HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-04-27, Page 7WEDNESDAY, AtIRIL 27th,. 1655 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Lyceum Thea re WINGHAM ,Fira Showing at 7.16 p.m. 1.00.0 ( • .,.Sat. -29-30 it RING CIRCUS" • In VistaVision and 91or, this •is a laugh -:provoking, ila.riaus story 'Of the circu.s starring Dein Martin• and Jerry Lew- is. '• 7 ' Matinee .Sat. ,afternoon 2 p.m. IVionday,*, Tuesday, - Wednesday , :MAY • "DESIREE".' • , An outstanding historical -cos-. thine, drama based en. Anne- marie Selinko's novel, about the merchant's' daughter who was 'Napoleon's first love. Starring • are Marlon ';./Etraridci and Jean 'Simmons.: , • ,,,,;„--•••••--;--# . PAGE sxvis # , 1.04.414 ' a/Aft/1A ir. . , filA '' if PrIONritr 1 • ' 4 jrA$1..r , .' . "4 '' ' ' ^! ''ff ' (.% r • ' , ) BEN [SAN . . one_ applicatibn of BEN-. ESAN) (2... oz: per ' acre). ' ',kills. • up to • 7.5:''k •Of all, •wireworms •- in still': •the Appy BENESAN to your. ,, spring Seed..... , . . 'reduce wirewarrn population to ., the. point where ° wine, Worrri , damage be.',. ...will. . negligible ',for; 3' to '4 years, Costing .less than ., one dollar per acre, EEN- ESAN offera. ' 1oWl3riCed protection from, wireWorm damage.: . - ...R...FINLAYSON 'PHONE 91-,--LITCKITe ,t - t THINRSPOEM. "MY TOWN".. WAS THE BEST; YET. *, In a letter ,frorrilWilsOn Arm- strong of Nobleton; he Makes mention of Wm. Buckhighatri's ppern "My TOwn", whiCh *appear - recently in The Sentinel:. Wil- *,:lwayS liktrrto read his Poems,* but thinthis was he -best yet:-• • :It„ieniinded 'him Of his ,bOY- - hood inthe hornetoWn, with 'its. •Saturday. night. crowds .and the • musk of ;the- bagpipes... To 'him, there Were-.: arid are, only two 'kinds of people—those who' riVed in Lucknovv and those who wish- ed they. did. Wilson noted that, sorne seed- '. -in g• _was . done I.:up_ the Ncib1.475ri district, the fields are. mostly "mortar beds", Ind sideroads_impaspible, WARRANT Pursuant to the Municipal Act 'R.S.O. 1950 Chapter 243 Sectibn 166 (2) To: E..H. AGNEW, Returning' Officer, • Village of Lucknow, WHEREAS1W. C. ATTRIDGE of the Village of Lucluiow, resigned the office of :Councillor. on the 25th day of April ,A,D. 1955 -:and by reason thereof a vacancy now exists in • the offiCe Of •Councillo-r of the said Village of Lucrow. You are hereby authbrize and required pursuant.to the Mimi- ei.1301 Act, R.S.Q.% 19591 ' Chapter 243, Section 168 Within.,15;...days after i•eceipt by you of the With7 hi Warrant to .canse an election to •bes'ilield fcir the ,election of .Councillor in- the.. place and stead of W. C. Attridge. ' • AND C..: 'Attridge. *THAT I hereby .appoint, ' 'Maday the 9th •'day of May A.D. 1955for the' nominations, of candidate S for the said office of. Co.uncildor at J further appoint Monday, the 16th day of May A.D, 1955 for the taking of the Poll,. if -a Poll is required. . WITNESS° my hand and the. seal of the Corporation of the Village of Lucknow this 26th day of `April A.D. 1955,..: « A. ,Reeve; ..iVfunicipality Village .of 'LUcknow. NOMINATION' Notice ishereby, given t� . the Municipal ElettorS of the Will - age nor LUcknoW* that in.:compli- ance with the Statutes in,•that behalf I require' the' presenceof ithe. Said E1eetor8 at the Village Bali' In the ;said Village of.Luck• noW at the hOUr-of Seven O'elock Fand_Thy..._,Mintites in the after:: , oori of .* , . •- . . .- , , MONDAY,. MAY •9th, 195,5 ' For One Hour, ., , ,For, ,tne. Purpose of : nominating fit and proper Persons fel-. the Office of -Councillor. fcir the Vill- age of..Lucknow for 'the Remain- ing Portion of the 'Year, 1655 of whicili 'all Electors are • hereby, required to -take notice and goy- ern'themselves . accordingly, and. if a ,greater 'number of Candi- dates than required . to fil the ',said Office are nominate and make the. required' •Declarations, Polls will- be Opened in the fol - !Owing' places: 'polling SubdiVis,-- _len ria._,__Oric,;. ThejLegion _Hall; Polling- Subdivision .;No.'; Two; The Municipal :Office; and ,Pell.,. ing SubdiVision. Ne. Three, • The Village HalFin the said Village of LiicknoW, on... 'MQ.NDAY, MAY :16th,• 1955 , and will be. open froth Nine O'clock A.M. until., Five . O'clock PAVI. and no 'longer. . .• •'' It -should be .noted *that When present . at:the nomination meet - Zing . ' his,....n.orni nation _...parier _wilt -not be valid •unlesS there is evi- dence satisfactory' to the RetUrn-.. ing .Officer that the proposed 'candidate...consent§ 'to be so' noin!.. .inated. ' • . GiVen under mYlhand this 28th Day of April, A.D.. 1955, , E.H. Agnew, Returning Officer. e . • •Wilson's 9 -year-old' son played' ,110,,ckey . with the $chomberg' Vitib Pee' Wee team this Winter "which Won. :the cup . and cz-sats—fax---their • 01=10— tiaiikompe'kimpimorikoloromminfoolrimmo' on.41.4m#1.0.4toi*.maimpQmpii:miotrosbooll04)0, . • , Interatati.0:0:0 arvet.ter . 'DEALER FOR THIS AREA Ripley • ?arts Stocked For All McCormick -Deering .and.rt-larvester FarmMachinery 1 1 4prit tto ' V CULROSS CORNERS. .This eorrespondent's clbck was afraid there would be .confusion concerning the time on Sunday Morning, so it took matters into its own hands by stopping at ten to .,trwelve • Saturday night, There it sat SUndaY morning re- fusing to budge until it was Sat- isfied the members of .the house- hold would .get up; eat, work,, and itiunble into bed when 'they 'were ready to do. so (the Same ,allwairs). We are :glad- to -See Mary and Helen. Collinson • out . again 'after; 'being confined to '!bed: .David Haldenby and HarOld, WhytOck Vent. afternockl .IWith's Donnie ',Wall: `'‘ • " 7 Mr, and Mrs. Tom .:Preston 'were ' recent Week -end visitors 'with . Mit.. Catherine O'Neil *a.nd Mary and Helen COI- ' • ,Our teacher, Mrs. 'Gra'ham;' and. •her pup* enjoyed a .ha1id4r on Friday. The •holiday was granted by the Hon. Leslie Frost. when he •officially opened the Wing- • hani District • High School on Wednesday. , . . Mr. and Mrs: Jack Schumacher. spent Friday :evening •with and Mrs. Wm. 'Wall, Kinlough. The *tomrininity extends syrri- •patliy to ,Mr. Arthur Graham in the loss of .his father, the late HGrrri erbert aha•' of Kinlotigh. Sympathy is also extended to Mrs. Graham and the oth'er mem- bers of the • . • •Mrs., E. ,Morgan of 'Teeswater has been engaged to. teach art in bur *school. • • LANGSHiE and Mrs. Eugene 'Conley -and Mr. , andMrs.LloydMoffat, attended the. wedding at Stoney Creek Oh April 16th .of • Nprman: Scott of the RCAF at 'North Bay and 'whose. ho me -IS -at Kirn her ley; and. Miss Arlene' Hind : of StoneyCreek. • ' t4The guestawere received at the ihome'.'of :the 'bride's aunt and 'uncle, Mr. and Mrs: Watson :and • later had dinner at the Knotty, Pine. . • 1 Mr.. Scott is a cousin' of ;both ladiesand nephew of Mr. David Scott of. Teeswater, The couple. plan to reside at North Bay. • On ,their , return home ,Mr. and 1:rs. ;Conley. and. Mr. and Mrs. .Moffat. visited with • friends- ;at- •HarniltOn, Galt arid Guelph,' Mr. and Mrs. ",Chester. Feagan* •arid .Bryan visited ThUrsday af- ternoon. with the former's. brb- and Mrs.' •Gorge Fea- gall at • ederieh, . • .-Word was "received. here of the •death of Mrs.' Elizabeth Faulk- ner Heciley' of Minnville, Oregon. Mrs. Hedley Was; a sister-iri:Alaw -of—Mrs. J-ohn--Faulk-rier—of---'0*--ale'r,- don and -aunt of •Mrs. Mary 'Jane -T3ffiri., and was the ..,1-ast -member of the 'Faulkner ,f6ini1k. who resid- ed wheh young on the farify now' owned 'by' Mr. WM. Smith,' 6th Con. :east. of -Langside 'Church. The' Ladies .Aid _was._held at The ,'church Wednesday eVening, Mks. WM. Scott 'presiding. DUr.' ing' the . business period it was decided to leave the pot luck Supper and play, till fall. Mrs; JohnLGrowstOn---reac14-the 'Scripture and 'Mrs. Bert Moffat gave the. Meditation and prayer. Readings' -..w.ex.e.:.-g,lven.-4by—M-rsr----Wiii. Evans; Mrs. C, 'Feagan, . Mrs. Peter. G. Meffat, ,MrS. Scott, Mrs.Lloyd Moffat. • " , • Jackie Ilugman of Rivers, Manitoba, is a • visitor with his 'parents, Mr. and Mrs.' Roy Buff:. man. ST. •HELENS Mr. and Mrs.., J4c'k'.Berndt of Detroit were Week -end guests' of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon IVIacPlier- - son.' • Mr; John MeQuillin is a visi- tor with 1VIr. and Mrs. ,Carl John- ston . The .May meeting a the •Wo - ..men's . Institute' will be held in the .Community Hall on Thu.rs- day, May 5th at 2.00 p.m. Please note change. in tinie. Roll call, . housecleaning ,hints; current ',events; Mrs.,,Chtis Shelton will clernonstrate the painting ,of trays; program and lunch cOrn- rnittee iVirs. Gordon MacPherson and rs, MriTielire na • 0}4""11.0.51)1""M'040.!,40110boi..4111101)11*(P....1P110.1" )41.0.1!0.1.04..04M,440.1.nouvwesiy.,.) • • 'Waterloo Cattle Breeding Assoc. "Where Be Bulls Are Used" JUST OFF THE PRESS 'NEW INFORMATION -MANUAL, Contains --pedigrees of bulls in service —report on'offspring of 'bulls' —genersiinformation_., 'WRITE OR 'PHoNg FOR A BOOK; If an interview is desired, one of our men will :be glad to call on you without obligation. ' NEW BUSINESS' IS SOLICITED. For service or information 'Phone Collett, Clinton 242 between '7,30 & 10 A.M. on, week days .7.30 &9.30 A.M. on Sundays and Holidays. . • • ip,:40imailoamoismcmiimisamoloi#Nkodot ' orp....femoiimpiewoii.iNappiouneamiu.ewimaimoi He's. Coining To Goderich' ponsored by Goderich Lions Club in GODERICH DISTRICT COLLEGIATE • . . , • . . .VVednesdaY, Thursday, Friday: Don't 4niss this opportunity to see A. Damant perform outstanding—act,s-of—hypnotism. • .• • : • • CHILDREN -25c kos;40iime4epii.a.m4.WAii.tbessoo.v.tvilimme.o4m#444svi,t , . • rouni OF HURON rto thirty: 'Eoys and Girls; . Men andWomen, Town.. and ,Country, -Stand By!' .A , big date!. Bring your Wife or girl friend to.,:--Goderich, Saturday might,. May 7. Fun, 'Fellowship; Food, Chuckles and a Challenge! • Mark that 'date now —(Sponsored by Huron - County. Temperanee Fecieration).. Ew..v 4r.t.,411.4.131(111i.,V. • .t AIL 4*