HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-05-18, Page 1...,$2.60 .A YearIn Advance—$100 Extra, 1
'o U.S.A.-
19.55 -
Srni.iJI Rural Parish iNIaki:.M..ry:
Improvements To Their Church;
4n Sunday :morning-. at .11.00.
F m the congregation of ,Christ
Church,, Port Albert, whie
Bev.. H. L: Jennings is, :the Mini-
ster, will mark ,their '96th Vanni:
• ':.versarywhich : will ,lie highlirghte
ed 'by:°,the` dedcation" of a.. new
electric. organ= and four memorial
, windows,
This little Bluewater'Highway.
Parish of some twenty-three fain-
flies has a remarkable and in-
spicing record of church loyalty,
that is evidenced by an' outstand
••ing: program' of., church improve-.
ment .,that has been: carried out
during the past four years. ,
. The ' ,greatest achievement is
the recent, installation' of a'° Hall -
Men electric organ which ' will
be . dedicated on Sunday "to the
.:Glory of God andin'ioving.mem'
ory Of. Members of the Armed
: • Forces". The church organist is •
• Walter: Tigert who has 'acted ' in
this capacity for about ,a quarter
• of a century.
Memorial windows will. also be
dedicated by Canon B.A.H.. Farr
•in memory of Mrs:. Ralph E. Fos-
ter, in honor of •members 'of the
Ladies Guild, in memory' of Wil
ham. 'and Herbert Foster and in.
memory .of Josepli • and: Elizabeth
Janis: Tigert.
:Other 'accomPlishments of.the.
conigregation : include the redecor-
ating of the church inside arid
cut; : •thechanging of ` the . seating.'
to_ a : centr'e 'aisle,' and the ,carpet-
lug of tle:.aisile, as well .as the,
remodelling of the .vestibule.
We've heard ;'some odd • ones,
but this one.' takes the. cake.. It
concerns „a bag'of ,' baby chi'cks
which were fished from .the river
north of tihe .. Vi1l ge; 'and' the
_:_teller_-:of_the tale, '_was the -man'
who dislodged the bag and • open
..ed the' heavy water -soaked sack
to make the nauseating , discov-:
ery es ; to the contents: .
He estimates . there was well
over a: 'hundred dead chicks, in
the 'bago, '.
TO. 'Discuss
A Committee:"—Of the°---CYfrrsifieti--
is to meet with, the Legion eke-
ttttive to 'discuss the pro"motion,
of softball • in the village, this
summer,: This plan Was decided
upon : at • the Clansmen meeting
'an Monday' ' night .
__after Legion
: esrdent; Ken Cameron-:haa- ad-
vised' the 'meeting-' that he did
not, think the "Legion Would, be.
Sponsoring the . sport: this season.''
For the past. few' years the
Legion:--hase`-beeii the 'mriai 'pro=
' inoter of ball and . hockey in • the
community; It:._has :•been:... -rare for
:any'' of .these .operations'•to"'show
a` profit 'and 'the sponsor has
,'been :picking Up the tab, Ito the
' steady drain on their • funds.
purpose of the get-together
is ta.:see if something: can't be
worked out to help .keep .•ball
alive, as well.' 'as`
rekior ball•. ' .
Both the, juveniles, and inter,
mediates hid -pretty fair squads
last :year. There are ,several of
the' juveniles over age this seas
tri, ,and they would be. an asset
to` a '' home-brew intermediate,
team: .
Consider Pool
The Clansmen. also. discussed
the matter of a wading pool
iy .o . at_
the easter ,.
,titskii-ts of..the vill�
'age m ;front of: the r Lucknow
District High SchocL It was felt
that with a minimum of expen-
diture a start. could, be made on
a long range program. of park
and peel, improvements.. A com-
et mattee ' was d ,a 'intedto Yoo
A. C. Agnew of'town ,has sat
isfactorily completed, the require,
ments of .the •municipal assessors'.
course and has passed the. exam-
ination. qualifying' ' him• for an of-
ficial' certificate, . according° to an
announcement received by H. W.
Curran, director of the Depart-
ment of . University Extension,
Queen's University, 'Kingston..
Clair took the home study
course throughout the falland.
winter,' It is -known as the Muni
cipal : Assessors' :Course -and was
offered by the Extension .Depart -
merit at Queens .in co-operation
-with .-the . Institute .of Municipal
Assessors of Ontario.
Mrs. Philip. MacMillan, : presi-
dent `of the local branch of the
Ladies Auxiliary,, and third' vice
president of the Provincial. Com-.
mand, is this. week conducting
her first Zone rally.. at'Levack in
o Ontario:.
Mrs. ' MacMillan left.on Tues-'
day -for', the northern town, where
;the .rally was.. setfor' Wednesday.
On June 2nd • arid 6:th, Mrs.
MacMillan- will'. have. charge of
ralliesirallies at; :Penetanguishene' .and
The advance sale of• tickets .in-
dicates there will be big crowd's:
for the ;two -eight dance recital,
performance this' Friday and
;Saturday 'in the Lucknow District
High .'Sel ool': auditorium. There
will 'also
,be . a matinee Friday
after' • school `for 'children ,,at,:a
•nornin,al fee of,10c "
• The , recital will be:, -b
sta ed • :
g" y.,
'children of the community who
have been studying Scotch,• bal-
let and tap dancing for the past
few, months under • the tutorship
of Miss Amy Johnson:
.They will be supported by' a
galaxy of guest stars including
acrabaiics 4by .Darlene McMullan,
of Owen Sound, the Tapping
Turners of Walkerton, Billy Gil: -
Mow of ',the .48th. Highlanders
who is `the champion junior' piper
•of Canada, and by Highland
dancers from Owen 'Sound..
. On , Saturday :y night an . addi-
tional attraction will be a . quar-
tette of 48th Highlander , pipers:
who are Advertised • as the Carl
•adian champions:
.It •vcas originally planned to
have a one-night recital, but the
dancing students met 'With 'such
success' in Selling, tickets that a
two -night show ` became a must;
Tickets are good for .either 'night:
A �KED.. .•: •NDAY`:
M. R . SU
Large congregations marked
the 65th' anniversary :•' of the
Lucknow Presbyterian Church on'..
Sunday, It :was . on May 9th, 1890,
• that , the . present church • was
opened' and .dedicated.
Rev,":. Wallace : McClean, the'
' minister;.: conducted both services:
At : the morning service his,'sub
ject . was "Emigrants of the Faith"'
arid' un the .evening he . spoke: on
",Singers •of The ;Lord's. Songs",
when; ' he impressed upon his.,
congregation ' the ' need ' to •. l}ave
a positive faith if we are to wit -
nese for Christ and be singers of
the: Lord's songs. •
The. evening service in the.
United Church • was • withdrawn•
and._.Rev, a A, Meiklejohn _as-
sisted, Rev; McClean in conduct -
Wm G. ;Arnistronlg of: town 'is
n ec i :era,ting front ' broken .ribs'
'arid bad shaking • u he received
when struck by a• P.. ,car last. Thurs-
:clay', afternoon. •
• The 'mishap, occurred north .of•
the C N.R, station on the :road
:to South Kinloss -Church. -Mr; anal
Mrs.. Armstrong were returning
fromthe auction sale at the ,res= .
idence ' of the'late John 'Carter;..
when Mr, :Armstr'ong was struck
by a Car driven by ,Mr: Sam' Sher-
wood. Mr. :Sherwood was•'pulling.
••up to .'give .them,'a ride when the
accident occurred: Mr.•: Armstrong.
was spun • around and -thrown
clear of ;the 'vehicle. He ''suffered.
a head cut .and. was' "knocked.
out" for ':a time. He was taken
to Wingham Hospital, :,but was
brought home on 'Friday evening
and ore Tuesday was able- to be
ev.for, awhile;
The 'Armstrongs. Have been
having. more than their share .ot
ill fortune ` of late. During 'the,
winter the roof of theirlaundry
bui1thng- cotta;
ing' the service,. The minister' ex
tended a welcome to the large •
:' -"DS
gathering, noting ..the many.vis- SIXTH ,� ••RIE
iters;'' among them friends 'from 'PR ESE'NT'” t•
.Glaixnis. ...where.' _Rev, -.McClean
ministered .lri hi s_sxudenLdays.:
• A:psalm' ,and a hymn compos-
ed by Rev. McClean were sung
at the morning:and evening ser-
vice respectively, and, as ' he
pointed-out;'•had been put on the
order: of service u:nlcnown--to
him, ' but': he hoped they would
enjoy singing them
Norman,_. Taylor, presided at
the • o"rgan. "-it the morning ser-
vice a• duet, "Sweet Will of God"
was sung VI -14-cele-an•�anci-
Mrs.; Stewart Jamieson, and , the
choir rendered the, anthem, "I:
Will .Lift Up Mine Eyes". In• the
evening, besides the .choir, an:.
them, a double 'male' ' quartette
from Kincardine sang two . nuni-
bers •
_ . • ..
Ted Dexter recently b eflt"a
;t-etandah ,on his home and 'con-
sequently had no further use for
A combination 'door.• He ran a
35c advt, in the "want• °ads'" col-
umn of The Sentinel and could
have sold, the dpor a half dozen'
times over, he said, '
Incidentally, the first. reply
Ted had to the 'ad was from his
soli,' but ' the , door wasn't • the
ri4..htsize for 'Walter's require-.,
et the 'mat;tr more fully..
'mems" .
Ail .act of neighborliness and
good will was perforrrned at the
farm of • Mrs. D.. H. Carruthers
last• week, ;when a, dozen Kinloss
Township: farmers., 'held Work
bees: to plant 45 acres .' of crop
for Mre. ' Carruthers; 4, who • was.
sadly bereaved 'in . March
Of the 45." acres.seeded $ome
acres. had Y to be plowed, but
"many hands .made light works'
in :preparing, the land with Geo..
Colwell and Jack Ackert doing
the • seeding: The others. 'in the
group were Harold Austin, .Har-
vey Houston,: Rosa and Hugh
MacMillan, Bruce Hamilton". Bob
Gilchrist, Elliott Purves, Jim
MacGil+liyray, • Elliott Carruthers
and Irwin Carruthers. •
Mrs. • Carruthers • is deeply ap-
preciative of • this kindness' and
The' curtain.. was rung, down' on
•the . 1954-55 hockey season on
Wednesday n: i g h t. when the
Lucknow .Branch • Of the Canad-
fan Legion staged a banquet'
honor of . the Juvenile hockey
team, "D" champions • of the
W.O;A A, and runners-up .for
the Ontario -title •
The evening ,got off. to a•good
start with :a delicious.meal serv-
ed by the Ladies Auxiliary to
the .'C'anadian Legion.: Legion
President •Ken Cameron presided
and • .called on • . Hugh , Hawkins,
president of the W.O A.A:, who
made the: :presentation of the
Wm: A. Schmid Juvenile trophy
to Ken MacNay,• who responded
rn' .-expressing -the. -thanks; • of - -the
teameto their ;sponsors and sup-
porters. .
up -porters.. Ken said.. that ori the
season's' ;performance they won
14',and =lost "5 ,games. •
The trophy returns to the
village, :where it 'was • previously.
Won: in, the 1949-50 and 1950-51.
'The. J. A. Christie.. trophy 'for
runners-up in. the eO.M H.A.• "D"
series. was. presented to Charlie
Chin by Ed Blake, CKNX•sports
announcer, This ,..'presentation
,was acknowledged by both Cham-,
lie and George Richards: _
•Mr: Blake referred -to -thee -TV
future': of CKhTX, and said that
0etober. '15th° had ,been set as
the deadline to .be.in operation,
and earlier .if possible,
k-Cgoek, H,,-�rold leitcl ie-a-nd'
„ Garnet .; 'Henderson,, who. had
managed; and Coached -the
were • called on. Harold Ritchie
introduced the boys and extend-.:
Cd corigratulations , to • Bob Mee -
Kenzie •arid . Harold Greer • for
- the success .their Bantam team
had achieved: Garnet Henderson
still maintained that "we ,shoul°d
have 'won • It as he thought we
had a better team, but that aec-
end best An ;'Ontario was very,
goo d oaf •that.-.
• Other :speakers included J. W:
Joynt, Cam . "Thompson,, `I-farc*Ld
Greer Wilmer • Howey and Art
The presentation ---of atter-ae-t ve-
jackets was •made by
Thompson and W. B. Anderson'
to George.. Richards," Ken Mac-
1VTay,' Kent HedleY, Roy Stanley,
hon Graham, " 'Bob Mowbray,
Ernie Gibson, ,Eugene Gardner;
Jack Chin,- Charlie Chin, %lughie
MacMillan; Roy Embe 'lin, Paul
•Couse, Alvin 'Baker, , ii k Cook,
Garnet Henderson,' " Harold Rit-
chie, Kenneth 'Cameron. •
Appreciation ;was expressed to
-the-speake=rs--by•-H.De-Ph tOMr strn-.-
Cl.aience ' Greer extended', the
thanks • of.\the gathering to the
Ladies Auxiliary with "•the reply
being . made by the President;
Mrs. Philip MaclVfil:lan, .
Prize Draw
The evening concluded with a
dance and prize draw, with pro
deeds for the jacket fund; First
prize, a• junior Mi,cmaster, Was
won by Marilyn Henderson; sec,
end .,;