HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-04-13, Page 4PAGE FOUR • ;Pr 9^ • tZ. LUCKNOW SENTINEL, 'LUCKNO 04: 7.• .4 , . , VAI1M FOR SALE 150 acres. I FOR SAL -orchard grass and Apply to Mrs. sebtt,. . , . timothy mixture. Priced reason- . . nolYrood or 'Phone•ItiPley 5-r-29. able.. Arnold Alton; •-R, 7, Luck - now, phone'. 67r4 ,pungaimOn; •FOR SALE -,quantity of mixture of Beaver oats .an,c).- Galore.bar- ley, •suitable for seed, Contact Warren Zinn Phone 14-15 Dun' igannon. • WANTED-7.some land to rent for. •grasS. JohnstOn lVfadLe'od, phone -102-r-20. •• ' A'PART,MENT FOR :RENT Ap- ply to. Mrs. Wellington liender- CARPENTF.A' WORK'-- phone Leo :Beauchamp, 91-W ll.mcknow. • FOR SALE Montcalm Barley, grown from , registered.. seed. .George Kennedy, R: :Luck-. now, phOne'43,r-II WANTE17-good.hard Maple•logs.. Ilighe.st prices paid. Apply Alvin °rube, Hensall, phone 109; FOR SALE --9- Pigs, 8 weeks •old. • Apply.. to Bill. Buck,ton; Con. 4, Kinlos.s, phone 26-r-10 Ripley. ICOM I NG' EVENTS - INSTITUTE COURSE The I-,adies. of the Kairshea In- stitute are sponsoring a Course entitled "Psychology and. You" at• the Holyrood Hall, on Tues- day, April 19th, from 1,30 to 4.00. p.m. All ladies of the corninunity are invited. . ',FINAL SHOOT PARTY •The .Ladies Auxiliary. ' to, the Canadian Legion Will hold their .final Shoot party .of the season on Friday evening, �f -, 22nd. ,Everyone weieonie. There mill not be a party this Week. • FOR SALE ••OFFICIAL OpENING 1940 Hudson 'Sedan, small six, in The official opening of the .' 'A-1 condition • . ., ' •- I new . Wingharn District "High 1948 Dodge custom dlib coupe, School will be held on Wednes• - ( day, April 20th at 2.00. p.M.,Spec- N. 'sit wiNTERsTEIN i jai' sPealter will • be the Hon. good _. ' _L, . . • , • Leslie Prost, Premier of Ontario. ' MILKERS •Folt pALE The -public is in-vited, to attend. IVIOre farmers are switching tq the .SUrge Milker every month. Contact Lovell H. . McGt:iire, Surge' dealer, Wingham, Phone 593 ,collect... We specialie in +good. 'Ow .milktrig. PIONEER FEEDS --chick starter 'Felt SALE --Beaver .. seedoats, . •••. ' crumbles, Pig starter pellets with 499 busfeed Wheat, 200 bus mixed .feed' grain, 10 tong ot flavor added. Tops in: quality. . Available at p. It Firilayson'S'. . • lalfalfa- hay: Lane Gardner, Th. 3, good square baled timothy .and FOR SALE--AbegWeit oats, fence , Lucknow,', phone „ 69-r-18 Dun - pots and hydro - poles. ,Fariah gannen. • Moffat, phone , 57-r-41 Teeswater. • • FOUND -- a" grease' gun. Owner tinay have sarne by.'proying prop- erty and paying .for .advt.:,APplY • at The • Sentinel Office • . . • FOR SALE -a few' bushels, of ..tirnothy' seed and red.' clover seed, George, • Kennedy," Phone '4'31-r-1.1,-Lucknow. : . - NOTICE RE :A.00OUNTS'''• All accounts not Paid by' ,Wect, nesday, April 20th, will. be placed in_other .hands for Collection.. • M ,MORRISON' , . . .',FOR 10° Weanling pigs. Jim. Gardner, phone, 24-,w, ;Luck- • ' • • '•• - CATTLE, .,WANTEp.Cari'; handle -43 or -10 head, Of grass cattle. John •MCFarlan; R.' 2, .Holyrood, phone • . FOR. SALE' -Red Clover seed,, §32.0o. per ,bus,;' also; ,,cob Alex Hackett, LucknoW; phone '074,17 iDunoannon.. 'YOU AIN'T HEARD ° THE HALF OF IT • Don't. fail. -to-attend this play , • • • AVON. AGENCY • Having • taken over the Avon Agency, I *.hope .tocall person- allY, at the homes M the Village, In • the' :meantime • Avons pro- ducts will be immediately avail- able -by.-- telephoning •Mrs-. Jim .Gardner, ' •24-W, •Luckrio*. • FOR SALE -71949 'Austin sedan in good condition, new motor only 6,000 miles.' For fur- ther 'inforrnation telephone 224,• Lu,cknow. •• , . 14; 4112.06. fp. WEDNESDAY; APAIL 13th 1955 • ,9•••••;:.^...0.....••••••••••••04.4400.... Insure With The U MUTUAL. , FIRE INSURANCE CO. for , , Reasonable rates, sound pro- *teetion & prom&4, satisfactory settlement of claims. • FARISH MOFFAT' • YOUr Local Agent :MR. Teeswater 'Phone' Teeswater 57-r-41 F. T....ARMSTRONG • Or*omEntisi GODERICH FOR .APPOINTMENT •••Thone 1100 (•For Appciintment Or .Inforination See Win. A. Schiadd, 'PhOne 167-4v, Lucknow • in the United Chtirch Sunday . , School Rootn -at 8.00 o'clock, Fri- day night, April 1.5th. You will be • sorry- if '.it.' IT'S GOOD, and besides there will be an excellent program' consisting of readings,, solos duets, trios' arid quartettes. ''Qood •• Everybody invited, Admission: adults 50C, children' 25'c. Sporisor- •ed by Group. No.. 3. • PLAY ,AT WHITECHURCH • 3-4ct comedy .."Grandpa'S Twin •Sister': Wilt be presented ;IDY Zion ,Ch,urch,_ Armow, -at .Whitechurch Corrianuniti.• Hall; on Friday, April 15th at ,3.30; Spoils -Oki .t.!Sr pupils of 8.S; No, 10. Xinloss. . REST HOME' ACCOMODATION, • Aecomedation a v a a blel at •. I Carruthers Convalescent Horne. GIRI2S_COAT FPR .'Home -cooked Meals, modern con- -weather coat, beige,, size 9-10... Apply ‚t� Mrs. Campbell Thomp- son, phone, 33, LuCknoW. veniences; -warm. Registered nurg- 'Mg available if required in case of siCkness..Apply to Elliott.Car- ruthers,. R. 3, Holyrood, • phone FOR SALE-;-•-•tvv.o • used .oil- bathl 27,-16,Rii:4e . windmills;, one 7 it., . orie.- ft. , . 'wheel; also,. 65 ,acres Of pasture • . BAY CHICKS for rent. • Apply to Wm:•Fitzpat- . The, Bray dhick-lourihg month ikIGOderich,.phonee 12-30 .for in.aiiy is Apix.ii. We'.suggest , , - , . • , , . PLAY AND DANCE . The 'play "Hot Water" preSent, , .ed by the Auburn..Y.P.V. will be-- 1, • stagect, In St.. Helens COrnintuiity Hall on Thttriday,'APril 14th at ' 8,30 sharp,., sponsored by St., Hel- ens W.I.• Dance Will Pillow. Ad,. iriissiOn 50.c , and 25C. MeMbers • please bring '1Urich... .:pUrigannon. . ' you contact 'us right :aWay for' 9 GO-WS------F-Ott--$.4,E=three grade 1.1e Bray 'POcPl.ist and select the - - -__,__Want...Shorthorn cows .due • to freShenbreedorcrossyou - mediate delivery. Mixed, pullets. • lin- -soon,..,R.-T...LiKilpatriek• Con. 8' Me . , • Aihfield•phone Dungiii-- --non 774-2. ' • MEAT 'FOR . SALE /.'.' , 1, 11 , recketels, .sorne started. Agent--..- Lucres---ef--Lot--Nurnber the • HOUSE . FOR. ..SALE--rriodern room 'house :on, Havelock St, Oil furnace, 'hardwood fioOrs: - . Apply 'to Dr. T. B.-Clelapt Luck - now. • MORTGAGE SALE . Of Valuable' Faint Property, „ ; Under and by ..virtu e of the Powers of Sale ' contained' in a certain mortgage Which -will be produced at the time of Sale, there. will .be offered for Sale by Public, Action on . Weclnesdayi .May 4th, :1955, , at •3.00l at the LuCknoW Community "Si.Ie at ,LucknoW by Emile MacLennan, Auctioneer,-the-followi erty namely: The Westerly,80 'INSURANCE , FIRE, WIND,: CASUALTY AtiTplgOBILE 4° - LAND LIFE • ••• To protect Your: Jack,- . Insure With JaCk Today; , . J. A. McDONAGH !Phone: 61-5; Dungannon • . - - - R.' W. ANDREW • .Barrister and 'Solicitor- LISTOWEL, 'ONTARIO. • N.,• N 'L. EveryUeKN W WedneSday. and. Saturday • Af.teinoon • (Mice in the Joynt Block • Telephone: • , Office 135 Residence 314 rc,t , : • . . R. HETHERINGXON, Barrister, 'Etc. Wingham and Lucknow . LUCKNOW , Each Monday and Wednesday Located in 'the -Municipal Office 'Phone- Wingham . • Office- 48 Residence 97 Kenneth J. MacKenzie, OptoMetrisi. LISTOWEL,. ONT. at the former Wrona Jewelery store. Ripley, 10 ask to•9. ,WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27th and every Second Wednesday., .Eyes examined - Glasses !Med For .appointment 'p,hone Roy AilacKenzie;•967r-24, Ripley..• P. STUART.'MacKENZIE Barrister and Solicitor WALKERTON, ONTARIO , IN .LUCKNOW Each Wednesday ' • OFFICE iN. HENDERSON BLOCK' AG,k4EWS° .A'GNCY Howard AgneW Jos: 'Agnew • 'VIEWER OF Ontario Insurance. Agents' As,sociation • . , GENERAL INSURANCE Over 30 Years Ago. . . , • •••• Telephpnes: BusinesS 39* 'Residence : 138 ..4~0.140040.."4""0.004, MCLEisINAN and • . . 4th 'Concession of , the Township'• , 1 of 'Huron% hi the 'County' of Bruce. ' 'On the said Lands,there,is said • , Good beef. .for sale bythe ,to be situate. a. Well on the front d - ' ----,--quarter.--Beef---killed;underlicense of--2_the-LEarirL, and a Spring. • at • . , the rear of the said Lands:. The ' fidin the Department of .Health. 'Phone 24-30 Ripley.. • , Lands ..are said to be good grass . Raynard Ackert, Ilolyrood ' FARMERS, ATTENTION Farmers. are reminded that in order-' to get co.ntract price for lifalting-bailey--:-they•-must -have- a. signed contract. Do not -delay JO long as seed is• scarce this • 'Year. We can give you the' good lurid's.: . ' .. ' .., CHROME FIstoris RI GS I contract, the good: seed and 'th'e Terins"Of Sale 1 Idare'-atior-morEr--car ownerS-arel-gciod-ser-s.tice.._._-_:_;_ Tell percent of the purchase 1 enjoying the wonderful service Treleaven. 'MMing Money_ .. „he: paid down at -it, ' time of sale' and the balance Within ',thirty days thereafter without interest. , -* V'or further partibulars and . • condition.s of sale apply to: , X,LEX MeNAB 1./Valkerton Vendor!s Solicitor. • 'DATED this 29th day of March • 195'5. of these &ming rings. Let me install It Set in your Motor now Also Valve grinding, ignition and mit: work.. , • • N. W. WINTERSTEIN. 'tSanitary •Sewage Disposal , . • Have your septic tanks, cess- pools, Cellars, .etc,,' pumped and , cleaned ,with- sanitary Inciderni . equipment. All",work guaranteed satisfactory.. Fc- , quick.' service write • or phoneOuis. Blake, Brussels; •O*14.., phoie Brussels ' SEED FOR 'SALE • • Govt. graded-Noo. tariO, Grimm and Nc:Irthern alfalfa • 04.00 bus.; • certified' Ranger alfalfa $35.00; double. cut, 13.ed Clover and mammoth Single cut Red Clover $36.00 bUs.; ,Othy $103.00 bus.; 'Lading, Alsike, Biome,: Meadow Fesciis., Orchard Grags, etc;, for all types hay and pasture mixtures, at money sav- ing arices. Ajax and -Beaver oats $1;405 bus. Galore and.Monicalm ' treated. Roy Cramin & Son, P nkettori • Phone Cargill 68-w4 S J PYMM Aceinintant • ' I3usiness and Tax Service, • Monthly Audits For. the' Merchant, ProfeSsidnal Man and 'Farmer Office in' the Kilpatrick Block ' ' Mondar: to Friday P.O. Box 74, Lucknow,..Ont:, AUCTION SALE 'Of oker. .7,0 head, of c,ittle and farm implements ,at. the farm of Harvey Cotgrarn, Lot 3, Con, 5, Ashfield Township, • 2% •miles f1uvatPi •T-TighWay, on ,Thursday, April 14th at 1 o'clock, See bills, Harvey Congram and Omar Brooks, Props.; Emile Mac- Lennan, AUc• ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association "Where Better. Bulls Are Used" Artificial 'insernination service fpr all breeds of cattle. For ser- vice 'Of information phone Clip- ToTri4re011ectrbetween1730-ahti' 1:0,t00 ia,m, on week days and 7.30 and 9:30 a,rri. on Sundays.. JOHNS D.. R. FINLAYSON,Lucknow. N ERAL /S - HOME - 'Phone 76- • Day or ,Night Ambulance .Seryice . . pst oF guNgRAL NOM! ',At No, 1E74tra Cost • Moderate Prices 7 . Mit*ENZII FUNERAL .SERVICE ,Services ° conducted ,acdOrd- ing to your wishes . at your Home,. your Church, 'pr. at . ourMemorial Chapel at no additional eh,nrge., , 'AMBULANCE sEityic 'Phone 181; Lueknoiv, Day or Night STATE •FARM MUTUAL , AUTOMOBILE: INSURANCE'. •Investigate Before Investing ' REUBEN .WILSON' 3, Goderich ,Phone ,,r139,4,-.8 Dungannon I•NSURAN Co-Opeiitive life- Insurance • Co -Operative Automobile insurance ' Diercantile..& .Farzn Fire 'InsOrance Ecoziomidal and Reliable. . • • - G.. ALAN .W1 LLIAMS Optometrist Office on Patrick St., just 'Off. the Main St. in 'WINGHAM . PrefessiOnal Eye Examination Optical Services Evenings by •appointment.' 'Phone: Offite :770; Res. 291 rm.e.dr"oper.4.44.#44.4.404 (Additional Classified on Page 7) . . : WI-WM-1AM EMPRIAL, SHOP See . 7. ..CAMERO N LUCKNOiy: " 'Phone 704-10 • RONALD G. McCANN Public 'Accountant CLINTON, ,ONTARIO .•Phones: 561., 455 'Office: Royal Bank Building Residence: Rattenbury St. We Have 1.3cen" Memorial. ' • Craftsmen:For Thirty-F:ive Years, Always Using , THE BEST GRANITES , RAY „ ROB I tY,..tON Along with 100trS ExPert'Designing and . Workmanship: Prices Most Reasonable errietery Letteririg a Specialty' ./TwooloonellkiAl ksppTto 'Phone Z56, Winghams. Ontario • "t. ii*AID, SANDED AND FINISHED,. RAZ 1, tort Albert ROYN BENT4Y Public: Accountant ' 4 Brittania, Rd. ' (corner Sotith St.) GODERICH, ON'T. Telet 212211. 1,