HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-04-13, Page 3'VE,D1VESDAY, APRIL 13th, 1985 2 LUCKNOW SENTINEL; la CKNOY;T,._ ONTARIO t• ,_,„,,.....,......".....ipli.H,1,...01,!-$•0?",d" WHO'L*A, WIN THE .$100. RING , •IN LOCAL ts8Av CONTEST? LUCKNOW ,„..... 'would you consider a free'clia- UN i i tu CHURCH,mond ring or an all-eiapense- ,•ministerf - paid ' •hOneymoon 'trip to, New York City; or both, were worth . , - _Rev. G. A. Meiklejohn writing. a simple 100 word state- , B.A., BM, , . . ment to win? I think you •would! • Mid if SO, .SChrrlid'S :Jewellery is SUNDAY, APRIX, *7th ,. . making you tit offer in the big --,..-. Bridal Bell dianiond ring, essay 11.00 a414 The. Sacrament 0it Contelt: ' ' Lord's upper., ' - . the Si • . ,t . . . Mr...Schmidi . s offering a beau- !. .tifyl. - Bridal -Bell 'diamond ring,' 1'..1'Pan.: Chil_1.7..!i_ $ .'!...111_°°_,' .1.7 retail value41.0%.0.0,as his, prize 7.00 .1*1.: Impressions at • • ' • . • . , .''4 ' a [to •Yoti and the manufachirers 1 . . of .Bridal Bell diamond rings 'are Five 044s. , c . . Providing a ,national prize .of a ,, • - Honeymoon at the .Waldorf -As; - torie; .:SeVeri• .glOrious days •in .............).............t................. New York City with plane fare,' . , hotel, 'meal's, shows, 'night clubs, * Luckno:. . sightieeing, , tips and' • incidentals, all paid for. . , Presbyterian Church7 All . you ' have to do to . enter IS to w-rite.Your essay on 'Why Rev. Wallace ',McClean, minister , , .I v.q4r4 my Engagenient Ring to . be a Bridal F3e1i Diarirond", in SUNDAY,., APRIL 17th. ' . . 100 wordsorless, 'Get your entry ' • - • ,,.. ' forni at Schrnid's. Contest 'closes 41.00 aan.:. Morning worship.. . _ April 30th: •:. •.. ' , Sunday School .Following , Service. . .1 , ,. ! 3.00 p.m.: Erskine, Dungan 1 • • 7.00' p.m.:.Evening.'Worship. Ampirwisiv, • .PARAMOUNT. ,..; 4 SCOTS TOGETHER, FOR -• EASTF1R 'WEEK -END Easter week -end:, at the •horrieLot • and . Mts.. -.Tarries: •McNaughton Were: Mise ...Susan McNaughton, Mr. and Mrs, Peter ThOinson, Mr. arid Mrs. Robert Robizison and •Gloria Mr. •ahd • M 13'11 I :M d Mrs.: - *Local St.. eneral Don't forget the play and pro- gram. in the United Church •on •Friday 'evening' sponsored by Group,3 of the W.A. '' Fraser Ashton is spending the •Week in Toronto • •with Allan Cbin.' . • Agrs. Mahin, and Neddy of Dlitroit are visiting this' week with Mr. arid Mrs Ed Thom. • •'• Wm. .Kempton. of London, was taonwnEas,t!r week-en•d visiter_. in • 'Mr.' a-na Mrs.. Charles Syther7. land of Toronto were • Easter ,week -end callers in. town. ° ' :and. Mrs: 'Gedrge •Joynt and lane were week -end guests of Mr, and Mrs. Floyd Wilson at Bracebridge. • , , Mr. and Mrs. Goldie Cockwell. and Son. Roy of.Detroit- ,were •Easter •visitors • with • relatives here. • Rae Stanley, Who,: teaches • at St. •,ThOines, is Spending Easter week at the'home Of his parents, Mr: and. Mrs'. Wm. StanleY. Mr.• . and Mks: •Sy,dney Rouse and ,children • Of.' Camp .Bbrden spent -Easter week -end with Tel, 'atiVes;• „. ";. Miss /:Helen '11hOrripson is in Toronto, thi-S7week att-Md-rnk.ffie, .Conyention: Mrs.., R. Thompson is • Visiting 'in. Elmira .and 'Waterloo. .-ParainoUnt W.l. *ill Meet at Bill and Sarri''•Cliin-of Toronto the -home of Mrs.- R. Reid. "on • . rs, r. n and. Morley. arid. Oladis' Ted: Williarns .and :Mr. R. Henn' university. studentsolat. Ann. Ai, Tuesday, -Aoril '19th.'•at 2.00 p.„rn. Ang. • • . bot„ • Mich., were. er. visitors Roll Call, toa/44 of .f...es; current Teti of :the here: ' MrsNicholson,': Mrs: A. Duncan. •Maeccinnell, ...2nd . ,. events; Mrs. .StanloY;,. 11.6gram, iginaUy — .„frorn. Mar,1,.:.inth, •Fife, Scotland; and.have corne tO•Cair7. --ada---Withinflie--:15-017-foirr years.. It...waS. an interesting gather,ing •O'f Sots, were. clOse friends' and neighbors ,•;•‘back horrie"•.••.' • con., Kinloss, mas taken to_Lork-_- , • , - sp•eakeri-----IVhss---Brophy - don .a. week ago IVIonclay where CKNX. cordially .,wel- . wh .he'unde.,r,Went an operation in 'St. come. •Members please reniember Joseph's Hospital.': your cake or cookies: " • The Last, Word In Heating IsThe 4. mccli.ary Winter Air loonot: •.McClary .now introduces a:hew standard of comfort,' and healthfulness in .hoine- an COndifionhIg.'.'. a money -saver from,. the day-. it's installed. . ;. • furnace tending. banished' forever, •• ' and .occupies iittle. more space' than a. refrigerator. - Econornical! 'Guaranteed! *Automatic! CompaCt!.... ' Clean! Attractive! ; Efficientl •EitectiVe!' QUICKLY' INSTA•LLED BY TRAINED WORKMAN Get Full,Particulars 14, From Phhnbing,,Beatingi Electric Wiring ',Phone 50, Lucknow avin Is Not On 'lc Sale' Plan SPECIAL VALUES. DURING SALE.. 1.• •I • .1 • BOND ENVELOPES, 100 in pkg: ........ alc„ 2 fOr 60c, •..! PEN'S, Eciiiisc ancl'ilooded Knight., reg. $1.00 "value 59c V * ' ! ' FIA,IZIJS 0 3 strands in a gift box , ' .99c !.. ! •Vi.C1•3,1,14,: 300 in a box , , .'. • IOC! 1 ,1 • (.111.:St, ()F :IiETTEILS, - 70: sheets, 30' envelopes, • 79c i 1 ieg.; $1.50 .: •••••••,.."-•••••:- ••-.' , 1.. • 1 'DESK, STAPE,Elt, .regitlar, $1-19, • I • v.r., .0ALE.DATES: Wed, Milne Fri.,Sat. April 43, 14, 15, 16 '. .0.k.•••\ e• 11111S Drug Storehi r •,t Misses. Flora •and 'Olive Web- Ster and Bea and Margot Parker.• of ,Tpronto 'spent . the week -end, at their " home, "Maple Lane,: 'a:4th of, LucknoW. • • Mr,* and Mrs- Bruce Gammie and granddaughter,' Susan Fair, of:. Elora;.'were: Easter. 'Visitors With Mrs. G. •Andrew • arid Miss Flora Andre*. '.• Mr and Mr Howard 'Reed and dati'ghter Bonnie Lyn of Windsor • PA _Ladies' and Men's 'Wear Fashion Millinery 'PHONE #15, LUCILNOW • : re$se.s. THRIFTY, ARIGHT anclI/V:i.SHABLE Well designed, good wearing and good fitting Wide 'range of latest'SPting. shades . , . Sizes •12 to 20, 1i1/2 to 24, 303/2 to 44 . plain .colors, navy, tan, 'blue, shrimp .„.'. .Alt over patterns_ and striPes. , 95 COATS—..AllPurpose 19.95 JACKETS—Colorful and New $9.95 to $14.95 Wide -Range For Men and Boys #4.P9,11:40 PICKED .UP AND DELIVERED ,EV6tX MONDAY AND THURSDA Now is the tune to lay away your. woollens, • bedding, jackets,. coats, •children's" wear, ete. ave then' Sane k Cleaned - the year round Moth-proOfe •one. 85 .Lucknow, For Information , • Mr, and Mrs. Efeid-MckPiri and ti::e .at 2.30 p.m. On Friday,: Ai:ii:il ' 'Karen, Mrs.' Neil Graharn; Miss. 1.5-th.'A•pot luck 'supper will •fot- Florence Dawson and Alan Me- low ..the meeting. Hostesses, the Kithof l'oronto; and Jack :Me- executive. All . standing corfuni,t- , Kini. Of Western:VrtiVersity; Lr 17' tee reports must be in.. • . . .. . • , . don, Were Easter visitors Wrth. M. and Mrs: A. E. yr.:Kirn.. " FOURTH CONCES'IO—N ' . Mrs:. A. E: IVIcKim is :in Tor • '7 ' . 7 ' • -. . ' ' . . ' *ere Easter Visitorswith his .ontO :this ' Week ;attending. the • The following teat.:ners are .. «parents, . ."AIr. and . Mrs.. .W. G ---.. two-day provincial annual meet- home for the rEaSter. vacatic.n:: Reed.. ing of the. Girl Guidei-Associa-: Miss: Betty Hamilton : of New- L__.,..Mr, -and-.Mrs ..J., 'G.; -macintosh tion, which.willb.e...-.cii-iiii-ke-d- ori market, -Miss 'Joan .Harnilton -df- f '04hawa ,arid '''• ... •aPcl. 'in . Friday evening with a Gold. scird , .,. Arthur and Miss Margaret Mac- . Donald:of Sarnia, •. • , Mr. and Mrs: ;Ira Dickie.,. Wal- ter,' Dougla..§ and William &•Mrs: L.•;.C. MacIver enjoyed..a motor :trip through Michigan, . visiting friedds and rPlatives at LaPier . . -„ , , liarrisville and ,Alpena and Cor - unna,:On.tatio, Mr: and Mrs. John, Dickie. of Hope 'Bay and ,Denver- -;'-dfd--L-the7farrn-clrores----.wh-i-le---they- were away.. ' . ,now spc.4t •Easter Sunday at 'the. . .honie •' of •Mr. and '1VIrs.. Lioyci.: MaeDongall. .•, • . . ; Mr. and 'Mrs. *Keith HeridersOits,. ' Of Guelph and Mr. Roderick floss of:Luck/low, Were, Good Fridayb visitOrs .at Mrs. D. L. Macicin- • be held in the Recreational Cen- ns. . . • . • Wni: Alton of Toronto were East-, presentation. er .visitors With: Mr: and Mrs, Miss thecla Irwin: of. Toronto Sam Alton. .:, • . . . , . was an taster visitor at the home " .Mrs: Wm.. macKenzie of Ter- of her sister, Mrs. Thomis..1.fack- . onto is •: spending 'Eater Week . eft and Mr Hackett Mrs.:•liack- . With Mr. and MrS. Tern MacKen- ett returned withher after Visit- zie and Mr. and Mrs, Frank Mac- ing.:in the city with Mr. and Mrs, Kenzie. ' Keith Hackett:* . , . .., , • i . , , Mr. and Mrs i ,Hector Ptu'don Easter • holiday visitors..-__Lvvith -ancl-childken, June, Cheryl, Bruce Itf: .sand • Mrs. : Philip Stewart and Sylvia Jane. of •Sarnia, were Were Mr. and Mrs - T-4.9.14Stewart_ Easter -'--.visitors with his parents, . and Greg of ,Kitchener, Mr. and Mr,' and. Mrs. Sandi Pardon. .. Mrs Allan Stewart of •Hamilton, ' 'Mr. and. Mri. Lorne Hamilton Mr..d Mrs. Jack Wilson , of and. John ;.and Mrs: Modkriclge Strat Ord and Miss, Winnie Stew and Fred, Mockridge of •Hatnilton art O. London. .,..w...ere Easter-.visiters:_at-The-.home -The..--.:--;ann-dil-."-rnee"t'ing of—the of Mrs. 'Jack Hainilton. •• ' '.', Litcknow Women's Institute will •Mr. and' Mrs. 'Robert. MacKen- , . zie' and. children were Good'''kri- day yisitors 'in Galt 'With. Dr, and Mrs. Ross.Howson and their two children:, • Mrs„ R. V. MacKerizie.is spend - lug two, weeks hi' Norfolk, Vir••••• ginia, with her sister-in-law, Miss Bessie MaaKenzie.• Mrs.'MacKed, Zie accompanied -.Mr. and Mrs. Steele ,MacKenzie Of 'Kitchener. %Easter visitors' •with Mr. and Mrs. P.. 'M. Johnston were Mr: and MrS.. Merle, Johnston, Shar-. 1..on 'arid ,Dianne. of Lonclolg,_ Mr, • anct , Mrs. Donald .Johnston of Toronto and .Mi Ss Ruth Johnston of Westervelt, Londbri. . ' Easier ,visityrs with Mr. and _Mrs. 'W. B..1.Afidi.son were Mr, and Mrs.,. WM: Swan and dau.glx-' tors. Mary .and Barbara .braLon- don. Miss Mary Anderson of .Teadhers ?College, Toionto, and Georgi Andersbn WaArloo College, •Mrs. Alfred King tmd • daug,h, ter tarbara c Pontia. IVIich.; • Mr, and Ge, rge Berry and fatnily of Wiarton; fr.'and Mrs. • Albert Campbell and Ross Shiells of Arnberley,,were Ea:stercallers, esaateuz,..w.ho seAred hei 80.th, birthday: on Sat- 041 141MpothsioiNilyiVii!jula•NorIN .*41 1: kiH. EN PEOPLE ItiZET THbrd AL.Wf4YS:Si*I: NO MATTER 'WHAT P -Ie TIAV. OF' 441; -7-1-ietz' is A fr1014EY- sAVING PAY S. 10 614OP 7. .. Lotz`Al, 1 RAOEMillikS,,rne, - SEPOY 50 a $1.00 STORE *Wed-yooit 3'k4:e4t414._ kite DRY GOODS LADIES #.4,4CHI LOREN S WEAR, CHINA -KITCHEN UTENSILS -GREETING CARDS igtoice„ TOILET/2.1ES a.4.4.4 TOY S cZoKe- 108W LU owl ONT. 108W