HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-05-11, Page 17
'On .
•• 'WO A Year In "AdVance-41.00 Ext,ra T9 U.S.A.
lith; 1954
Ale* MacDonald Wins Higheo.
Honors Graduate.. 'Can ::ROceive,
unique .occasion in the his-
tory • of 'Knox Presbyterian
Church, Goderich, was fittingly
giar)ced, last Friday evening a
'tfig,•ecrdipatien- erviee of Reber
Bissetana A14dnder., Sutherland
; gaPDbnald•.:, .
•••."'',The ordinatien, serviCe was'. in
. eliargA of Huron-Maitlancl 'Pres
• .robytery, ndthe Ceremony 'was
.performed by Rev. J. R.., Mac
Donald, moderator , of .Presby
• ' terY, followed by • the ancien
.and traditional ; rite of the "lay-
ing en of hands". • • • ,
Both young Men are graduates
get Presbyterian Coleige,., Mon-
treal:: Rev..R.. a MacMillan of•
Goderichattended the. •cohVoca,
tion at Montreal: On May • 5th, to
witness the .,graduation ' of these
,yoUng ;men •from his con-
gregation 4
Attained Blithest Honors .
SpeciaL: Ideal interest Centres
around the brilliant, career' Of
Rev Mac09414, whose parents,'
and • beth. his Oaternal and ma-
ternal grandparents were resi-
dents Of this cemmunity, In en-
tering the ministry 'Alex follow-
ed in the footsteps of his grand-
father,. Rev. 'Ewen MaeKenzie;
who at the time Of his death was
a professor at presbyterian..001.-
. • A ' . • e.4 :1
...Alex; the .son of IVLi....and• MrS.
•AleX' MacDOnald,, was • 'born, in
Windsor, : attended Scheel at
•• Stratford, '.•and entered the •driig.,
stere ' business • in. ;GOderich.. It
,Was.while in the, Lakeshore town
:that he decided to enter: the min-
istry •in.; i94.9„,..fle .took , his arts
bo -4§ -6 -77 -at 7 -thaiieflay
Toronto,. 'and in i• September .1952„
entered Presbyterian. ••••College,
Montreal, where he pursued his
'graduating this: month also. qual-
ified .for his Bachelor of Divin-
ity degree; . •
• Alex took the highest :ihonkitirS
in the graduating clasS-end was
aWarded'Several prizes for pro-
ficiency 4ncludlng the -`Calvin•
Gold Medal, which is the high-
est 'award thet,,...'s_gratitiate.,caii
Theological scholarships which
Alex : won ineltided. the Mrs., Mar -
ifs scholarship for: excellence in
'the Second • year, and he'''swept
thethree third year proficiency
'awards, Which. included : the • Celt:
gold medal. '
'He .alsoi won- the Neil C. Pol-
son Prize ,ii Homilectica, which
is...a 'valuable award for • Oat
. „gra uate Studies at , any theolog-
ical college.
ong To Mission Field
Rev. Maebonaldhas beenmin-
istering ; in a:: church' in Montreal
,cinring his, last i‘year at College.
, Alex is married to the fornier.
Ruth Eldei., a daughter Of Rev.
and Mrs. John Elder, missionar-
ies in British •Guierie. Alex . and
Rath have been accepted by the
Presbyterian' Mission Board for
. serv-ice-outs1de-Orea:hatamh/666-.
• of the'ehurel-i's inisSion. 'fields;
posSiblY in India,' '
• CaftS oril_Contregatkon--•
,Th'e-76-ongregation and organ-
JiatiOns of Knox...Church shower-
etl-the two young ordin.antS'With
gifts. EachredeVed $500 from the
• ,cengregation;.• •$10,0 froin. the
Club; automatic wrist
• watches fre.m.the Board and Ses-
end A.opeS of pearls to...their
wives, Shaefferpens, from' the
C.G.I.T, and •le.ominunion Sick
visitation sets froth the -Arthur
Circle. • '
A reception . followed the ord-
metier) service. Among those in
, attendance fro ex
an Mrs:' A. C. Agnew, Donald
and Evan Mr. and Mrs: E. H.•
Agnew,. i‘iirs. T. H.. MacDonald
• and' Mrs., W. J. "DeugIas,;..„
.At the Sunday znorning
vice in Knox Church; Rev, Mac-
benald baptized the infant dau-
ghter of Rev, and 'Mrs. Bisset,
who will leave shortly to serve
on the home •Mission' field at',
ThreeflilLs, Alberta..
. .
REV. ALEX Si: kaeD0144LD
. The first me.eting of the Dim-.
gannon 4TH _Calf fclub 'was .held.
on April 28th in the Agricultur-
Hall, in Dungannon, with the
election of officers. as follows:
pres., Jirn1 Reed; vice pres., Eliz-
abeth Pentland; sec., Lois Web-
ster,-. press reporter, Ken, Alton.
Harold Baker addressed the
group on Parliamentary 'proced-
• All •members Of the;LiicknO*,
Public •School staff,have,been re-
engaged. •for the .1955-56 term
with -an --across4heboard -in-
crease in alaries. Members of
the . staff . are . Principal Stuart
CollYer,-, Miss Ruby • Webb, Miss
Helen -"Thompson, Mrs -Roy --Hav-
ens and Mrs, Isabelle MacKenzie;'
kindergarten teacher: ' •
The ennuelinspection of the
LuckriOw District High High ' School
Cadet ,Corps.fwas held Monday at:
the school' . grounds. Inspecting
Officer CaPtain H D. Thompson
of the 21st Field, Regiment Mil-
itia, Wirigham, and Lieutenant
•Droh'an :of 'Headquarters; Lon-
don, inspected the corps.
Offioers of the Cadet Corps in-
';cluded Cadet Major •John 'Helltr;
Cadet •Captain ,Bennie Moulton,
Cadet, Lieutenants 'George Rich-
ards, Carmen Nixon; Cadet Sgt.
Major Arnold Hartford; .:Girls'
Officers; Isabel' "Mae-Pliersen and
Carel Helm'. •The colour party in-
cluded Bob Mowbray, Alvin.
Jim. Hackett, Jim 'West
and_Dale Haldenby. • .• -
After theidspection ceremon-
ies a girls' novelty •.dance •with
accompaniment ' by ,, the High
SchOol Band was held !with
the dancers including Mabel
'Stanley; A u d re -r.,' --Thompson;
Beatrice. Gibson,• Joy
Phyllis. Smith and Barbara Hew-
Lieutenant Drohart'eornmend-
_ed-the' Corps for the excellent
showing ',despite the condition of
,the'parade grounds. He present-
ed George Richards- with . an
award for -,the best rifle shot in
the school last year .
'Captain Thompson expre.ssed,.
his pleasure in ;being appointed
inspecting officer for . this . in-
speetion. He said that being a
graduate of L.1-13; himself; he
•had seen ,quite a number of in-
spectionS and was pleased with
pointed- but that there should be
pride in the wearing of the jcadet
uniform, arid that while wearing
that uniform a cadet should con: -
duct "himself accordingly.
The cadets,' girls and band
cOmpleted, the 'ceremonies • by a
route march through the Village;
Cadet instructors' at the school
are Mr. Win, MacDonald and
Miss • ,•
.Jean Osborne. '
• The •Sentinel mailing • list
was corrected, last Friday,,
and those who have renewed
their subscription in the last •
several Weeks should check
the date on the address label
' to .see if proper credit ;has
• been given. In case of ,error.,
please advise us, at 'once. ,
•' ,Subscribers who are inar-
rears are -requested, to give
this matter their earnest •at- • ;
tehtiOn. Take a glance at
your label and if it doesn't
read "55" or later, it's due to
be looked after.
Laurine. ,McNain, 18 -year-old
daughter: of Mr. and Mrs. 'Jim
MeNairi Of Arnberley, was crown-
ed queen' of Lucknow District
High School at the annual spring
dance in the schoel-auditorium
on 'Saturday evening. Leurine, a
gradethirteen student,.will grad -
nate this year,and has chosen
nursing as her career. • •
Runner-up ,for the 'tiondrs was
!Belle 'Graham, a grade twelve
. .
student •Belle is the, daughter of
Mr. and ,Mrs. ,D.Ougras Graham
of Kinloss. •
Mr. Harvey 'Bride 'announced
the winners and the new queen
Was. crowned by Helen Weiler,
1954 *inner, ;and. now .a student
nurse. at St. 'Michael's Hospital,
Taionte. 'taurine was presented
,with gifts and a bouquet of
roses ": by the runner -Up: Helen
Weiler also presented Belle With
a bouquet . of rose's. •. " •
-During - - the - -evening -spettal
dances were Won by, John Helm
and Laurine 1VfcNain, and 'Jim'
West and Irene Elphipk. The
dance -*as ..:attended -by students,
staff, ilotiarct members, ex -stud-
ents and 'special guests.'
, . - .
FO. Shirley Robinson, 'delight
ter Of Mr. and Mrs. HciWard Rob-
inaon of town, is now•stationd,
_at the_._BLCAY station2, -0--n-
Bay, in •Labrador, . as. a n r mg
sister. Fo. Robinson' flew frorn
Dorval airport at. Montreal lest'
week -to Goose. Bay -wtherel-She
will be stationed for a year.
7-'-Prir:.--t-cra•-her, latest , pOstin
Shirley • Was . promoted , to the
rank Of_Flying Officer
FillVacancy On
Win. G. Webster, -ernitloyee at
the :.doWntown, office of , Silver-
wood Dairies, is LucknOw's, net*
Councilldr. • He stated hiS.,inten-
tion of. :qualifying' at Monday
night's: nominafien meeting': land
.received an acelamation: td„, fill
411e.iVecancY„."on.the Beard ,Cauied
by the resignation of Cecil. At-
tridge: Mr:, Webster was runner-
up in the January• general elec-
tion efor Rollin!. 240
' The .oniy othernominee was
S. E. Robertson, ex -reeve' and
who said that it was
just a matter of Otting the seat
filled; and . as Mr. Webster. had
stated he would qualify, Mr. Rob-
ertson said he would withdraw
his name: '
Mr. Webster was nominated by
R. F. Button and Fred Webb. Mr.
Robertson's nominators were W.
G. teNlyLebster, .,and :Inzites Mac-
E. ..H. Agnew • Presided
forthe receiving of nominations
and Mr. MaeSween was 'aPPOint-
ed,chairman for the meeting that
followed, when 'when the nominees ex-
pressed' their intentions and
members of the Cciuncil review-
ed current municipal business to
Contribute to an interesting and
informative meeting that: was at-
tended • by only 15 persons,
eluding. members .of, the Board
and town 'officials.
High School Assessment ;
'Reeve A: W. Hamiltonrefer-
red to the 'District' 'High' School
-asseisment•-.--es7one±.-ol,---the most
contentious •problems of the year.
,Lucknow's adeeptance sof the new
assessment Would mean '•'More
takes; but this acceptance could
at the best only been ••deferred
'AMU 1957, when. Bruce County
equalization would be .cornplet-
• Fai•lure to; accePt th,. •higher
figure as the.baSis:Of school tax-
AtiOn Would have *meant baying
the'matter settled by •a. Board .of
Arbitration '' or 'a higher court.
Whati,the--outeorne -would -have-
been was uncertain, the Reeve,
(Continued .on.. Page .40)
ANNIVERSAItt sguiricEs ,
To BE. Han ox:suNDAT
Anniversary ...services will be
held ,in the Preibyteriari: Church
'on Sunday; witif,the pastor, Rev,
:Wallace McClean preaching at
both services at 11 'a,rn. and 7.00
p.m. In the evening special music
will be furnished by a double •
male quartette' from Kincardine.
' The following Sunday Mem-
• bers 'of Old Light I4odge Will at-
tend the morning service ' in .a.
loo.clYi to, observe their annual
church parade.
•,, .
The :death of Alex Stanley,..oC,:
eurred in Victoria Hospital, LOn-: •
don, on Wednesday; May 44.11,
tei a lengthy illness. The •fUneral
was held at Kincardine On Sat,
urday from Linklaters funeral-. •
•home to Kincardine Ceznetery.
• •
• . •
Mr and MrS, Stephen B. StOtli-
ers,:'Ltickn:ow, 'Ontario, announce
the engagement Of their j-oung-•
est daughter, Barbara Ruth, to;
.Mr. Jag:. Dunbar, son of Mr. and
Mrs: Reginald D.. Schultz; Kin -
mount, Ontario. • The . wedding
will take place early in June. • •
• . .• .
• ,
Enumerators are at work cern
Piling • the. prelimiriarYL 'meters.'
lists for the provincial election
:on June. 9th; A house -to --house
canvesSis made, - to follow the
same procedure as is ;used ,in
compiling Dominion voters' lists
Enumerators in.' this 'vicinity
heve been -appointed as •follows:
,Call; No.. 2, Richard. Webster,.,•
No. 3, Fred . Anderson.
, Kinloss --No. 1, Win. Stanley,'
No '2, Alex- Percy; NO: '3, Harold-
Congrern;• No 4, . Wm. 4: Irwin; '
N.G. 5, Mrs., Wm.: Scott; NiT; 6,••
Eddy, Moore :
1, •}11-; Atiolg:.
.2, Raymond Finnigan; No, 3, .
Marshall -Gibson; N..4,' Elrrier
. 7;
• AriniVersary services, at Luck,
'pow Presbyterian, •Church Were
this year set . back 'a week so
that the iCongregation Might .ob,
rire-rtairrily-Str day flev.
lace McClean was • assisted. in
-eo mitt ct ing -the---service---co---Suiv.-.-
day.,morning by Jim Henderson,
.Suntlay School .superintendent,
,and Innes lVfaeSweeri, assistant
superintendent. . Seripture les
Sons -were---read by-E-lizabetli-
Fn1ayson and Evan Agnew, and
'Mrs..' McClean tell. the ':story : of
Samuel, as the .' children's storv..
number was sung. by .a quait,
Reid, • _Ann, Petersen ,and • Wilda
Reid, ,
qraharn;' No, .•5, :Gilbert .Fra
No. 6, lelavard , Barger; NO
Frank •Harnilton.
West Wewenesh-NO‘
rim.; No. 3, Frank McQuillia; No.
Philip MaelVfillen; NO. 6, Mrs.:
Robert • Ch•arnney. • • • • •
j‘ TlihedvaandeveanP.,c9ellipAoltl,1•17foillig'haiii'
. .
Huron -
Bruce -riding Will be7-held at
Winghain • on 'June 2nd, 'ard and '1
4th, when anyone who is going.
..to be Out Of the ricling•on election
day, may vote. Voting hours at', .,
'aril: to -5,0o. •-p:h.L. and froni-, 7.00
10.00 p.m.,
• '
• On Sunday, May 8th at 11.00
amat the Sacrament' of Holy
Baptism in St, Peters Chiirch,
LticknOW, Wi11am Janies Camp-
bell, infant son of Mr, and, Mrs.
William Ira : Campbell was re
'Ved•-in-to-tire±,chtir;ch, , • • ,,,
On Sunday ailternoon at St.
Pains 'Churph, •Dungannon,' Rev.
Jennings conducted the ,Sacra -
merit of baptism for Margaret
Elaine Young, .daughter Of Mr.
and Mrs. 11,', R. Young.; David
LYrin Caesar; son of Mr„ and Mrs,
Paul Caesar, and Williarn,Steph-
en Caesar, son .of,Mr. and Mrs.
john daesar„,'
-• '- 1.10,- • oftlei
Ha dl.TChil4Tren.:- :Baptized.- Sunday
Ten children Were baptized at
the' Family Stinclay •servicein thT
United: Church on Sundeymorn-
ing, and it Was noteworthy that
in the group Were foil]. brothers,
Jim', Wm.,' Alvin ,and Donald
Hamilton, The great grandrnoth-
er of the flernilton children, Mrs.
Jarnes.MacDonald Was a proud
observer of :the impressive cere-
mony Conducted by the minister,'
Rev. Grant Meiklejohn. •• •
•!fire--c-hildreri received m,
trim were, Mary Ruth Jardine,
daughter of' Mr, and Mrs.: Ken
Jardine; -,Margaret Ann Hackett,
dau•ghter of • Mr. and Mrs. Eric
Hackett; William.Graeme Elliott,
ion of Mr: and Mrs, Bryce Elliott;
Murray ,Raymond, Elliott, Son of
Mr. and Mrs. Harold' Elliott;
Lynda Mae Hamilton, daughter.
.of, Mrnd' Mrs. WM. A. (Bud)
Hamilton; ,Kennetti Alvin Hain-
ilten, son, of Mx and Mrs Alvin
Itarnilten,;: • MarilYn, %Elizabeth. •
,Ilarnifton, daughter , of Mr; and
Mrs. James, Hamilton; Graham.
Alexander Hamilton, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Donald .' H. Hamilton;
•Joanne, Margaret ThompSon, :dau-
ghter of Mr, and •Mrs. Campbell
ThOmpSon. and William Steven
adie, son of , Mr. and, • Mrs.
Lorne Xadie.
Rev.7-Mel.kiejo n was assisted,
iri conducting the service.by Mr.
Glen., Walden, SunclaY SchrnI
superintendent Scripture • pass- •.•
ages Were read by Ly.nThCouse
and Franklin Murdie and' the
children's'. story 'Wes told by
Joyce: McNay, In the 'choir an-
them;', Mrs, Raynard Ackert, took
so;10.• part: .
•, 4