HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-05-18, Page 7WEIDNESDAY, MAX 18th, 1955 • Lyceum Th-eatre WINGHAM First Showing at 7.15 p.m.- Thursday, Friday, Saturday MAY 10-2041, "CONQUEST OF SPACE" In techxiicolour this is an. interplanetary• • science:. fiction story . about a rocket trip' to . Mars 'from a ' man:made , space •statiOz - :1.000 miles.. above the earth. .Starring are .,Walter Brooke and Eric' Fleming. Matinee .•Sat.. afternoon 2 pan Monday, _Tues�day�_Wed_n `. `MAY' '?•3-,24-x5 "THE SILVER CHALICE" In Cinema•Scope ,and Colour this is.. the- film presentation of. Thomas B. Costain's bibli- cal ,novel: 'Starring: ' are. Vir= ignia Mayo, Pier Angell; and: Jack Palance, ' Owing , to the .length of • this feature' there will be one .showing.each' evening com- mewing 'at .8.00 .p.m. AWARD FAMILY.. $66,700 TOTAL • IN .FATAL CRASH London, Ont., March, . 28 - A $35;000 settreinent '•was .awarded Donna, Joyce Logan, "9, :Thames- ' ford, who was . partly paralyzed four' years .ago, in • an accident' that took her father's life. • Thjs , award brought final pay- ment in`. the. suit to $66;700. • 3 Two years ago, Mrs ' Elizabeth Logan; widowed.. in: the accident; was awarded • $30,000: damages and $•1;700 . ou,t-of.''pocket : medi- cal expenses, with $16,400• c�£ 'tile J Tetal; paid`• into trust--fot h��t...1 even children.'. t 1- d' g: is Ie y'•: r: i• 111: TETE LUCKNOW SENTINEL,EUCKNOW, ONTARIO m PAGE SEVEN • HUNDRED MATS (DUNGANNON NEWS) Mr, and Mrs. Wilmer . Wallis •and Mrs, Will Moffat from Clin-• ton were visitors.` with Mrs. Nel- lie Jones on Thursday. • Visitors with Mrs. J. Hamilton on. Wednesday of last week were Mr. arid Mrs.:George Hamilton, Mr, Peter Corey and Mrs,. , Emile Zubber of Goderich" :, .Mrs.. Abner . Morris, , w h o' usually observes her birthday on 1Vlother's Day, . celebrated ° last week With the home -Coming of some. meria;bers of .her .family. They were; Mr., and : Mrs. Ken l enmilier; , Mr. and Mrs, Douglas Freeman, Clinton; Mr. and Mrs. Leonard, Christilaw and Mrs. Elizabeth ^ Christilaw, Nile, and Mr. and Bibs. Anderson. Mug- ford., London. Mrs,' Morris is 7t years of 'age and •enjoys' hes hob- by. QV making braided mats, 'It is interesting to know she has completed 53'0 according to a re- cord' . she keeps arid • the ' names of the .orders: She is remarkably well,. although had the misfort- tine about six weeks ago to have. an artery cut in .her foot causing hospitalization,' but: we :are glad to': know her•come-back was 'fine and we wish her many more ,happy. birthdays and family re unions. ' Mrs :Sitter rtt : • � e,r of Wilkie; Sask., ,.is visiting her. sister, W. R: Andrew: The first of the week they visited Mr. •and Mrs. Don Walden, Kincardine. '• Miss 'Edna .Rivett,• teaching :at Grand. .Bend, spent the. week=end at her home: The..'Dungannon United church Mission Band P. was.' held during church service: with 39: present. Marion :Mole' •read. the • call to Worship after •wh'ich' the hymn `What. A :Fri•end. We,.. Have In esus H- as _sun -g ---Mrs: 'Finnigan: ed '; in prayer.. Wayne Brooks ook: the offeririgi Karen Dawson read ' the. offering verse.- Lynda, Adegyate:: Liability Coverage..IS . Your Best' Protection Ian :-Court ',I.,'or-net-ailsContact,. T. 'A.: CAMERON Lucknow: Phone: Dungannon .70-r.-10. • JOHN A. McMURCHY R.R.; Ripley . • Phone Ripley 20-r-2.3 Vo,operators. Insurance Assn. Automobile Insurance for Careful Drivers, Blake read minutes of .the last rneetirig. Mrs'. Irl rn„told the story of a ..verse . in;' tI e studhy,: hi )k. I The meeting closed wilth. all :re= peating the members' purpose. '; -ANNOUNCEMENT` Ij • 'Mr•4and ins. ;Roy �McC'i eight announce the .. engagement: "of their daughter;;. Wim-iifred Jean, to .Harold' Arthur; Elliott,' son of Mr.,.and Mrs. •. Arthur 'Elliott, Dungannon.,. The wedding to take. place June 18th in• the. United Church ;of Palmerston. icienflan and MacKeiziep Furniture .•and 'Furnishings ...'Phone • 181, Lucknovv' • SEVERAL : CHEST,~ERFIELDS' and ItEDROOM SUITES:. AT .REDUCED PRICES. Floor C�verim TILE.. Marbo1'eum and Jaspe Standard Gauge 13c A Gauge 1Vlarboleum 19c • A Gauge: Jaspe 23c INLAIDS . BY •TH'E YARD: from. $3.50, Per running and up • All bEnamelled Surface Floor 'Covering AT .LOWEST PRICES Many Ends of Rolls' (both Inlaid and: a. - '.`Congoleum)" available at. GREAT REDUCTIONS We lay alt floor covering at minimum charges.' and supply' laying;. equipmentfree' to those customers Wishing to do. their own. PONSOIC— FISHING COMPETIITZOl1l The Luc -Tee -Win Conserva- tion Club has • announced a fish- ing competition seas. the 1955 sea' on, with ",awards made for the largest : .speckled trout,.. brown trout, black bass and pike caught in ,the Luc -T ee-Wjn .area.. The awards are .open to both men and women, The •trophy, property of. 'the winner, will which ;becomes the peirrlranent property, of :Vie ' winner,' will be a . bras's ,ash 'tray Mounted, with a fish and suitably:engraved. An enfryr form. ..lust. ° be filled out for each fish entered in the. competition. Forms. are ',available from, all members. 1 WHITECHIJRCH . Mr, : and Mrs. Elwood • Gros-: korth, . Paul and . : Karen; spent 'the week -end: with her .•. mother, 'Mr's,' Bagg 'at: Willowdale, Mr. and Mrs: Carl Weber, Anh and Marlene visited ,with friends at Listowel and Palmerston.",. ,Mrs. Frank Ross• attended the Women's' Institute. Presidents' Conference at •Guelph on Thurs=• day and''Frjday of last week; ' Miss Margaret :Taylor is .a pat- ,fent, in Winghani :Hospital. Her many friends wish : her a speedy recovery, avIr. •.and, •Mrs,' A. E. Buckton. area spending•::•a 'few days' with friends in Toronto. . • Ronald' Mobre, Leonard ;James, Muriel: and Elwin. Moore and Muriel :Conn are amongthe ones: .home. fronn . school :With' measles. Mr. '.and. Mrs, •Ken Dickson, Al- lan. and •Karen',of .Belsnore visited. with her• parents, Mr: and Mrs., Arthur•'. Moore on Sunday. Mrs. Thornton of Bolton, who has been. assisting her niece, Mrs; D. Willis, returned : home on Sunday. . • The.,; anniversary, services'. of t e- .Presbyterian -Church` -will bei held on May 29th "with. Rev vin of Brussels: as guest minister. • ;' :ANGSIDE NORTH . Th:e „W:M S:..Auxiliary :met -: in •the church on 'Thursday. The president; • Mrs,; garish• 'Moffat-' opened the•meeting with the call to: worship. Miss Emma Richard - Son gvae the__scrip:tiure -r-eadirz and' meditation and :.Mrs. .Peter G, 'Moffat led in prayer. Plans Were n -ade •to :: attend ' the 'Pres', bytet sal. in L'ucknow. Mrs..Far-. jiff Moffat' gave a 'report of the Synodical • meetings ' >:whi:c'h: she attended in St. Thomas:. .Mrs.. Wrn. Orr •gave the topic -from • the. study book on India• ' Mrs. 'Bert 'Mofifat., gave the offering; prayer and Mrs: Gordon Vva11` the clos- ing prayer The June meeting is to e held . at thine home : of Mrs. Da - Teeswa eri. w tai Mrs: , eter G.; Moffat and' Mrs. Lloyd Moffat to: ,prepare the program. ... Mr. and: Mrs. :Wm:' Brown of- Lucknow',spent Monday with Mr.' and.... -Mrs -has Tiffin, • s $ 4 1 i 1 ti Pia:yhoise. 01 FRIDAY d SATURDAY MAY 20, 21 'o Shows Each Night at 7.30 — Saturda •• y 1VJ4atinee at '2,30 • • JOHN WAYNE, In. 1 island. in the Sk• ,.'. • Get' Movie ” Contest. Cards'.F . . _ Fom'. ,l5p�unsorin •. enchants SIXTH A NINTH Mr, and Mrs, Angus' Kennedy, Gordon • and Rita of Seaforth, Mrs, Gus E;inahan . and Michael Kinalian of London were recent visitors witli Mr, 'and Mrs• Bill .Kinahan:.Mr. Gus: Kinahan, who has spent the past month' here, returned. to London with theme Mr. and, Mrs. Mark Armstrong 'were visitors on Monday. with. Mr, and Mrs: Mel Craig and fam- ily at; Bhiev. ale. • :Several •from this • district': at- tended t tended °the• Huron 'County Musts: Festival In : Gpderich on . Monday and Wednesday : of last. • week when pupils from; •S.S, No: '3 'took part inp iano solos vocal solos and choruses:: On'' Wednesday Mr, Cameron,' and his pupils, viewed; the ' Huron, County Musetun, Mr: Stanley Hisier of Whig- ham, Miss: Eleanor Wightrn.an Mrs. McLeod'; Mrs. Paton and 'Misses Pat' Paton 'and Ann Bos nick of London were visitors, on Sunday with, Mr.• and Mrs. •Tom Armstrong. • . • The . Sixth. Concession . friends and .•neighlbors, met at the home, of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Erring ton • in honor of . Mr. arid Mrs. Wm• J.,Robb, prior to m Wing to their new. home at St. Helens. We. wish John' R Thompson,. a: .patient .in'.'Wingham Hospital; with blood poisoning, a 'speedy. ' recovery:... Miss Jean Errington of London', • visited her parents at the week- end... ASK 'TRIAL BY JUDGE The' three Owen Sound youths alleged to, have •slugged,."W ll arn, Kennedy of Kincardine and: stol • en his car, elected trial by judge,:, without jury, when, Theyappear- ed recently in magistrate's court at..Goderich. . • • • • A .'superior "milled": fertilizer grade ammonium nitrate for wheat, pastures,. corn and other cash crops. 'PHONE • 71 ..LUCKNOW' .6I Deluxe Lawn Boy RotaryPower" Moweirs Canada's ,Most Popular. POWER •MMIO%VERS C obipletel y. -Manu is dared- ...:- in ' Canada .• tAWN•BOY Deluxe 18" Many New Proven Features • SEE THE LAWN BOYS ;• Before --.-You • tA''N BO*. Economy 18". WillianMUriC , and Heating. and Plumbing .'Phone 10; Lucknow �...c-.a.ni�::.. imaatirr:rar�r,.rinrmmtr,.m.�+r• us+w,za�voa"waa.wmwmx'aa�<ns,. /` *t•:.!.w.:,�"it ea ..iiktVaisEar,,oisist i.0 tt�.+l '�".iidYli�:,.. lir•-. Son.