HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-06-15, Page 1the
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Lor -
• to
$2.50 A Year In Advance.- 1.00 Extra To U,S.A,
Hanna Is • Fifth -Time WinnerAs
Frost Government 'Swepiis In.•
The Pro ressive-Conserv
. h g _ ative
Government of ' Prettier Leslie
Frost rolled •back into power last
Thursday in another sweeping
victory ' that , +gave them �`83 ' out
• of 98 seats in . the Legislature,.
against -79 out of •90 it dissolu
tion. The Liberals wan -10 .seats
as against 7 in the last parlia-
ment, the CCF three ' seats as
against :two before and the Labor
Progressive party's 'lone member
• ;was •. defeated."
• •,' The; Andrew.. property,. ea
the Ford' ' Garage, recentl _ pur-
chased 'by Gordon • � "' Y
Y •, Montgomery,
• "being excavated. this 'Week
with: the big hill being cut back
The main to the municipal
standpipe runs- through. this. At aspecial meeting . '
of the
property and was: • being' care Lucknow' Fire. Conn g
Fri -
In 'the: sweep John Hanna of'fully , avoided by,. the excavating' dayPani last :
g evening.at the fire' hall' it
Wingham became a five -time equipment. After skimii ing past was decided, to ' purchase '..
consecutive winner. •He won it. all day .'thee two -to bucket Handy P , • ase `The
•n, cket . manufact-.
the seat in 1943 and held it : in struck, the Main with the,last: li.ft ured by1945, '. 1948 and 1951 • elections. on Tuesdayafternoon.blow Stanton Scientific Equip.,
The merit Co.. of Glendale Califorxiia;
' Last Thursday ' the! piled up a- cracked .the • main and.sent a and distributed' o
majority of. 1472 over Huh_ Hill,, pn Safety Supply
$spray of water shooting , high m Company of Toronto.;
Colborne Township farmer, who. the . air.. Twosalesmen
has thrice unsuccessfully con- Town foreman AlexH e s av n their � resuscitators at 'Friday's
tested Huron -Bruce for the 'Lib- and ;Norman .'Stewart put ,a tem -meeting' and
eral P .g, dirt ,was the Stanton:
party. • porary.•patch' ..on the main .that machine that the majoritye-
Thur aya fatal, -vote of __130
04_ evening;'and the :municipal- water-ferre'd The 'new machine is built
supply is, not' affected: in a 'strongaluminum case which •
It : will .be necessary to move makes • it light and easy to carry.
the`main farther back into the It, will perform- three operations:
hill; aspiration,. •:whhicch ;will . remove'
water and' blockage, from, the;' nose
and• throat; inhalation, wihich ad-
d-ministers• a.*. straight flaw ` of
Lloyd, Rabb of Ashfield has
been •home for a week after a
five weeks'• illness in Wingham
and St. Joseph's Hospital, ' Lon .
don, While Lloyd was hospitaliz-
•ed, neighbors 'and friends joined
.forces..: to 'steed thirty '.. acres ;of
crop , apart . from.the assistance
rendered in doing the .chores.;
Fat CO. -DEC 1 DES:
was somewhat higher • than in
1951, when./ 12,701ballots -were
• east, but •barely , matched l948's
'' total of 13,099:
• Traditionally Liberal Lucknow.
gave Hanna another big majority
of 176 ,votes . as compared with
4:200 majority in 1951. Adjacent
Municipalities of Kinloss,''. Huron,
Ashfield : and West Wawanodh
'each showed P: -C. majorities..
IP Bruce': riding, Wiarton's pop-
ular 'mayor, :Rosa. Whither; re-
turned the - `riding to the Liberal
fold by defeating: J:: P. Johnston,
who has been . 'the in -and -out
Conservative 'member.
'_ o gen••
X3'g arid resuscitation, which
Mr. John : A.' .MacKay son . of autoanaticall: breathes , Y . ,after, :a
the • late Mr. ''and Mrs: Hector person has ` ceased breathing • rin
MacKay of : Whitechurch, has. been such cases as drowns electric
nom, lett c
visiting for the ' ,past. three ,shock, etc,
month's• in the district. H. 'bad The Firemen. hope to 'pay, for
spent•..the .. past three. . weeks in'the ,machine by public donation
Lucknow with his sifter,: Mrs and .''to date a canvass of main
Alex •:(Sandy)' Purdon. Mrs. Pur- street business : places has been
don and •Mr. and Mrs: Gordon' held, circular letters 'have been,
• .• Victo Cele ' 'MacKay . of W. gham , accompan-: , sent' out. in': rhe mail, and a Sat-
ry, Celebration ..
There was a rousing 'victory' led him. to: Guelph 'at the week- urday night drive has. ibeen made
celebration in. Mr.- Hanna's. h •end..where• he is visiting ' with his when the fire.truck stood on the
town where an'-. •obrother, -Dan-MacKay;- until Fri street and the:: project amount
immense crowd
,`converged for•'.a .parade' led. •iby day, ,before. commencing the re- at intervals over a•ptvblic'address'
the Brussels and Lucknow :Pipe
turn trip::'t9 his ' 1wme in Sask- system ,
Bands' followed by a . dance at
the Royal : -T., • tedthat J.A. commenced h4teaching
Mr.. :'.
Hanna .•commen career in this community. • Before
trthe turn of the century he 'taught
the:Frost Go'vernmerit appears- to '
be verysatisfactory to' the people at S.S. No..;9 `Kinloss and .,at •S: •S.'
• of Huron -Bruce' and that No 1.4 • West ;Wawanosh:• In 1901
a that Ontario
ned.' in .neral, .has he completed the term. In Well-
sel f. confidence woods School followin' ` Miss;
► .on .• ; . in Mr•..• Post` himself :
• Mr. Hanna's• ;big majority •iri Elizabeth Wellwood and in 1902
• Huron -Br -.... ed lam" -' . _ ,taught at the school south, of
ace pleased . and .he For;' . ce. That • regarded 'it as a very rewarding y year he. 'went to
personal victory for the vigorous Saskatchewan where he ;taught,
• p
•cam ai n he:, for forty years before' retiring .He
...Mr. Hill was 'quiick to � extend . g had. waged. • , since has done .pari. time work
his ': con ratulations • andfor'•.the • Department , of •Agricul-
wishes to there-' • best cure, and a'' bit of farming• and
. eleycted• member,
t0 Both commented `that ,the, cam= .gardening' on the side to keep
paign had'Ivell very:,cleanly--con.-' him busy.''
ducted, r: M eK-Ty fe, f rrne IT
)8' Maude M. 1VI:acDonald' of. White
• Voting Re • sults • Bruce ballotirig, alOng• with sub-
da:ixrcl , passed away' in 195J:.•
The summary of the Huron -
division voting in neighboring :NAVY LEAGUE TAG D11Y. :•
'municipalities..�followsr._:As• well al N
We u sh a' summary coifparx= da •' is being.'held' in Luckriow on
son , of the 1951' and 1948 voting.: Y' •
Wednesday and Saturday of this
• 1955 Vote week, sponsored .by, the Ladies
Hanna. Hill .Auxiliary to the 'Canadian , Leg=
Ashfield ' : 468 313 iso and under. the onvenorshi..
Blyth � ,• n dc, . p
Brussels 211 128` of Mrs. Wna'e M. MacDonald who
r 214 216 is in need of volunteer • workers.
Culross Tw a ., 39 ._. ,
Founded-`backirr189541 1s the
arric 326 " . 754 Dianionyi Jubilee year • ,for the
Colborne ° ........
t + , 294 262 Navy League which serves sea-
East 'Wawanosh ...,:,.. men, at sea .in peace or wartime.
Howick Twp. 657 • . ',557
Buri,, • ; ' 5.36 190
Response to . date has ' bee
good with the following don.
tions received: -._Cecil Blake $5:0
E. H. A,gnewv. 2:00; J. R. John
atone.' 2.00; G. Montgomery 2.0
Leonard' .MacDonald'::1.00; •J• .
.Little • 2.00; Henry Donais . 2.00
Maclntyre sand.' Irwin; 1.00; Ka
Maclntosh 50; J. Duncan 2.00;
McLennan &; MacKenzie •2.0.0;
Cyril Brown'; 2.00; Centrale Gar
age: 2.00; G. Bailey 2.00; William
Hunter • 4.00 L. • C. Thom''- son
2.00; Wm. G. Webster 1.00; Chin's'.
Restaurant 2.00;• D: R. ; Finlayson
2:00; ,Lucknow Co-op' 5,00 M..L,'
Sanderson 2.00;; P.: Stewart• ' 1:00;
Gordon Fisher 2.00, Wm: Welsh
-21)07-We-lister '& Ma`eKinnon `2;00;
Grant•Gollan 1.00; Wm., S. Mc-
Leod 1,00;` Joe .'MaeMiL1an 2.00;:'
A. E. : McKim 2.00; Lloyd Hail
2.00; S �C: Rathwell 2.00,• .Cow-
Cow- }�
an's Restaurant 2.00 Milvert Reid
Stothers 200 Button's
Meat Market 2.00; Wm, A.
Schmid-; ;2:00; Lloyd, Ashton 2.00;
C. Short '2,00; Market Store, 2.00;
Mullin's Bakery 2.00;. Noble John-
ston 5'.00; ` Clare Johnstone 1.00;
Garfield MacDonald ,,50 J. , E.
Rena C. McNab ,2.00; K: . C: Mur-
die 2:00, 'Ii. B. Cowan .2.00, Art
Moore 2.00; Well, Henderson
1.00 George Saunders 50; V. Sut-
ton . 2, f0;-Bil1� Lyo�is-.-1..00;• ;-Ted
Omar Brooks. of Dungannon
has been appointed local' agent
for, the Massey -Harris - Ferguson
Co. Ltd.,,andhas opened'�his busi•-
ness in:: -the :former Massey shop
next to.the LucJ noww Co -pp which
Was formerly operated` by. Jack.
Kilpatrick. `
Omar Will be assisted''by• Jixn
Boyle of IHolyrood, also by".his
brother, Gordon Brooks,', on a
part-time basis.
Mrs. J. Adams, and Mrs. J. L.
MacMillan entertained ' a ,; few
friends last week . at: the hofne.
of Mrs. Adams in • 'honor of • Miss
Eleanor Plumsteel. •
During the ;evening Mrs. W. J.
Douglas made the presentation of
a gift of remembrance to Miss
Plumsteel who concludes her
duties here this month as.a mem-
ber - of the High School teaching
At. the . Sunday:- School anniver-
sary service in the United Church
on Sunday morning` a portrait of
Christ was presented by the
Thompson. family "in memory of
Willard -Thompson. The picture
will hang '. in : the ' :Sunday School
The portrait'oras unveiled' and.
presented' ori behalf of the fam-
ily by %Campbell Thompson, and
was,:accepted and 'dedicated` to the.
.glory.and praise of God by Rev:
• The plate : on
the •inscription:
n qry of :Willard'
a_ voted Sunday;
the picture bears.
"In loving 'mem-
Thompson, a de-
School • . teacher,
_ Rev: ,Meikl.ejohn, Speaking more
0,, 'directly :: to the Sunday School
E. ,assembly, expressed the hope
that the picture would `be an in.-
y spiration :''to the children, 'and
would draw attention to . Christ,
whom ; Willard lad served; so well
in church : and Sunday 'School
work. •
,The, Sunday.:.;School students;
teachers' and' officers .attended the
service in a body. Sunday' School
superintendent : Glen. Walden as-
sisted';tRev. ''1Vleiklejohn in' con-
ducting the service.' The: guest
speaker: was . Dr... Donald Barnum,
a professor• at the veterinarian.
college -'at' Guelph, arid a lifelong
friend of Rev; . Meiklejohn. He
eamned an interesting . 'message
on `_growing: ukp"T,.,-atthe your_
people., , Mrs. • Barnum assisted in
the ' •choir and • sang 'a solo •in�
lovely 'voice. •
Members''of the Sunday School.
ushered • and received the offer
ing. They. were David Kirkland
Dick , Murdie; .. Jim • Wilson and
Beverley 11ItaoNay. -:_: �..._F _,....,
Kinloss Twp. NEW: TEACHERS ON Dexter 1.00; . Jack Irwin 1.00;
Gr ' 405 233 -'Dennis' Emberlin 1.00, Mrs: Bdb
Lu kno�,tr p •. ' •�• 32$ 490 L D. +1 S STAFF' Reid ,.50, Alex Hamilton 5.00; Roy
• 1Vfi1 ................:.. 36fJ# ' 1$4 L.D.H.S. Lane 1,0'0;' Frank Ritchie' 1':00;
'may ..,.,: .....:,•..:. 182 201 '
Morris There will ' be a -full-,time Harvey Houston •1.00; Jack Me-
l:- 'I "497 • • 305 teaching staff of Seven . members Kendrick 2.00; Bill Eadie 1.00;'
� p "y � b
• Teeswate . - when'. the fall term opens 'at Gordon 1VlacPh son 1.00;• Wali
�'urnberry Tv,p.° ,.:,., 319993 198 172` 223 •104'234 ;Lucknow District High School. lace •Miller 1.00; Harvey Brooks
Vest Walwanosh ' :. Five of the seven will
•be new 1.00, John Gillies 1,00; Alfred
343 254
W inghan'i' teachers , Fatferson 1:00; Andraw Gaunt
••••• f•..•.°•.•.. 1,115 309 • Under the principalship of Mr, 1.00;' Jcihn Scholtz L00; Joyce
Advance poll
61' 31 P. W• Hoag the staff will be tom- Orr '6.50; Mrs. Maud ,,Sherwood,
,�, - p d - of MW
r; ni': -1Vi�:•-MazI3onal;d'71:00;~Doug--Ha-lrtentby---1:00'�;o,:'
of Lucknow, Mr,. Walter Coult- Hassall 2.00; Lloyd Hunter, 1,00;
hard -of Toronto, Miss Mary Ful- Mrs, Chris, Shelton.'11.00;',Archie
ton of Toronto, Mr: John. R. Abel. Smith1.00; Gordon Saunders •$1;.
of London, :Mr. Paul H.. Pratt of Jack' McKim 1.00; Chas., Hallam
3 ..,... •.,.•..,...� 95 24 Toronto, Mr's. Elizabeth Suter of .50; Lorne Biers 5.00;_ R,. D;• Ross
.. ,..,...,95 49 Grand Bayley. ' �� 1.00; -Harvey Culbert 1:00; Grant
Appointment of the; music tea- McDiaririid 1.90; Ron 'Forster 1..00;
• .••".."• •..D••••• . .r... ' ' 84 ' , 82 cher is not yet' definite, and we . Mrs, yMcFarylyane- 25; Tom Rivett
.••..,,t...• 51 ' 4.9 understand. the . Board is also 1.00, .<eith Collyer 1:00;, elarernee
r.�. - . g^. "' vert •50,• Mrs
o±.ir the services Gro t' .60; i n
negotiating to obtain ,
.....•.•�••.•��........• .405° 233 of a homy economics. teacher on Bert 'Ward ,50; B; i ,Ritchie ..50;
;nicej��y� ��y� �, yr��, t
'� 76 'Aire; 'L..c ,... - .Ts. 6"LI.lII� SI ....1..0.4 .... ,....-..i ,r_-.mr. '1`x1sc /41emi4",!,a4
Ma`7,236' 5,766
Majority for Hanna -1;472" •
• Kinloss Township
• 1 .......��.�..mw.. ;... 52 - ' 22
Sandy MacKenzie, 13 -year-old
son of Mr. and Mrs, Tom" Mae
Kenzie, is . a- patient 'in Wingham.,'_
Hospital with a bad fracture . at
the ankle which will. •lay him•'.
up for 'some `time. The' break •is
such that..a ;cast can'%
be ,applied, and " any "`locomat
ing" ' Sandy' does this . 'summer
will be mainly on crutches. .
The. mishap . occurred at the.
Second Concession • schoolhouse
grounds last Thursday. when
Sandy .was playing ball. He was
practising: for the "big league".-
as he was going. to try out: with
the; Lucknow Bantams W,O,A.A.
team.. That . he'll now • be. on the
shelf for the ;ball season.is a big, ,
disappointment. to Sandy.
Duncan McLeod; nonagenarian
Lucknowite who. has been in
Wingham •far over tree months
with a .fractured hip, is, trying
to `cheer Sandy 'up. He•"has chal-
lenged, '.hire to- - a foot race= -on'
crutches that is, when they. both ,
get nov'ing about. • •
. Friends .in this co '•
mmunity will.
regret to learn of the critical ill=
ness of'Dr. Donald R. Finlayson,
a 'native of 'the ' Lochalsh com-
munity and ' a former ` medical
practitioner at Ripley.
Dr. Finlayson • is now assistant
superintendent at • Sunnytbrook
Hospital, *here he is. a patient,
since being suddenly stricken.
His brother and sister, Duncan.
arid.Liella Finlayson: of Lochalsh
and his brattier -in-law, Wm:' M.
MacDonald of ' town, spent the'
weep-end--.in: Toronto: •
Harold Elliott had • a "hair-
raising" :• exiperaence, last. week
.when caught by a •posthole- auger,
that ripped his; clothing ,off- and
did a bit of choking in the :pro-;
When a • pin• sheared off' the
power ,driven 'auger flipped • over
and '.caught Harold's clothing. In'
the "winding 'up:" process • that •
followed _-Harold . suffered an in-
jured elbow and : was severely
'bruised;: • No ,bones were broken,
however, and Harold is little the
worse although he . hasn't been.
using. the arm , Much' since:
At the Silverwoo banquet
d at'
uckno{W-.-on-June- 1•st -William
Webster was presented with a 30
Year service pin.. Charles Stew-
ard. received 'an 18 -year safe
drivingpin:, and,. certificate. Cliff
Crawford and . Harold Ritchie'
were 'also awarded safe driving
pins and certificates;. Mr.. ,'(�Vw
`Howey made the • presentations; •
rand �h
Beconies LO.Q.F..,
for -
At the , Grand. Lodge Sessions
of th'e Independent Order of Odd-
fellows, held in the Royal' York
Hotel, Toronto, June 1'3' to ' 17,
G. 'E Harrison •of. Penetangore
Lodge, No. 172, . Kincard,irie, wiXl
be, installed at Grand Master of
the Jurisdiction • of Ontario:
• This is the hundredth anni-
-versary-of=Oddfellowship-in--'O: -
tario'...and special, ceremonies 'in
honor of the Centennial year
have been arranged by the vari-
ous co
ari-ous..co mittees,-Ori Friday, June
17th, a bus load of Past Grands
from 'Bruce District will jours
ney' to Toronto',to be present at
'he installation of the. first Grand
a'% 'tor from Bruce District, No.
ss • Jennie Pierce of Luck-
aM-.ria= o is iia' -aunt-o141ry4forrrl'soni° ons
Wilfred Black, son of Mr.' and.
Mrs, Roy. Black, has suce,s fully
passed his third year derrtitry at •
Toronto University,. It is his 4th'.
college term and Wilfred has-r•ut
one more year to go ;before::grad-
eating. He is at present 4)ract-
ising dentistry at the RCAF sta-
tion a+ :Clinton.
Miss NNora n . Kilpatrick, dau-',
'gh°ter of Mr.. and Mrs. John. Kit%
patrick, has received ..word that
she has successfully passed her
third year examinations, at West-:
ern • University in an honour
psyoh.ology course;. Noreen has
4•:!:•�. •y.y . r, t . . ,,. •aRr fi
-;..a..;...� a•oiiiiii. erae^r `II�"'a ..,1� .��'� �• '�_:�?d. �'.�le"` ::,,m!�`..�. �.r�.M�.r,rr.:.. - ai:':, aie.,113�1!.�ifr�_�ri..�-i„e.