HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-04-13, Page 81 Z444 - "-:..:•-••••••••i,•• • 1 PAGE. \). :Galvanized and Aluminum • • • t ROOFIRO, If you are. planning; to p a new roof .on your barns _..nr 'sheds we will gladly S give you a free estimate, . Remember •"Westeel Se= enrity Rib" coVerS more and, saves you 'money; '.. Sietial-tricatOrk Quantities. ' • ' ° • ' 'CEILING'S 1"111 7.7 • riwilgraL,NOW ow• SENTINEL, LUCF-Ii. .03711, ONTARIO NEED A NEW CEILIN.G? • Come in and see the.new ' -ceiling materials A SQUARE. TEX Woodgrain 13lockhoard •SYLVACORD • TEN TEST BLOCKS Spring is oraint Ilp" time. • We carry a complete Stock' • of "Pittsbuirkh Taints." for inside and outside use. 300 •colors from choose. , Ove which, to Pittalmigh ."Titanic White" is VVhite and stays. White. WHALT ROOFING • Give your hinny color as Well as protection. 210 1b.. shingles. m biends of ,Red, Green and Blue. , • A complete, stack onhand. JOHN W: IHIENDERSoll L.UMBERIJMITED LuCknow. Phone 150 • Ontario • . . OBITUARY Nits. 'ANDREW STEWART Following i kingillitr:ss;• the death* Of •Mrs. • Aridre-AIT: Ps; ,te..w- -• 'art occurred in Lindsay On Wed- mesday, : April 6th. She.: was in •:,_.,herl_17.th4year.• . • „: . 'Mrs. Stewart 'was, forinerly :jean Isobel Cunings, daughter of Mr. and :Mrs. James B. Cursi. arid ,Was ,bOtn: in :.Wing • barn on August • „21$t, 1679. She 'taught. school. in Lucknow 'prior, . to: her marriage •• in 1996,• and , Since then had :been a continuous and highly esteemed resident 'of ;the Village. Mr.. SteWart„ spre- ..deeeaseci.,lier dri,March (28th,' 1946. Ur -S. Stewart Was.,a. deVOtecl member Of the •Lucknow Presby- terian Church „ and .a Jae meni- ;her, •of the W.M.S. in which Or- ganizatiOn: she 'Was quite' a?tiVe* While health ,permitted.,. Tkm he feral service' .Was .held rat the Johnstone Funeral Home on ''t•iday• afternoon Conducted •MISSION BAND PRESENTS INTERESTING PROGRAM• PEE WEES. IN. FINAL ON.• SATURDAY Lucia -tow Pee Wees are prob- ably the •"dark horse" team 'in the "C" series of Young a.nada •1-1•Ockey Week being currently staged at.,Goderch. 'The local lads, undethe tutorship of Gar- net Henderson, defeated Milchnay on Monday by an 8-3 score, .and on Tuesday dumped the favored- Lamlbeth squad' by a .5-1 count. -•••,• • The dOttble.barkell'ed.win• 'sent •the •SepOylets .into ,the "C" ser- • ies eharnpio'nship -gameagainst either Lucan Or ':.,114i1Vertori :on Saturday morning at :10 .a.m,' . • Ins Monday: afterdoon's opener Paul • Hendersan :paced the •local team with Six goals, five of them unassisted. Bobby. Andrew net- ted' the other two.Assists were picked up by Paul .Einberlin, Donald, Kirkland and Bobby. Andrew.: Lucknow outshot the Cuirass kids 25 to 17. • . • Second Victory On Tuesday,thorriing Lucknow •and Lambeth battled 'to a -14, draw for two periods,. with the locals slapping in' 4 unanswered goala in the third 'to chalk pp the win that sent themin •the. - - • . Scoringhonors were more evenly:, divided in this one with Paid. Henderson gefting a Pair; While, Murray." Hunter; •Donald Kirkland and Bobby •Andrew got singletons, .Assists' Went to1 Ross' Forster, Bob Hunter, Bob And- rew and.PaPi• HendersOn.:, ::the Lucknow had a .13 fa 11' 010; The 'Hunter Bra - An ;enjoyable 'Easter concert Was presented, last • Wednesday evening' by the members -of the Presbyterian •C ur IVIission Band, with., Rev. • Wallace 'Mc„., thers, Murray and Bob, played a Clean as chairman. , --steady-game--on.defense._ The, opening number was ,the •Lucknow goal, Thom o "1 A • Collyer; BOb and Murray dramatizationn Spring Garden", by •the folIowing;•flow- ers,, Beverley McDonald, Bever- ley Taylor; Minna Forster, Kith - :.teen Sinith, Sharon Mowbray, raindrops, Mar Finlayson, Wen- dy MacKenzie; sunbeams, Jane Snaith, Karen Wasney; butterfly, Joan MacKenzie; bunny," Brian Mowbray. Other., riurtibers incit.d,ee. •tatians by Wayne Jarnieson,°Bet- Sy Henderson, Janet FirilaySon,'• Margaret Ann Mullin,* Marlene Stanley,'Jeari Mullin, Terry Tay- lor,' Judy Reid, Donna :Ferstcr, Kathleen' Arletta Pollock, Evari AgrieW, 'Beverley IVIcDori-r 1-luirter;. centre, Paul liendersan; wingS,, Bob Andrew, Donald Kirkland; alt:, R,oss Forster, Paul Erriberlin Garry • MacDonald Garry Johnston., 'Gordon McNay, Torn •Wasney,': Dick' •Richdrds. ' KINGSBRIDGE wEDNESDAY, 13th, 1955 >riggAZW: ;€.02Cgei<KW>Zeictr:OK:KW: :410e0;e: •••,N. Fi••• • AA: kr4s ' 1:90 !4L • A • REFRIGERATORS;RANdES, . HOME FREEZERS . !REDUCED PRICES, 'ON ALL STOCK IRONS KETTLES TOASTERS' MIXMASTERS • HOTPLATES 'LAMPS ' FANS WASHERS • SPACE BEATERS. ' 'BICYCLES • TRICYCLES • FISHING TACKLE. -vAcupt CLEANERS' FLOOR POLISHERS REER RA I Cr pi moNE 110 LUCKNOW A' :g40.10410VialtP.trAV.IKOrgiektge< zet: . • • • VVHITECHURCI-I • Mr. .and Mrs. Groskorth, of tInionville spent. the week -end -with t.heirson, lyIr_and 'Mrs, El- wood' Groskarth. Miss Annie Kennedy spent last week. at Goderich with 'Mr. 'and Mrs. Harry •Tichborne ' Mr.. and.: Mrs. Robert'"Moore; • Karen and Brian of Mason, Mich. visited with his uncles, Messrs. Art and Moore. and other relatives.. . •• . Miss' Wirinifrea Farrier 'of Tor- prito is. Spending the Easter •hol- ,her parents, MI. and : Mr. and Mrs. Walter•Clare and' jdaYs .wi•tb :Clare , spent :Easter 1‘.4rs.. -Farrier. ' Sunday with:the Ryan family at Mr. ken Patercan - spent the Chesley.:. .Week -end in Dei:oit with' his . '• Rev: Father:Kevin Sheridan is sOns 1VIr. arid Mrs. Scott- Pater-' . SIX1414.2ANb NIN'TH visifiing with' hiS mother,. IVIrS: Sheridan and .hiS sis•ter, lYliss -IteVW-allace---McClean-' Inter- .• .___• • , • . • • •• aid, Beverley:Tay/tor, Elizabeth -Mary: -•Shericlari:--over,-,,the; week- , inentWa4 in Greenhill Cemetery, ,PobloCk, Dianne Jamieson,' Eliza- 'end:. . :the pallbearers being J; W. joYnt,, beth ,.Finlayson,, Karen •Wasney... Mt. jOhn •Kin;neY „Of: Detrbit is AlexAndrow, Cameron •MacDon, Sharon MoVibray; • .piano solos,' visitii.g.. LA, the lime of 'MrS. Jas • ald W..W. 'Hill, VV. •B. Ander7 Elizabe,th Arm FirilaySon,: Janet ' Garvey for a few day.s. • Son :and 5. -B. Stotheit.' Pinlayson, ; A 1 1 a n Mowbray, • V • Mrs, ' Roane spent Easter', fikit4.. Mr. - and, . Mrs.: George' MeKagtie 4.4t-IVITr6rvH•gar.73.r: ' 'Tieh. 0.rne God: Mrs....porneDurnin aro-3. D:af St7----Helens----and---IVIrs:'7.-Dune ennedy of Wirighann spent Easter with Mrs.' Kennedy, An••• pie and P.ete. - • • MPS:. ,' Dunc,• MacGregor was mo'ves! :,from ViotoriaHospital'in: London to Wirigham•Hospital; • Mr. and Mrs. Carman' Farrier, Brian, & Colleen �f' Long Branch are Visiting with his parents, Mr and Mrs..W. R. Farrier. and Mrs: Russell, Farrier of • Wingham Spent EaSter with hisparent, Mr.. and: Mrs; ' W.- R, Farrier.- ' Mrs. ••Stewart is .survived by NancY' Forster, Karen •WasneY; four daughters and one sot.i; Mrs duet, Dianne and Wayne l' Jame - Eric 'Whiteley (Jean) of •Peter:.,inni solo:: ToOf woi)ey., ,,Aprir borotigni jessig. • of Vancouver; •,b; five• Senior boys, Jim Mc - Mrs 1 Mrs , Otto .Pedersen (Marion) n) •- ., - Naughton; Jilt Mullin; Ross For', -.1 and4arrie-- Luoknow-, • _ • , , *•3711-1,,rniciri;---Don-ald Mr. 'arid', Mrs': Gene • Frayrie; :•Dani-iy and 'Jinni:7 visited' With the :Kraemer family at•-l-leSson over ,the wee' -end • . .. Mrs': T Dwyer ' returnedto her, hothe i • Kinkora 'after a •reek's visit:with .her •dauh,ter, Donald Frayrie and qamity. .Mr. and Mri'.7Peter Murray family of Detroit are holidaying at their. horne.'here. Easter 'Vi,sitors to this ,coin- m.unity Were: Mr.. •and 'Mrs. T. J. Lannon of Lon'aos..Mlur- eeri ' Vassella • Of Landon, -,Miss Mary 'Murphy. and ,jos. Murphy, .Ros.s MaeDonald (Bessie) of Ot: .F.is. r; tie 'Spring Flowers" by Six ..tawa, Also surviving__IsaSister, --girlsi•-----1Viary• Finlayson, 'WendY • Miss ',Elizabeth Cli10111,in.gs' of MacKenzie Jane Smith, .Jane Lucknow. Joynt, foan MacKenzie,: •SharOn , Mowbray; number, Easter Peace,: • -ERIC HERBERT CLAITL4k.ii by five, Oils, Nancy. _Forster, '.Death eame-Lsuddenly Eric wendy macKenziet_jaii,elgrnithr Clayton of ":Htiron Township iate. Miry Finlayson, Jane Joynt, Kar - Sunday afternoono. AOril; 3rd' • en . Wasney; Children's . prayer, •• Eric 'was' the son of Herbert Join MacKenzie. •. • • . • Eind Gladys' (Mills) Clayton. He _• was born_on A9.42 And -spent his -earl* years_ in Bruce • Township, • moving with his par- •ents to the Second CohcesSion ot Hurbii • three -years agor He • attended Olivet • :United Church and enjoyed being a ,merriber' of the Junior Choir. • • son and Mr.‘and•Mrs: hank 'Pat7, erson. . . . :Mr. :and Mrs. Cam. .Simmons .arid Nancy, of Landon spent the week -end with' her parents Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Martin. • Mr. • and Mrs. Robt: King.' of Barrie visited With Mr. Robert 'Res's and • Mrs.- Mac' Ross :and „ .. . operation. We Wish her a Speedy Olive on Stinday. ..• 't . .. . recovery: .. • . Mr. and. Mrs. call:, Groskorth . . . Murray Wilson had an, opera.. and farnilY of Parry Sound visit.: ed., with,.,,his* brother, Mr.' _,,._;., 7tiori on .his eye in . -St. ,Jaseph's "-L 'Hospital, London, last •Thursday! Mrs. Elvv.00 • Groskorth. . r• -We Wish hirn-',4!.rell. '• . ' r. and Mrs. Russel Chapman . •Mr.' and 'Mts., Bill Kinahan .8i -Mr.. John .Finnigan, • *had the misf,ortune. Of .brieaking hs :ankle, :his •returned .herne frOrn::. ,Wingharii Hospital:. •• ' Mrs, Jahn Erringtan is a, pat- ient' in Victoria Hospital, Lon•:". don, where she tinderWent an ' • • . Douglas Prayne or.Tdronto, Mrs. After' the concert, the .L'ons, trip Ed' Sinnott .of Detroit, Mr and "ReSurmoton'!--,-:.waslishow 101K1.43""i'V -closing prayer Iv Mr. IvIcClean. Easter baskatS ot. candy'Were passed ,to the young- sterby Brian IVI6wbray.. as a bunny and senior members , of. The and •• ' Althouglv.he.was a member of. Preibyterian, :Church.. V.M.S.‘ the Sigma C for only a short,• mrs.,„ lw*organ fienclorson . pre - time he was deeply interested in Sided, for the • Aoril• meeting of the Woi* of th:s group WM3' hold 'in VIP PrA"*I-)yi-Cri rt' • • , Beside 's his parent he is syrr• Church, rho. :ec,retary. .- Mrs. Ed ,Gilmore, who is a pa • .vived by a 'Sister Phyllis. and a male,,•Arn:;, rjad 1ettri•r4.of•busiri.; ient. In: St. Joseph's Hospital, brother LYnn.; ••••:••• ••' • and :Mrs.* A, IjurrIOT.- Cook the London., is improving and 0,7pect- The funeral Service was held }.).,ele allotation.-„, The Ea-tr,ir :t.otiwi soon. , • on 'Wednesdayfrom' the 'I Lin 5-•crioture• rne,...avt,!:: • wer:e. -•:gi.,••611 Mr. Robert ,Howard, Jr:; •and • nan Funeral tiorrie,' Thc• funeral J. E, (.4•.' 'N'Ir••••;; •f;inriott• •:,of• Dotroit; visited •:•eonducted by his _minister, 1MacT:).onaldrd VI 4, Nih.r. 'kith Mr¼ iTr)wiid n4 London • the Rev.:Douglas Brydon, assist-, Leod. MrS: It. V, Mack,enzie pre: 'hospital on* Stmday, who. expects ed by the Rev., Sohn Hatton, a o'repare'd the Bibit':•,,::tudy Whiell toreturn to 'herihOme here this • former minister who had, bap.tiz- was read by .."vir.••,. A. (•:.• Agnew. V.e.,:'!k, ' ; edEric. Mr. Gordon Bridge sang A talk, on sorn hgh1igh or On 'Eastor Sunday TEV Father "Beyond the Simset", accoMpan- :•Glad Tidings" wa.; given by Mrs. Varr Vyrickt celebrated high Masa ied by Mrs j Ross Cummirig In W A.,;ftusse•11...Life arid' work of at 8,30 & m and a second mass terrrynt was in Kincardine.Cern- our Missionary, Mk:. :Mebmnell, • at 10.30 a rn The choir:. iindee .etery:,*. the ,palthearerS being :Jim, was „ri,ad by Mi•-•••• If, .,N:ixon. Mr.4, •:the: directirin of'," Mr'. ,.H'; ,Hein-,, and family •spent, Easter. With Bobby,..were Easter_wieic,end_visi_ • at Aurora .and 'Markhan.L ifors , with the foriner's sister, • friends Mr. and Mrs: Stanley Moore Mrs. Morris Edwards • and, Mr. spent weekend. with the for- Edwards in Ottawa. • .rner's• sister,. Mr. and Mrs:V. B • :Thompson at prestoti. ' :George and Marilyn Mc9uil- RusSerrIVIVOi--6t-P•e,,, ..restoTh 'lin of Hamilton are •sPending visited with his parents it& & Easter week with Mar—Tr:lea 'and Mrs, 411 Moore. - Barbara thin. Purdah and 'Other. • . celatlyes. • The play,' ..`Grandpa's, .Sister".,, will be held in Nithite- Jim CuinininS of Malton and... -M'rs-4Yachael',-••Martin--and--fainily--church-MernOria-l-'Hall 'on ,..Fridayspei. w_e;.,,end;„" 'Michael • Kinahan of London •Stoney Creek, Miss Florence evening. • • • • • homes here. • ' Lainbertirs ; a • Hamilton, • Miss • Mr, and Mrs. Will. Henry and Mary Theresa Martin and rtah••• family', spentthe week -end With ces Martin of 'Hamilton, Miss Mr. and Mrs. Orville Mitchell Marie johnston'of GoderiCh, Mrs' Toronto. • • Sansanterra; and. two daughters Mr. and 'Mrs. Irwin McClen- df •Detroit, , • 'aghan and family of Si•. Thomas' Mrs. Jas.' M. Bowler and Maur- 'visited On Friday with: his par- ot Toronto are Spending the ents, Mr. • and Mrs : •8. 'D. Mc-, E•a$ter holidays at' their hem Cleriaghan, •• Mr. and Mrs, Melvin McClerit aghan and son of Kitchener spent Easter with ..his parents, Mr;• and Mrs, B. D. ,Meclenag- • Needham, Arthur Heltn; Orl and,1,•ch as. Cook :',01.:'tf th tr,ie rom • Nelson, Gordon Rbulston, Allan the "s.tudy hook •Ori. India and the MacCharles .and Jimmy MacT0v.-'.pianist,• Miss M. Maleolrfv, favor.. ed with a piano •!•olii, Miss meeting arm. „a, s, ;presen tvasses. ' Ash:. The rititYVerditS and beautau1 flora • es were, fr, his many' :friends.. • tri en«,rson C osc with prayer. dicks and Mr..•Peter Lion -Ilan as organ ist,„••• was exceptionally. ;good n their rend iti On of Easter hymns; etc. A Ver lar to attend - ese- two Mr. and Mrs. J.' C. Gillcispie & family of Sarnia spent the week- -end :with Mr lespie• and ,Mr. and Mrs. W. Farrier •Mrs. Doris .• Willis ' and sons Spent Easter. with her brother, Mr. and Mr.. Musgrove at•Wrok--, • eter. Mrs. ,1Vittagrove, whO has been visiting the past Week) with Mrs. Willis, returned home.. • Mr. -and Mrs, *Archie Watt, Linda and, Lorraine bf ;Toronto' are visiting a.few days 'With his Watt Mr, and Mrs, 'SAS, McInnes and KINLOUCI-1 ...Mr. and Mrs. :Gerald Gibacn London Spent the weekend •with Mr; and Mrs, ,Lyrrian Stittan., • .,Me. and, Mrs. George Haiden- • .by, Mr. and Mrs. John Robb:vis- ited on Sunday eveninv:vitti. Min and Mrs. Howard 'MeGliir'e.„ 0: - The. A.Y.P.A. rrict on 1',.io1clay evening at the •c•htirch May . 4of°Ytil•iee rastiteArk.Lisocry.F rip4..uterng w •wLhi/ r;,11:01:41: s 1; by •Mr. George lialden1Ty nrI ReV.•• John: Prost gave 0,4 com-, Mentary, May Boyle g•avc• the meditation on the hymn ,I'10.00 - that 'my Redeemer lives" and led inc: .1rtiaY:bler' criTc,hetes,Rayptrogr • e bY;,reading, Jack Walsh, also 'Word Contest, This, was f011owed b4ytt.gthamens4nItLiauncigi. .Co7,ntitttofit..'„ dOndbirt% sMarie 8cOhgtilaesb iltl'r;:i'lit'illh„ar°11