HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-04-27, Page 10• ' PAiGIE TEN 41101;110,1104:11141141414.11=111, 011._ .m.'qe • fi LUCKNOW SiNTINEL1 .I.J.TCKNOW, ONTARIO KAYSER'S FIT -ALL -TOPS • FOR THE BUSIEST WOMEN IN TOWN A .811Ctive career girls and hustling homemaker's both" • prefer these comfort .,ivonders. Fit - All Tops have their Success Secret knit . .• • right into the unique welt: The. patented "two. • way stretch means greater Conifart-fifir-Ybii-awd----, longer wear for your hosiery. When you stoop, stretch, or bend, the Fit -All -Tops 'just give and give --eliminating • binding and relieving strain. On delicate" nylons. In,mids, • • and extra-lOngs. Men*. Ladies', Children*, Wear. -.-Piece ,Goods & Woollens • AGENT FOR KINCARDINE CLEANERS Free- PIck-IJp and Delivety • Monday •and. Thu;sdai. .ISEE BY' . • THAT. Ernie Crawford is one of six. new, thache,rs who hakre •ikeeri• hired by the Goderieh POlie, School: Board With dut- • ies .to cOmMence in September. THAT Jim 13isset has plachased • the GOderich :Bottling Works from Ca.xn Tweedie and obt'Ain,P possession May 1st. . THAT Sunday School in both the 'Presbyterian, Church and the . United Chureh. will commence • at ten o'clock ..this Sunday. •THAT J,,C,' Drennan has rejoin-' ed. the. cre-vv Othe A. A. Hud- son,. On which he has sailed for several , seasonS-. The ship . left Goderich a couple of Weeks • ago on its first trip, to the head, Of the'.1akes. • • AT- -a - teacher4s-required at SS:: No: 9, Kinloss (Murray's SchOO1), as Miss Lad Hunter, Who has taught there .for two terrns, Will. :enter. TeaCher& College in the 1411: THAT in :last .week's. article. re- ' garding vacancies on the:l.:nek-• now Distriet High School staff; we failed to mention that.Miss • Eleanor 'Plurnsteel • hag also.re- signe . • 1,05. WDNESDMMRI 27q?, 1.955 !omen's (as/jai earin ootwe • TWO...CROUPS OF WOMEN94. s'ApiDALs in mulii-Color, red, blue, black and Reg. price $4.95 and15.95 'Clering 7. At NOW. INSTOCK BifirSr and, MEN'S OIL .,TAN IVIOCCAID,41S- , MEN'S FOAM CREPE oxFokDs .Rathwell8Son Fine Footvvear For All The • Family THAT the Women's Auxiliary of •the Wingliam General ' Hospi-, tat are sponsoring a tag day. Lucknew this. Saturday. THAT in renewing his Sentinel, subscription, Jim Mitchell, of 'London; says: `,`The paper • keeps. -me up to-Aate-on home aftera.tsmiginator andwhich has news andwouldn't: like to, be. without it". . THAT M. and Mrs. Jim Aithi e r pecia CLARKS PORK and „BEANS 15 oz tinsGREEN, GIANT FANCV. PEAS 15 oz. tins . . U.A. PEANUT . BUTTER • 16 .oz.- " --Dom-EsTic SHORTENING •.1 IL: BEE, ,HIV:E„cop,44.§YR,UP' 2. lbs. BABY vcioi* Heinz: 4Hcir• and. SAVE at I.G the Molson Brevir'erY 'five in 1954, haS been Comp -any as, a sates represeht: ap- . pointed ,as Western. Ontario ...!PHONE 20, LUCKNOW,. ONTARIO ., Of 17. o.r350-, or SPODE -DEMONSTRATION WAS MOST -INTERESTING • , • More than. ' a .'hundred ladies attended the .SPode. °china • dem- onstration in the:Town Ballon Thursday :evening, and were: en- raptured • by the stOry :in word and :piettire• Of the maniiiatture of: this famous pottery, • , The • variety , of patterns, •- the process of. manufacture and the' .perfection of 'Workmanship were.. •depicted from the first stages of working. With. the Clay, to the Ann ished prOduct.,. • Stock -on -Trent, England, is the tnantifactiiring centre for Spode .which. is named —Sori.-ate moving,-frorn-London to Ingersoll where ,fiirri -had. • .1x-mn, transferred by Wonder. Bakeries as branch' manager, • -THAI' Mrs. Gordon thiballa (nee Ruby. McQuoid) of Chilliwack, ac., in' notif-ying •tis of' a change: of address, -says- 'it- is • ten „ years ' since she ' has been - back Ad the old home town, and. while the names in the paper • are not no* so familiar, she •*still.looks forward to its week- ' • ly 'arrival: THAT ,after Some weeks'of de: - lay. we've found . space for : the: list of Red Cross . donord'..ancl. a "this. •'11": that" column that • dealt With' 'Red Cross ,canvass• -. ing. • .:. • • • .—o— been „rvvoilld faencius for genera- tions: • The • demonstrat•ion was spon- sored by .Wrn. A. Schmid, local. jeweller,. with entire proceeds from a nominal door fee, going th • the Lticknow Women's Institute. Mr. Schmid • also donated six• Spode plates. which •were-vvon by the following lucky ticket hold- ers: Mrd. T. J. Salkeld, Mrs. D. L. MacKinnon • Mrs. Jas: Rithhie• Mrs.:Charles , Cook, 'Mr -s. John Acrams. and Mrs. Warren. -WYldS..i • The demonstration was . in charge of Mr. Davey of the firm •of Copeland and- puncan. COLWANASII JUNIORS MET AT DUNGANNON The COlwanash junior Institute' held their regUlar: monthly meetitg in .the Dungannon .P.tiblic School •on, TueadaY, ,APril. 19. The, guest speakee- rwas Mt; 1Y1arvil Sande -igen oL Luc1now She, - chose, for her topic ,•"fashion",. Ivuthioh, Is of wide interest in. the .world today. Mrs. SandersOn left this • little • reminden'',',"Siic-. Cess. is never ',firmly, Failure never. fatal, Courage is, , 101.0 .Mrs.. Arnold Alton mov- ed a vote ' of.: thanks On behalf of the club. • the Junior Farmers 'met, in the Dungannon' Parish Hall and had •as their • guest speaker, Bei.' Ninuno:of`liiiingharn:Rev. Ninon!) -gave as his .tdPic hjstiptb Florida and afterwards showed 'many interesting slideos...tFhtaanks Altonmoved a ,Vote f.4k on behalfof the Club.. At the joint meeting delegates were: naMed to. attend the Guelph Conference- on May 2 and 3: Plans were madeto hold' another Junior farmers dance. The meet- ing was then adjourned. ' THAT the executive of the Luck= now Women's Instittite.attend- • ed the Course "Psychology and You"' in the ,Holyrood Hall on Tuesday, April 19th. The day ° .Was spcinsored. by the Kairshea. Institute.• ' ' • .T1.1A'1' M. L. (Tory) Gregg,who Mirgiret Brophy. Speaks To, ,Paramount Women's Inatitaite 'meeting was held at Mrs. Robert Reid'S on: April 19th. The meet- ing. opened with the Code and Mary SteWart Collect. The atten-. • dance ,Ii.t.rts seventeen ladies. The was _answered., by' • pay- .rnent of •feed. Mrs. O. Richards reported:- -on a meeting . at more.. Current ,events,. given by Mrs; .W. StanleY, were very .iri- teresting.,' The guest speaker, Miss • Margaret BroPhy, spoke op fas,h- • ions. She was.. verY interesting., Readings, were given iby Mrs. R. Reid and Mrs. W. 13ekter and a :Contest by Mrs. Al. Irwin: The -Meet i fie WW1: the- QtX--eeti followed by. a 'dainty lunch lVliss Brophy was presented, with an • 1411111041411.464=4.0.4110P0.41111P0411.4041111.1441:411111144111110414111144141MPIPOMPIPIN.1141/1bgall.01/1; d.istriet manager.-- • -IjichiLpin_lbyMrs, 0...__Blebtards . • to, , SHOPPING NEWS FROM- THE • I LAND.' ,Long Term , . . FOr Low -Lying, Poorly Dralned'Soils, Subject to Flooding, "20 Lbs. to Acre" Red Top . ... . . .... . .. 1 lb. _Reeds Canar/ Gra.sa..... 6 lb. Alsike Clover 4 lb: M. e,adow, Fescue . ...... 4 lb. zo 112, In Settled Acre.Bags soiv 20..Lbs- Per. Acre . RETAIL $8.7.5. UNIT D.R. f I N LAYSON • PHONE .91, LUCKNO! A •••••••••••••••••••••4 _ :MAKE YOUR DOLLARS Go FARTHER—SHOP AND ,sAy AT THE MARKT STORE THIS 'WEEK , - . • BOYS' TEE SHIRTS •MEN'S HEAVY DUNGAREES Spring.:-andsummer_.Tee. _S,hittS • • • • aleinforceth._ for ;boys, Many .patterns,, assort- atall pointsof strain, sanfOrized, .ed colors, sizes 4 to 10 years,' • sizes 30 to 44. Our price $3.95 pr. •..CIIILDREN'S TEE SHIRTS -douche, plain!lanel--faney-knit, assorted colors. Each. •49C . HOUSE FROCKS ' -Nicely sfyled, regu1ar:$2.98 value $1.99 Each Two for $3.50 . „ . CURTAINS . • ,Smart new' plastic designs. /, Cottage sets $1.69 • Frilled Bedroom set' "$1.95 • Embossed drapes $1.95 - 49c, •70c St 89c •• • VAR:11 'GOODS See. the REMNANT, TABLE this week.. Pririti, • denims, cottong,,... ,any others „too numerous to Arnentiorii • • Every Fourth Yard.rree '• BATH TOWELS ,13g colorful bathNtowels, to $1,00 and more, $tock tip ..oh thee, 79c — Three for $1.99 GROUP Or SPRING 'fun, • Misses and Women'. Reduced td. clearo each $2.99' BOYS' PANTS TiOys' tailored—gabardine, .pants, , 'dress pant, tailored' just 'like •Dad's. Sizes 6* to 16., Here's •a $5.00 value 'for just, pr!. $3.89' . . 'ES1V10Nri INDIAN' BLANKETS . Easily 'washed, attractive coloys, big size,. Only $3.59 • DINNER 'SET '"Ranibling• ItMe". pe6rgian china 52 -piece 'dinner set • " $19.9.5