HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-05-04, Page 61.0141,4z,mir
* 7.
hone 181 Kincardine.
• •
Poultry Culling A Specialty
An accordance with .government regulations our paltry,
Cool* are thoroughly washed and disinfected
for your protection.'
rnoneY. „
'`. Mrs, Farish 1Vfoffat; 1VIrs.,Russel
Ritchie, Mrs. .Frank''Miller and
Mrs. Russel Ross attended the
Bruce County .rally...of the W,
in Teeswater.hall on Wednesday,.
. . Miss Lerma. Feagan of '13enmil-
.4er spent the week -end with her
%uncle and aunt, Mi. and Mrs.
Chester Feagan: , .
' Sunday visitors at the Daw- ,' Week -end visitors with Mr &
, . . • . • , -
.4.0On home were Mr. and Mrs, Mrs. Russel Ritchie were Mr„ and
Stewart DaWson and', boys, Mr. 1VIrS: 'Jack Hayes •,of I.Aavonia.,
sand., Mrs. „Ron DaWS011, all of Mich., and IVIr.-and Mrs. Chester
'London and Mr. and: Mrs. Bar- Ritchie of Detroit. ' '
The recent rains have held up
the seeding oPerations for .some
Visitors at. the hOme of Mr.
and Mrs. yietor. Gawle.y on Sun-
day were Mr. and Mrs.. Bert
Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Hel-
wick Of Tiverton Misses: Ada' and
Lettie Gawley Of Ripley.
'Mrs, Dan.11/Iciponald visited her
daughter, Mrs.eEdbert .Bushell
ow Friday. '
Miss- Winnifred, IVIWarlane: of
Walkerton.' speri,t'' Wednesday' at
the home of het parentsi,
' Thole •Wh6 attended the Insti-
tote rally last.','Wednedday at
Teeswater were Mrs,' lierb
is s Margaret *Robertson -and
• •
401d PUrVIS of Kincardine.
Motheris Day service • and in-
• *ant baptism will. be Observed
• net Sunday at church. Commim-
.. iOn''service will be on May 15th.
•Mission Band will be held at
the home of, 3.irs. Charlie Tiffin-
. %on Saturday, May .7th. All the
trauldren:are. invited.
SS. No. 9 teacher,• Miss Lois
Monter and pupils are planning
41A concert and dance at x.iangside
' Community Hall on May 13th.
Week -end 'visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Frank 1V.Iiller were M. and
Mrs. Bruce' Smith, Donna;, Viola
.and 'Mary Ann of SOuthanipton,
Gus • McTaggart of Kincardine;
Mi. and Mrs.. John Pahiner;
'Michael' and :Patricia Ann of
1.4iicknotkr. , •
Miss .Marion Scott spent Sat-
urday with ISAis -Lois.. Conley, .
Mrs.. Huntley Dawson, jiminy
and: Linda visited :Sunday With
her parents, Mr. and Mrs: Jas.
., .
4. dance and. :presentation 'm , Munro, at Lambeth. We are sorry
litonor of Jackie Huffman . of .I to repert. Mrs; Munro suffered a
'Rivers, Manitoba, •who . is visiting! stroke a week ago but is some -
'at the: home of his parents, Mr: 'i what improyed. ' We Wish her p.
and Mrs. Roy •Huffman, was held i•cemplete recovery ',soon:. :I
in the hall :Thursday ...night. •
Clarence Crowsfon read an ad- .. ,
• 41reess with Gorden Fisher mak- '. Counter Check. 'Books for sale
a presentation of a sum,, o at The Sentinel 'Office.
• . . • • • ' '
The ladies are reminded of the , .--•---
meeting „of the Women's Institute' Mr, and Mrs. Walter.Bell, Ilea
this (Thursday) afternoon at a ther and Linda Lou a St. Marys
COQ& instead of the usual 2.30. visited with Mr: and ivars. Rus..•
Mrs.' Chris ,Shelton will dernon- sell Chapman' one day last week,-
strate the painting of trays., Rell ,Mr. and Mrs. 'Eric -Inglis •of.
call, housecleaning. hints; VanOouver visited the ' first of .
Miss aVIargaret 'Miller,. student the Week with his uncle, Nir. and
nurse at .StratfOrd. General lics- Mr. T.hos... Insg,li,s.
tIsse . ,. Chapman
11 Ch'
Pital .is :sPencling • t,W0• week. Mr. and Mr R
and family of -Preston spent the
vacation at her home .here.
Miss. I3eatrice 'Gibson. of Luck- ekdi: Nk.c::02);g-eenTdifivoinithancrmr• 4... and Msi
,TIOw was a week -end
e week-endwith ,
siterSo' xi. - of Tor- •
.7.:ivissr.xti. ;.,niailnalcv,,roodcdids.". is. .i3abstitli.i..t'. ,A, rut rmi77Irree.il'e, .p
in, Wingharo ,Hosmtal for. 4c., .,. '
vation and treatMent. We hope lyier ni5'opteilt„, tivih'.4.:s. will7 .1,51.01,....
for a' Weedy- recovery: ' .. '
Mr,,. John.IVIcQuillin .iS 4naking, -.: )'a0c. .COUltes. sti..rit". the weak:,
favorable • recovery in Winghaiii .Iii\ifd, withandSiiKrliesian.:16:teHlr4ae'y:rseWor-
1VIrs., Donald McCosh. Hespital. following an emergency .i4ian at. Millen.
'Mr. and:: Mrs. Goldie Huston. operatiOn Saturday evening.
iViargaret and Donald Robertson • In sPite Of the favorable 8 epd- Mr, and Mrs. Russell Ritchie &
erbwd at the variety coneert by ° ',Mrs. Dime MacGregor is Con-
valessing at the home of Mrs.
M... Ross after .spending the, past .
few -week§ in the. hospital.; .
visited' at the. liorne of Miss Enjoyable Concert • , Detroit spent the week -end with
on Sunday. , weather there was .large) ether relatives.
Miss Rosalind Swan spen e
week -end with Miss Ilene Col-
•Mr. and Mrs. Ross Shields and
Mary Ellen visited with Mr: and
MrS. George S. Emerson, San-
:. Mr. and, Mrs, Jerome gchmid
.of 1V1ildmay •and fatally visited
at the time of Mr, and Mrs.
:Burton Collins recently.,
' :Is Your Subscription Paid?
.Husbands! Wives!
Want new Pep andlinn?
Thousands cif couples are weak, worn -mit, ex-
hausted solely because body. lacks iron. For new
vim, vitality, try ()sties Tonic Tablets. Supplies
'iron you, too, may need for pep; supPlemen-
tary. 'doses Vitamin 131.•IntioductOry Or ."get- •
' acquainted" -size ',lily .600 drUgglsts.
. . . .
Grodp ilIl of the Women's aks-
sociaticin. of the Lu.cknow United
Church in the Conummity Hall
on Friday evening ?sponsored by
the •Women'S' Institute. . Mr. W.
L. MacKenzie of •Lucknow was
the genial chairman for the •fine
program that included musical
numbers by the.Vraitli Brothers,
violin selection by Eleanor Reid
of . Dungannon•with
companiment• by her mother.
Mrs. Allan. Reed; ".piao duet by
. . •
. MrS. (Rev.,) Caswell has re-
turned home after, spending last
Week Win,gharn Hospital.
A •few from around. here
. . •
tended the household:sale of the
late 'Mr. old Mrs. Jack :Reid at
:Goderich on SatUrday,
• Mr, and . Mrs.,' Jack -HenderSen
of Lucknoivi. visited...with Mrs. M.
Joyce and Elaine. McNay, a. Ross and. Olive and• 1VIrs. D11171C,
quartette by .Mti. J.. W., ,Joynt,' 'MacGregor on Sunday.. .
Misg,Beile •Robertson,. Mis J C MrS. V. Emerson and Mrs.' D.
Armstrong a rid •Mrs, OrVille..IVIccoSh attendeda c.onimittee •
rneetin'gY at Sokithampton On Men-,
.ddy to draw up•a Set of by-laws
for the .Bruce County Rally' -and
plan next year's meeting.
JOrieS: .reading by Mr. John .l1;
duets by Mary Allin and Karen
Burden; a piano :Solo. by Miss
Norma Mitrray• SI„ •Ilelens; a
pianO dtretby Mrs, Gordori'Mont-
gomery and Mrs :Harold
and, a •solo • by Miss Margaret
16e.. Mrs. Affix:I.-was' ,accornpanigt.
The ;final Mintberwas the hum.-
•OrOus.play "Nciu Ain't :Heard: the.
.At the cei•nchisiOn • Mrs,'
Charles :McDonald extended the
thanks of the ladies to these Who
-.bacITtaken-part. Dancing was :en-
‘joyed to music by•IVIi.: arid 1VIrs.
Chester 'Taylor' 'and. the Wraith
Brothers, arid' by :Barbara
O Son, Don :Cameron and Murray
Gaunt of .the Aristocrats.. with
Donald IVItirray 0 as caller -off. '
Si.. Helens Y:P.U,:
--The-meeting of the $t. ,Helens
The, National Film .Board will
having' pictures in'the White-
chorch Hall on. •Wednesday ey-
ening: EVery'ane, 'welcome..
Mrs. Alma Campbell and dau, •
.ghters Jean and Barbara of Lon -
.don._ _spent._ _theLl_week-e10 NV itl t
Mr:. and Mrs. ROA, RoSs.
• A- neW transcontinental "pane
train arid faster Mainline s,ch.o-
dules 9n .all. three regions of the -
•Canadian National Railways:.
highnoit. timetable, changes th•at
went' into effect ;with the, adop-
tion of daylight saving time: at
Y.P.../was 'held on .Sunday, May .midnight, April, 23.
1St: Isabelle MacPherionvcOnven------The new "sitper-.-continntar
Made ;.its inaugural . run from
Montreal- at. 4.25 p.m., and from
Toronto at 7.00 p.m.,: and, arriv-
ed atVancouver at 145 p.rn. It-,
makes .:the .MOritrealNanceuver •
'run' in 73 heors, and 26 'minutes,- •
Cutting. 14hours. and: five 'min-
. •
u•ates off. the present seheduie,
and from Toronto to Vancouver
in 70 hours land 45 rninittes, SaV
i1I1ti arid 15nTiJrnt. ;
. Eastbound. ,t1te •fast train will
leiVe—Vailfer .at -73.15
pi., and a . ive in Toronto 69.•
hours, later, and at 1VIontrea1 72
hours and :five 'Minutes later.
An elapsed tiine of 32 hburs
and fiVe .ininutes for the, "Super
Continental!' between., 'Montreal
and Winnipeg. and .29 hours and .
30 Minutes between 'Toronto and •
Winnipegestablished .' the fasteit
train --service -availa,ble-:-..betweeo
these points'. The neW train -will.
make the Montreal -Ottawa run
iJ two hours andJ0 minutes,
'er of Recreation and Culture, was.
:in charge of the worship serviee.
Shirley McNeil assisted -her. FolL.
lowing the singing. of ,the-hYmn
'"Take time tobe holy", 'ShirleS•
•read the Statement of theme and
Isabelle read the scripture and
the' leader's mesSage after which
O she led in prayer::', The worship
service clbs.ed 'with the hyinn, "I
concluded a quiz 0 and led in the
sirig song. This was followed -by
• the administration, with Anne,
the president, in the chair:, Isa-
belle led in the recreation. The
Meeting closed With taps.
Rev.; D. J. MacRae Officiated
at the ceremony at 'the United
-Clitireh-parsoicage, IVingtiarit'.on
Saturday, April 23rd,. 1055, when
Mae, .Louise •Dawson was united'
;Ritchie,. The bride is 'the daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. -Phillip Daw-
son rairWaVanosh, arcd--the-
'grOom is the son of Mk, and Mrs.
Gordon Ritchie of Ashfield. •
, For her • Wedding the bride
chose a grey blue suit withnavy
and white accessories and.ta co -
sage of red rosebud,S; As brides-.
maid, lyfrs, Lorne'. Ritchie
Winghatn, wore a beige suit With.
pink and :brown acpessories• and
a corsage of pink .carnations. -
Alex Nethery of "Myth attend.:
-ed---fire—groorn. •
Following the .cerertony a wed -
cling dinner was .serVed to some
30 guests atAhe home Of Mr. and
Mrs.: Alex Nethery of.Blyth.
Serving were Misses Joan Sed-
don, Alice Marks, Floren,ce
Son and Mrs. Audrey Henderson,
assisted by Mrs. R. Reavie and
Mrs, S. Marks. 0 '
Following a wedding trip :to
London, Stratford and points
Winghani, • •
' V•i
Arihat,uie and Field Winding,
• Brushes; 'Bearings, . Etc•.
. Repairs fo ' •
Fractionaland integral.
HorsepoWer Motors,
Also Electric Pans, Vacuums,.
Clippers, Drilis, Ete;
' Ithileugh .