HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-04-13, Page 5. • WEDNFSPAY*4PIUI .13t. 955 MONUMENTS: • • •t '$KKTON' ORIALS• vALKERT914 . .1Ve are the only ManUfac- 'tutors in.thisintrt of_Ontario_._ 'Of , high „,•elass . monumentS who import granite from.lhe. Old Cointry, in the rough,by ;the Carload and priceis from • the.' rough to the finished .montnnent. No Middleman.. . When choosing a monument. .conie and see . one • of •the • largest ,selections 'Ontario. • Established over sixty years.. Write dr phone Walkerton 8 • and .reverse charges:. ' SKELTON , MEMORIALS WALKERTON .1VIT: • iowpr • don't ,knOW ot a ickY• its si;e • ' That 'I like quite•as well AS otintovirn little '.Sepoy town • I think it's pretty swell . The MerOhants, too,'are really; :tops,. ' 'They're men of 'sterling worth, • /night go farther still,and say They're thesalt of the earth.. . 10 a ITIELLUCKNo* • CULROSS CORNERS • The community extends deep- est sympathy to Mr. and 11‘frs, Raymond Schumacher and Jhn of •Teeswater and other menibers of• the family •in the loss of. their ,infant son in Wingham' Hospital on Monday, April • 4th. • . Seems . eaSy to forget it:Mb, but better late than never,so we • congratulate Ottr Editor and Mr ThomPson on the -arrival of :their daughter in Wingham HospitaL - Mr. th-KI Mrs. Jack Schurnacher Helen •.and Mr. Don .RObert- •soncirioto,red• to London On SUIT" dar,.0,44.viiit0 Mr. and Mrs. ,Dan Vatilrie. • „, „ a.ny'l Mrs. ,TaS,lisTraiih .sPent Friday,: afternoon . with Mr, .and Mrs. 1VIurraSHenclerSon , and Linda, PararnOulit,,...,--' Mr.'and Mrs, Tom HaCkett • Doug- of Ashfieid. and Miss A. Irw:in '6f 'rOronto- spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs., Midford Wall and Donnie. •• Mrs. Torn' Stewart and 1VIrs: 'Orville Wilson attended . a• ShoW- er at Clark's church. on Tuesday eVeriing inhonor of IVIiss Law -- Ma Lowery, bride a the week. "edding, a interest' to the community 'took place Saturday afternoon at Clark's Church when 'Miss' •Laurizia Lowery of Huron Township and Alex Stew- art, son of. Mr. and "Mrs. Torn Stewart, were united in marriage. • A reception f011owed •at the. tty ' Pine Inn, • Kincardine. Those .spending. the weekrend with Mr.- and. Mrs. Torn. SteWart and ,titendings the . 'Wedding were •Rtissell SteWart Of the'RCAP at I3aggotviille, Que.; John SteWart of the RCAF, Trenton;..and • Mrs, •Lloyd' Cornish Of Belleville .ancl Mr: Martin Nelson:. They will re- side in Kincardine,•The eXtricis: congratulations to 1 COngratitlatioiis ,to & Mrs. We each have our ,oW2-ri .favorite Ronald Stanley (Millie SteWart). . „stores, — . , of Kinloss, on the birth of a :Our favorite 'clerks, too, :daughter in' Kincardine Hospital. We love to visit, ,and to shop • • Mr. Walter, Nicholson,and Hel- With old" friends tried and true, ,en of BeiNie, spent Sunday, with . • • Mr. , Howard ilaidenby and fain-. . -Some folks go t,(4,another„: town, ily. . • • • Go on., a. spending spree,. • : • •Mss•LoiSs.Haidenby is employ - The bargains there were wOn.' ed at the home of Mr_ and Mrs. derful, .• . Raymond Bradley; •nprth,Of • Mil - Folks Should. just go and see: • lartori. . . • '- -.". • • • , ... . '. - . . Far away ltMrand MrsFrank Brown & ields always look.. . Reg spent Sunday evening With . . l. And new towns may . look 'swellMr and MrsHugh NichOlsOn•, ' your -home-town merchants; are. • • - .". ' • ' and Harvey, Der. vie " • •by the secretary, Mrs. William your:friends, , . • .. , - . . ,,_J s. lialderiby has left to Eadie, from the Kairshea• W.I. They'll always *serve you 'Well. 'g°: sailing. •., ' . . to attend -'the short course,: Psy- V • „. 0:16, :••• ..4744)N111). R1.010 , and qualify for the National Prize "A HONEYMOON AT E WALDORF-ASTORIA" $ee .the' glam�rous - -Diamond Rings , $100. , v $18.75 ' Your friendly Jeweller is 'ConduCting-a gigantic Essay . . Contest. It's fun 'W. enter. and easy to .win Our prize- . to the local Winner. is a beautiful .Bridal Bell.'DiainonCr Rin g. . And you also have 4 chance. at the, National' 'Prize offered by the Manufacturers of. Bridal Bell. Diamond' Rings '!A Honeymoon at the Waldorf.: Astoria" . seven 'glorious days in. New York City; :With All expenses pai4. Conte .in today. .we'II show you'how you can, win.: If you Jive out of town; just . write vs .and we Will -send You.an entry form and com- . . plete details. , m s Jewellery Store Lucknow — Phone 167-w ,.. KINLOUGH7 . program and also gave a splen - The Women's Institute ,met in id paper d p ' iin• Conservation and the 'HolyroOd Hall for the .annual read a • poem. ,MrS, Lorne Eadie ineeting..,Mrs.. Frank .Thompson gave a very nice paper on "Never presided. An invitation• Was read forget: to show your gratitude" and concluded thanking the lad- ies "for a potted .Plant which. she • received while in hOsPital. Mrs. R .ACkett cdriducted a contest: Readings On -Easter we,te given by Mrs.. Tem. ziocrgili:s and lVfiss .May Boyle. Mrs: Ackert gave the closmg rernarks, 'Refieslitnents RurImgton;.:Mr. ' and -Mrs. PerrY. ' ' • were • enjoyed and a friendly Anderson,: Mrs. Andersen, Sr._ & Chat brought 4-:verk. pleasant it-- MrS. Harvey Anderson,- Kincar- . .ternoOn to , a Close', dine; Mr. George Chattreau and.. ,.:.... , ..... . .. • . • , • - • chology and You which will be •• • M„ Buckinghain. „Is Your Subscription Paidheld in HolYrood Hall •onTues- .•:41 a . dday,April 19th from 4.30 to 4.00 41!ParPOIM1100/1/1011.1111•11411111141411=1.10.1111i4/411110•114111110•11.1•11.11M10111111EN/011.1161111•0•111M1/41.11.1/411//0411•414111111.41.11M,•411111111141.1111111 , • --S-TE-WART'S - our New Color Centre For FREE. COLOR CHIPS , to take home for you to maid) your drapes and rugs, RUBBERIZED, WASHARLE: ODORLESS, DRIES IN ONE, HOUR. • 4. Also HOUSE PAINTS and ENAMELS, Etc.` . , FLOOR. TILE ,1 Stewart's Decorating & Gifts 1 PAINT, Wfb;LLPAPER and DRAPERIES : • vow a •Ium, i moot km•a4iiii#0406. om• irma in. a alio awl* gar t ramie lig. sii•4).iii!i•a•iii• , • ,k mini•S arab *at moot •sso Hism. ,,iffpb is, a mi. 04••• o•iiisho tams Thon.e far Kincardine PAYING .HIGHEST PRICES POR LIVE POULTRY Culling Specialty • 40 itetordance with government regulations our poitltry • • coopS are thoroughly washed and disinfected • 44,44„4.4444,44,...:,444,;444,44444••4.•----!-ftio.----4-14-"41'4" , p.m. An invitation Was •also ac-' cepted to attend a District W.I. rally in Teeswater on Wednes- ,-day,—April- 27th -froin t� 4 pin.' 11,fernbers 'to bring apicnic lunch for'" noon. The ' • president, ,Mrs. IVIePhater and Mrs. Arthur.„Harniltori ',will be guest speakers at this rally. TWO babies were rethembered - with gifts of -Mioney=-Standing-: -dont:” mitteees reported the- year's act- ivity. Mrs., Wm. Wali. read: the auditors report. A minute's Sil- ence. in merriory of our late -reeve David_ Carruthers, 'W,as Obse_r_Ved. Mrs. Howard: Harris 'then read the report Of, the. nominating eemmittee: 'pres., Mrs. • ,Frank Thotopson;' ist, vice pres.; ToHodgins; 2nd vie pres. on, Good „Friday ,•with IVIr. 004 Mks: Alex. ,McTaviitz and Beth at Olivet. . • • • .. Mr: and 'Mrs. Don Gillespie • Ronnie.' spent the Weekend with relives here: • Easter 'visitors at the home. Of Mr. and Mrs.. James Hodgins were 'W. and Mrs. Charles Suth- erland, Toronto; Mr. and' •Mrs.' George Hodgins, :Woodstock; .Mr. and • Mrs. John A. Lockhart, of, • SandrarPercv of 'Mr. I3urke Rptlinstin.., Teeswater. school has been chosen to be one of six ..from: this 'district to go with Mr. R. C. Ireland, musicsuper-Visor, t,o. Toronto Op riesday," April' raw:- to sing Eaton Auditorium. She will sing With " a' •choir .cif. 275 voices ,•for the .0:M.E.A. section a the O.E.A; The choir will be accompanied ,by._ a syinphony-, orchestra ,of 10- 7player.s - and- will be tondueted by Earle;Terry.of the Earle Ter- ry singers of London.'• We are sorry to 'report...that MrT H. A. Graham hasrbeen'cOn- Mrs. Jim Smith, sec.qreaA., Mrs irfed to • bed during the week. 1, Wrn, Eadie; assistant sec.-treas., We wish 'him improved health, ,Mrs. Jim ',Boyle; pianist, Miss Mr. and Mrs. Clare •Sparling Edna • Boyle; aset. pianist, Mrs, Jack: Hewitt; • press. reporter, 1Vriss May: Boyle; distriqt director„ Mrs, Raynarcl Ackert; Cheerio., Con, .12 & 14;Mrs. Alex 'Percy; Con. . 10, Mrs. P, A. Murray.; ,Con. 8, Mrs; R. Elliott; Federated News, Mrs. Morgan Johnstone; :auditors, Mrs. Alex Percy, Mrs. Wm, Wall;, directors, Miss May Boyler--M-i-!&,-..-Ed,--Th:Orripsenr-Mrs-.- • P A. Murr'ay, The president eX- pressed thanks to all Members for co-operation during., the, year,: Mrs. Tom'11todg'ris thanked the Officers, The Tol call was. ident- ifying' our Suns line Sister, and , paying : of fees. Mrs.; Frank 'Thompson invited the ladies • to her ' he for the May Meeting.. The program planning Commit." •tee will \meet at the 10th Con, 'Aclinfil__0_11.1WiagAmening,A,pri,1,, 1.8th, The conVenet; .,Mts. Raynard Ackert,- then presided for the and Allan"' of Wajkerton • viSited on.- Wednesday with Mr, & 1VIrs. George .Haldenby. •' • , • Mr. and Mrs. Roy Webster and family and Mr, and Mrs. . Jack Mason and family Of London • visited over Easter With .Mrs, kJ. Colwell and other relatives, Mr, and Mrs:. Karl Boyle? Mar- ilyn and. Carol of LondOn spent the week -re- rid—with—Y na• an May Boyle and: Other relative's here.. • . • Mr.- Wallace HeWitt of. Water- fOrd spent the week -end with relatives'. here. • Mr. Ralph HalderibY • of Thor- old spent Easter with his 'par- ents, Mr, and *Mrs. W,„ E,tai den:b.4 • ' nd Mrs Lorne • 'Itraerne and Larry of Toronto spent, East- eppwith-Mti-and,Mtsf..-P:—Arilorc01- ray- • Mr,. and ..Mrs, Wm.: Cox' visited Tooled To Repair • All Makes Of Tractors' 1070- DISCOUNT ON TWO , NEW ' TRACTORS • John Deere Rd* Crop Tricycle' Join „Deere 60, with power-tre'l and remote cylinder ' Used Ford Tractor .on new ‘rubber • • • Wagons, Diss, DrilIs,• • • Cultivators, Etc. • et..Useci .Spring:400th Itiarrouc. • a ' in Good Condition K I NLOUPH 'GARAGE' BRECKLES • ihOne 181-20, Ripley „. • THE HOME OF QUALITY SERVICE ; and Genuine JOHN DEERE 'PARTS 4 "'V`