HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-06-22, Page 6• 01.' ., I Qy 1g it , • • PAGE. SIX AN .SIDE• -NOR -T --H_. The June meeting of . the W.M.S. Auxiliary was held at the home of Mrs. I)a".nid, Scott, Mrs., Farish Moffat" presided. Mss,: Peter G. Moffat read, the scripture and Mrs. Wm. Orr gave rthe meditation, Miss. Emma Rich • ardson led in ;prayer. Reports of the Presbyterial meeting were. given by Mrs. Bert Moffat and Miss .Erna Richardson. Mrs. 'Charlie Tiffin and Mrs. ' George Tiffin -sent their .reports . wihich were read. Mrs: Caswell: led in *he offering praYer. Mrs. ', Lloyds Moffat gave, a summary • , .o . ' a' chapter from the • study book,: Mev. Caswelil 'closed. the meeting With prayer., The next meeting, will •be.7held at tiie home of .Mrs. Lloyd' Moffat on Thursday, July 7 when articles for the bale will,. The. Happy Helpers Mission Band Met at church on. Saturday , and four Cars took theni to viist the Thompson' Bros.. Creamery &. Egg 'Station and the Lions Club 'Park in . Teeswater returning to ;the church. fiat lunch. -• Anniversary ..services ' will ' be • , 'hes Sunday, June' 19th at' 11• a.m. and 8 pan., Rev. MacMi1. F•ttCKINTOw SENTINEL., LUJCKN QW, ONTARIO Women's Association, GroupA._ Group '2 of .the W.A. met at 'Mrs. Breckles cottage for :'their Juni meeting with twenty-one ladies,'present..: Mrs.. G. Brooks presided. Mrs, Robt. Thompson' read ' the scripture . lesson. Mrs. Brooks gave the Meditation, on the theme,. •"I am :the true- Vine.". Mrs, Pharis Mathers reported for. the S'enifir .Folk committee that. she.' and 'Mrs. Jones were lining up helpers and,. Making 'a list ,of names; ,Mrs. A. Havens and Mrs. Well. , 'Henderson„ took ° over the; duties of .the cheerio. committee; The Group plan, -a harvest : tea in 'the fall. ` : The, •roll -, call was answered by travelling . hints. Mrs, Collinspresided : for the. program that' ' followed opening with a" h ' xi. '"I : will 'Sing the.. y� Wondrous. Story". Mrs. S. .Alton and; Miss Belle Robertson sang -a• duet Mrs J Kilpatrick -gave- a-. reading, • Mrs. Havens a mus- ical selection and Mrs. ,G: And; rew a reading. ,Mrs.:. Collins 'clos- ed the meting With prayer. Mrs. Len 'Ritchie ,.moved a . vote of thanks . tothe hostess , and the. committee in • charge served lunch., Goderich will be "' est` 1gu . speaker. WEDNESDAY, JUNE. 22nd, 195 MRS, GEORGE A. McIVER, Mrs, 'Elizabeth Ann' Mclver' passed .away. it her home in •the Ebor , district in, Manitoba on Monday,.'May 30th, in her 93rd.` year. McIver Mrs.; McIver was born on Jan- uary 9th, .1863,. -in Lucknow and lived here until ,•1910 twhen • she. went west with her. husband to. snake' 'her .home on the Tarn. in the Ebor ' district; She was pre:- deceased re-deceased by: her husband • Geo A. `,M•cIver-, on November 29th;}, 1949; at the age of 33 years In earlier years Mrs..' .McIver was: active in the life'•of. the cam Tmunity, ' anal played her: part in. .the development of that,part : of the •west.: Where they settled. She Was,, a '•member, ••of the United Church. • .Left to.mourn are-two-daugh- ters, re two-daugb ters, Emma A. McIver' of Winne ipeg and •Mary: G. McIver at home; three sons, John H.. • McIver of Two Hills,' Alberta; and Thomas G. and William M. at• hoarne;• one sister, Mrs., George Fraser: of Reston, Man: and - one'" brother, John ,Gollan Of Lucknow.. , ,The funeral service,: conducted by Rev..: D; B:: ;Sparling, • was -held in St.. Pain's' United ,Church; . Vir- outh Bruce District W. South Bruce District Annual of District Annual ' and, of the dir- ectors' meeting,, also the finan- cial statement,, was given by thR secretary, •Mrs. V. Emerson; of'. Whitechurch, while Mrs.: Frank : Miller, Whitechurch, . gave the auditors report. Miss Alice ' Dick- ison; Teeswater, summarized the work of . the Junior Institutes and; Mrs. MacNaughton called. the 'District . Directors to , the front . and.• conducted their. formal' rati- fication, Cbnnmiuiiity singing was followed. byreports; of ,the _Stand ,• :in •g ' Co ittees .. the Women's Institute was held in Chalmers United Church, Ar - mow, on. Friday, June, '10th, with an attenda ree of 122 at the morn- ing..'session. . •'•, Delegates were present from Armow,',:Belmore, Bervie 1.1.91Y -a 'rood, ..Kairshea, Purple Grove, Paramount; Tiverton; •Ripley, Teeswater, Whitechurch. Reids Corners, Lueknow and., Hincar- •dihek. . The. •session opened.:with the president, 1Vlrs. D •1VIoCoah,• in the chair., Two Minutes.' silence was abserved • for deceased members, Mrs. 1VloCosh introduced two Board rrieb bees WIRY were. "guest speakers for the.. day, Mrs, Ar- thur Hamilton ;and Mrs. D. Mae - Naughton: The minutes of last den,. on" Thursday, June 2nd. • Pallbearers were ;Ross. ' Mc- Dougall, 'Thomas 1VIcDoirgall ' •rand :Tom Fraser, all' neP'hews, and Jim Duncan, Doug Williamson -and--Gteortge-::-Ston..Douse:Inter ment 'was in .Virden cemetery.. . 4, million times a PURE ' AND WHOLESOME, _ .. Nature's own flavors. • 2. BRIGHT, EVER -FRESH P�AILE .. distinctive taste. 1 REFRESHES d: SO (,UhCKL'Y a welcome: lift. 'Agriculture and Canadian du,stries,: Mrs, Orland •Rkehards,'. .Paramount•,• Citizenship. •and F.ci iication;'Mrs,-:P A 'Murray; lniy - rood; Histaorical Research & 'cur- rent. Events, Mks. T. Blair, Kin ' cardine;. Community. Activities do Public .,'Relations,, Mrs. R. Hyde, Gla •nis Home Economics and•. Health;:' Mrs.: Wick, Kincardine,' :Resolutions,: Mrs.Ross: Martyrs, Ripley: ... • "„Mrs,, .� Hamilton. .congratulated• South Bruce on, having 100 , per - cent 'reports.. fiord. .the. various branches. ,She spoke of . new Ex -tension Courses ;'being addedafar next year.: and' gave ideas along program, planning, . She .,stressed the value,of the Institute in, ing .better • homemakers and•'bet-' ter citizens':. Dinner was served. by Armor w Branch.;• At .:.the afternoon ses"slon .the address;of welcome Was given by• Mrs, 'George McKee,: Armow and, replied; 'fa' ,by • Mrs, MacArthur, Ripley The' president, Mrs. 'Mc, Cosh, in her address .expressed appireciation •to _'all the officers , for their splendid co-operation:' and outlined 'matters of interest in ` various departments. A .sella by. Mrs.' P; Steer. of'••.Kairshea'•W.., I. with -Mrs. Houston as ' ac- companist • was •appreciated.: Mrs, R.• .J�: McKellar of I. the; .Museum committee' told of , the grog , es:; of the' work :in Southampton, Th OPening is to. be .July • lst. Mem . +hers were urged to:•visit the,•ni.0-- ,,urn . in June: Two rugs for ` the , Sas . Tecont•: 'r;on dis p'laaly,.dR. Te. ,Cortesners, we ear Tees water. .Mrs :MacNaughton, who ' i,, Cennpletrng her". three,years . 'o'f office as .F.W.IO.'` boardirector, brought greetings from 'the Board, and gave :helpful. suggestions for work in . future...She , atr.:essed the need •for. world vision and said that;,the children of .Korea, •Cey ion and Jamaica .were our• re- sponsibility. e 'sponsibility as • well AS, thoseof Ontario. .. -- Mrs. John' Shier reported• .for work with the .Federation oaf • Ag- riculture..' 'A reading was. given ibs' Mrs.: Cats`of`-Tiverton - An account of the 4; H Club 'Work : i as .presented' by: Mrs:. C Hewitt of • Bervie,...the project be- ing The Milky Way. Prize win - v ' for the year's program.~ were announced 'by Mrs:: Mac Naughton: •Holyrood, :1st; White- •church; 2nd;. Tiverton Junior W. I,. ; 3rd: • Mrs. .T. Blair called Mrs. Mac.• "Kellar, :!last District president,, and Mrs: •Rome, 'District Sec. Treas., for 6 years to the , plat; 4orri - -and. presented_ them... with .. _ • District, Life Memberships. Mrs. Donald Blue, Ripley,' pre tented the report of the nominato • • ng--andmenti Mrs-••-li',+"', r� - ton presided for e-. electron' M officers: press, MrsthD. McCosh, •Ripley; . 1st vibe pres•, ,Mrs. J. E• • Roe, Kincardine; '2nd vice, Mr.. • H:: Houston, Holyrood; sec.-troa ., M. V. Emerso; echuI C'h Fersderated„ representnatiWhitve,. Mr,�;. 1 .. J. 'MacKellar, Kincardine, altt'r. nate, Mrs: P. ' • A, Murray, Holy: rood; auditors, Mrs; A. Coultt"', Whitechurch and Mrs, G. Farr"r'ie:.,•. ` Whitechurch; delegate tri Aro ••coriventiion, Mrs. M;: 1Claciti<� '. Ripley; 'alternate, Mrs, H. 11outir ton, ,Holyrood; Federation of Ag- riculture. rep., Mrs, ray;' ;,ro'alte,rod. ' inate; 'Mrs. Maulden,. Hoaly Mrs. . G. •Emersorti • of Purple • Grove, ' expressed thanks to th • 'hostess branch for their fine hos- pitality ipitality and Tiverton w r. :`• tended an invitation . for ney kt x,43 annual meeting: -•va�..caeb.,e.,.a - 4, A*M salol! boNtorf Iota• -Cola oirndge contract with Coca-Cola Ltd.' Goderich . �E , E • , Ont. 'a � D .,.y.,. , Phone489 "Calc.," :iK n registered trade esti*. t. b:B�ttIe.'. Cart�n'36. hidediet entaet remix PAi d<potit' 2r p,, iMN/I