HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-04-27, Page 9WEDJ ESDAY, APRIL 27th, 1955 •THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, :OIvT,41.10:• • [URON BRUCE .LIBERAL ASSOCIATION qom.1 COnven •ANNUAL MEETIN 0 tue&I• r at 8.30. P.M. SPEAKER i FADE of' the ONTARIO LIBERAL PARTY 3 BUSINESS s: NOMINATION—Candidates for for ;our Ridini GENERAL ' BUSK • NESS. :ELECTION � OF FF OFFICERS. HURON -BRUCE LIBERAL E ASSOCIATION: •.• GOD SAVE' THE ".QUEEN, . MRS: KAIR The. annual . meeting' of 'the—Ic-airshea :Women's Institute ,Washeld at. Holypbod- Hall with %Mit.Mrs. L MacKinnon, presidedwas sent to.. Wirigharn Hopital.•rally at teeSwater; April, -27th,meniber. is' asked to bring a boxlunch and ;their Oviin cup. Let,er :farewell ;letter and', a thankyou letter. for a ebngrattilatbry.7-card. Sent .by our ,InStitute.• The Matter of nanles or:laid aside because of lack. of inttereg . The District Annual will:be hid at,•ArinoW, On June 10th,. The repoit of .the District Dir.-eeterS..- Meeting waS read aridpbrter fbr the ;afternoon 'sessionthe_District Annual. Mrs. T.• Collyer Was apPoirited with Mrs.MaeinCyre -alternate.Vie financial report was heard.:dnd eports of standing committees read. Mrs. F, Gilchrist tookthe Chair for; election 'of officers.Mrs: W. MacKenzie :read the, re:port of the nolninating corrimitTho folloWing the slate Of. officers for the cOrning • 'year:„treas, Mrs, Donald McKihnon:MaCLeod, Mrs. A, Martin;gri White and Canadian l'xiclus.°MrS.' F. Moffat; •Historicalesearch arid Current tvents,ulston and Mrs, Gilchrist; D. L. MacKINNON IS SHEA. W.I. PRESIDENT -MacLeod; Home Economics , and Health, Mrs: :T ,Collyer; Resol-. utions Mrs. C. Irwin; Sunshine committee, .Mrs, E. Purves, Mr's..' P. ;S'teej Mrs. R. MacMillan: Mrs. .0 H. Houston conducted :the. instal- :T lation 'of officers. It was decided the . Sunshine • p Committee. would *,.just send 'a.T card and visit this' year. The roll call 'was answered by �payment of fees suggestions for.. next year's program.:Read. sUrrG-ArecTOW= MissionBand •was hteld Thurs- day in the church basement with. 03 present; ' Pauline .Anderson gave the call .toworship after which. we sang -•our hymn: • Mrs.. Herb. Finnigan' led in prayer.: Wayne Brooks took the offering and Sandra .Brooks gave the of- fering verse. The scripture was given by Karen'Dawson, Mrs. Ir- vin gave a chapter .of the study book. We had .instrumentals by Lynda. Blake: and Eleanor: Alton, Mrs. Watt,,showed a colored film on Ramesh=of India. The Mem- bees ppose • was repeated' after ' hich,' lunch was served. ' • Visitors with Mr'. and ,Mrs. Herb 4Stothers ' On, Sunday': were 1VIri ' and Mrs. Wilfred Drennan, Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Taylor. Mrs. Bert Treleaven of • Hagersville is visiting with ,them this week. ` Mrs. Irvine Henry; . wllo' spent th winter at I ..elaware, , is' hack at her. home: • Mr: Case ,MMeAllister of Chat:- ham hat=ham visited on', Monday " with Mrs.' R. Fitzgerald, . Mrs. R; Gard ner and other, friends. Mr. Ken 'Brown is home : from. Queen'sUniversity,; Kingston, after finishing examinations of. the. 4th year electrical engineer- ing' course. • Mr.. and Mrs: jack.: Chisholm were' guests on Friday night with his brother, Mr. and N,[rs. • Ben Chisholm, who , observed ' ;heir silver wedding anniversary. Mrs : Geo: . Ham'i'lton,'. Aubt rn 'visited her .sister-in-law, on .Sat: ur. day; • Mr: and. 1VIrs : B111 •.Sproul' and little daughter' Gilda of 'or..ontc spent ':the :week -end. with.„ his mother, : Mrs. .las.: Sproul, .who' returned• with them to •visit for a .week. -•• • •:.. Mrs. Jos. Hamilton, .Mr. & .Mrs.` Dave, McDiarmid' and • Kathleen. visited <Mr. , arid 'Mrs :Geo. Hain=. ilton on Sunday. . The Dungannon ;girl' project- "Milky roject"Milky Way", modern` cooks, held +their 7th :and .last Meetrng -at the •home of Mrs. H Mole, 'en SaturdayT iolrn ngg girls' are planning. on having a banquet;. with -theirmothers at the end of May,.: using ;club, re- ipes. They made cottage cheese he 1 if The regular bi-rrionthly meet-. no of the Y.P.U. Was held in hurch .Monday, ApFil 25th he topic, "John Huss” was' tak- n lby Marilyn :Anderson. Lillian opp read the 'scripture leison. he prayer. was led !by •Leonard ings were given by Miss D. Mac-! e Lead: and Mrs: C. Roulston and- 0 an instrumental: by Mit. Scott: B asleAbr Mrs. T.• Collyer and the ,meeting w , The May meeting Will be at the e home of Mrs. L Dickie. Direetors,' S eed. Following the devotion a, tiort business period was led bY Lois Webster. ' Several games ere 'played. Rev. Watt display-. 1' Bibles as a 'new ,phase. -for ibie study. Erskine Presbyterian Church. held the Easter Thank- tothers ,preSided.: Eleanor ,Reed Colwell and Miss. M.'Sutherlancl. j ohn•Ilennett gave the. topic "The: BABY NURSERY The April meeting •of the Ev- ening Auxiliary of the WM.S: of the United: Church met in the church; Fellowship • Room with an: attendance of 33. The presi- dent, • Mrs T. A. ViacDonald, opened the. Meeting with the therne,"Christ .is the hope off.the World", Miss Helen Thompson gave anillustrated lecture show- ing ,haw, -our° givings are divid- ed. It was decided to assume as our share one half f the W.M,S: allocation Miss ThotriPson. spoke of ;her visit ;to, the United Church Tr'air ing' School. -On "•St. • .Charles St., Toronto; It. really is a dream • carne true 'of all • the W.M.S. wo- .:men across: Canada. It was de- cided to start a bale of .baby. clothing for our. • Missionary Prayer Partner, . Miss M. Got= tan: The roll call next month to be answered ' by a donation for, the (bale Our church is• opening a . new department during 'the Sunday morning 'service. It is a• . Baby NurserySchool•for mothers to leave their babies and tiny tots under three while the parents attend church. Mrs. Harold. •Rit chie kindly'. offered to • be con- vener with a group of Evening Auxiliary members and. teen. -age; girls as volunteered helpers, Mrs: Orland? Richards ' took' charge of . the following program: a'"vocal• duet by:.Marilyn Kitpat.,., Irnck. and .• Bessie • Reavie; 'piano selections by Mrs: Melvin. Stew art; .•Mrs. Robert !Campbell read` an article tby Padre Campbell of, ' the O;A,C., 'Guelph, entitled. "Re igron . ' and /Life". Mrs. Grant 1Vleiklejohn .gave. • .;a splendidly prepared topic `"`Missionaries: of the Church . in India", in the form of a . questionnaire. Mrs'. ,Kenneth slVfindie, Mrs. Orval°. Jones,. •Mrs. Raynard• Ackert,` • Nfr's Jack Ackert and Mrs. •Red... vers 'Johnson assisted. Mrs.' Ern- est Button read the scripture les- son ' Hymn .",148" and .prayer'' by Mrs.' ;Richards elosed_ta a - ing: .A' ,Bible contest conducted by Mrs. Kenneth Gameron *as enjoyed..while lunch 'was st:rv:edd by . the committee in• charge: ,m.• DOONNYBROOI The ' W.M.S,' and W.A. met . on Tuesday 'afternoon 'at the ' hone of Mrs. C'. Jefferson, Mrs. Har: - old Woods was In charge of •the program and opened the meeting with prayer, The :first three• ..verses • of the hymn "Re- joice, the Lord is'';I ing." . were , sung., Mrs. Ernest Snowden . read the scripture lesson firm' the 'Missionary Monthly; an article on Christian Stewardship was read J y 'Mrs.' John R,, Thonipson The minutes of the March -meet ing were approved as read and ': ' .the roll call- was answered by' • "Oiir favorite 'hymn", . Mrs. Ed. Robinson.' was in • ch.ar•.geof the 7th, :chapter in the." study book; "The 'Ohuxch •in India",„ assisted 'by Mrs. S. Thompson, Mrs. •S. ,Charnney, Mrs. C, Jefferson. and Miss Elaine Jefferson. The offer: ' ing.was received by Diane Chain- ney. I.t was decided to have a bazaar •at the • May meeting to be held at the . horne of Mrs, John R. Thompson,; the . r.o11 call to: be "payment. Of 'birthday inoney", A donation ` from Mrs. John Cunningham' of Toronto, •a former •mernber; was gratefully: received:.' .Hymn .250' was• sung' and Mrs. Woods tclosed the rnee'-' ing with prayer. Mrs. Ed., RMS; inson• presided. for the WA.. ;Hees: %ng. Psalm -73.1 was' read in uni= son A poem. "Try Smiling" ; was read lily Mrs. Norman .:Thompson. There,' were '14 adults :and 11 children present. David' Chamney 'Passes' Many ` relatives and '° •friends 'from .**this vicinity attended the funeral. of the .late' Mr: Davi-1. Channey in Wingham on'Friday' afternoon; Mr. Chamney 'was,the youngest and last• member of the family: of"seven'•.sons: 'and .'four' daug"'itPrs': of -:the:late. . Richard and.. Anne Mason Chamney, He - .was. born On the 9th Con. :Of East 'Wavyanosh and spent all::his • life • there. until • he tired.. to • Win . g- • ' ham :11 yea'r': aeo. He had been ' a patient i`n Wii-r!gham Hospital... since :last. Septemtber when :.he rff-ei ed --a frac-t'rrred„ hip -h a' fall at hishome...We extend'our" situ, core sympathy' to Alie faniily The way-• some peOple drive, cars. • you'd 'think they owned Iviptety Of PenteCbSt".. Mrs:. Ma-' SQ'h and Mrs; -Frank jones sang. an 'Easter „number. Glad, Tidirigit. thUr• Stewart.. Mrs. • Wallace ;1‘,/k. :Clean, °wife =of thesminister,",gave an address on, "The Wonderful vealed' Many ways 'how wOrneri what She Could": Aftpr. a Second ,violin -Se-lee-ton by' Erta-nor„. the• prayer: The ladies,' numbering 25, retired to • the basement...for 'LANGSIDE :NORTH , The . Auxiliary held :their Easter. Tharikoffering in the churo. 71.e president, Mrs Far- is,h 'Moffat presided and opehATI the meeting .with: the. call,,to:wor7•'. Ship. MrS...peter G.' Moffat' gave the..scriPture reading :and •Mrs, gordori-!--Wall the meditation, dedicated in, memory of lyfurcleari Simpson, daiighter. of . and 'Mrs: Gordon Wall, -Mrs. tion. ,trio, Donna Moffat, i.Py Young "'land . Doris , Moffat, 4.. • .1 RLESS ICAt -WOODWORK o ore ,paints,. urdie an Heating and Plumbing /Phone 10, Luektiew