HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-06-15, Page 3rN,ESDAY, JUNE 15th, 1955, •LUCKNOW UNITED CHURCH Minister:.•.. • • Revs G. A. Meiklejohn,. r ' B.A., B.D. SUNDAY, JUNE •l9th 10:00 a,m.: Church.. Schools~= 11.00 am.:, 'Unto Him Be Glory", 7.00 p.ni. • "The Firm hold". Lucknow :Presbyterian Church Rev. 'Wallace 'McClean, Minister . SUNDAY, JUNE' 19th: • 10.00 a.m.: Sunday School. 11:00 a.m. Morning. Worship. 3.00 p.m.:` Erskine, Dungan non.' 7.00 .p.in,LEvening Worship.. • Congregational ; Pienie At , Kincardine, Thurs.,. • June 23rd'i, �il�lr• yi1�r,.�.1�l�O�O�ll�l.rp�.. . Local &-.General Noble Johnston, Mr,' and Mrs; .Chas.Mason and ,Miss. ''Hazel Culbert spent 'the week-endat WindsorMr: and; Mrs. 'Gordon, 'Bailey,, Janet and Sharon ,of Londonspent the week -end `here at '.the 'home of her,: father;.. Mr Wm''G:: Armstrong:°Mrs. J, ,A.Griffin•and 'son Jack. of.' ,Detroit, and I J • L. ' MaeMil'lan of ' Tor; onto,ewer• a week -end: visi- tors.: with Mr; and Mrs.: '.J ',L.. 1VIacMillan. Joe -Forster of Winnipeg is 'irisiting relatives here. and -on his return will . be accompanied by, his° 'father,. Mr. •James, Forster, who will visit in the West, Mrs, :, Etta : Roberts' -underwent an operation•in.• Victoria Hospital, London, last week - .and it. is• ex- ;pected will have to • undergo fur-. 'ther'surgery 'Dr. and, Mrs. Donald'Barnum and children David,' John.arid A.rdeth of.' .Guelph were week;: end guests of. Rev: and Mrs, G. A Meiklejohn. • ;Farnell of'Toronto. visited over 'the* 'vV eek -end with his parents, Mr. and'` Mrs., H • ` . J. _ Farnell and with- .fiLis :aunt, Miss Esther McGill and his: uncle, Wm • 1VIcGil1 of. town: A REAL. ` .TEST A 'friend of mine said to ,me ' .concerning: phis ability; to drink: "I can' take:it or leave.' it -alone". THE: LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO. ICI ILOUC H rs.. Gertrude Walsh and Miss; Annie Wall visited on Monday with Goderich relatives. Friends are pleased to know that little Ronnie Gillespie is much improved after a nasty sick spell. • Mrs. J. W. Colwell, was a re- cent visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Carrick and babe at God- erieh, Mrs.. Carrick is .the former Betty Hedley. = 4 Friends .from here were sorry to learn of a passing of ' the late Mrs; Ro Haldenby..,, The funeral .was' eld from her; late residence; 'on Wednesday. 'after- noon • Sympathy is • extended to .the Lane families here in the pass= ing of their` sister ,, (jean).' Mrs: '(Rev,) Wrn. MacDonald of Tor- onto, who .passed away' suddenly following . a (heart (seizure. • Mr. and Mrs: , Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Wall were recent visitors' for a few days with Mr. and Mrs, .Len. Conley . and, Oarolyn . at Cargill, Mrs. Ted Collyer, Mrs. '- Philip Steer and Mrs. Frank • Mi.11er at- tended the' W.I. ;,district • annual in ,Chalmers. Church at . Arrnow on Friday: Mrs. Steer .gave.' '.a lovely_ solo there as a substitute for .the. musieal .number ' which was .to" have been given by Holy-. rood . Institute %branch, . Mrs. • Albin '. • Griffin, 'and son. .Jack .of Detroit and:Mr, Laverne w Mac1Vlillan, Toronto,.nere week -:week -:end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Pat • MacMillan and: family arid' Mr.. and ,' Mrs. Myles' MacMillan and Mr. and' Mrs. Joe: MacMillan in Lueknaw. Mr. and ` Mrs. Frlaser MacKin non and fanii•ly, of'. Con. ' 4.` West, is ere Sunday,, afternoon visitors with Mr. band Mrs: Russel . Ritchie. , Mr: and Mrs. Fred' Smiltl , June, Margaret,,, Ann, `Lloyd, `Wendy ' &' .G•ladys of Tiverton were Wednes- day :evening. visitors'. with Mr, and 'Mrs.. Frank Miller. ' Mr. and , Mrs Harold Smith' and Marie re- IN•FAR NORTH (EANG•SDE NEWS,) 'Mr. Hugh Feagan left Mon- day .morning from Goderich to, visit a week at Vancouver, thence to Edmonton to 1eale for his new post with the RCMP at Aklavik at .the mouth of the MacKenzie River in the Northwest ' Territor' ies, In the' chtiroh on Friday even - lag several enjoyed films Hugh.; showed of, the ,gold • rush days and scenes around . Whitehorse where he has been .posted..for; Some . 'time, °A, family reunion 'of the 1+''.eagan clan was held Sat;. iurday• afternoon. at, Goderich ,be f orae Hugh left: Mrs. Wm: Wangler is•a visitor ,with her.M daughter, r. • and Mrs. Pat MacMillan and family. Malcolm Lane. and,•Mr. and Mrs: •Everett Lane motored to Toronto to attend the funeral service. Mr. and Mrs: J. R. Lane and family, the immediate fam ily and ••other•" relatives• and. friends were present at the burial service.. at the Baptist Cemetery, Dunham Road,, on' Wednesday af- ternoon conducted by her bro- ther, ,the ' Rev, Andrew . Lane of Brussels: Mrs J. W. Colwell entertained ,the ' Wonen's. 'Auxi'liar'y ` at • the church • on. Thursday afternoon.. Mrs. Howard Thompson presided and welcomed ..the visitors, .fol-. lowing the • hymn ' and• prayers: Miss May Boyle:read :the, scrip- ture lesson. Each: member' ans veered the -roll call with . the word "comforted Mrs. Geo:` Hald+eniby read the thought for the 'day on. repentance. Pians were ' made' for managing a refreshment booth at Bervie 'in the near .future with Mrs G. Haldenby,, May Boyle. and 'Mrs. T. • Hodgins in charge of •arranging. 'During the ,after- noon' after-noon' two quilts were quilted Mrs: Thompson closed the meet- „turned to Tiverton • with• them after visiting for g a few`clays. Anniversary ' services O. Lang side . church on ,Sunday, June.. 19 rig iwitk the litany. and the clos-•• ing remarks were given by Mrs,' Gertrude ; Walsh.' Refreshments were: served'•and a pleasant . after- at .11 a� m noon brought' to�' a close. The: hos-; Milian: 1' and 8 Pan :' Rev: Mac,=' of .Goderich special<, speak-" tess for the July, meeting • is Mrs, er .:for the day. Midford Wall.: Mrs. Clark Johnson Linda &' . Peeve Harold Percy attended Janette of• Bel rave were' the County Council meeting at gweek- the. visitors with ` Mrr and 'Mrs: Lion's. Head Charlie Tiffin.. Friends of Mr> Frank Murr-y Mr.' and'Mrs. Bill Kernohan of Vancouver B C.; were visitors' for a.:.few days with his: aunt, • Mrs. .Mary , Jane Tiffinand members of the Tiffin family, Mrs. Bob Brown and Gary of. London spent ` the week -end, with her .parents, Mr. 'and Mrs:: Wm. Evans and, :Ted. ' were _sorry.: to learn .of l.1his a.c- cident, while 'Cutting: :: wood.. Ile has been hospitalized: during the past :• week.' The. KW:I.. are going on a' bus trip. to Detroit on Tuesday>:of this week. • ' Week -end visitors' with' Mr. & Mrs>:.Wm.; Wall were Messrs, Jim Hodgins,' Edgar Guest, ' Don Rob- ertson, 'Misses Marion ` Shanta, Lois Haldenby and Helen Sciau coacher: Mr, and Mrs; Maurice Hod in r _ ns Ie'd.ii`te"`Iy . ques ion nm: of .London visited relatives, here "Homy do' you know? ' Have you over the. week -end.. -ever -tfie `teat rig it. aI'one for• . soongratulations. to Mr. &' Mrs. a week; a' month, .sir longer? • Harold Haldenby ',On ',on the gift.''of • 'My friend was " very • honest, a little 'son:,- but a little crestfallen to have J%r. and__1I 1 Ro='yL.Schne11er'' to admit that he never had tried Marie, Jimmy and Betty; visited to abstain., for .any such period.' 'over the week -en with relatives He admitted that he was in.' no at Kitchener: Mrs: Schneller's position to make such a states mother is . quite ill: tient:. Congratulations',.,ta Mr. • & Mrs. There • may be many boastful Howard Orr .(nee Wininifred. Mc drinkers who. shrug off , the habit Farlan) who were married_,, on' ,.a�oompulsiVe-•dr.inkirr "'W di d i "SSatur .. friend, g y Y•-. in , � ti}t� `• ��Psreabyter'ian The 'zeal test is by .total •Chti rch ihere. ; abstinence over a period of. time. 'Mr. and.' Mrs. Wallace Mason` I anyone has' the ability to; ab- ,.of Waterford visited during the. for a • month, he probably week. with Mr. and.Mrs: Jack F ' ower tis abstain': for ever. Hewitt and family, i .. ' rN1�or.{1�i�p�1.•. !•. 1�grlir�l.�l.io�.f 1�►rrail8�n Medic'aI Payments proteet yOtirSelf and your Passengers no. Matter ' Traffic accidents often result in costly hospital, doctor • `r, ;and professional *nursing. bills. who is to blame for the crash, F,OR F f,LL D'ETMLS: T. A. 'CAMRON UJCKNOw :` I 'Phone Dungannon 70-r-10 .JOHN A.' N, MURCH'if., R.R.,..:RIPLEY. 'Phone :Ripley 20-r-23 . Co -Operators .Insurance Association Aut'omo'bile insurance for C''areful' Drivers w 1 .1�11�1 X11 /1/1� I1/ OAMMi , 1 CULROSS, CORNERS Those from our community rnatorirlg `td tli OAC at •Gii'elph on Wednesday were. Mr.. & Mrs. dames Wraith, Mr. and Mrs. Art Hodgins. and Mr. and Mrs.. Dune Thompson. ' As ' our , school • is used' for a a ling, snub -division: the children bad a :,holiday' can '11htirsday. We are .glad to 'report that Mr.• and,Mrs. Don Donaldson brought their infant daughter home • from Wingham Hospital on l.Friday,' The ' eornxn.uniy extends gym-' thY ;Mr' Rti ' :H 'i'denby. arid` family: in the loss of • Mrs. Hal- denby. Mrs .and Mrs. Hugh- Nicholson and Harvey; Bervie; spent' Sun - Miss Helen Schumacher, Tees - water, . spent the , week -end kvith her,, parents, Mr, and Mrs. Jack Schuiltaoher. `• • Miss Lois Haldenby of Bervie spent the week -end at her home here, COUNTY ENGINEER DIED SUDDENLY" AT WA1; KERTON Tie : de al of B.iuce. Co erigir eer, :,G'eorge Stephenson, oc- curred suddenly last Wednesday,. Just. . three hours ,after he had been admitted to Walkerton Hos pital.. He had been confined to his home for the previous week. Death was due to a heart attack, The funeral service was held on ,Friday, when. Bruce County •Council in session at Lion's Head, adjourned the meeting; to attend PAGE THREE -: • • SHIRTS , Nylon, ,Broadcloth, white and colors, all sizes. TIES. . All color's and prices • • .. 'BELTS •with or without initials qXVE fam Jewellery; Underwear, Braces, Pyjamas,. Sweaters, Slacks, -Trousers, Gloves, Sport Jackets .. IS FAMILY DAY _...• HATS Straw arid •felt, gift ,certificates. 'HOSIERY. Nylon Stretehies .for longer wear. Work Sox, . Caps,, • Shorts .For Sport,. Bathing Suits, r • • Trousers, Jeans and Overalls, SPORT SHIRTS.• to wash and . Wear: .'iatylon,''short sleev ' T-SHIRTS' Many styles, plaids and ,plains, fancy tweeds, checks, spins., BROADCLOTHS 'all sizes, french and plain cuffs, white and colors Initialled Handkerchiefs ' Plain Linen Handkerchiefs':;: • Colored: Borders Wallets . Work Clothes,: Work Gloves nners adies' and :.Men's Wear '— Fashion Millinery 'PHONE `85, 'LTJCKNOW INGSSRIDGE • (Intended For .Last Week) Mrs.' Martha'O'Neill spent .last week . visiting : with ' 'the Moore family dn.. Detroit, .M' i. c ha e l O'.Ne%ll ., motored :to Detroit -ter Over.' the. week=end. •: . •.Mr.: and Mrs. Eugene Darton .and'. !ba.be •visaed'with .'relat'ives here over Sunday. Mr. and MrsJ John : Moerbeck arid family of• "Goderith spent. Sunday., with relatives here.. Miss Jean 'Gilmore. of London was at her home .here' for the. week -end: •• Mr. ' and '',Mrs.. Gene Ftayne, Danny arid Jimmy .spent. Sunday_ with re a: ives a .esson.. Mr. 'and Mrs.. Wm. Kinahan & babe wer&Wtinday visitors at•.the home' of Mr. and • Mrs. Jerry O'Connor . Toronto, where he . will teach for . the' summer' rnonth's.. Mr. and Mrs. Desmond Cleary . . of Hamilton , .Were Sunday .visi- tors at the home of ;Mr. and Mrs, Ray Dalton. ' ,'Mrs;-Masonvtlle- and ;:children:.- have returned to : their home at Harrow, :Ont.,' after a few- days,. Visit with' her mother;. Mrs; P - Murphy, Requiem high ntass�"".was ' cele- brated by Rev; : Father. H.. Van Vynckt . on Thursday morning at 1.4.00 :a:m..for the .late* Bernard ,. Murphy, who died May 30th . iii . Wirighafii Hospital, after , a . lergt!hy illness:; Relatives attend.- ingg the finer. al :from ' a • distance «o/re Mr: ': and ..r iVFr,' Jos. •Mu "r, �tY ;. p�hy; Miss Mary Murphy and friend from,joronto, Mrs. • Masonville and . family or Harrow, , Mr. and Mrs. J. Fitz- gerald' itz•.-gerald' of Toronto. The pall.bear Rev, Patrick Sheridan, C.R:_,_o..f.,_ers:.._were._.I.eo Courtney, Henry St, Jerome's. College, Kitchener, Drennan, Alvin Collinson. Jack spent Sunday .'with his mother, Wallace, Tom'Garvey, Wm, Lan Mrs. Mary Sheridan, enroute to .non. • NSP..O.0•({.01.t! I bud! IIrIIaslo.I Ul11meUrmis„aritimmt4m • .f d:1 • • •' r11'.4 M'g't tK 111E I %KM%9n..•• r SEPOY 50x$11.STORE lctc.'' DRY GOODS • LADIES a,.4.4 CHI LORENS WEAR. CHINA `KITCHEN UTENSILS•GREET;NG CARDS <Y4z TOILETRIES a,Kci, TOY S l'itootL JO$W LUCRNOW, ONT. 108W �e`�.*3�:.�P l',.iYi �'.:iuilr.;C'Ft.•i •hau'..d!•�.I� a 11