HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-05-04, Page 1Lte he. in hi= I. in' On is. • tat tv- alf tad •t�. red $250A Year In Advance—$1 00 Extra To U.S.A. .LUCK,NOW, ONTARIO, WE NESDAY, MAY 4th, 1955. . TEN PAGES • -.Cookil 'Accepts New Assessmcnt .For High 'School Levy PutOses • At the regular meeting of Lucknow Village Ouncil on 'Monday evening, the Board ap.- ed of acCepting Lucknow's ;troy _ , • new equalized' :county • assessment as:the basis of aS- • sessnlent . for tAilekriow District '‘ .School purposes. Lucknew's • Share Of school Oats' was prev- iously levied on in assessment of $812,000. . • ' •.Under the new set-up Luck:. now will now pay 19.413 per - 'cent of high. school costs which is an increase of appromixately "Six -percept over the ,preVious . 11,304' percent Share borne by 'the Village. The overall. effect •will- mean ,an increase in Luck. - now Ifigh School rate of approx- imately 2.7 Mills on the basis of • last year's school. costa. „- Kinlosso•CoUricil at their meet - en Monday also agreed • to accept:.their new assessment Which' :will increase the Kinloss share by about 2 percent. Ash4 'field and. West' Wewimosh stand to benefit the most by a percent-,• age reduction in their share o 'the district ,se!hool'caits. ' The Matter would have ;gdrie •:to arbitrationhad not the vari, intinicipalities forming the „ , schaol district agreed to the new. , , ,•set-up. The question that: came *:up locally, stemmed from the • fact that Lucknew now pays $918 . . • annually,over and above . its • percentage shareof school costs: • • • • This amount.is a result of the • • Village having .originally. agreed --,10.,a-sstune-7-a7rta-dd-itional--ene-7-atitt one.:half. Mills. on the assessment • of $612,000 for. debenture pur- poses only. ' To .1/se DIJIMP .Reeye Harold' Percy and Coun- cillo P 21.;.: :Murray were .a del- egation , frOrn Kinloss CotinciL seeking use ,of the MtiniCipal dump by • residents Kinloss Township in an area convenient to this disposal ground Councillor joynt reported that the • read into the • dump • Was to be widened and fencing • done that would facilitate , the 4proper disposal of garbage: The Kinloss delegation agreed, to -grade this road as required with the: Town- ship maintainer ' and to_.*pay $10,00 annual . rental as a nom- inal fee to help maintain the 'grounds. Kinloss, council ',is at present. Considering establishing a series of ng grounds. throughout the • Township. . AcknO-Wledge,-HosPital--Grant A letter Of ackn,owledgernent " and thanks Was, received .from .Wingham• General Hospital,. .for reCeipt Of Lucknow's full 'share Of $13,000 .to., the new chronic patients wing Signed by Mrs: :1Vloprey, .superintendent and • C. MacLean, Board chairman, the letter concluded: "We assume you that every endeavour on • our part • will be made to to Make. our • • .,mtlich improved hospital . a still •greater benefit and help: t� all • Have Inspected bridge In reply to a. communication regarding the condition of. the Pv0 'Age .on Main street M,r. P. L. 13arrett of the Depart- ment of HighwaYs. at ,Stratford replied that engineers from .the Bridge • Office 'Toronto had made an inspection of, the•Struc- .ture• and their report Was being. forwarded as to what. should. be' • done. • • A $1.0.00, donation will' be made by the local hydro to • the Rob- Mem.dinal . With the 'memorial to be erected, in front 'of. the Province' of On- tario . building rn the ..CN,E, fr grounds. To Pave And ResurfaCe ' • Council outlinedits prograin of road building. and repair. A • black top /surface will be laid •on '.1,VilIou'ghby from Haveloek• Street to the new schoo) and the (C WAS • .Q.UtIlk: 141LA Lloyd Robb• Of Ashfield • has been ,quite ill .this. :Week from pneumonia and an apPendect- oiny....LIOYd had been at his home with pneumonia. fpr .a.,few days; When Strike,n,' with ..an at- thck of appendicitis: He was . tak- en to •Wingharn Hospital ‘Vhere. he underwent' anoperation: on Tuesday. NOMINATION SCHEDLED FOR NEXT MONDAY - • A nomination Meeting is •sche- duled to be held. in LticknoW nekt. Monday evening, . May: 9th from 7.30.t6.8.30, to receiye nom- inations to fill the Council va- cancy •resulting frem the resigna- tiorrof Councillor W. C; Attridge. In event of: an election it will be held- az--W-eek—later: -- So farraST we have .heard there have been very few names sug- gestedfrom, which to -choose .A successor. to Mr. •Attridge,, • • PLAN JUVENILE. i3ANQIIET, DANCE AND ramE pRAvve. • Lugknol.v .L e g. lo juveniles, W.O:A.A. . "1)." • champions. • and runners;tip ,for the Ontario will be honored at 'a:banquet in -the Recreation -Hall'Pri,•Wednea- daY evening , of next week:. Tick- ets :.to the 'banquet . are ..,$1..26..• •A 'dance Will :foil* .at. Which three Prizes—a itinior. inpirnaster,. dresser :deck a PA • ',14Dathi-Goin scales: The event is wider the ausplce.s lofz,the-.Etigkilow: Branch ot the Canadian. Legion, Which Sponsored the juvenile te.arn. En- tire proceeds will go. into .the' juvenile' jacket .• , . ENDS THIRTY-ONE YEARS SERVICE Mr. Charles SteVard-has retir- ed After 'thirty-one years of cred- itable and faithful: service with the Lucknow branch. .of wood Dairies',. Limited. . .• Mr Steward entered the Silver -- wood ,employ. in 1924; the second year after: this firth established ,plant in .Luc now. His retireMent took effeetrOn Saturday, April 30bh;. upon his oxlip etion o more an three decades • of service.' TO BE ORDAINED 'FRIDAY N.101T. An ordination' service of .spec-• ial local interest Will be held at Knox •Presby-terian..Church, Go& erich on Friday • evening • when Alexander. MacnOnald and Rob- ert Bissett will be :ordained into - the ministry...Rev. j, R., Mac- Donald; of litolcy And Ashfield, ho; is moderator of .Huron - Maitland presbytery, Will 'ordain, the twoyoung men. Alex, who is just 25 years; Of age, is the *on of 1\4,17,--!arld' Mtg.' ./ki.t?X. MacDonald of Niagara' Falls and formerty. of Lueknow,,His. mother waS the former Margaret lgacKenzie. His aged gran - mother.; Mrs: Ewen MacKenzie, passed away since Alex. entered the ministry and it would have been a "sPeCiallY proud.. moment for 'her t� have attended his or- dination. • uated • froM-7.--the .Presbyterian Collegte, .Montreal, where his • grandfather', F,wers "MacKenzie, 'Was prefessor, of practical theology until his sudden ,•death while •a compara-• tiyely•young man,.• Mrs. Torrance Andersen. and Mary. Jo,. Andeismin of :Toronto Were week -end visitors with Mr. and Mrs: J, 0. Anclersori: . AGAIN NOMINATED • JOHN v'ir HANNA, MAPP John W. Hanna, Who has rep- resented the ••riding of Huron. Bruce' in the ,Provincial Parlia- ment since 1943, will again carry ,the •Progressive - Conservative bannerthe forthcoming pro- vincial •election :set for Thursday', :lune ,9th. • . • . Mr Hanna., :was unopposed and was praised, for his recOrd. of servigeto the riding ::by J. • W. Joynt of Lucknow and .0r - vine Taylorwho proposed his nomination. In accepting his nomination Mr: 'Hanna said it Would be, his Purpose to serve allthe people of :the riding,. as in • the .paSt. He expressed regret: in• the pass- ing of two hard working, Mem- bers of the 'party, Robert BoW- man of Brussels. and DaVid,bar- ruthers of Kirilpss. .. —The. sPeciaT'S'pe-akerws Hon F. S., Thomas, .,Minister. of 'agri- culture. • , "••• . PLAYHOUSE TO: • TO:: The Playhouse Theatre will re - Open, on 'Friday -.under- ,a new promotiorial plan, which it is hoped: will assure the continued operation of - the shOw. • The theatre will operate on 'Friday .and • Saturday evenings, with ..a Saturday afternoon mat- inee,' for ,theAnne being at least. Ti* „opening picture is a War- ner Bros. • production, "Bounty .HunterP, which is Randolph' Scott's ' latest, picture:. there will. be the latest news 'reel and .:a OMR HILL TO BE LIBERAL .CANDIDATE • • At a nominating convention in Wingbam." on Tuesday • night; Hugh Hill, Colborne Township farmer, was chosen as .Liberal 'candidate' for Huron -Bruce rid- ing' in the provincial election in Jnne. Mr: .1-1i11 received: ,the norn- inMion • by acclamation, when Clifforcl.::Diinbar Withdrew, , , Margins to,. meinber-elect; J W,; . The meeting was 'addressed by Liberal. Leader, Farquhar Oliver W. B. Anderson' of toWn was •elected •One of , the vice-presi- dents ofthe riding., AsSOciation: LK VACCI.NE FOR. GRADE 111 PUPILS ., .PUring the ,period April. 18th to April 22nd, a total of 1,903 Grade 1,,.and Grade II children of :Bruce County received their innoculation: of Salk •, vac- cine. Illness prevented 'some, of the children fromattending the PoliomyelitiscClinks, and a. fur- ther -100 children did' not attend:: This latter group :represents 4.9 percent of the total number of children,- and includes those Who , , .did nothave their .parents' con- sent for ,the inoculations and those who Were absent for uti. knOwn reasons, Some of the par- ents of the former have .since changed their. attitude arid theSe children, will receive their 'initial dose at the next; clinic,. ,along With those , Who :Were ill at ....the ..time _of•thrat •• . . • A ,reviSion of Policyby the Provincial. Department of Health necessitated- .the cancellation Of theseepnd. clinic: The .Second course of inOeulatiOps will be given during the. week of May 16th• to 20th.: All Grade III stud- ents are to be inoculated with the 'Grades I and. II.. The Grade III students will receive the sec- ond inoculation' duringthe third' week of June,. The time of the last,' Or .third,inoculation has: not been definitely decided, but-ilwill7 be announced af a later date, . Parents in rural. areas Can as- sist the entie program by being sure that their :children attend the clinics promptly. at the :coin- mericement Of . the .. announced ,clinic time. • • STRAW PILE FIRE THREATENS BARN. soccessful efforts in extin- ,guishing a straw stack fire on Thursday • afternoon averted a cOnflagratiOn tAat might well, have razed all the', buildings . 011 the farm of Joshua Dawson',arkl- Mr: and "Mr.5. Huntley 13,4awien, Concession 2, Kinloss,• The Ora* stack •adjpiried. the barn .01d a.• ,brisk .north-west 'e.reeZe: was carrying. the Smoke over the buildings, including the barn, henhouse, implement shed, '• house and work shop, All Could have ' fallen prey to the flames had the barn Caught fire: • It was shortly after five o'clock that a call was received by ,tlis Luckricrw Fire • Department. A 'bucket brigade 'did' Valiant wOrk in keeping the blaze down .until the fire truck. got. into •action: The heavy rain of recent days • which soaked the stack was also Credited; with Slowing' doWn.the spread :of the blaze. After the fire was believed ex- tingumshed Chief'' George - Whitby recommended that the stack be 'zrioVed .frOm the . barn • to prevent any danger of a I fur- ther outbreak, and the moving of it proved a wise • precaution •as there. Was evidence that the fire had . not been ',cornpletei drowned out. ' , • • Neighbors rallied quickly 'With tractors and manure spreaders, arid With others "pitching on". the straw was scattered over a. feld . Sandwiches' and coffee were served ' to the Willing.helpers, aimd the -Dawson '' family is very 'ap- preciative of the assistance of all • .whO helped AP, save their. build- ings. SIGN IN'STALLE0 AT ,S.T. PETER'S CHURCH' .A . An ',attractive „sign, has been, Placed on the front Of St Peter Anglican. Church', to the left .of the entrance It was donated . by.. the Men'S. Club.: of the: Chureh... With the .artiStry...done by , Ilew- ard. 'Cowan. • . The sign,: crested with a "CrdsS,'.. .bears •:the aine. of ,the ;allure/1. and the name of the:rector, Rev, Ierinings; as Wel) as the hour of morning worship, anc the ififormation' that holy :COM:: rnunion is 7held .the first Sunday:, of each month. . • " color . cartoon. . The theatre is 'getting a' "face" Trio N.abbed Near lifting" pamnt job, three' theatre Sign :boards are spotted. along _Main Street,and_ .theatre_car in merchants' • stores; all fo us attention on the re -opening. The .plan is supported, by the BusinesS Men's' Association with stress laid on both' the entertain- ment and ,shop at .home •angle:' Will Be Prize Draws Merchants .who support ,the yival of the afjo* willcontribute weekly to its .maintenance un-, ay- - -Pro xi:6 • -ge lf.s up p Orti or otherwise. :Thesestores', will display show. cards, and 'will have contes_t_c.ards_ available to any customers requesting thern. To participate in the prize draw :that will be :held periodically at • the theatre; it iS necessary only to fill in the naine. of a show, actress,. or actor, from any , one of the pictures .appearing, on the ,big Store cards, This information is written on the contest card and teirned rn atthe theatre: Dis- play cards' and contest cards will be available only to sfores sup- : porting the plan.. • Free Passes• • It • is ,nlanned to have fr.ee Saturday passes ofr public school children in 'the district, This. will be done bY passes' being shade- available' to one: school each week. ' From time to time there will be• a draw at the •theatre for a Valuable prize. The frequencY •of the* draw, and the pries to he Offered,' are among the details ontinned oPage 10) that have yet to be Worked out. n ww‘Ww.W.....,,,,atkaolvellt".tottoomaimxt:tdswitattnthai-ft.kottAwg*wititcroOta tww•aww••••=ett.'wtrati.kaxWeatstuttdmit.rotwwwwwWatza.PAtelW*,•4•'..tMtwtbitit-mse IugigingMan And A trio of Owen Sound youths were picked :up without resist- ance at. 'a' roadside 'table on Highway 86 east of Amberley mn mid-afternoon on Sunday Several hours earlier they had 'slugged and robbed \Vim J. Ken- nedy of Kincardine, and dump- ed -him from his car -to •theLroad-. side, on Highway 21 between Amberley and • Kintail. It was after Midnight' that the, attack occurred ,and less than, 'an hour later Mr: •Kennedy was discover- ed by a party di Goderich men returning from smelt • fishing. He was taken • to Goderich Hos- pital • :where he regained, con- sciousness Shortly • after' being admitted, His injuffes were not. Serious and he was allowed to leave the hospital that day. ,Kennedy, age 34, is a nephew, of Mr, .and Mrs. Wm. MagIntosh Of Lueknow..He is on the C.N.R. passenger rUn from Palmerston to Owe_ _n Sound but lives .in .1(in—eardin, as he was Previously brf the Palmerston to Kincardine run. Kennedy' was motorinihorne froth Owen Sound late Saturday night , when he 'picked up the three hitch -hikers. Ile let Orlp pf, them drive and dropped off ,to sleep to awaken at Amberley ten miles south of his dettination, :Upon protesting he was, sileneed by a blow on • . mberle 1 Alter -redur r Viwt the head "from one of :the pair in the back Seat '.and duraped out Of the car._ , • 'The'tile was evid.ently: not familiar With the countrysldOE and turned West towards the lake on Con: 10, '.near,Krntal Ihis is little' more ...than a• _way and the trio- -tvrapped the „. Car around an elm tree on this isOlated, road, .:sUffering, sexere injuries • that, eventually, resulted • • intheir arrest; • One of • the trio had: a broken rose, another',a badly lacerated ear, and a :third suffered flid injUries. • • • ! • , They spent the night in a Warn in, the vIcinity and on Sunday cUt across fields in a hortheas“ erly direction. Due to juries it puzzled policethat they 'walked as far as, they did -They were sighted , on Sunday after- noon. on "Frank HaMiltdn'S side - road", With.an efofrt being Made. to hide their. faces,: Which show - 7s -Tin -s Of their injuries. A party, of LuckrtoWites also ,saw :them, Police had already been, rotified and within,a very &holt trine eonverged ,on the spot to find the, exhausted.youths at the roadside table, They were. James Steffer,17; James Noble, 17. arid Vincent Donald 'Flood,. 1Q, were taken to Go"de,rieh Hospital and Flood to jail 4111/ELAiLII.r