth J. '' MagKerizie of • `Norfolk,
He was'predeceased by his par-
ents, his brothers;;Robert' Valens
of Lucknow, Dr,, Alexander J. of
Toronto, Hugh K. of Oliver, BC,'
anda sister, M. Jean of Toronto,
and by a brother and sister wile
died in, infancy:,
Mr. `MacKenzie was••an adher-
ent of Lucknow Presbyterian
Church, and a former •Deputy
Grand *aster of the In,• dependent
Order . • of l ddfellows. He was
wvidelyread and conversant • on
almost any subject. He was a
man • of Stirling .'character, temper-
ate habits and 'Possessed a keen
seas t f1humor and- was respected-
and loved • lby all who knew him.
The' funeral from. his. late resi-
' deuce le ' South. Kinloss Cemetery
on Thursday afternoon Was con=.
ducted. by Rev Wallace McClean
attending the funeral, from a dis-
tance were his sister, Miss El1za-
beth J: MacKenzie from Norfolk,.
'Virginia; Mrs. A. J. MacKenzie'
and Miss Helen Sutherland, Tor-
onto; his • nephew, Mr. P. S. and
Mrs. MacKenzie and family, of
Walkerton; his niece, Mrs; Shantz
and Dr: Wm, Shantz, Waterloo;
Miss Marion MacDiarmid, Lon-
don;• Miss. Margaret'MacDiarmid,.
KTin'iisor;' 'Mrs. Golden; .. Dgtrpit;
and relatives from • Brucefield,
Clinton,' Teeswater,' Tiverton and
Surrounding. areas.. • '
The pallbearers' were Messrs.
Ross. ],MacMillan, Stuart' aRobert-
son, Archie Maclntyre, Richard.
Martin,. :Wm. • F.. MacDonald and
'Fred Gilchrist.
• •tiro • cl lr N,+1f! Rnw00¢fit t41•r ,, .1 rw►RR 4,4.
i • _
• Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert •Hamiltori
and family . visited with relatives
at Preston.: on Sunday;
Mr. ;.and :Mrs. Fraser .MacKin-
non spent Sunday in .Stratford.'
Miss Bessie 'MacKenzie has re-
turned to Norfolk, Virginia; Miss
Margaret MacDairmid to Wind -
stir' and Mrs. Florence Golden to
•Detroit. Miss "•Marian • MacDiar.
;hid of London . is 'remaining 'for
a . time with her sister, Mrs. • W.
G. MacKenzie,
JVIrs. Ritchie of Lucknow spent
the "week .end: at the home . of Mr.
-and Mrs. F-MacK tnron
Work has been begun on the'.
rem. building of the barngat Harold
Johnston's which Was destroyed
Ottawa, June 16, • 1955
Editor, Lucknow Sentinel,
Lucknow, Ontario; •
Dear Editor: ' '
As you are a no doubt . aware,
the has been 'a Joint , Fisheries
Commission arranged •between
Mg United States and Canadato•
combat the lamprey eel menace
which has .been . Playing . hauoe.
with • aur fishing, industry in the
Great •Lakes.. The • plans are to
• in ,Lake
;first eluninate them ,
Superior. -
HI. have' been advised 'by good
authority, that, if ,the . people ,in=
terested in 'fisheries `connected
with Lake ' Huron. petition the.
Government strongly enough, the.
Government may consider laying
out plans to carry this .conserva
tion work• into Lake •Huron in.
1956 as well as in Lake Superior.-
The purpose ' of: my Wanting.
this ' letter 'published is ' to : ask
the clerksof the different muni-
cipalities: • and also r the 'secretar-
ies. of Chambers :of .'Commerce;
Boards of Trade and .all interest-
ed: • associations, to • forward res
olutions•.to the Honourable •James
:Sinclair; • Minister. of Fisheries,.
Ottawa.. Below 'is a ,suggested
,wording for the 'proposed . `resol-
-ution which .may. be changed as
any _Board„ ees_ :fit: .. '...
• "Because of .'$5' million a year
loss to Lake Huron and:,Geo rgian
Bay ' fishermen as a result of the
lamprey menace to the trout; BE
IT RESOLVED' that the . Federal
Government he urged to . increase
their estimates for 1956. to make
effort to • stamp out the lamprey
and restore the trout fishing in.-
,dustry in. this • lake; and. ,ti'at the
government be 'further urged to.
;take : any- other actionnecessary
to rehabilitate the , fishing indus-
try in Lake Huron"
Yours, very truly,
Andy .Robinson
(Mernber : "for..
would very: much a•ppre-
ciate 'receiving .copies of any res-
olutions forwarded • to the Mini-
seer - of. Fisheries. A.R. •
The following expre:ssive .;and•
'touching' poem' was. penned. by
Mn John Beattie of' Seaforth as,
•an-?appreciationr "of 1VirS:. Thomas
1.(Jariet) .MacDonald, •who passed.
away. recently at the age _of 93.
Mr. Beattie is well 'known: to
many local ',boWleri. He came tO
know Mrs. MaeDonald well alter
she went to Seaforth to make
her horde 'With 'her daughter
Kate., Many tirnes •he watched.
her M her Chair, Under the 'shad:
ed light,' reading. her Bible, and:.
since er passing as ecticatec17–
The final call, 'come in, well'
'Tis not the end,' We'll meet again,
Always She' gave her very, best,
So peacefully. :she looked 'at rest.
Her life so` full qf kindly deeds,
Her joy fulfilling other's' needs.,
She Shared,..,the".iiioneering da Ys
So different frank/ oUr modern_..
Yet tiaroug it all 'she liVed to
The ripened age.of ninetY-three.
The children's friend, in very
• truth
Those busy •hands, a cultured
A heart. of gold and, so refined:
There. in her cozy corner Chair,
The Open Book, the silent pray,
Allows Us To Offer 'Reg `ulaa
$59.50 mattresses .at39.9
5 �.
Ask for SEAL.Y ' Enchanted Nfght : Mattresses
hes ° 1 8' •
2 -PIECE• KROEHLER slam regUlar .6115.00, for .....$156.00
Furniture: &' Funeral DirettOrs Phone 16, LOcknOw
• • The, County Councils of Bruce,
Grey and Huron have 'each goile
on .record *as- favoring a, three-
day operi deer Season •on Novem-
requesting the departinept' ,oi•
'Lands and Forests to declare it
as such. No.dogs •will be allow-
ed .,in these , three.. counties. '
At the same time *Mural-I.:CO:pun-
.cil voted down'.a • move :to have
the. fex bOunty continued.' It was
decided. at 'the January session
not td pay the bounty which has
been running to about $4,000 per
, Come next. JanUary. there wilt
•be two definite candidates for. the.
Bruce County warclenShiltVal-.
lace, Wilton of Carrick and pan-';
lel Lamont. of Saiigeen..Donald
MoRay of Lindsay and Roy.
kinson of Greenock have intim-
ated 'they, too, May .throw thcir-
The late David H. Carruthers
Of Kinloss. had been regarrled as
.the. fairored ' contestant for: the
.1956 warderiship, priorto his
Reconditioned. by exper! !ervieemen
The radio, the 'shaded „light; •
She stayed up late to say "Guid
The Greenhill •plot not far OlviaY,
Her Message to each, one, would
haOY in 'MY ALA Cotui.
The rubber,protected film of
Wall -Satin washes like no
other decorative wall paint.
.Covers most surfaces .with
one coat.
8. SON
Heating and PIUMbing 'Phone 10. LucknOU+,