HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-04-13, Page 2• 7441t- 19111M2.1n04111, THE -LUCKNOW, SENTINEL, LUCK.NOW, ONTARIO • WEDNESDAY, A.1). RIT, lath, '1955 LUCKNOW WOMEN'S' ,p1STITUTE ! ..! 01. P" HURON.BRUCE MPP TO.AGAIN STAND The Editor, • The Sentinel, • .Editor: , • , . After a very, busy Session the Legislature prorogued on . March 31st. We M1 that „much was ac- complished, particularly -in look- ' ' to the immediate "future Among most iinportant measures approved by the HotiSe was the, unconditional extra ,grants being imade available to each munici- pality. - • . It would seem that an election might be 'held soon and 1 will ( let my name stand for endorse - the citizens of Huron- Bruce:?The Government of Pre- mier.• Leslie Fro$t is a Progressive one. Human betterment of all •our people is certain under, the leadership of Mr; Frost You will be ,pleased, to know that I am in good health and anxious to continue serving the fine people- of the riding of Huron -Bruce. • ' With kindest • regards, -yours sincerely, , John W. Hanna, MPP, Huron -Bruce. IS Your SUbscription Paid? PROMOTE NAME:ON MAIL. BOX_PROJECT . (ST. HELENS NEWS) • "•.The St. Helens yv..1. held. their April meeting -at the. home of Mrs. W. A. liumphrey.-Thia_was. the annual:meeting and the new president, Mrs. AndieW Gaunt, :Was in the chairThere were 25:;members.paid' their fees with , , nine visitors and six chi ren present, The meeting . opened with the Lord's prayer, the. In- stitute ode and the Mary Stewart Collect. • The roll call was .ant7 .wered bY suggestions for irnprev- Spode tuna emonstratiort N LUCIKNOW TOWN HAL Water", on Thursday night sPon- sore& by the W.I. and presented by Auburn Y.P.U. Dance after. gel' Many friends hope for the speedY recovery of Mrs. Andrew Gaunt who is confined to bed With phlebitis.- Mrs. James Ait- chisoxi, %who has. spent the •past fewmonths in .Wingliarif-Jarkr Be, ,rVle, is with ,her. - • , • Mr: and -Mit.% Gordon,. Miller and Larry- of; ,London -and 14r and Mrs. Harold Taylor of Wing. ham were 'Easter vi:sitors, With Mr: and Mrs. Chester Taylor. • Murray Gaunt,is. home •after completing this first year at the 0.A1., Guelph. • .• , ing our meetings, and it Was well Mr. •and •Mrs. Mel 'Brown and • responded. to. Bob' Murclie'. of Waterloo were . , holiday visitors ,with Mr. an Mrs. R.. Woods. Mrs. .1Viurdie, who, has been a visitor in Water- loo; returned - home, wip-i .thern.; Mr, and . Mrs.. Irwin 'McCabe, Marvin and Brian of. Windsor & Keith Johnston of Bluevale were visitors, on Saturday with ‘Mr. and. Mrs Fred. and Mr. and Mrs. Frank McQuillin. They were ac- companied by Mr, JohrOVIcQuit- lin!• whj. returned home after V 4 • 4 / at .8.00 p.m. Wm. Schmid is aving a representative of Copeland and Duncan dem istrate Spode China in the Town Hall on Thursday; A 11 21st at 8.00. The demonstration will feature a slowing the...China-making pioeess from the clay -banks t the finished _product. ' SIX PRIZ S TO BE GIVEN AWAY TJLere will be a 25e Fee Entire Proceeds tor, Lucknow Women' Institute 0 All .Ladies The Conmiunity Are Invited •. • • 1 1 411,••••-••• 1 1 1 1 0 1 , A.,..••••••••11,••••••••••••••••••••' ssl your Heating System • —Winter Air Conditioning Furnace , Complete with Auto -Humidifier and ,Refractor Oil and 3 Controls • Burner Delivered $365 00 1 —Delm'il-Wititer Air Conditioning C1 'Fired Unit Complete with uto-Humidifier, Blower, Motor, Blower Control and Filter ' DeliVered Grairity° Coal Furnace. Delivered, —Gravity ,Wood Furnace -42" Fire - Al) Cast Delivered —Standard Conversion, Oil Burner. Complete with Controls Payment" as Low 1.5 $10.00 per Month,‘ up to i• 24 Months to pay. " ALL..UNjTSuGOA.RANTEED.FOR .1 YEAR , . $128;00 . • • We can•supply all sheet Metal Pipes, Registers and ' Fittinks, at current prieek. . • ' iseler Phone 426 Sax 33 A' committee ',waschosen to be responsible for looking after the play on April 14th. Those ap- pointed were Mrs.. E.-, W: Rice, Mrs. .Jim .Curran, Mra. Frank . and . ' Ernest Gadrift. , • ' It WS ,decided .to have a pro- ject to paint: up :the mail boxes and put the_41ames.:on them, with 'everyonebeing responsible for their own (box. A small prize as to spending the winter months in Windsor, • .The death of Mrs. Wit. •Ring, . ler, which occurred in Wingharn Hospital on Wednesday follow- ing a .heart attack a .few 'hours earlier, came as a Shock .to the community,. .and.• the Sympathy a host of friends goes to .1*. Ringier-and4fer son G.ordon,and St. Helena. Meeting. • The St: Helens Y.P. meeting .was . held On Sunday evening,' April 10th. Dotis er of Stewardship and Training commission, was in charge 'of the Worship service. Doris read the caIl,to worship, and this was fol- lowed by a hymn. Doris, led in prayer' and then read "Moral Re- sponsibility" Need For givenesS". The singing..ofjiymfi When I survey the Wondrous Cross" closed the worship ser - Vice, :The administration ,follow- ed. with Anne Todd, president, in the • chair. : Anne led in a sing Song. Anne: and Don. Cameron conduCtedthe recreation.. The Meeting iclosed with taps: .be given .for the most attractive :box. 'Thisis supposed :to be cern.: pleted':by the next theetirig:, . "rh9 Old, Rugged,' Cross" was. sung. Mrs.James Curran had the motto, "The greatestthing inthe world is not. where you are standing; but the direction in which yoti:-are-Moying. Miss W. D. :Rutherford had the cur- rent events. MI*. Lorne, Woods gave a. paper on the uses of snap Clothespins. 'Reports of standing committees ' were given and the Meeting was closed with the Queen. Lunch. was, .servedqay the .hostesses, Mrs. T. J. Todd and Mrs:. Lorne Woods. :..,• , , Staged. Easter • Program • The 'pupils of the • St. Helena 'sdhool; under the, direcition ;of their teacher; Miss Beatrice Mc- Quillin music superv'' .Mrs. Rodgers, presented a splen- did Easter program, In the com- munity hall on ThUrsday, evening to a large .and appreciative aud- ience. Mr. Wallace Miller.; Was -thairman7fOr-the-folloWing-nurn-- liers: choruses by .the school; solos . .by •,Sandra Miller and Giedy.s McDonald; dueti iv Lois / %WINNER'S• ANNOUNCED ' toiders, of the lucky 'numbers. in the I.G.A. grand opening draw were: '1st, Mts. N. ,11.,"Iled- ley; Junior .111ibrm.aster; 2nd, J. D.,.McKen,drick, man': watch;, 3rd, (electric cern: Popper, Mrs. How- ardi. e.9wan- , , Winner of the „Easter hanlli. giv- en' away at Welsh Meat 'Mark at the week -end • was Mt. • Roy Robinson of lilelgrave. • ENGAGEMENTS Miller, and Norma Forster; piano"' •, instrumentals by NOrnia'.Vorster . • of Mae Louise,. daughter' .of Mr.' and Eddie Gaunt; • numbers by and Mrs. Phillip Dawson of•East the rhythm band; a . dialogue; ur, nosh., to Mervin .Charles "Bell joins. of the Easter par•-..."'.aY'r Ritchie, sc-in of ' Mr. and MrS; ade" and . a-Lparade of the pupils, Gordon Ritchie, , Ashfield. The dressed: in their •'Faster finery.. ' marriage to •take place the lat- The_pregrarn- ended ter paft-cif•April. . pressive pajeant, "The Story of -the •Crose... A. pleasant social_ hour, folloWed When lunch was served by the. pupils: • . All the ladies are invited to the short courae, "Your Food'and Your Figure".• sponsored '.by the• William 'James. 1#.1. in the •Conuntinity—Halr < • • next Monday% afternoon,' April •• . • . • itOGEBOOm.--;in mngston mos., lVfiss Margaret. student 'to Mr.' and Mrs. Wallace Ilege-' nurse '.at 'the Stratford' General •, Hospital,. was home for the tast- er week -end • The engagement is announced BORN • CAMPBELL -Lin VinghaM Hes.- on; Wednesday, April 6th; to ' Mr. and Mrs. Ira -Campbell (Catherine.'Ketchabaw), a• son; • 18th..• • : • • • 'pital On Wednesday, March 23rd, • Miss Irene Pennington of Tees - water Was A ViSitok, for a few days .with her friend, .Miss Anne Todd Mrs. D. Todd returned on Sun- day from . Catharines where she had spent the winter months withher daughter, Mrs. D.. J. •.Mcintosh :arid Mr; M,cIntash. VIrs, Gordon'. 'McIntyre • and Donald of ,Bracebridge are East- er visitors with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Miller. • • • Beautiful Easterlilies and oilier spring flowers added 'to the beauty of the taster service held in the United ' Church on Sunday mbrning Mr, Spariing chose as ‘the subject of his Easter sermon ,"The Controlling Pres- ence', .The- choir, wearing ,their gowns for the iirst tune, sang "Christ: Arose" and "He Lives". . Mr and Mrs. Bob Johnston of • Weston and mrs, ichard iVIartin of 1-thron Township were weekt,, endvisitors with. Mrs. 'McNeill* and Elmer - and Arnold Woods. Don't "Hat boorn, , g _ , s n ne, a sister for David and •Miriam. LAP SUFFERED; BAD FRACTURE OF THE LEG ' , . Bobby Forster, 10 -year-old Son' • of Mr. and Mrs. 'Walter :Forster,' . of near Ripley; suffered a doubhe. fracture of , the right ' leg in 'a fall at the firm. 'recently. Both bones were 'Oaken'. Bobby; was taken to Kincardine Hospital and due to the severity of ' the 'break ..was taken from there to. Victoria Hospital, 'Lon- don; to have theliffib set, The lad returned to his home .on Tuesday. ••'. . . stEic :GARBAGE' COLLECTION . AT .AMBERLEY:: BEACH ' , • . petition . is being', Circulated among cottage owners\t Atriber,-- ley Beach, with a view to having ' garbage colleectjeri"serviee., eStahlished at this rapidly, grOw;. ing resort The:service would be for July and August,.' :4 'deputation submitfea' the :•• Proposal. to Ashfie1d Township Couneil-last week, and the:1368rd. Asked ..that -A :petition he ciiulat ed; AO .establishthe desire of eot- -tage owners, who would .bear.the cost of the 'serVice,.:. and whi'eh would be added., to • the Owt.lr.,,"..5 tax bill::•• ',• • . . 'Council' Was alsO ',asked tO. ply caldturi to the to keep doWn the dust, the •cot of. which' would also :be.: borne by the cottage .:owner.;. • .• CHARGES ARISE':VROTW EARLY. MORNING*CAPERS. ,Constable :Alex Havens report •ftrat soMe'.-early-,SUnday morniri'g speedinii, and failure to stop tor a;Provincial 'Pollee tglicer,. has resulted in .'.Charges.. being laid locally.. , : Warnings hare . been: published in ..the last two ••issues .O.t. The' SentMel in this connection': On Saturday; evening , there,: Wes'sorrie'reckles's •driVing:'goirig on, litit As Constable Alex 1-laens - was .oft -duty-' with Ta -root iinturt there Was no repercussion in,tha,t Instance. It, We Understan-d,,hrd no. .connection with the epspd6 at a later •.1-iour,' when ProVincial, 'Constable Boyce, On routine, check-up, spotted the early inorn-':.• ing otenclers,...-againat: laid C arges... , On Tuesday. evening PoticT, ae, costed a :trio of ' on Lucknow Main Street,A a,nd one of the trio was 'taken to erton,- A:- charge will be laid. , "You Can Start In The • AutomotiveSuppI usiness — In Lucknow With A Minimum CapitarInvesttneht -Store-already leased - Coinpletea 'emotive and . . • Sporting, Goods line to draw from . . Help. and supervision in starting, •• •CONTACT; • SPORTS AND AUTO SUPPLY Rox. 298, EkElrER --- PHONE 211, EXETER •1!