HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-06-01, Page 9WW1s1316DAX,JUNE 1st,' 1955-. 1. wish to ,sincerely tank those who sent • cards and visited me while in -the hospital, with special , thanks to Dr. M. H. Corrin arid. the nurses, of Wingbam, General Hospital. r` Jerry Cranston. , The family of the late ` Mrs,. Thor as •MacDonald wish to thank their many friends and neighbors for kindness and syanpathy shown them in their •recent ' bereave - anent. . • ' , • ,A . • Sale JOHN OSTROM & SONS, HONEYMEAD FARM • Lot, : 15, Con; 7, Stanley .Twp: 1 mile south of Varna, Ont. • Tuesday, June 14 •. at 1:30 (D.S.T.) • 28 `FEMALES 2 BULLS We have'built up a good herd. of • Purebred': Shorthorns, Unfort- unately, • because of personal health ;reasor,is we are forced to drastically reduce our herd. Fully. accredited, and..vaccinated; THE BLOOD •' LINES of such noted': bulls •appearat the top• of. :the pedigrees Bantaskin Top- notcher (imp); Klaymor ;Mentor; Ransom.: 22; O.A.C.: Rosamonds Lad; 'Shorewood, President' and other noted buds of the •breed. • Many of the females are young cow's • with ' calves at foot . and re - bred 'again A• few bred and, open ,heifers. Families represented .are • •Augusta; Rosewood;.. Selma. and Lancaster.. ' 2 SERVICEABLE AGE`.BULLS are offered also. • The services :of these bulls are featured: FAIRACRE'S SUPREMIST: by Klaymor Monitor, Z(.LAYMOR-OUTLAY,—a $2300 son of ` • Calrossie Formula. Lunch' will be ser'ved..•by the WA of Varna'• United 'Church, - :• Alvin • Walp Auctioneer 3. 'IS.McKinley, Clerk itingmen: Edward W. Elliott 1 and Harold Jackson : fTHE 1.141.7Clcii0W SENTINEL, LUGKNOW,. ONTARIO. 14FLAIltiMARDItt MiaoDONAI.D—•in loving memory of Jidhn A MacDonald,, who pass- ed away May' 25th, 1953; • also our Parents, Sisters and Broth- er Alex,_ who passed on (before Our thoughts Wander as 'd'aylight fades,. • To the land of long ago, And 'memory paints the scenes ,of f old, In : hgold ' of the ;twilight glow, We seem to• see in the• soft dim light, • 0 Thefaces we knew ;so well We think of them when the sun's last ray God down rn... the far-off West; Where loveliness never They sleep in. •a • land Of glory,__ Mid, the ,blue ,and theold o„ f . the .".'sky, • 1Their lives were a beautiful memnory, Their' absence' a silent grief, • They sleep ,in Gad'S beautiful garden In the 'sunset of Perfect' Peace —Sisters, Daughters, Nieces, Ne: 'phew", Grandchildren,. Toronto. CARD OF TANKS Mrs John_Jam,ieson and family; .wish to sincerely thank all ' the friends who 'sent cards, flowers and .other, remembrances while, Mrs.' Jamieson. .was in the'.hospi- tal.• 'Special thanks .to the Wine -Ham Hospital. staff and to...Dr. M:• ..H. •corrin. Receive: New. Grader 0 Delivery,, of 'a new road, grader and plow has been received by Culross •• Township. Cost of the outfit ' is • $14,105 ' with .a• trade-in of .the old grader, • Lyceum. Theatre. WINGHAM •First' Showing at; 715 `Thursday, riday, . ,Saturday•- JUNE 2-3-4 "MASTERSON OF KANSAS" , A western 'in teolinicolour, .starring George Montgomery: Matinee'. Sat, afternoon '2 .P .m. Monday, Tuesday, JUNE 6=7 • "THE ADVENTURES OF HAJ.JI BABBA" Action,. rornanceand aom- edy in this 'story of ,the Arabian : Nights. : -This is in CinemaSeope: and Colour and stars. John Dereck and Elaine Stewart KITKAREN SECOND ANNUA of.. ure Large White :Swine To .Be Held' In me Town Shed L• tie Now onday, June There is no • Canadian blood in these English. Yorkshires.. English Yorkshires' Can Do This For.,You: 1. Reduce feed conversion ratio b as •rn�uch as .1 ib.. youry . of feed per.lb:. of pork, This` Will increase' your :profit' by at least $45.00 per litter, , 2, You ,get • 10 labs.' • more dressed pork ' from a 200=1b: hog,.: •• ncreasirig _your-pro#ats••by-.another-.-$20.00.-per litter: • 3. `Take 20 to 30 days less to .get, a, litter to market,. Add heavier bbne.structure to.' your swine by being a' buyer at ,one_of-.-the•;few-opportunities• available -.in- Ontatio--:to get •• pure ,English Swine ' at. :your own price. ` TERMS •-- CASH ' •'D,ONAI.,D B.'BLIJE, Auctioneer.. • • • TENDERS FOR COAL &' CO FEDERAL BUILDINGS PROVINCE , OF • ON;TARIO S.. LED TENDERS addressed to FA• the. undersigned and endorsed as -above, will be received until 3 O6,p.m. (E.D.S,T.), THURSDAY; JUNE. 9, 1955,, for the• supply of •coal and coke ' for the Federal= Buildings throughout tho' Prov-, lace of.Ontario'. VOrrns* . of tender with specifi- cations and 'conditions attached can be `obtained from the .Chief of • Purchasing,.; and Stores, ,De- partment' De par'tment of Public Works, Ot tawa, and the District Architect, 36 Adelaide Si.'East, Toronto;' Ontario,.' • . E • Tenders will not be considered unless made on. . or according to the printed forms 'supplied. by the Department and 'in accord- ance With. conditions 'set forth. therein.' • • , • The Department reserves .the right to ;demand from any ,suc- cessful- tenderer, before, award- ing . the order, a.securi'ty .deposit `in the .form of a certified cheque' drawn'. on a bank incorporated under the Bank 'Act or the Que- bec Savings Bank Act payable to the order •of the Honourable the Minister of Public Works, equal to • ten • per' cent of 'the `amount of tender, in accordance 'with the ,Government ' Contracts . ,Regula- tions now in force, • or Bearer Bonds, 'with un/natured' coupons, attached, of the Government .of.. Canada 'or of ` the Canadian Nat- ional „RailwaSr ational..Railway ' Company and .its constituent companies; uncondi- tionally • •.,guaranteed as• to prin cipal and ihterest by .the: Govern - merit of Canada. , ' The lowest or any tender nqt necessarilym:accepted., .ROBERT FORTIER, ' • 0 Chief of .Administrative' Ser viC;es and Secretary.." 't Departrnent of Public Works, Ottawa, May, 10, 1955.' ' . SHERIFF'S °SALE 'OF. LANDS UNDER AND BY' VIRTUE of a Writ of Execution issued out of the County ;Court of 'the County of Brute' and ;,to, ,medelivered_ and directed against .the lands of Ezra Sutler, in 'a • certain action m which the said ,Ezra Shier. is' the ;Defendant. and .Albert 'Wad dell `is; the Plaintiff, 1 have seized and taken' in , execution and will offer for sale by 'public. auction at my' office at.' the Court House,_ in the Town • of Walkerton in' the County of Bruce on • Friday, : the. :17th of June 1955, at 3:15 in 'the. aftrnoon, . all right, title, inter-. estand equity of` redemption of theaid ' I7efenda:t, Ezra—Sitler, to 'and 'out of the following lands, namely:., • • ALL 'AND, 'SINGULAR these certain parcels or. tracts of 'lands • lying' and being:' • FIRSTLY The soUthi' half •of Lot' No. 30 in the '12th Conae:ssion•' of the Township of Cuirass In the County of Bruce, containing 5Q acres: more or less. : SECONDLY: A portion of Lot No. 19 in • the first Range North- of the r, Urharn Roalt1 in,the'`row,n- ship" of Kinloss in the County of Bruce more particularly describ- ed .as follows: Commencing at a point in' the Southerly ,boundary of said: Lot ..19, which point• is .distant. 189 feet' westerly from the'; South-east angle . thereof: thence Westerly along the South- erly boundary of'aaid Lot a dis- tance of 546 feet; thence. North erly, and: parallel, to the. 'Westerly boundary . pt said' Lot a distance of .311 feet; thence 'Easterly and -parallel with the Southerly bburi'- dary of said Lot, a, distance of 374 feet more . or less to the Easterly bou-r-idary of--•--sa-id•Lot 19; thence South=easterly, along the easterly boundary: of said; Lot a distance of 74 .feat; and _thence ,Southerly .and parallel to the Westerly.'. boundary; bf said Lot a distance of '276• feet to ,the point of commencement. Dated at Walkerton; this 18th day of May, 1955. < E. D CAMEEON, 'Sheriff, •Bruce County: TL dwL.._i1yMroY...}m,Y - R. J. -ROAR, htop., R.R. 3, Lucknpw. PACE NINE' • 'layltQuseTheatre .. FRIDAY • and SATURDAY, JUNE 2,,., 3. Two Shows Each Night at 7.20 Saturday Matinee: at, 2.30 JEANNE CRAIN,, DANA ANDREWS, DAVID ' FARRA "DUEL IN THE JUNGLE' . ' Through screeching j • gl'e, haunts across; the veldt of fang past lion .and bee corn , ...:they shadowed the "Dead Man of The Transvaal", they had to bring back alive. Get Movie.. Contest Cards From Sponsoring usorin Merchants,:;_a1 v !edUced• . Pr��ee�s • McG4R1tiIICK.DBERING H Three Bar 'Combination. Side . Rake and •, Tedder; On steel $250:00 21 Universal Mower, 7 Ft. cut • with Pneumatic Caster • Tired Wheel; and Slip :Clutch $250.00 fuser 'PHONE 40 ourtne RIPLEY, ONTARIO : • . Notice• :To; Creditors • ALL 'PERSONS. having claims against ''the .estate of ;Hannah Ringler, late' Of the:.Township. of West Wawanoshin the . :County of Huron; Married. Woman, who died' on or about the' sixth day of April, A.D. 1955, ;:are notified ,to send to the undersigned' on or before the , fourth. 'day: of June, A.D. ' ,1955,,, full • particulars of their claims in writing. Iznmed-. •iately,after: the said 'fourth'. day, of :.June ` the assets . Of the said ' intestate will ' be ' distributed!. amongst ; the. parties --• ,entitlaed- thereto, having` . regard : only to .claims of which' :the ,administra tor : shallthen have notice. `. DATED: this . eleventh ' day or May, A.D. 1955. ' Crawford .& Hetherington, Wingham, Ontario • Tf you, want to' live to ,be. 00; quit trying ' for it on the spee' d ometer 1 • ., ,1y • And ., Don't ' 4 .. Forget That Your Local Co-op • ' sell S Aluminum Roofing (all sizes steel Roofing l sizes) 'Asphalt Shingles. and Rolls'.(varied choice of 'colors SEE YOUR ow District 'PHONE., 71, LUCHNOW .