HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-04-13, Page 6• irlF"'"1.0191PaPeurgiw A.* • aio • I • t'A 4 • iratig spc.‘.... • LOIGSIDE The W. M. S. Thankofferirig tneeting is being held .at the %church 'Thursday evening, 'April 14th at 8.30 p.m, Slides will be shown, Everyone welcome. Lunch be served.• • Sunday SchoOl is starthig next Sunday, April 17th, at 2 P.m.. The .lboys', meeting is to be, •beld Sattoday 'morning ;at 1040 axn.at. the Chtirch:. • '• A good ciavot attended the . Easter service., Ittr.;! SatMOrs of Oshaw.a, a former SS. Superin- tendent in a fermer charge of. Bev. Casvfell's, . assisted in the service -and told the 'Easter ' story , • bY. flannelgraph which all:enjoy•-. • Miss Florence 1Vloix and Miss .*argaret Moir :of 'Toronto. were 'week -end visitOrs of M.r. and 31Ars. ,TaTeeS atiellardS011. • MISS Margaret Steer a Lon- ' - don spent the week -end With • ber parents, Mr. and: Mrs. PhiliP • I\liss. Betty 'Miller. was a wee4c 1.,up1tNow SENTINEL, LOC KNOW, oNTARI. , Sister" by Arrnow talent, was well reeeived-by a-lgood_crawd in the hall on, Wednesday even- ing. Mrs: George McKee of Ar - mow gave itWO- humorous read- ings and Donald Huffman two solos -between acts .which were much enjoyed.. • • Miss Marion Buckton is a vis- itor.witb her grandinother, Mrs. Duncan McConnell. and Mrs. Eric Evans, .Di - Alan and, Randy of II.Yde Park mtere Week -end viSitors With Mr. arid Mrs. 'Wm.' Evans and Ned and at Mr, 'Foster Mof- and Mrs. Wm, Cook and Mr, and Mrs. Harry ;Wilkins at Chesley. Mr. and Mrs. Graham Pinkney and GlYn of 'Aja.x. Ond Mr. end Mrs. John' MaeIntyre and Grant of Wingham are Easter.• visitors with Mr, and Mrs, Ted "Cellyer. Miss Joan Cochrari.e ofGod is an Easter Visitor; at her Miss Marion Scott, Linda. and Jirniny PaWaOrr haS the chick- enTiox- , • • • • . . Joshua Dawson is en3oymg a 'Visit in Toronto at the home of his Harold DaV17,SOrl. BLS gran4- of his "son,'. Harold. Dawson: . His grandson, Donald Dawson, came up for him. , • , . We were Sorry to • hear that Mr. Duncan NfcConnell is a pat- ient.in St. Joseph's ,Hospital,• London,. Where he underwent in operation on WedneSday morn- ing. 'We wish :him a speedy re- covery: • Mrs.. Elson Arnold, Kincardine "rwp. and Mrs. Harold Percy of KinloUgh, were Tuesday ,visitors With their mother, IVIrs. Wm. Orr. h. lay "Grandpa's Twin. • home. • „,.• • • - qeltcl visitor at.the homes of . • WEDNraDAY, ArtIL 13th, 1955 HEAR REPORT OF WORL,D COUNCIL. The April Meeting of the •Af- teirnoon Auxiliary of the Wb - man's VisSionary Seciety Of the United Church was. held Wed- nesday evIning in the Church FellewshiP Room, .The PreSident, Mr. Neil MacKenzie; Conducted the Wership service. • Mrs. W. L. MacKen,zie preSid, ed for the program .and introduc- ed the guest.spealier, Miss Mina. RtitherfOrd, a St, ' Helens, who gave: a most enlightening 'report ,of the: send ' World Council' of Churches meeting' which' she. at tended at Evanston; Ill., August 1,5th4lst, 1954. The theme . was oChrist is the hope of the world", ThefirstCouncilwas held in Amsterdam,.•Holland, in 1948., At EVariSterl, clelegateS from 161. churches and 48 nations,' cliscues- ed the theme. fat'•s. ' •• ' Mrs,. " Brown and 'Gary of London Were Sunday visitor$. with her parents; Mr. and Mrs. Win. Evans and Ted. ; • , Linda and Janette johnston of. .13elgrave are holiday. visitors with their mint, •Mrs. Chas. , Tif- fin and- Mr; Miss Margaret Moffat was a ., • Week -end. visitor. at the 'home of her father,. Mr. •Fcister :Mega. • .PRICED''. TO CLEAR 1:10 y."040:, ,X IS 7 ; • .4(1) 0.110 'She..had a wonderful Story to tell Of the. tremendous 'gathering of 1/5,000 people On the firSt wigs. • FRED IVIaeGREGOR Sun ay evenin.g open air .Iser.- HEADg 'ENTAIL LSSIITU•Th 117;iacietti.!9wtienthesssing.rs"Fariesdtivlcitio°0f' VVV the. - of:the. World" , and . the singing of .troiceS. of . the ,Halleltijah Chorus. • There was'• the greet .ppening service of Worship in. the, First Methediat . Church when dele- gate S to the .Asseinbly. -filled. the edifice.,There was the. chtiii- and Singing of . the people in niany tongues,. and the beauty Of color of many. robes Of the archbishops and, eostinnes. There - Was the :serrnon delivered by Bishop -Ox- man Of:the Methodist Church. of tylited States on the 'theme "We intend, to stay, together". it as,' an inspiration. to see. black and •white 'and yellow 'races .working side by side, worshipping in dif- ferent forms • and rituals,. and languages, but united one spirit .. • The work of the World Council Can beCome: real ai becomes real, in ihe.'itties. of each mein - bet -of each. localcorigregatie Mrs. Wilfred, Ariderson-thank- ed. 1VlisS Rutherford for . her int spiring, address. • ° : .•• Other numbers ,on. the •Prograrn were' a reading: by Mrs. George Elliott; piano dueti. Rev.' and Mrs,. Meiklejohnole, Mrs. j. Joynt MrS. • W. L. MacKenzie closed the meeting with..an East7 er prayer : • • •• • 'Coriveners..of the program 'and social. hotir were Mrs. MacKen- zie, Mrs. Robert 'rtiornpsOn, Mrs. Genre Ansdrew and Mrs. Thom. GARAGE vvnEtt..BALAscING ' !Phone 3, Lucknow FEEDERS AND,FOUNT4INS CHOiCE BROODER COAL. 0JANIESWAY ELECTRIC BROODER, , HEAT .LAMPS at a .REDUCED .1110cE fOr brooding fowl • , chorus set forth tivough music ,The annual meeting of the i P. "Christ iethe Hope tail WI, wasaield at- the hariae of the president, ---Ray-Dal-- tdn. 'Letters and cards of thanks were read. The roll call was an exchange of flower slips. The secretary,. Mrs. 'Bert Alt -on,. read a, paper on raising •hens for-pro- fit, previously prepared by Mrs. Jim Little. Some of the stand- ing committee „conveners read reportS. The financial'ireport Was •given, in detail and' a good year. reviewed. ' The -election,of officers Was as follows: pres., Mrs. Fred Mac- Gregor; 1st Vice ,Ines, Mrs, Jack 2rid vice 'pre's.; Mrs.. Gordon *•.• Finlayson; sec.4reas.; Mrs- Bert; Alton; district direct- . • . . or, Mrs, -Ray Dalton; Branch 413 ectors, • Mrs. pave MacKenzie, Mrs. Stuart. MacLennan, ••Mrs. ill MacDonald;. standing- -com- mittee conveners: Community Activities and Public. Relations, 1VIrs. Henry MioKenzie;:-Home Vonomics. and Mrs. Gor- 'don Finlayson; Canadian Indus - Little; Citizenship and Educa- tion, and ,Agriculture, Mrs., Jim tion, Mrs Russ Bisset, , historical •I Research. -and Current Events, Mxi, George. tions, Mrs Mrs. Dan Wylds; auditors, Mrs: Lorne Farrish, Mrs. Robt. Scott:. alt,ernate, • IVIrs. Wilfred Farrish. ,v 'J"- of thanks 'was tendered - • ,••• evera -note FOR SALE. IN GODiRICH... THROUGH HAROLD -SHORE . Real Estr4e Broker* •. .FARM AND HOUSE .LISTINGS • INVITED: 4. • • the past year's#officers and good •wishes to. those. who Will carry on for another year. The district -annual will:beheld on- May 31st in...Auburn. The „meeting closed with The 9tieen, after which _.lurich,. was served. " - 415 • • HALDENBY ELECTRIC MOTO SERVICE Armature and Field Winding, ,Brushes, Bearings, Etc. Repairs to Fractional and Integral Horsepower Motors, 'Also Electric Fans, Vacuums, • Clippers; Drills, Etc. • IIALDENBY ELECTRIC Kinlough • • Phone Ripley 11,1-r-29 FORMER PASTOR.. WON, DISTINCTION Ilm...elam The Reverend .Mr. Arthur. ,W. :BrOwn! of Brantford; and a for; .. mer Ashfield Circuit rninister, is --±- the author of:the nieclitation be- ing Used On lVfonclay,. April 4 -by ., an estiinated Jeri Million people around the world:who are, read- ers a The Uppei Acorn,' 'The..ljp- per__Aiioin, a- devotional Guide under the editerShip, of Dr. J. 'Manning Potts, has a World cii- CulatiOn Of , Over, three Million. copies: It is Published" in • 29 ed- ' itions including 24. languages and • . English Braille.. • ' .Mr. Brown based. his medita- tion- cni Matthe* 26:38, 39 "MY' 0 • • soul is exceeding, sorrOwfuli„sVeri . unto death' . „-±-O--iny--Father,....if , it-Abe-i-Possible,,Jet, this,. cup pass from me: neVert—heTeii not .as-1= will; but aa.theu,•wilt". He tells, the story. of a former Tiaitof of . : his church who"- had waged. a • Severe struggle •-atainst disease and Concludes by saying:. "When . his suffering--was Voted swife •eonfessed she asked him, ' Sow : does . the good Lord allow all this?. It ii-liard to find , an • explanation'. He .replied, '.'Shall, I fail Him? /Shall' 1 fol- low in the sunshine and nOt-iii the dark?' Amid the 'greattrials . of • life we need •that kind .of faith, faith that Will let us .sing; 'Where- He' leads ate I Will fol-, • low'." The, Meditation is conclud: ed with a prayer and a thought for the day. •——,-., -7 .• : °Beeatise of the wide.readershiP and , popularity 'of. The Upper Room it • is COnsidered a • high• .. honor to have a meditation sel- 1 ected` and published in . the, '' World's most widely used dev'ot-, ' , iilponaorinr.a;14,uegtahhguatfioclif:a.dthDitse4orp.... special lcitsr ,;iitrwtchekienairtteyd...sifit;d., points out, that each meditation • • appears not only in English 'but, edition is the item 'of 'religious • . . literature most••often requested : . liy men arid women in the inn- • itary 'services. 'Many thotisands: , ' :dvtet4cio'aPniess haosr9pitinalasClealsaoll, ilab'.3e 1:t:°. , thlVir6 b.thBertriritlithmeedamitaartic,t A"vvtlitlii issue is a part of the ministrY f ..c.410,u0oOrch-:shu)treochte,:soint ethyeory.V07: ', testAht denominatien, • • . • „ . Nowadays'You•lcan't tell whe.th- er• it's a.'inan,a/C17-ie needs a-hair- ut one. •.•• , •. isTo one -food in itself is fattening—and that • , Sounkdieting- advice Puts Milk in every meal. It is a protective food that contains valuable protein vitmins and calcium. V/ben you are dieting, slim safely, with Milk! Here is a sample day's.diet,aboui 1400 caipriest: ••••;.4,*,. • , BeslIn 1:".ajty,..!r". °ducts And Ice. Cream—Ask for . k ,,,ttyttren,ftl...evat..14.terii........./..Wei:2*,Jattitd.tvaitont*toP40266:5dOst' Silverwood's Sflverwood Dairies Orange. juice, Poached • egg,. Buttered toast, . Whole milk. •Coffee • with milk (no.sugar) at all meals, if desired.', Consomm'4, Tomato and cottage cheese salad, Mayonnaise,. Whole Milk. • Tqthato juice, Lean Limb 'chops, Baked • potatoes, String beans, Lettuce Salad,, French dressing, Fresh fruit, Whofe milk. FREE!"Calorie.Control'-lta.' ndypOcket guide to safer slinithing, Write to: • .1 . IDAIRY AFOODS A Division of Defiri Formers of Canocio /.; • SERVICE BUREAU , -409 tiorcin. Streets.toronto, Condo:id,