HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-04-27, Page 3"WEDNESIDAY,111IL 27th, 1955• TF LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE TIIREt $4..41••0■1004111".t!ProP, LUCKNOW NITEp CHURCH Minister: Reit! G. A. Meiklejohn,. B.D, SUNDAY, MAY 1st, 1955 10.00 din.: Church School, 41.00 a.m.: Worship, "The * Perfect "Day". • 1.90 pill.: "What a Maar Lucknow • Presbyterian Church Rev. • Wallace 'McClean, • Minister SUNDAY, MAY 1st SUnday School. 11.00 a.m.: Morning Worship. .3.00 p.m.: Erskinf; .Dungan 1 non. Generir Anna and Donald Finlayson of' Toronto were, visitors her over the week -end, _ • Mr: and Mrs: John Freeman , Of Brantford Were SundaY guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Kilpatrick: Orville Jones is presently em-. PlOYed•At a flour mill at Streets- ..Yille...-- , • 1 Mr. Albert Miller of LenclOri called on iorne of his friends in LuckriOw on Thursday. , Mr. and Mrs. Neil Munroe)) have moved from Walkerton to .14,- Huron •Towndhip. '. here 'Neil- id engaged in farm rk: • •.,, • — ' ' -4,, Mr•'Duncan, CaMeron. return- ed. home last week 'after' tykientY-' four' days :in the hospital With pneumonia. HiramCollins is back to, work , . again .after beinglaid up fOr, a., couple Of months with pleur- isy. i • ' .. Mrs. T. B.' McKim of Lynam)) is spending a Month with her sop, Mr. A. E. McKini and Mr. IVIcKim. : . ..• • , . Mr. • and Mrs. /IVI: L. Sanderson attended the 25th weckling'anni- 7.00 Pin:: Evening „Worship. • versarY At the hen'le' and "e• Mrs. Benson Chisholm on Friday njght •, • • " Mr. S. C. ,flathviell returned • borne .on Saturday •after-Spend. ing the Winter in TOrcinto with IVIr., arid Mrs. Orm: M.Offat. • .M1 and\'Mrs. 'George' Elliott .spent the vieek-en&in North Bay with ,Mr. and Mrs. ',Bruce Mc " - teed. Recent, visitors' with Mr. and Mrs, 'Jack McKendrick. mtere • Mr. :and Mrs. Fred HOlmes and dal', •ghter Mr.'and Mrs. Jas. D. Bryce Of' • POrt ' • Miss Mina *Graham of cother-Ohiospent- a • ,fewL. days there because of the seriptis. ill- WHIT13—iri. *inghain. General; • nesSof her sister, .Mrs, Wm. HO- HOspital*.cin....MOriday,. April 18th. kirk •*ilki is'a ',patient it Baker's 1955, to, Mr and •Mrs. Edward .Private,,HosPittal.:"„,,,: Whitby, Wingharn; a son: • .1VIrs. Winridred. Nixon has re• turned home after spending 'a week with her nephew and niece, Mr. .and MM. Ernest :Snowden .and fainilr and With, her broth'-, er-in-law, Mr James Snowden of -E6.st: Wawanoeh, - • 1VIr. and Mrs. Ronald Hender- SOnliarnilton were week -end visiterS •Mr. andMrs. •Henderson.• Other:. visitors *dur- ing the week .at the Henderson home 'were MacMil- lan, Mr. and 1VIrs. Earl Cline and Mrs. Nina RuellOf Alpena, Mich. BORN. 06111LEz--- HONOM--- ON ANNIVERSARY Mr and Mrs. Allan Durnin 'marked the 25th anniversary of their weddink on Tuesday, April 19th. • • . • ' The event was marked with a family dinner on Saturday, April 1,6th• at their home, 9 Montague Place, ;.London, Ont., which was tastefully decorated with spring flowers .by. their Oder daughter, •Helen. A turkey dinner was &ex- iled in. the 'evening to fifteen guest& • The table WaS ceritred w#h 4 three-storey anniv,ersarY, cake' decOrafed, in white and sil-- Ver..Mr, and' Mis.,.Durnin were presented with ;;Frigidaire by ,the family and • received Many : beautiful gifts .and ;cards from the rest of .the guests; . • On. Tuesday, ..April 19th, .1Vf.r.' -and Mrs Durnin were at. home to their 'many friends and neigh - 'Dori both. afternoon and eVen:- :ink When they received many gifts and ' cengratulatery* ages for: many 'more years Of Wedded life together. ' .Mr. and Mrs: Durnin were married at the' 'home of the bride's parents Huron • ship and and after ' their marriage resided in Lucknow 'for ,a few years. Then they moved to West Wawanosh .where they far,med for nine. years: In .1941 Mr. Diir- nin 'joined :he A,rmed "Forces, serving'. five. years in • Canada. • England and Germany, While •Mrs. Durnin' and family resided in .LueknOw. They have lived. in London 'eight years, - They hav4 a 'family of one 'son and tWo daughter's, Helen and Charles at home.and (Mary) .1VIrs: D. w. HiOprt .of Goose Bay,,La•-; bradcir,. Where her husband' is 'stationed with the RCAF. ',Mr. and IVItS::Hiesbert were unable to be present.' • . : • Guests were present frorn. Med:- 'ford, Owen Sound 'and Lueknovv".• soetswv,4:404 mart an ov Long As Its Short ./•...,4,••••%./..,-4./.."." • 4. PElEtSONALIED CUT NEWEST. STYLING' • Yes', that's just What you need to look your loveliest this spring •' , . new. attractiveness can ' be yours , . . with a personalized coiffure. -WHITECHURCH • • 141-i'..4 .E a s t e r Tha.nkOffering . . meeting was held• in the United. Church pri Thursday afternoon with .Bluevale, Brick and Pres- byterian Missionary :Societies as• their gtiests. The..rneeting.Vias. ion ,Charge of 'Mrs. 'Jas. Falconer, the president: `.`Rejoice, the Lord is King" Was sung. Mrs. 'H. Laid- laW reacb the scripture. Mrs.- Geo. Fisher sang a 'solo with Mrs, Conn her accompanist. Mrs. Chas. Shields ,gave an Easter reading. When. I .survey the.- W,9,pdrous Cross" was sung: Mrs: W. J. Watt introduced Miss W. Warren JomundaY, the front as our guest speaker. Ladies' and Men's Wear — Fashion Millinery 'PHONE 85, ,LUCKNOW BLAZERS Men, Girls and Boys — wear them for Sport, General • or Guides. Navy. Skirts and White Cotton )31ouses. T6STriIRTS 'r M9n,...Wernen • and Girl* : /Or children. ".2 years : to 8' years . Large and colorful selectiOn:, , BLOUSES Dacron, Nylon and 'Cotton . . . Colorful and.-nianY. stYles. Sizes 8 to 12, 10' :t°0 20, to. • HOSIERY Stretchies for the family • .GLOVES • wide, range in ,calor . and style. HANDBAGS White and,° Colors • p14.;C:)WE-RS an.d ..SCARVES Wide 'Variety • OBITUARY, immulART , Thedeath of' Alex. Lockhart, 58, -occurred : suddenly at his. home in Dresden 'on gaturdaY Morning from . •a 'heart attack. :Alex' had not enjoyed good .health ssinoe. suffering other .at- tacks a .few, years ago:: The fun7. eral .Was held at: Dresden on: Monday .afternpOn,• Where .1)1.1.tial was made.; MerriberS " of .• the 1.0:0,F. -Lodge conferred the last: rites the Order. •• • Ale); was:.a . don, of Rkthavd. Lockhart: and Margaret Walker and . Was. born. at' LucknOw where he. grow to manhood and became einplciyect in. the butcher business. He bought a butcher business. at Appin, and later.moi.ed t Dres,' den to ,COntidue in the Saine pc- Cupation; Until his: health failed. • Mrs. LOckhart waiTformerff. Flossie 'Barger of --Ashfield, ,whO survives him; as•well as'a daugh- ter, MM. A.ubrey. Butler. US) of Dresden. ;' .•;• Alex'. is alio,•survived by ..,'"One •brother,' Will .Lotkhart of Luck.; now '• and a• sister; Mrs: Archie. Hunter, .(MarY). of. '1VIoose. Jaw. He was predeceased . by ',three ' • Mrs.. Jim.Mbtrannell • (Helen)- of -Datiphin, Man:;; Mrs. Robert. Orr (Litzie) di,L•ingthe epidemic Of '1918 art .a •SiSter.,'Esgie,. who died in .• Ir and Mrs Hoard Barger.. W 11. Lockhart and Gordon Bar- er; attended • the , l' . Miss,„Warren is a returned Mis- ON. WINGHAM STAFF • ORLUCli siOnary• frfromChina, The Meet-FMER .ITE •.• jng ,clOsed with -,prayer ,Mrs. J. D. Beecroft. lunch „wag served and a social half liottrwas-enj - ed, by all, • tongratuilationsto--Mrs*--Roa-ne on- her 86th birthday on Satur- lease. Keep Appointments Ori' Time , . It is requested that appointments be made between 9.00 a.m. and 6.00 p.m. aily eaut a o 'PHONE 115, LUCKNOW • ' • • • Make Farming Mere Profitable! ' o44&vdiiilifh. :F/1 .W /7: • • 'Discuss a FarrhIMprovernent •'‘,‘ ith your nearest tank of 'Montreal manager:" Y BAN liv o„NittION cittomis BANK OF MONTREAL edwue4119e,4t Vet4, ut; conad.rahs in eybr'y work o Hfe in 141.7 Luckhow B a ch..' MURRAY COUSE• Manage! day. Mrs. Roane .with . her •daughter, M. ,and Mrs.' .Jarnes MacInnes, -----1‘ifts:THarry.,Tichborne and mit. Toynbee Lamib and son' Bruce, , 1 1 RECKLESS DRIVING? • , My FoinimiaY aims to insure ,nnly_careful drivers, As a re- sult,. Claims coSts, Are lbwer and the savings are passeil • I, t along' to; policyholders, in the forin.of lower cost insurance. , 'Find today if you, can ' :.'eualify for State Farm Insur- ance as a careful driver., just phone me.: It pays to latoWypor STATE FARM Agent PAM REUBEN WILSON •R.R. 9, GODERICH, 'Phonp Dungannon Mrs. Cleland is a.gracruate :of the-:--thiiverSity of T-oronto.---He- e Official ofo4bibcr of 4-7‘,c. TioNt- Wingharn. District High • School special -:issue' of. -the •Advance - last Wednesday;: A • , carried pictures and -6 thiunb,nail sketch �f: merri-; bers ,arnong whapi. is: Mrs::: Mary Cleland;„..forinerlY—Mary Connell] of Luclinqw. • • ..1 fore her marri, oe. she taught the Teelmical School in. Sault Ste. Marie„, and . later was sae:: retary. • of: the Ontario: Training: College: for' teehrtical. Teacher. . *She teaches junior • typing at 'Igingha,rn as well as. doing the._ Secnetarial :work -of the schooi'. sime. joining the staff in I4& 4-4— . • all of .Goclerich,•visiteci with Mrd. Onlisorl$4,1Voi+.01.6.1o$4,41804.111$$.410•....10•41.;044i1Oh•••••••04$8.04;ir;$4..$•.••••;•rio•I•mm.4 41orri.mis; • •iimion,4.01$14asiKkempw. •• Kennedy and Mrs. ' A. McQuillin one day last week. _Mt. Will MaoMillan and .n.iece, _ „ . Mr: and•Mrd::::Earl-Wright of pena, Mich.;. Mr. and Mrs. jack Henderson ,of LueknoW, visited with yirt.-m,Russ ..*141 Mr.,•and Mrs. T. It. 4vfoOre on Thursday." . Mr.. and Mrs. W.It: Farrier arid Mr, and Mrs, Russell,Farrier and Marian of•Winghare visited with Mr. and IVIrs.• J. C. Gilledpie at Sarnia,:on Sunday, , , Mr. •Jack.• Aitchison visited: Nvith friends at Willianisford'and yicipity• over the. week,..end. •A JrecePtion for. Mr." and Mrs., IVIervyn Ilitolite will be held -in the Whitechurch hall on Wed- neiday evening,. April 27th. 1-17--drodkO14- and family attended the minstrel, show at Hanover o'n Friday-ev- ening;They visited. -with Mr: and Mrs: .Robert Secord 'after the ' show, .Mr.. Secord , wrote • thc 'Script for:the minstrel show. large ..nuinber from around herd •atterided .the opening of the Winghani Di*rfet High School on Wednesday lat.• • , Mrs; WiUis is rernedelling the aiits..to.k,rna ke,4w.•04141 4111111P% • A i a L. -74/77160 AMER PJ11004 a"VPRIIP'"LI MU/ 'I VWtR I ND" PP XS VTR 1111111 1111 1 •oll T 411111 III 1 III I II -la •-411riete,4 Ina VIA i . It .vrat n1.7J 11 POR T 14/5' ISA :C:AC„ Si441-1-.ALWAYs.SAY . 1/6P4Y5*3 54479P ' $., SEP9Y 5 a $.100 hthLFORE &tqkDRY GOO.PS • LADIES awa CHI LOREN S WEAR CHINA •KITCHEN UTENSILS•GREETiNG CARDS egtow.e., TOILETRIES cz.444TOYS 108W LUCK N OW) ONT. 08W