The Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-05-04, Page 2nv. 711";frrOkiliWRIV • THE LUCKNOW SEITIINEL; LUCKNOW, CINTARIO Save: Hp t0 $30 • your, 'nea*ifg:System . . . . 1 -Wintet Air • Conditioning .Futrnace 'Complete with .Aute-Huiriiidifier IAA 'Refractor' Oil Burner •.* and 3 Controls• • , • •. Delivered,. • ' • A. .Delutie' Winter, Air: .Conditioning Coal/ "Fired Unit' • . Complete with Auto-Humidifier,'MoWer, Motor, slower. , • SOntrol and Filter' ' • , . Delivered —DeluxeGravity Coal Furnace, Delivered $1.4.00 $28'L7.5 Gravity Wood Furnace 42" 'Fire Box — 'All Cast Delivered S225.60 ..–tandard Conversion Oil Burner. Complete with Controls • $128.00 V.V •Payment as Low as $10.90 Per: Month, up to I 24 Months to pay. ' • -L.UNITS 'GUARANTEED FOR I YEAR We ,ean supply all sheet metal Pipes; Itegliters and • Fittings, at current prices. • -01-te-1 wiNGHAm ox 3 ZION ;Mr. Alfred 'Andrew. .of. Orillia Visited ; Mrs. Gordon., Kirklancl, 'recently.: ' Xt. and 'Mks.. 'Jack McDonagh •and Ross spent Saturday at Cre- diton and Exeter where they vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. Ward, Fritz, • The Iatier;•'aecompanied by their .datighter Mary Lou; ',are leaving -in June :ori a trip to, DirOpe. Mr; 'and Mr. Georige Hunter, visited. Sunday,' with Mr. and Mrs. 'Cliff Hackett: Mr.. and Mts. W. g.:Hunter'-and Marlene 'vis- itedi Mr. and. Mrs. • Ge9rge Henry on .un ay. ' Mr. and Mrs. Fred • Anderson and-M- .C.harlie Anderson, it :being the • oceaiion of Ronald's 8th bit-th.:- day. Mrs. Bill: Hunter'. visited. her „ • mother, • Mrs. Gardner, at the home of her sister, kri. Jtae, Freentan on Thuriday. —1T -EL -M -11F-44. WORK .144*FRICA The Afternoon and. Evening Auxiliaries of the W.1VI.S. met in the Fellowship. Room a. -the United Church to -hear Miss Eliz- abeth Webb,- a 'missionary from Africa, speak of her work in the schools:there. The members were welcomed by Mrs. T. A. Mac-. Donald, who presided for The meeting. Following a hymn, and • the Lord's prayer, 19Irs. Isobel McK.enzie read the scripture. A vocal solo by Miss Margaret Rae, a reading by MrS.• Robert lay and a 'piano •solo by: *s. Grant lVfeiklejOhn preceded .the intreduction• "Of the speaker' by Mrs. Alex Andrew.:• Miss Webb introdu.ced her ad- dress by a quotation from Ezek- • iel: "Choose ye. 'a watchman to blow the trumpet''. She said'her reason for going to Africa was that she felt the Lord had ca1l7 ed her to tell the people there of Christ. she showed on a irria.p where she; te.,iehes in the Soudan interior, of Nigeria in Africa, The • .1Vlission is international in that it i•S reptesented by ten dif- ferent .countries. It is also. inter- denominational.. The • school of which she -has been the principal has 16 native teachers with her-' self , as the Only. 'White person. They_taught459 childzen.for the regular eight ' year elementary ply from the first •well which course, with all the spare mom- had dropped from 145 to 100 ents possible devOiecL to teach- gallons a l'hinute. Councillor. ing from the Bible. Night school I Bushell dissented, ' favoring a is,alsci,.held for men and Women. cash settlement. Pagans are rriuCh 'easier to win . 'James Little died at the to Christ than the Mcilionune- age of 94 at the' home' of her dani. Britain is granting Nigeria son Albert Of.,.Kinloss• Township. . her independence next year, Two Diincan Munn, Of Ripley was polltiCal. parties are agreeable to elected Bruce pourity Warden, : the missionaries' teachingS. The S, C. Rathwell was reelected third,party,,whieh is Mohammed, president of - the Horticultural only agrees :to the rn,ediCal and Society. Reeve Alex Hamilton educational aids Without the re- asked. to be relieved' ef the. sec:- ligions teachings of the mission:- reiary's job due.: to municipal aries. Miss:: Webb Said prayers duties . and was' , succeeded by are -needed now more--than--ever Robert Fisher. • • , to ;keep God's work going in the Dark 'Continent ' • , WEDNiSDAY, MAY 4th, 1955 THROUGH THE SENTINEL 'FILES Ailep.o4r,Pagoommarre4ippapp41•iso041•001,04•114101"111•01•••'00""Pano91•00.m.v Ten Yeirs Ago have the name Changed to T. Sepoy IMannfactnring Co. Char: "The 'home of ,I4r. and •Mr. ter members .of the -firm were . . Alex MacLennan *(the , former John.joYni,' Dr. G. A. Newton, Balfour property) was dirnaged Frank Tate, W. G. Amirew, G. by fire, , .•, H. ;Smith, , Jos, Agnew, :VT if. Eileen Henderson 'received her Wraith. , . .. cap at Stratford General liospi- LueknOw's hockey team was, , , • , stireeping things in the Lakeside tal. .. James C. PUrclon'Tesigned af- League.. Th'e, line-up was: goal, ter 15, year' service as West Bill 'Reid; de., Clyde Reid 'and Wawax4o41„ Town:Ship read sup- Cecil Allin; rover, Harold Allin; erintendent.'1.; . ', :, .• forward - line, Ernie : IMillson, Stuart Robertson ,,and' W. W. Briawn MallOugh; Leroy ••Ilorrie: , Hill were appointed • to the Pres- • • Thom:as Watson was , Now,. byterian Church 'Board, of: Trus; ' Grand tlie Lodge: tees,... , succeeding the 'late Cr: 5% "7A,',report ..1:Was made bx. the Robertson' and John M. apP. heri-. Dtimntaatriinog. Ethleeet.reicoaCt, Gornf Meriosmsiri6,:iisg- son., was being. used for the first time way and an approximate 'estim.- at winghain Hosp.itai,,, , , . itahtte.wasteo.ifisruet:.hvs,t,aieex4 Penicillin, ".the wonder 'drug", the ill-fated West Shore Rail- ' Twenty. Years Ago it would be. impoSsible to make inntilleinne.;X•wwWearases, ,t1popmnp‘oopiiiuned:ieedd , • - A Lee newspaper .press installed at. The Sentinel to re - was Manager of the Northern croCc.n ' place the worn out Press. whicrh, bank .0' Regina; .. . ' had served , for many years arlO ' ' " . • — which at 'one time was manually ,.• Fifty Years Ago ;powered by •Jock .Adarns. • The Village Council 1'accepted The C,P.R. had . Secured *a 't,h *Proposal of the Surety, Co charter for the construction or, to sink a second Well\in fulfill- a 411ne from Hanover. to Luck.- , rgeitt of a guarantee water sup- rioW." • , • - ' the home Of Mr. and Mrs. John Peart, their daughter ErallY became the bride of J. G. Mar-:. docli. The ceremony • :was per.. formed by Bev. R. W. MilIyard .asSisted by Rev. D. T. .L: Me- Kerroll.• • . • • LucknoW's •seven -man' hockey' team .defeated Palmerston 10.6, The :line-up Was: -goal. :11.. Red - ley; point; Bill Peart; 'cover:: .point;;•W, *McCoy; rover, R. H:: Thompson; centre, Scott; wings. 13oy4 and. Habbick: (No ,sUbs in those clays). . '•• _ 'The Cotinty planning to build two ,iron.. Thirty- Yetrs Ago • Mrs: Vernon . Minter thanked Mts., Angus MacDougallpaSs-; the. Speaker for .her splendidiad-:-ed-aWay •-in-her--101-sLyear_at_lier dress and. assured her :of ,oUr borne' on Concession 2, KinloSs. support A vocal duet by Mrs, The School Board was 'calling Raynard, Ackert:, and . Mrs,. Mon, a Ptiblie ineeting to . discuss 'ye-, BORN • gan Johnston concluded the meet.: modelling the school. TRELEA.VEN-,-in Rochester Hos- pital, On Saturday; April 30th, _to. Mr. And Mrs. Wm. 1-1., Treleaven. of Monaca, '• Penn' a •Son . • - • •MacDONALD—at .Victoria ,Hos- pital; London, on Saturday; Apr. 30th, to Mr. and Mrs. W. Graham MacDonald, London, a -daughter: HOGAN---at Goderich Hospital; on Sunday, April 24,• 1955, to Mr: and Mrs..Louis 'Hogan, .R. R. 7., LuCkno*, a daughter: • • • , FORANat',Goderich Hospital on Saturday, April April •23; 1955; to Mr, and. Mrs. john Yorap,. Auburn, a 'daughter.; . • • Mr. • j L Boers, . master at Teachers' College Stratford and • native 9f Huron Township, ad- 'dressed- a :recent meting -of- the Kincardine Home and School AS seciation., 1 STEWART'S Your New. Color 'Centre- For 77 Basic. Shades FREE COLOR CHIPS to take home for you to Match. your drapes and Tugs. ,RUBBERIZED WASHABLE, ODORLESS, DRIES IN ON gaup,. Also HOUSE -PAINTS and ENAMELS Etc. FLOOR. TILE Sto*a!tt':s, ..DeOiratins PAINT,WALLPArtitiand.DRAPERIES.: 441///14141.1i4111110414111111, v411,4 41110111040114.111111.111.04011k v.. ing..A pleasant social time was • "Jubilee, je,wels" were present - enjoyed w i •t h. •t h e • Afternoon .ed •to Alex Ross and Wm. n- W.MS. ladies Serving lunch. • dell. who had been 'Members , of the • 'Lodge • for more than fifty ..years:rc Officers were installed' at this meeting by Dis- trict Deputy.. Walter McKenzie. The :Noble •Grand was StUart Robertson, vvho succeeded Horace Aitchison, • ' • . . . A. letter from' E. S. ,Caswell Of Toronto, told OL.the 'death- in. 'Winnipeg of Henry. M. Hunt,. founder of • The Sentinel,. -which was, establiehed 1873. •He had • BUILDING DISMANTLED . IN QUICK TIME. • Dismantling f :the. ord. Main St. building' that for Years had been Lucknow's last• remaining harness shop, was completed ;the end of the week.. The: building *as purchased from Wm. A. $ciimid All'Aitchie, who with. a gang of werkmen, took the -building down,: in short order; -AM'telrea---ted the way. or. r. Schmid' to commence at once the. -dorigtriiptiob--. -Of --a- 'Modern- nelti• building.' , • Among.the relics In the , buijd- ing were•,sev.eral" boxes of "Gra- aicles Safety;;Snap HOoks". This hook .was. invented by William Grassick,' pioneer harnesi maker of LUcknow,, Who patented .the snap seVenty-five years' ago, in March 1880. • LAAt 'Pfroprietor of the harnps shop was was Murdoch Mcirrison, ari& the shOp. Was a, 'gathering =place for many. of the men while wait- .ing on 'The •Mi.g.r or who had an hour Or So to' idle away. .At one. time . when checkers ..were 'more popular, jt• was the Official 'headquarters for the. silent game.' This meetingAilaee is going to be sadly • missed by the 'Club - member", but none will be'tnore" lost Without , it than , Murdoch. himself, LUC-TEE:WIN .CLCB MEETS .T1.111RSDAY • Luc Te -Win open •°Trieeting in .the' Council Charriberi, Wingham, this Thurs- day evening with a special speak- er on conservation.. A draW will be Made for two rods and reels, to. :fendthe rrietnbership' driVe. A discussion re. the planting of trees , for commercial purposes Wili take'place, Members -and all -. ;,„,..4„„., • ••, vited„ others interested are ,cordially in CO bridges m over. the 9 -Mile Rixer. two miles south, *Of the village .and the -other 'over . the 167IVIi1e River, , 11/2 mile's:. berley. Sixty :Yeats Ago James Gaunt of Kinloss' and ex -Warden .of Briice'.• was gravely,. ill With plural PneUmonia., .• • Invitations..• .were out. for • the. 21st annpat ball and supper . the Caledonian So-CietY, music, by. the London Harper. They were assisted by Dan 'Ged- des and Tom..lVlaCDonald on .the, , Flopr managers ,Wc,re.• . George Kerr and D. McDonald. • The death.. of, James .Murray, - 30„ obctirred at the home of his parents,,,Mr.: and • Mrs. Robert Murray, Con: 8, West WawanOsh.. as a . silent partner in. the enter' • . • . • • • - prise' Alfred •Bowers. A' brother, larmer. .4 • .ham.., Hunt, was „leader.. of '_the_.,...._;..Peter -MacKenzie •was-:-presil,-- New Cbrinection M p cl i s:t dent'of the KinlosS'Branch Ag- rietiltural, SOciety., •Chas. Ritchie of on. 12,:ASh- field, suffered,a broken leg eh The The Imperial Bag 'Holder and thrown from: the, cutter when Machine 'Co. seCur.ed the .services the horse ran away. ' He had al. of Leslie Irwin as 'blackstnith. most perished.' from. the cold Application was .being 'made to When. diseovered. A fall down the stairway proved fatal to GeOrge,' ;Nixon.; Tow-nshia • Church. choir. Forty Years Ago • . . OBITUARY . _ .-MRS. MARY -IVIC1DOUGAlf4L A highly . respected' citizen of ,Butler; Manitoba, . Mrs. Mary terinent: in the faniily plot; .Vir• . ,den---CemeteryPallbearets-whr...- 'A.Jcipling, F. Hlackin9re, T. Mc:,,', Ivor,- B. IV1cIvor, G. Stoneho1.14e and W.,... Ashley TIVT.CDOugalt, 78; .passea-away sud- 1 .Friday, March •18,th, .' . • . • , A -m o.n g the relatives'' and denlY at Maryfield Hospital on i , fri.ands from a 'distance.whol were • McDougall,. . the form e ,; 'present at the service 'wereMr Mrs. Mc.: ... `-• it Bruce Wiete and •Mrs, .J.,=.131,.iftdle Miss 'Mary Gollan, 'Was. born lowing. their marriage, Mr., and of Regina and Mr. and M1:. I LUdictIOW on June 13th, 1870Fol• Lurid of Kelvington. ' MrslylcDougali, lived in OntariON . • ... .. .. .TH CO .. • • until 1911 when the Y: moved to FOURNcESSIO Butler.' ,predeceased by her 'husbarid, a " •COngraturations' to•:Mr,' & • Mrs.. 1011 and 'a daughter, Mrs, Mc- Graham 'MacDonald Of Dougall leaves to moui.n her losS on th'e birth of a baby datig1-4ei. fbur sons,:, Tom,. Lorne and Ros's Sattirdap I. • of Butler and E ai4 a Lenore; Mr,. and' IVIrs:' Hector o Cnolt '0•1 , , ____ r , atli hters7-.Krs. c. • ac ••-. s.i c ener were wee -enirT'Lilf.o-b. more of Reston, Mrs, W, Illackl at the heme of Mr,' and 'Mrs..: more. of Moosornin, Mrs, N. Jop- Lloyd MacD-ougall. ling Of Hartney and Mrs: J. Smith . Mr, Archie MacDonald o,f Kit-• of 'Butler; two sisters, sisters; ' Mtg. - G. chener and hi8 gOn SteWart Mac- MtIvor of, Ebbeand Mrs. George, Donald Of Hamilton were „ill) foj . • Fraser of Reston, arid 'a brother the.firsi day of trout fish United Church, Virden, with ira- the ,past week. ' • fishing l'ind l John Gollan . of Lucknowc ' • visited with Mr . ;and ,11.Iis1 •. ,l'a , ' Conclueted.b:i Rev. D. B. Spar- Dickie and'.fainily, , ling, the ,funeral serve as held • - Mr. Walter MicKen'hic n'il. WIOnday afternoon in St. . Paul's been tinder the doctor's carp for , • II V,