The Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-05-04, Page 5• WEDNE$PAX, MAY :4th, 1955 THE WCKNOW SENTINEL, LtCKNOW, ONTARIO A$ I. NO Donna•of•London spent .llas eek. Mrs antes Sip with' Mr and :'Yirlast week Franik tiam- Alton. Mrs. Ewart Jamieson 'is a .pat; lent in Wingham. #fospiial With pneurndnia. The ' Prsebyterian S u nd a y School ,held their first • meeting on Sunday mornin, , T h,e Presbyterian C..G. I T. -Group' were ,guests of. the Luck- now Group on Thursday, evening of last .week:• We extend, cOngratuiations• :to • 1VIr: and Mrs: Bain. MacLennan, ..newlyweds. A, reception in their . honor was held., in-Kintail• dill • lii" iursday evening. .: ' Mrs. Archie MeiVlurcby gave. her home•for the April meeting of the Wonien's Missionary Soc- iety which was in charge of Mrs. Wm. Ross. 'Mrs.' R. Wilson read the scripturelesson followed (by • an exposition and prayer: Mrs.• N, G. MacKenzie gave the. hap- • ter` of -the studybook. Mrs. T. Anderson:, of . Dungannon told. of 'her recent trip to, Turkey and .of the customs 'and religions there. Mrs.. R. Bjsset and Mrs. • . Howes nivere appointed for 'the ,. meeting in May. • Mrs. George Collinson offered prayer: The hostess, •as- sisted "by __the corrimittee, served • lrueh,. Tooled`, To Repair All . . - Ma.kes--Of : Trac or s 110% DISCOUNT ON. TWO. .. NEW 'TRACTORS,. - • 7,73Deere 'Row" -Crop' Tricycle' 1 hew 40 Standard Tractor • at' $1,200 See Us Us For 'Combines;.• before buying • Wagons, .Discs,'' Drills ' .Cultivators, Etc. Set Used.' Spring -Tooth Harrows in Good •' Condition KINLOUGH J GARAGE • W..BRECKLES' . Phone 118-r-20, Ripley THE HOME OF QUALITY SERVICE and Genuine JOHN DEERE PARTS 7. MONUMENTS SKELT EMORIAL WALKERTO.P H'e...:a>te�:the-�onl-�--rnanu"fac-�- tnrers?in this.'partt„.of Ontario of high class monuments who import'granite, Prow the. Old Country, in the rough by the carload and p. rdcess from • the '• rough to. the • finiished, monument. No: middleman. When choosing a monument come and see one of. the -,-largest••seleetions--in. "Ontario. Established over sixty years. Write or phone Waikerton g' and reverse charges, SKE LION MEMORIALS WALKFRTON • PAGE FIVE' .1RALLY. TEES'WATER • (KINLOUG'H NEWS) Bruce County ,Women's Insti tute held itsfirst. rally at Tees- water on Wednesday when. over 200 members from Bruce County joined for the day.. Mrs. Donald. McCosh of. Purple Grove was din. charge while Mrs. Victor Em tier- son of Whitechurch acted as Sec- retary; ` Mrs. Watson, president of the Teeswater• Branch, extended, 'a.,-welcome,.to' all present. Mrs. Gordon: McP,hatter;,/,F.W.I.O. •pre- sident of Owen; Sound; Mrs ,• r. A thur 'Hamilton of, "�twood,• rep•- resenting the. 'rDepartment ."•of 'Agriculture arid' •Mrs.. D. .S. Mac Naughton, l ".W T.O..board mein.: fiber, were : present and addressed • the meeting. Disciussion groups were forrried' for `,.the standing committees . and were very in- structive. A picnic hitich. was 'en • Toyed.' Those con.tribting to the program were: community sing - gig led •byMrs.. K. MacDonald, accompanied by Mrs.. Gordon Diekison; solos, by Mrs. Norman Smith aceompanied at. the ,piano by Mrs:;' Heihn; Mrs. Nightingale. and Mrs: McLean; Miss Margaret 'Brophy,. CKNX Wingharn;. Mrs .Dudgeon of. • Dob'bington and .Mrs: :. R;, McKellar,' Kincardine. • A Bruce County rally is :t'� •,be set Up with the following .officers elected: president, Mrs. Don Mc - cosh; sec.-treas,, Mrs. 'Victor'Em-• rrierson; • comm'i'ttee, :Mr's. Byron. Greig, .' Mrs: .Norman Smith .and Mrs. Maundrel.,1The. closing. re- marks. were ;given .by Mrs. How; and Thompson' arid' tea Was sera' ed by the' , Teeswater 'ladies. Mars:. •M.::Dudley of Lucknow. Spent 'Sunday with Mr., and .Mrs: .George' R lderkby. A• Mrs. • M Johnstone. ,Listowel, Mrs. Levi .Eekenswilter,' Seaforth a'nd. Mrs;�-: ,imsegl Gassjdy; Tees water, spent, a few:' days' 'w'ith• Mr aheir mother, .s.' H.. A. Graharr . Mr. Scott" Walsh of .Foots Bay spent • theweep-end with i s mother; Mrs.. Milton. Walsh. • • Mr: George: Haidenrby,.. left for Toronto ` on ,- Sunday, iwhere. he' will resume „his. work with .;the Standard Paving:. Co, • • • Mr. 'and "Mrs. Harold Slessor and t:amilyiof . Glamis visited 'on. Sunday ,with: Mr. and Mrs. ;'Bert Nicholson and: fami y , . • . The. -Sunday School Mom of the ,Presbyterian Church `'• has been decorated during the week by Mr Ellis . Goessel of. Ripley., Mrs.: J'.' W. Colwell spent •Sun- dday; withh relatives near Port El gin.. Mr. 'Douglas Eckensw•iller,.;of. Seafcirth,' visited on Sunday' with Douglas .Stanley • .. iTriday, visitors with Mrs. H. •A: • Grahain were Mr. and 'Mrs. �Me1•vin •Johnstone, •t.Listowel; 1ff an;d 1Vfrs. Levi.:Eekcnswi'11er, forth'; Mr. and Mrs'. Wrri. Shrew-, felt,:Mr. and Mrs. ,,Orville Shew- telt and children of Kincardine. Township: Friends here, were, so'i'ry,-.16:• know that little KSr neth'Str,oed er, , •son, of 'Mr. and Mrs. John Stroeder, { wa•s riush.ea to the 'Childrerr Hospit•a1, London, on, .Sunday •'morn'ing, •ve?y• Mrs. Mary McLean and Mrs:• Sturgeo» ,.,_of,: Kincardhe are spending thi:s•. week , with. Mrs,. Graham, • Mr; .• .. T .F W Mrd garrf Tees-,, water is teaching -arts -a.rul crafts in Westford School,.. • ,:The Evening Guild .hiet. at•thc home of Mrs.. Toni' Hodgins, +tii(lt Mrs. Ronald Thacker e`l ar ge. "The Love Of Christ. Constr ain- eth” was the oponing• hymn. Tlic scripture was 'read by May Boyle and Mrs,. Toni Hodgins gave "the thought: for the clay": 'An taker verse was the answer .to. the roll ,is u'Itea .•'dur•in ' the 'even:big" which • vvas Closed with ;prayer and refreshments `were served . ' •Mr, ,a'nd MrS,: Russell Ball and. :har•lalrie of London visited over; t'he'week-end` with. Mr.. arid Mrs.' Alex %'y ere . ,...• Mr, and Mrs. .lack. Hewitt and family spent. the week -end with'. relatives at Sini'coe, • "Miss Erlma Jean 'Percy visited alJl ! l'e ,Mu '•er the wctek-end. A • 1 •', Feel Free To Come In And See Us Your RCAF. Career Counsellor FJO • Gil Gilbert and his staffare making g' a special visit: to town:. They'll , be glad to see you and answer your questions .about • a career in, . aviation and about Air Force life. Drop in for :an informal 'chat at ' The 'Town Hall, Lucknow GJRSDAY, MAY 12th from 12 p.m. until 9 pan. Now's, .the time. :to find out • about . a .career in the 'RCAF; If you are unable'' to; visit your ., Career Counsellor while he is in ton,—write Or visit him at 14w 9 King St., London; Phone: 4-7314. .1 1 1 1 • your 'Electrica of all : the romanceof electricity is in heavy' machinery. Many small devices, serve behind : the ,scene. Consider the fuse. Tiny and inexpensive, yet it is- a precision- built ---- ,safeguard, -safeguard, installed to prevent 'daxaagevhcl: ngit .result from overloading circuits. When a fuse blows, replace. it with, another of*he correct size: If it occurs again call in a competent electrician. For ry remember,. the fuse is •a s p t gtioi.04...makes'it• possible for you .to enjoy ' with safety, ,all' the benefits . that low-cost electricity brims into your. h line. y k:•:•iiv.•:�.'%::...i::s7v::$. i:�vi:+i'i'i:�i::v,' v \C�i:. I��L_�r%_,���. Y�J�2.. Y•� ��J.'K'.�11► W. t. ��JY. •.1:- . riams..1.i4air.iru_1i.