HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-05-18, Page 4T1•I.E. LUCKNOW SENTINEL, Lt1CKNOW, ONTARI( ti. tor io s • • a4 Y�+ WANTED--Iady or girl for light' FOR SALE—I.H, harnniermill, 1 housekeeping. Mrs. Russell . But year .old in good condition. Phone ton,' phone 1524 Lucknow. , C. R. Moore, Wingham 401-J-12. CAR.I'iENTER WORK 'phone Leo. `BeauchamP,..97-w. Lucknow.'. FOR SALE,: Ya Gend'ron baby car- riage •'in real' good condition Phone 44-r-41; I4ucknow. LAWNS CUT I,: have :purchased a new power mower, and..will be " available. for 'cutting lawns. any . Mime. Gordon Carter. ' ' LOST --4. Brownie •tie .and owned by Beverley IVlacKenzie.. Finder_' please leave at Sentinel Office. UOIISE •IFOR'.SALE--mridern 8 - room: _6xicic- house on :Havelock St.. Oil furnace,,,, hard*ood ,floors. Apply to Dr. T, B. Cleland, Luck, now.; • " • WElPNESDAY; .MAY 13th, 1955 COMING EVENTS AUXILIARY DANCE The , Ladies Auxiliary to' the: Canadian • 'Legion' „ will hold , .a dance in the Town Hall on Fri- day, May 20th:. Door prize and Spot prize.:. Quilt to be raffled.': Carruthers' . • Orchestra.Lunch counter. PLAY; AND DANCE, , Don't forget the 3 -act comedy' "Zeke and Daise"; to'be 'present- ed presented ' by .Bluevale Presbyterian in the , Community Hall, St. ` Helens, Monday,' ,May 23.rd, at $.30, sponsored ..bythe ."W.I.., Dance •will.. follow::Admission 50e. and 25o. Meers please bring, lunch. h. ' DANCE IN LUCKNOW `. . FOR SALE' two male hound y plan to.: attend, ,the .dance in .'FC) SALE .— . Mandarin soya pups, •Apply to Harvey Miller, the:Town Hall, Lucknow, Wed-' nesday, ,June 1st, under auspices of the Ladies Canadian Order of Foresters.; Music by ."The Es;, quires", lunch counter, ' admission" 75c, dress: optional,' beans, . for seed, . grown and fpr Larbgside, phone ' 46-r-5 'Lock/tow; sale b .y Baynard Ackert, Holy �. • • rood; phone '.24-30 Ripley: LQST—Hereford heifer weighing about *600 lbs. 'Anyone' knowing ORDERS TAKEN for mail,, box of its whereabouts please notify signs, lawn signs, gateway • signs, 1 Cliff, Johnston, Holyrood, phone Contact Mrs. Ronald Forster, 24-1.6 Ripley. phone .'29- Lucknow., CUSTOM CAR PAINTING Dress ,i p your car with a :new paint j oli.' Standard or new col - 01.1r$,• solid. 'or; two_' tone. • N,,' W. WINTERSTEIN CUSTOM ,SPRAYING -=-Ani pre- pared todo. custom . spraying-- weeds, g ` rain . and . brush: J. D.. I?urnin, . R. 2, . Lucknow, phone 45-r=21, ' Lucknow. •CLOSING NOTICE: • • The office of G. Alan Williams, Optometrist in. Wingham; will be closed from .,Saturday 21; ,May .to Saturday 28 May. inclusive. . 1VIEAT ` FOR.SALE. • Good` beef for sale .by the. quarter. Beef killed `•under, lieense from. the Department :of Health: ,Baynard Ackert; Holyrood ' - :.'Phone 24-30 Ripley. ,WANTED—twobadies 'for . 'part COMPLETE : LINE of . 'boxed' time sales'work three or four '.`greeting cards in stock.' You save evenings per `"week. ' Above aver= over half'when you • 7buy, yearns age `.earnings. Mrs 'Carrie Kirk- ,by> the box ' 'Don Thom.psoii, vw:ood, 93 ,Madison •gt.; London phone' •33: or -25: 'CAR •C>F': CEMENT expected • '' about ,th'e last• of May. Leave. 'aur, order sas " soon :as. possible ,and . save disappointments. Wm:' Murd e: & Son: ` • LAWN MOWERS Repaired and •sharperied. Power. mowers a specialty. For. .prompt :. and. efficient; service, see: •or call: E. W..RICE, ST. 'HELENS . R.; 2, Lucknow Phone .211 r-31 • FOR' SALE—induced ` draft unit May 27th at: 2,:00 p rn. W ,5. O'Neil, Denfield, is: the. auction,' with themostat for:'use with saw= eAr Catalogue on request • to dust or blower coal furnace: L Stewart Cooper; Markdale, Sec - Guaranteed Third. of new price: Jim. Stewart, 'Luckno y: retry ' SEED CORN Top ,Crop: Hyblend—a special new' formula .ensilage' blend coria: Matures'for.. ensilage in 90 days, $7.00 ` per bus:,. p: R.: Finlayson, Phone 91, ,Lucknow: IH.EREFORD SALE'• .• • .The Grey Brice Hereford Breeders Association are.holding ,their. annual ,Spring' Sale' at the" Markdale Sales Arena on Friday, MUSICAL ,CONCERT 'Ashfield. Township School Area Musical, Concert will be field . at the ; Luknow D'i'.s t r i c t' High' School on Friday, May 27, .1955;. of 8.15 p.m. Adults . 35c. Public School children. free. 'Everyone welcome., . - •MIIDMAY • FIREMAN'S BINGO Wednesday, May • 25th in ..the Mildmay "Arena at 9 p.m. sharp: 14 regular games for $40:00 each, 3'special games for '$200.00 each: Admission '•$1'.00.'Extra . and spec- ial .cards 25c each .or 5 for •$1.90. Bingo every,. second Wednesday WANTED Flocks' .to .supply a large Can- adion ^,P.. pproved 'Hatchery with hatching eggs.: Premium up 'to 33c per ..dozen, over the market price , of'. eggs. Eggs taken every 'week in the: year. Write • for full details. Apply . Bok ..,No.' T.H., Lucknow Sentinel. CHRQME PISTON RINGS • More and more car' owners are _� - yen oying—the wonderful—service ' of these, chrome' rings. Let me. install `'a set in your motor now. • Also valve /grinding, iignition; and ,earn work ' N:. W. WINTERSTEIN PROPERTY,AUCTION The property of the late. Eliz: beth. ' England, 1' .miles north f Lucknow, will be offered .for ale by public•; auction on Satur-. day, May 21st at -7:30 p.m- he property, Lot. 1 .H.' 8, 'con- ists of 2 acres more or .less and. on' said land.,is • a -11/2 storey frame home, sri all barn 'and hen: house. Property "offered stibj ect td re- erve :bid. Terms: l0%` on day .of;. o sales --balance-: -i'n_;30 days. Estate I . wish to . sincerely thank' all Of Elizabeth England;' Emile Mac- the rfriendswhosent me cards,,. treats and '.flowers 'whale hospi- Lerman, Auc. :. talized•` in Winghatn.. These kind- nesses were very: 'much appreci•. ated. , - • • Joh ' • n ;MeQuillin .-_ 0 s T s s 1 .r, STEWART'S Your New Color Centre For Paints u� gra ° 77 " Bask Shades. a FREE COLOR CHIPS to'take home for you to..match your .drapes and 'rugs, .'RUBBERIZED, WASHABLE, ODORLESS,. E . IN ONE'' HOUR. _ • . DKl< S • Also HOUSE PAINTS and'ENAMELS,.. Etc., FLOOR •TILE a Stewart's Decorating & Gifts PAINT, WALLPAPER and. DRAPERIES ZION. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Swan :'andtl family of St.George and Russel ie`•vis- ' w of Gorr ie 'rettS acid Eve ited Sunday with -their .parents, Mr... and Mrs.: Earl:SWan ' Mr. and; Mr's. Tom Cooke of Goderich ,visited Sunday' with S a .a• S �• •��ir.�+L��• ��i!o: •>.Ri:...:!;��•� :;dam �!so;rl�i��':�i+•,:R!��h {� • '-�f��.. f�5. Mr.. and Mrs. Peter Cook.. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Finnigan and ` Chester , of Crewe and Mr. and Mrs Herb .Stothers of Dun- ',ganrion•• visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Henry•: .Gardner. ' . Mr.''and"Mrs, Alex Leaven ,and Mr. and Mrs, Howard •Walker.- family spent Sunday with :.Mr. and Mrs D. A. Hackett; ,CARD : OF. THANKS :Mr.: and `.Mrs. Wm J. Robb ' wish to most sincerely:thank: the MOOS' on , the ' Sixth Concession for' , the. 'lovely `gifts presented 1':hem.. on Friday evening; Their; • kindness ' . a n d ` though'tfulness • were deeply appreciated andwill be' long cherished.:. Special .thanks; to. Mr. and' Mrs Harold Erring, ' tori who :offered. their home for the gathering. ' , "Tom' Glen. and _ his' sister wish, to. express -their sincere' thanks and . •appreciation., to the people of the: .Blake ':Community for the gfts•;presented them at thesocial. evening last. week. . We will, long cherish.; these 'kind `and " thought ful rememfbrances: • REST.-.-HIOME$CCOMODATION A,ccomodation available at ,Carruther'k. Convalescent ;Home. Home -cooked meals, .modern con= '. veniences, warm. Registered nurs- ing .available •if required, in • case - of sickness.. Apply - to- Elliott Car- ruthers R: 3, Holyrood, phoria 27-16 Ripley. Sanitary. Sewage Disposal°°^ Have' your septic tariffs, cess•- rpogls ee°1Tars- ete:; -olid ped•-ericl- ' cleaned with sanitary'. modern �.. equipment.. ;All Work guaranteed. satisfactory, For .quick: service; write is ;or phone ' Lou . Blake, , Brussef s,.. Ont.,,phone l russels 42-r-6.4 • • •Mrs...Ewart Jamieson,: wishes fp. express her- sincere thanks •to. those who called:' and remember- ed her :with', flowers,fruit and.: cards =while: -in the ---hospital,' and also to •acknowledge the 'kindness 'of the .Wingham Hospital. ,nursing staff.. SEED ' FOR' ' SALE—we have, on ' • hand' a full stock of clover, .NOTICE The. ' monthly -Child Health. Conference Will be held in the Legion 'Hal -Luekr oW, -on TuesR.-.� FOSALE-:-add •ng machineand- day, May.24th, from 1U" to: 11.30,1 cash register 'rolls for any„type a.m. Babies. and pre-school child- . •of Ina-chineare now:available at ren welcome, • ' ' . I•The. Sentinel Office, phone 35.. NOTICE ' There . will 'be -a spefi-al' -meet- ing 'of L.O.L. No 1'044 on Mon day,' May 23rd, 'at . ;8.30. All ' mem- hers =are asked -1-6--attend—ViS� =