HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-06-22, Page 5WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22nd, 1955 PERSONALIZED` LABELS Rte , can_- 1y, .. HIPPY- 011... -with ,personalized' Tabels, a 'tz actively printed, in two . colors,, u4id in •a • handy •!plastic dispenser, You re- ceive 400 useful. labels • for only $1.50.• Use them , to stamp. your books,, .records, Letters,, packages, etc.. Drop in and 'see a sample. LUCKNOW SENTINEL' Leading ,. outdoors. ' authority King Whyte :• 'Writes— , C. • "Stitmethiitg for Everyone" "it has been my good' fortune . to have fished and (hunted from British'' Columbia to .Newfoundland -from the• farr north to the Gulf of California:.' and central • Mexico . , . Nowhere have .I: hdd it better ,. .than right `here in our: own Province of 'Ontario: Outdoor .Ontario has '' something f r .everyone". Why not become.' "tripper"?' Pack the famil• in the car and set off gon. a- two or:three day: : .pilgrimage to places • you've heard about but 'likely`have: never seen -in your .own' Province. You'll find it a rich profitable' experience and you'll "Know+Ontario Better". Accommodation is abundant. ,Rates are . Send the .couppn_b.e ow • and plan now • your . enjoyment .throughout;the, year: Oratorio's Provincial Flower. "the Trilliui,,u • i ONTARIO TRAVEL ROOM 173, ' j 67 COLLEGE:St, TORONTO, ONTARIO,,^, • !,I gPLEAS SEND ME,A FREE ROAD MAP AND 1 TRAVEL INFORMATION ABOUT ONTARIO.. I !, IIYY«.YYi . ,..:NAME' I. • I4Y.YY V,,.:YY. ............. ..am o lTIKET I 1 1 a. 1 ..: ....,n Y. b. 1 roar orrtct 1 2 N1A1t Pinar ctra .T) • ' 1 • -_.—-^•••••r'+Y�u. Yrrirrtiirrri�iiwi �,rl, Ontario DtipnNineni of Travoi & Publldfy Non. !.pals P. C.cf., Q.C.; MW'N.r. ; YY.�S'w"aim%aaY.'"FY.Y.hm'.CkY'wlYa'CMit'F•T"k . 34C•�7 1 .YYfY "{... a... Y 1 1. 1 . THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, . LL-OKNOW, ONTARIO dune Session o atter.f; Bruce County Council Conven ed for the . Jude Session at the Township 'Hall, Lion's, .Head, on Monday evening, June. 6thit Warden William C..h W • Winter pre siding and all members present except the ..Reeve •of • Annabel, which office is vacant owing' to the recent . resignation " of Reeve Earl NI. Aiken. The meeting *as saddgnxd .ow� ing to the sudden passing ,•'.dur ing the cession, : of ' Mr.'` Geor Stephenson,• esteemed County Engineer and ",!.goad Su erin - p ........ten. dent: 'Mho•:bad' 'been' a faithful public servant for Many years. Council attendedthe funeral ° in a body •on Friday afternoon.- The members also returned • to their. hornes,on Thursday to• cast their votes. in the Provincial Election. The Session proved a busy one and I number, of, important' items of .business were "dealt•" with 'in 'ddition to the usual routine mat- ters. • Council:, after : making a capital • grant of '$25,000.00 to. the Owen' Sound General and Marine' Hos pital at tihe January Session, •de-. cided riot to commit itself to axis future. capital or_:_maintenance :grants this : year. The, total share for Bruce County; a's requested• Eby the •Hospital :..Board ' was ,$35,000.00, based on the ;number. of 'Bruce patient days at the Hos- pital. It, was left for future coun- cils 'to oun-cils'to decide ..whether or. not - the additional $28,000.00 asked' :for .would:. be;;:gratited. • County Council placed. ,itself Squarely .on., record • as • favouring. the Elora • Road from Glint? Cor- ner to .:Southampton as' the next county highway - to be ' assumed as, a •. Provincial Road. A motion sponsored ; • by : Reeve' : Norman Hagedorn of Paisley, and backed. •by • a petition signed .by 23 reeves and; deputy, reeves, passed .with- out a: division.'• Seeks Juvenile Court At the request of . County Magistrate, Otto'. McClevis, - a special, committee: was set up. to investigate ' the advisability -of establishing a Juvenile ..Court" in: the• County •of Bruce. • `',A special :committee was also set. up to arrange for a County Councilpicnic,: forthe members. and their families, at Southan-p-, ton on September :11th.." :. Another, special committee was set up .to investigate • the tourist trade. in Bruce County and report at the November Session. • A request by the Tara: muni cipal• council. that Tara. be attach, ed, for high school purposes, to the Owen Sound Suburban •Area was . also dealt with at this ses- sion. •On recomnien'.'ation, of the 'Consultative C tt tion was taken' on this request, Rate Unchanged Most •. important . afnong . • the routine 'mat er under'' consider. tion was the setting of, the Coun- ty rate - for the current year., The rate was;set' at 13 mills,' the same. as' last year. Of this arnount,51/4 mills •is for highways' and, 734 mills for general purposes: County • Engineer" George • E. $tephenson,_.in.,a_repo,ttprepared. and submitted just before his', un-• fortunate demise, stated, that.this. past .spring the roads • suffered more deterioration 'than for..: many years "This • he •att•ri� �t1-tS'•"ti're of ollowing • conditions the very wet -,fall, 'the open winter, the exceptionally', :warm weather 'early in` the spring' which brought the frost. out rapidly, , and ndfi-• compliance with the' law • during thalf-load 'season in •March and levels tlie. road and is sufficient to. renew the•' old surface which. in time becomes cracked and driedout.' About two. mile's of road • near' Tara and four miles near Pais:ley broke up so badly it was considered advisable •to. place -on. top, about ten inches of :run gravel consolidated in, layers and treated with chloride,; This. is being :.followed with , crushed gravel and chloride and the . tra= yelled: portions..'of: thesesections. of road will .be larirried , , !w}t h• on er' e s g e r he •n A' a d ht -as alt and.' a: light 'top put at the rate of about 300 c.y. p mile. The latter may not he don this year, 'depending on• condi tions .later., The • gravel road should all be treated'' with chlor ide very' 'shortly., Weed . cuttin. and 'spraying of. weeds will. b carried on 'as usual..•A new move is 'being :purchased -Lor o ne <.of -t tractors 'and . another •will prob ably... be rented.. In` ' connectio with • grading work, an_ unsatis ,factory condition . has men inz proved .southwest_ ai' Mildnia for 'a distance' . of about. half mile.; ,'Grading'. around Goul Lake is now being completed: an: it is expected' -that 'the• road be tween Burgoyne'' and Arkwrigh will • be completed." Contracts have, been let ,for • widening• a bridge 'in ., Formosa, two . bridges north of Bel more,' building•' of a 16' ft. ..bridge just east ••of .13e1 - more and a:35 :'foot: rigid frame east of 'M'ildirnay:; ,It is also ,ex- peated..that a new bridge willbe eonstru�ctecl. 'just east of Holyrood and subject' to Council's, approv- al, a new bridge at. Kincardine. A 'few bridges 'should also be ,re-: painted this' year. ' ' Reports on .County Equalization County Assessor Everett •Fin= nigan • reported to.. Council `that, since last . June, seven nnunicipal- iti,es have been' re -assessed, ;name-. 1y; Chesley,:'Southampton, Brant, Bruce, Elderslie,., 'Annabel and Albermarle: About half', of Sau geen and Greenock . Townships have •also ` ,been appraised. This leaves 12 municipalities to be re- assessed, in order to complete the County. Ten- .of these have been started,: with four of ".them' Well• on the. way -to being completed,, The reanaining two,' ;Hepworth- and Paisley, • will be' started ' in the'near ''future,.It may -be pass ible to •bung/iii.: the new equal ized assessment. An:` 1956 to be. used for. county and 1-igh-Sc'hool' purposes :.in 1957. .The • Property.; Committee re- ported that: an architect has been engaged to'; plan an, addition toj the Registry Office and Improve! mentsto the.: Court room artd e Court,' House; His' report.will'be ansa tative or>7mi 'ee, na• ac= • available for the No_yernbr.:'Ses=.: sign: The . County.Homm. Committee reported . • that: the • Towne � of r proposed :.tha't'` a' sewer Ibe . censtructed through ,part of ;,the new County Home subdivision. This •se'vver °: is: to serve the. • new • addition" to , the hospital .and would' also serve a section ' 'of the subdivision, This sewer will cost . an 'estimated' $,3;30.0,00 R,of which. -.$•3,7790 vioulcl_ be'the County's share :tin...a local improvement basis.._..jt w,ilLpxolb ably be .financed- on' 10 year de benturesc@ 41/2 percent interest. Extensive impairs are being made to the verandahs' at• the County Home this ,year. The 'leforestation• Committee reported that 165,000` trees have been planted on County lands' during the past spring: Grants •were ''made during the cession • as follows: • Lion's Head Horticultural Society, for 'beach improvement. $200; Bruce penin- sula Resort •Ass'n. '$190; Tober- of mors Tourist•Ass'n ,.'$200_, Salva - April.. Iii' the latter connection he suggested some system , of patrolling the main roads at night during this period to• ap- preliencLvaolaters As ..r_esult the severe spring damage "to : the roads it was hard to know ,just where 'to :•begirt. f`ir'st the holes were dug out where possible .and backfilled with gravel.and salt Or'. chloride. Commencing about May 1st the holes were ,pa:tohed With asphalt' and sections *will lie' given a new top" witha. mixture Of asphalt and gravel at•the rate of, 0 culbi:e yards per. mile. This tion Army '$4-00;'Bruce Cti': fi .COuncil $290;'•$15.06 t4 each pub- lic library having 300 to • 1,50.0 volumes and $3D.00 to each hav- ing 'over. 1,5.00. .. The following resolutions were •adopted by Council during . the Session;'. • That the Ontario Goy'erninen't be requested to contribute a por- tiort"of the cost of indigent ;pa. PAGE. FIVE: tents -in That the Ontario Government .grant a subsidy of 80: percent to municipalities for 'rock excava- tion necessary to regrade and re- align road's;. .• That the Ontario Government be requested to su'bsidize,... to the extent of 80° percent the • hard topping of ' roads' in counties,. •towns and villages; • That the Federal Government be requested to halt the further importation of dairy .the as .long as there are surpluses' in, Canada; ' That the•'-Assessrrient Act: be .,amended, ft, permit- the. assess menV and" taxation of •eorrimercial .ce rieteries; • • That an open -.season for ':the Bunting of deer be held in . JBr'uce, County for three days in the lat- ter perit of November; That ;an extra fee of 25c be 'added' to hunting license'. fees to. provide ,a • fund 'to compensate farmers' for •loss of livestock 'ac- cidentally shotduring; the hunt- ing 'season;•, • That the federal Department of Transport.. be. petitioned . to re- duce the.:dockage. fee of one cent per foot for every 24 hours levied on govern matwharfs 'iii the County,' as this is considered' ex cessive and detrimentalto traf-. fir at these' .ports; . That . the Provincial • Govern - Ment be asked lo assume full responsibility for all connecting links on. Provincial Highways. in towns' and.; villages owing to ex- cessive 'highway traffic and con- sequent ,.exhorbitant costs; - pre,' sently borne by municipalities' of. over 2,500 population. • Council .adjourned .at noon on. Saturday to meet at Walkerton ori Nov✓en°iber 7th.. , • Zion W.M.S;Meeting The W.M.S."'rneeting' was .held ,at the home' oil-MMrs': Gordorr:Kirk'- land with .107 .present and `four children.. The,'•�meeting was Open- ed-with pen ed •'with hymn , 249' followed ..by the Lord's' prayer..it:;. •was the Grandmothers' meeting. Mrs. W. O. Hunter gave .a reading.'Mrs. Gordon Ritchie took .. care of the' Christian Stewardship. Mrs. Wes. 'llatcrh'ie sang a. solo. Mrs. Ritchie. had' the devotional. with Mrs. Kirkland reading 'the'•' scripture. a- ers w ere --r tell about their wedding' dress,. which was interesting, Next meeting, is,IO .be the you:ag. lad- les' ' meeting being at the home of Mgrs, Pete Cook. Mrs, HIunter took the quilt. down • to Mrs: Saunders 'at Goderich. An, in- ; strumental was given by ,Mrs. Jack Gardner. Mrs. Eldon Ritchie. : took the study book followed by . a reading • by Mrs. George .Hun- ter. 'The meeting: was closed • 'with prayer after• whicch the host ess served a` delicious lunch, as '• sib by . Mrs. Lloyd, Hunter. .M • Biaek-Henderson' Group • Me June • meeting of. ,Group' .3 of, the WA. vwas held on. Wed- nesday afternoon' at the home` of Mrs.' Al Irwin with an attendance . of • 23 • members and `six visitors. Mrs. Black presided' for the op-, : ening exercises- and. business pe'r 'good' report was . given by .: the treasurer. ;The . convener ' of 'Christian Fellowship expressed the thanks and' appreciation of the -patients at the Baker Home for the visit and treat's they. took to all the patients there recently: Mrs. Robertson presided for the. following program.. Mrs MacKenzie • gave the' . scripture.. reading 'and' Mrs. Ioag gave. the meditation and. prayer. Mrs. Roach :gave a• hum'o�rous• reading; ,Mrs. Wm: Porteous then • favored_ with a . very' interesting and in- • structiv'e talk on ,their• winter. in Florida and also showed, very; pretty' ,colored views. An inter eating, contest .concluded the:pro-. grain after • w_ hiclh' :a dainty -Iunch • Vvas served, by the ;committee in' ' • charge. A :vote: of thanks: was giiven.the hostess after which the mizpah• 'benediction' was,. pro- flounced., • Want Teeswater To` Pay More 'Municipalities in the Wingham. Iiigl School; . District are'•putting 'the' pressure ."on Teestrater at present, claiming that, not having, yet adopted the new .Bruce Co. assessment for school purposes, ;that 'the Culross' village Li' riot paying its : rightful share . of school ,costs. ' Teeswater Council is 'siting pat, and:the.other area , s. delegates are, reported to have stated they will take' matter ;before a board of •arbitration. ME LAUGH! "1,know what. I'rii' talking about. No'. wise man or woman would°be without the setviices bi• a trust company in matters concerning their estate --it's far too im orta,nt 4 p . So,take my Advice, write for the free booklet, "Blueprint 'For Your.. Family." It will, tell' you a lot ybu; should• know about estate administration." •4 Il: { • THE .CORPO1'ATION nEAD OFFICE . Bli4NCH „OFFICE • 372 Bay' T St.e.ron o 14 Dunlop St., Bastje i• 4 • ,..�.,...��,,.�..::tio.ra�+:� "�'=V+7.i�L"�'�s r•..i!_�. Alta Via. Y i 1•1K..l Mi.YtWw."' w,'�11.,'.,. il)•.,f�iily •;i..Y." tl • ♦t