HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-05-18, Page 3WEDNESDAY,. MAY .10th,, 1955 ' LUCKNAW .' UNITED • C.Hu IAC.. Minister: • ' Rev. G. A. Meiklejohn, B.A., .:.D. SUNDA; M 10.00• a.m.; Church. Y2 nd, 4955 kook., , 11.00 a.m.' Mr.Gordon., Ing.. 7.00 Pte►.► «Dare to be a:::' • Daniel" Lucknow Presbyterian Church Rev. . Wallace McClean; Minister • SUNDAY, MAY 22nd, 1955 10:00 ani.: Sunday° School.' ' I; 11.00 a.m.:. Morning, Worship; . i1. ,3.00 p.m.:Erskine, Dungan- . !`. ` non. g '7.00 p.m.: Evening. Worship MARK ROGAtIONTIOE The ; Rev. H. L•. Jennings• coh- :: ;ducted an , appropriate . obser vance of Rogationtide: in, the four• churches' of. the ;parish;, on; Sun- day. Rogationtide• is ,the asking of Godsblessing op the seed and srfll, .and at this season .of spring-, time..., planting, is ,' o b s er v e d throughout, the:' Church •of Eng- land: in. Canada. KINTAIL W:I DONATES, TO- : FAIR O:.FAIR AND CANCER. FUND On; :May.; 5th. the. Kintail Sristi tuf a met at :the home of Mrs. Archie McMurchie with...thirty .present. It was voted• to •send $5 :to the .Lucknow Faire board , and. ~i S.OQ to the Cancer •Fund: ' The ex- tension service. ' 'was discussed. and "Brighten up your -;home With .color" ' was chosen. :Mrs. rdon Finlayson spoke ori amen- ta - health in Canada.. We should not be ashamed; of mental .illness,, she said. _:Mental•illness fills half .our hospital beds: She concluded with ,t.his. sound : advice:' "Learn to like your. work; have. a' hobby, don't carry " a :grudge . and meet your .problems with assurance" Mrs. Bill 'Johnstone gave a love- ly instrumental. 'Mrs. Bissetgave a ' reading, on •vvedding customs: •• Mrs. H. MacKenzie read a •short poem. •The National anthem dos- ed the . meeting' after .which. • a lovely.. salad plate was served by the -lunch committee .; ' The June • gAarill b . . at the 'home . of Mrs. Fred Mac Gregor on the evening Of, June 2rrd• 1 . T1-14 LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO• • Thirty-four ladies :and 8 child ren . toured • CKNK station .o Tuesday afternoon -,and • spent very interesting hour . learniri i the .background of show the, pi• gravis and news, etc.,, we. hea come to us, John Cruikshank an 'Miss Margaret Brophy each -con ducted half the tour,. After se ing• a11, they were conducted in AO studio A where J•ahnny, Hien and,' Reg Bitton'were broadcast ,.frig .and were .inforrnall.y ente' twined' on :the air, The little one :as .well. as, the4xecutive had tbei first;. taste of being on radio. Som of our irioxe. talented inenibers Mrs; G ''Farrier• and Mrs, ,Pick ell," played; duets •on the' pian i wth' Reg. ori.the Organ 'and . a • most interesting -.halt ho went• by, quickly in' the -studio After the :tour the lad:res,IDmet i the dining room 'of the "Bri"BrimsVS"icks,Hotel and partook. of .sand waches •and• coffee with . chocolat •milk ,for the little ones. A busi ness .meeting was held';' ' after wards ; ,by Mrs. , Frank Ross.:'- A committee . 1••of voting • delegate Annual th,e :District:rictAnnual 'at Arm. •ow .was appointed consisting o Mrs, N. Pickell, Mrs: A Walters. Mrs.. T. Metcalf . and; Mrs. '',rank Ross. The 'Salvation Arniy lady was asked to •�rneet. the Institute there •and Was •presented with; $76.55: which' "the' directors had collected. .. Miss Doris Wall, •12 year-old daughter of Mrs • and Mrs. ` Ira Wall, Was in: Goderich on. Wed-. nesday night • competing . in the solo class. . at' the •.1Ufusic Festival as she:'was�a'.winner iri the, pre- ;liminary': festival. at Bluevale. " • The regular meeting of, the United.,Glfureh • Young Adult Croup •was', held ; on Tuesday eV-. ening, May, 10th;. in the' church. basement. The' meeting opened. With:the singing of `a' .hymn. The meeting -was then turned: over to Velma Stapleton,. who gave' the call. t�. worship, ren "Groskorth favored with a piano, solo.; Velma ?Staple:ton told a story called _``The....Littie Children --Suffer"•. A lIyrd was: sang.>;•follawed, by :a prayer by' Dori .. Stapleton.. Paul Groskorth gave. an account of the .Conclave held: in Goderich. ; on the previous Saturday night. The n a g PAGE TII,REL oca enera Mr.and. Mrs. •Bruce 13alets.� of Detroit were week -end gilests •of Russell .Middleton o- Mr. •and • Mrs. Lyle •Gaynor, r, .Johnnie and Sharon • of ' Tavi- d stock spent the week -end: with Mr. and 'Mrs. Albert Little. e, Mr. and Mrs.. Jarnes ' McTavish spent. the week -end at St,. t. Thomas and were aocomnpanied - by Mr, and Mrs. W. ,T. ° Roulston, r ° Dr-. and Mrs... W. "J. Robb of s` Winnipeg, and. Dr. Edgar Robb Of r •Vancouver are visiting their= e rhother., Mrsi Alice Robb and , Mr. R. 'J. MacKenzie 'a town, Roy,,, Havens attended o burner school' in Toronto last so; week, hour Mrs.J. A.Robertson of lVfour t Forest visited with friends her. n on Sunday and ' attended, the -• Presbyterian' anniversary, - Mr. and Mrs, .Oscar Case.Kr•>_ore e of Wingharn were Sunday. guests• - of 'Mr: and 'MrsCameron Mac- Donald and Mr. W. • W.. Hill. Will Lees, '"who has spent the s past few. :months • in rlorida, leaves for Ferndale; Mich; ,.. the f first Of. next week. Old- Light Lodge ..will' . attend divineworship in, the Presby-• terian. Church .'on Sunday morn ing.. Mombers are to meet at the LodgeRoom at 10.30. •- ' group:, enjoyed' a sing songand gainer, after the • closingexercises: y�Mr, and Mrs Machan and fam- ily • of Blyth visited .on . Sunday with his sister, Mr. and --Mrs. E: Scholtz..'• Mr ,Oliver 'tcBrieri, :Mrs• Mc- Leod and daughters" of Goderich visited. with.. Mr, and 'Mrs: Jas. Laidlaw and Mia =and <:Mrs. Elroy Laidlaw.. • " Mr. D. • A. Hackett . and Mrs: Harry' Hackett of Lucknow visit-: ed:with Mr., and Mrs.' Ab 'Coultes on 'ilhlirsda.y • _. Mr R ibt: Mowbray of Wing- ham , visited with his daughter •Mr.. and Mrs. . 'Jas. Wilson: • FIRST ANNUAL In The District High School Auditorium, LUCKNOW Friday, Saturday at-8:15pm FRIDAY AFTERNOON MATINEE for• children ' . ,• after', 4.00 p m•.; Admission lOc. Show Features Children of the Lucknow'• Dancing School 'Under the direction of Miss Amy Johnson PLUS O TSTANDI t UESTH STARS Acrobatics by Darlene MacMullan 6f .Owen Sound,, • The Tappin-g'; `Tui nets--•cif---WaI -•ort n, , Billy Gilmour' of'the 48th Highlanders, charniaion , Piper' of .Canada,.. Highland ]'Dancers ,from Owen Sound ALSO SATURDAY EVENING• a Junior $ fr ,Canadian Champion Quartette of Pipers from,, 'th' 48th . Highlanders, . Toronto is r 1r Childress. 35c LL TICKETS GOOD .. I'OIt EITHER, NIGHT :' • • Mr. and• Mrs..Arthur ,Le. Grand of Windsor; Mrs. Wm. Johnston and ° Thain•; qf Hamilton, ..Mrs, George Blue and Marjory of De=; troit, :were. recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs Noble .Johnston: Week -end visitors with Mr. :.and Mrs, J. L.,'MacMillan ;were .hiss A. Clifford of Stratford •.Mr.'•arid Mrs: Jim MacMillan .and David Of . St ' Catherines • and Miss Gail'' �lVlacMii an,: Reg.N. of Montreal': Gail,'who,is cin the 'staff of Royal.. 'Victoria' Hospital, is ;remaining. for. a ten-day holiday. Mrs:, Ewart Jamien of: - field returned home on Saturday from Wingharn Hospital...where she . had beena patient ;for most. three weeks . with .`pneu' --moina. Mrs, •J?mieson 'had a :sin- ilar . illness :. in. the fall and • was hospitalized for more than a: Month. DONNYBROOK. Ladies' and Men's Wear Fashion Miilinery, 'PHONE' 85,, LUCKNOW e Store With H�iidyNeeds. • NYLON ANKLETS -for 6 to:. 65. T SHIRTS---fo% children colors.. ,,. Jeans and: Pedal Pushers SPORT SHIRTS » in , ay` •'naw' patterns :''ROUSERS: for.. all occasions.. SKIRTS . in colorful new cottons • the 'aziiily, .. Stretchies . from age and •grown-ups.:. New styles and. ..., . *... ,,... 29c to $2.00 -- Cotton, 'Ma , and 'Sweater's • : • DRESSES, _'I:,inens,Cotto N°:1 .. ns, y ons. . HANDBAGS' Assorted. colors 'and White • HATS Straw for ladies and rued • SPECIALS WORK SOX •' •89c,; 69c, T-SHIRTS • 49c �. .SKIRTS:.. : BOYS' JEANS:, 8 to ,14— $2.98 $2:89 HALTERS , , • CHARKIE$ $1.00 ; ' New Jeans for. boys • ' • $3.95 . • There were 16. ladies and 13 .! ehildren present. at ,the W.M S. and W.A. meeting . held on /Tues-• .' . day afternoon:; .at• -,the home of. Mrs.' .:' Johan R. '1h.ompson. . Mrs: 1 -Norman 'Thompson Was, in charge -of the meeting which .opened by singing hmn 399. The scripture lesson was' read from ' the *ninth 'chapter of 2nd' Corrinthians and the prayer ..from the Missionary Monthly 'was read followed by all. repeating the Lord's prayer: Miss Hazel:, Staine r •reacLa_ppe and a reading..was given by' Mrs Stuart Chamney. Hynn • 485 (was sung. 1V rs. ' R. Chaney and fns: Gordon Naylor,. read the chapter in the study book. The offering \vas, received by Diane Ch,arnney. =-The roll - call 'was answered by • payment of birthday • money which was received by .Kay Nay, 'lor. Hymn 586'wss sung andthe` meeting •was closed with prayer., A bazaar Was held and lunch was served,by."t.he hostess assist_• ed' by 1Vi°rs• Morley Johnstoii', ad ;Miss Hazel . Stamper. Several:.:_from i. -•_here attended the Sunday School anni ersary ;services in :Knox • `United • Chu ill,• AUtbarri, on Sunday:--;:.._ . We are pleased to report' that Mr, John 'R. Thompson; who is in Wing,ham Hospitalwith ihkction :in, his .hand, is progressing fav oi ab1;yR.. ; • Mr. and Mrs',' Wm:, Webster, Mr and , ,Mrs, Stuart Cha.m:ney,. Diane. and` Donna; were Sunday visitors with Mr and, Mrs. Cliff Henderson at :Kipper, Di;; Edgar Role. , of, Vancouver,. D� wand-Mz b of. W'iri 'nipeg, Mrs• Alice Robb and Mr, R. MacKenzie of Ltick:now; IVIr. 'and Mrs,, fi:,.•J., Rutledge of `Gad ;,.rich were recent visitors at 'the' hciine of Mr. and Mrs.." J:. R, 'Thompson. • • Mr, and Mrs, .Elwin Chamney' and daughters Dorothy and Mar- ityn and niece Sandra Thompson: of Wi$igham •were Sunday visi� tors 'with Mr° and Mrs: it. Cham' 1 Huron -Bruce Riding KEEP 'GOOD. GOVERNMENT. TARIO• • 1 • Ida!: Frost Governmen Candidate SUR"1NFURMATIUN •PH6NE `VR�INGF1AI4-72 ,Wiwi ;fry, • .4. .40 • .'-i'PERSONALIZED LABELS, We cat: n ±sunny 'youwith personalizes: labels; att. ,ctively printed in two colors, and,' in: a handy, plastic dispenser. You•re- ceive 400 Useful labels 'for sonly• 1,1.5Q. Use' them to stamp. your:, books, records, letters, Packages, F:El.._1-Al&-6-61 0"); /IWO PEOPLE .110111.44 SEP9Y 50 $LOCISTORE DRY GOODS • LADIES 414.4A CHI WREN S WEAR. CHINA •RITCHEN UTENSILS•GREETiNG CARDS 108W LUCRNOW, ONT. 108W • •