HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-04-13, Page 11
$2.50 A Year In Advance-4LO° Extra .To U.S.A.
Kinloss Posse
The alertness ot tWo Holyrood
district men in thespotting of an
.autei'itebile at Holyrood corner
.on..._„.Monday night resulted in the
rescue of Agnes , Sittler;, nineyearold daughter of Mr. and
' Mrs. Ezra Sittler, •Jr, of Kin-
losOTownship, more than *three
'hours after she had been report-
ed 'missing from the farmof her
grandfather, Ezra Sittler,..Sr., Of
CIAlr,OSS TbArnshiti. ,
• RaYnard Ackert, along_ with
his • son..Ernest;•, and' his. 'hired
man :Ed Spitzig, had stopped at
the Holyrood store on the way
'ler an evening of smelt fishing..
It was here thatthey learned of
the radio appeal to be on the
.4lookout '-for the child :and ' her
alleged abductor. A . two-tone
late model 'Buick fitting the.cle-
gcription70f-the--wanted ear was
noticed Proceeding west on the
'Eight Concession Of Kinross, and
making •,a right turn :north, at.
llolyrood. Raynardgave 'chase
and was .joined at "Blackhorse"
by -Harold and Douglas 'Banner.;
"Man.. there. they , dropped , off
young Ernest Ackert to 'get.,
;someone to • call the ' police but
•the lad had little suegess in con-
vincing anyone • of what,' was.
transpiring literally under 'their
The •three cars succeeded iiri
'.oVertakingandblocking the
pursued ear '. in the Rivers,dale
, areaon the Durham. Road. The
driver.offered no resistance as
' the girl:. was rernoVed 'from the
:Police :arreated. • 'Dennis Des-
mond, 39, a well dressed; titunari-
tied insurance salesznan from the
Pinkerton district and .Charged
'him with unlawfully taking
from .custody a girl under, 14
years of age". , •
Lad. 'Had Deseription.
John Wharton 7 -year-old selo l
Mr,..and :Mrs, Hugh Wharton.
of .the Belgraye-Blyth •distrieti
:Who was ViSiting 'relatives in the
Teetwater district, Was. with his
cousin when she Was ,enticed in-
to the :car; The two .ofthein :Were
at the in front, of the farin'
• of Ezra Sittler,• Sr„*. grandfather
of the girl. ,John refused to get
in theear: and upon reporting
what hadhappened yak_able tk
give a good descri tion .6-f .thecar rted arid ..a131. -
'peals' for helPannounced over
CKNX.,A large posse was join-
ing the search by the time the
Kinloss' •ttio • had cornered the
car and many vehicles_ :quickly
converged •at .the .Scene.
An Allustrated lecture Which
was to; haVe been j held in the
Presbyterian churck.Lportraying'
work being done among the lep-
crs, has been cancelled. • indefln-
itely. The Cancellation is due to
..'the illness' of. Rev, G., H. King.
who wag to have given ,the
ture :on. Thursday evening. '
, — —
Animpressive feature .-. or the
,Easter Sunday Morning service
Was the ,,reeePtion • into Church
mernbership.by Rev, 'O., A. Meik-
lejahn: of a. elass of eleven.
SOfi , • ,• -•
• .Mumhership certificates :Were
pre:;entsr.f sal welcorne-extend--
ed•On• behalf of thecongregation
by Messrs. T. A. Cameron' and
Ernest Blake; members of.. Ses-
. The membershipclass. was
%.0n1prised of Nancy Webster,
Lester Burden, Joanne Hunter,
Sean, Richards; Joan ' Crawlerdo
Shirley, lrwin, Marguerite Mc-
Kenzie. '.Fraser Ashton Eldon
John '1
LloydStewart, son of Mr,: and
Mrs. Philip : ,Stewart, has been
-pr.omoted to the position: of sup-
ervisor of Loblaws,. grOceterias.
At the age . of .30 Lloyd.' is the
youngest Ontario -supervisor' in
the , organization.' He has eight
stores --- five in Hamilton and
three in. Brantford under' his
*supervision. '
• ..Lloyd Was raised in .Lticknow
And ,started -in the em-
ploy Stratford' in 1941. He was
promoted to store manager in
1948 ..and served in a managerial
Capacity in Stratford .and • Kitch-
ener stores as wellas a one-year
term as assistant -manager° in
Brampton,' • : :
.LIOYd . recently took .4 four
months'- supervising course: be-
fore commencingbig*. new duties.:
Mr. .and Mrs.. Stewart plan to
Move from Kitchener 4o Hamil-
ton where they are buying :.a
Lloyd is a 'talented Singer, and
has -sung: here on numerous oe7
casions, when .visiting .his parents.
In Kitchener he has been soloist
in: St. Andrew's Presbyterian
Church. • , . . •
Lloyd is..the oldest. of ' a fain2,„.
ily of four. His brothel' "-Allan
isntramilto_ri. There :are._,two:
sisters, Mrs jack Wilson • (Gwen).
of Stratford and Winnifred of
were puzzled, however, as to the
Whereabouts of Desmond 'during
the more than three hours Which
had elapsed.
. The Main Street building . of-
fered for 'sale in lagt...week's issue
as sold before the paper was
out and iwork of dismantling it
commenced iminediately.. The
htty_er was .Alf Ritchie
The frame, building occupied
by Morrison's harness, shop and
•Schinici's china display .shopwas
owned.' by Bill Schmid, who
plans ' to replace it with a moct-
qn brick front. store.
8ui1ding 'oPe4ations will com-
mence as 'soon as the old build-
ing . is .1clearec.1 away and •Mr.
Schmid. anticipates being able to
move into hisnew premises this
. •
A new .business is scheduled to
open in Ltickno* in May. It will
be a •branch of. Ron Westman's
Sports and Ante Supply of EXe-
ter. Mr:, Westman has leased the
'premises in, the Joynt 'Block to
be vacated • shortly by Greer
Radio and Electric, as thiS:busi-
ness is being .movedto the Co-ci •
Grocery : building, recently pur-
chased by Harold Greer. The Co-
on is , currently disposing of the
grocery stock, in preparation to
Vacate the premises. Greer Radio
and Electric . has .:been .• offering
."clearing- .sale"' • bargains in•
Stock reducing • Move, ..prier to
moving to the new focatipp, and•
•pending :these moves,* the West -
man Store Store will... open.' .. •
Mr.Westman is advertising.
this Week to determine' if any-
one locally is interested in tak-
ing .over the operation of ''.the
new branch .store. 11. net, hewill
.put One of his own'men' in clige
The..,Lueknow atitornotive sup -
Ply isthe latest in ...a chain of
Stores operated by Westman.
He has, both a retail and whole-
sale . store ,in Exeter,. 'where he
originated • the ekpanding... enter-
prise. Since, then he has :edtab-
lished. stores in ,London, Strath-
roy,,, ThedfOrd, Zurich and now
in Lucknow
' Lloyd Ackert has accepted a
position in the •personnel -branch
of the -.United •Co-oPeraAiires of
Ontario at Toronto, where he has
purchased a home. They obtain
'Possession. in June,- when Mrs..
Ackert and two children, John
and -Anti :Elizabeth, Will move to
the city. '
Lloyd ' has been in charge of
the ' Cot -op enterprise at Wan-
Easter.: week -end brought der
lightful summer-like weather
and on Sunday. district 'churches
hadaugmented congregations to
her anew the inspiring story of
The Cross: • ••. ,
On Good Ficlay: Morning there
was a large audience at a special
service in the •••• Presbyterian
-Church, Planned-by,the-Lucknow
Association, ' with Rev.
.Alex Nimino of Wingharri as•
guest SY*aker. . • •
, . .
He dramaticallY and inipress-
ively:,portrayed Christ's physical
agony and mental anguish; on the
cress as he died, for our •rederrip-
•' Miss •It itherine MacKenzie :and.
her , friend, Miss Norma Bruce,
arespending the :Easter . vaca-
tion • in. ,Lendon, England; They
are spending two years : in Ger-
-Many as . teachers in a Sehool
estall.lished forthe educati-on—Tif
childrenofCanadian servicemen.
Katherifie, spent the -Christmas
vacation in Spain and the Med-
iterranean area. , • ••,
Her mother; Mrs. ,Wm. Mac-
Kenzie, •plans to Visit Katherine
in the .summer horidays and has
passage booked for July 20th on
the. Saxonia:
,, • •
o tart
ere o
The first •et. series• of three
clinics for the prevention of Pol-
ornyeli ll be 'held ;art Mon-
day next, April 18th.•The treat-
ment will be • given' to public.
.selieeLpuPils. of Grade' '1 , and. 2
only, and will :be carried 'out by
the .Bruce C„ptirity •Health Unit;
in co-operation with the Ontario
Departhient , of Health. •
The local, clinic will be held
in the Recreational Centre on
Monde morning commencing at
. treall=at borivien
in three inoculations on April
18th, 25th and May lOth, :Dr. TY,
Reg Allen head of the "Health
Unit and inenibers of .the ;Unit
staff will be in:charge. •
. 'There will be. no. child health
conference this Month due to
these. clinitS. :
•lin the Lucknow,' Kinloss,Rip-
14y, .1-turen,. ifea served by the
lo'cal branch of the 'Health Unit,
• -
, :Rev. ;Nirruno',questioned if we
were not indifferent today to the
cruelty and barbarity of the cress,
and,. admonished the Christian
Church to think More and more
of the ,significance of Good/Fri-
day, and the Cross •which is the
ciaminon• .meeting :place where•
Ged. and .inan' are reconciled in,
ChriSt... In . the tragedy of :the.
.Cress is the, glorious .revelation'
:of the love of God for .mankind.
Rey.. Wallace McClean presicl-
ed for the se vice and was asSist-
ed by Rev: ii L Jennings and
Rev. Grant Meiklejohn,...
Norman Taylor presided . at
the 'organ and a selection was
rendered by ..a ladies.' ',quartette,
comprised of :Mrs. Stewart Jam.-
leson, Mrs Ronald ForSter, Mrs.
Joe Wasney and Mrs. Robt.' Reid.
A late model ,Chevrolet pick-up
• truck and a 1954 Dodge were. eX- •
tensively damaged on Tuesday
evening Withina stdne-throW of;
Main Street: Neither driver was -
The truck • is ow:tied by • Har- :-
vey,'Congram of .the Duniatinori
district and the 'Car by E..
'Baker, of town." It is less than- •
two years' since Mr, Baker was
near. fatally injured and his car:
demolished; when another car .
Plowed into the Baker vehicle
east 'of .toVirn,
'On Tuesday night • both
vehieles were proceeding south
on Stauffer St. Near Bert 'Ward's
residence •the truck ,struck the
rear of the Baker car' and whip-
ped .it, •around.gending it over
the curb andup over , the . Side-
walk, to .Wedge it under the plat-
form' ' of. Stewart Jamieson's
:truck 'Which was ,parked on the
lot behind :the, Johnstone 131OCk.
The •Jamieson children had .been
1ayinj- -
there just a few minutes
before: • -
, After Constable .Alex Havens
and Provincial Officer Ron Reeds*
had investigated: the accident,••:
the two Vehicles had to be cut
'apart •befere. they 'could be niov.
• Mr. 'Baker. Was on his Way to
Bert Ward's, and told police he
Was making'a-left thand turn,
into the :alleyway south of the '
Ward residencewhen his car
was struck. The: driVer. of the
truck was 'taken . into 'custody
and .a 'charge is pending.-
. _
, •
Luckriew Bey Scouts will-anake
.the. • rounds ' of . the Viilage on. •
Thursday to collect Waste paper .
and -magazines. They ap-
preciate if ,these a:re-tied seci_tre-'. •
ly or •packed, in cartons. Now's ,
the time to, "house,: clean" the
Winter's accumulation of., paPer ,
and. the Scents will be glad :to
get it to help 'finance their .'sumt,
mer' activities
• Wallace •Conn and :Elliott Car-
ruthers, were elected on *Tuesday,
to 'fill the two vacancies on the
Kinloss Township CounciL Th
•vacancies..resulted when IJsa.n T.
MaCkinnon:, and.'„Ilar_old_E?,ercy-re-
signed their seats to contest th
iP macie
ieevesh. vacant by th
' '• e
death of David Carrtithers.
There Were five candidates in
atively yinangmen; and .all new
contenders :for municipal heflors.
'The, south east section of the
. ••mani ci palit h , y • as been a x ous
•for a' representative • on • the
Board and Wallace Conn. polled
an exceptionally geed -vote
Langside 'and Whitechtireh • to.
give him a boost to head the poll'
with 225 votes: It was a nip and
tuck battle betWeeri the other
four candidates with Elliott Car,
ruthers with 153 votes ,edging
Carmen; . with Jack
Ackert, . and Harvey • Hodgins
running close' behind So that
only a 'mere 23 'Votes •separated
the _number two, successful can:
didate and the low man. Elliott'
is a brother of thc late reeve,
Kinloss Council is now
pxised of Reeve Harold PerCY,
Councillors P. A, 'llurray,,.Faf;•
rish' Moffat, Wallace Conn • andElliott, ,C'.arrt-a-e-fs7--- •
'184 children •iri Grades land 2
category. will be held at
lour . centres, Lticknow,_
Kincardine and. , .
The. Health Unit announces
that, ,"Blue. forms have been diS-'
tributed to the children Concern-
ed, stating 'date and Utile of Clinic
for the individual Child. It not
necessary for parents to be pres-
ent .at the clinics; however,'they
should ensure that the 'child at-.
tend at the Proper time with the
_went slip properly signee___•_.
tie new vaccine is . known as
the Salk polio. vaccine, and when
it can be produced` in sufficient [
quantities the treatfhent will bet.
made available' to all children.
' The official medical report on
this new Salk vaccine, released
on Ttiesday,, says, "it works, it's
Safe, it's potent", and heralds an
era thak. bids ',fair to conquer
this dreaded killer and crippling
• The • vote by pelling sub,-cliV-
isions, which are: 1, Kinloss; 2,
Kinlough; 3; Holyrood; 4; Second
Coricession; 5, Langside;
church, was as ionow§:, .
I 2
Conn, Wallace 6 19
*Carruthers, Elliott 16 i9
1Vrc'Quillini Carmen 11 '20
Ackert, Jaek 13 • 22
• . .
'Mrs A M Nicholson,. Mary
Anna •anct.'.Alexander, vv have: •
spent the winter in Ottawa wei.
E -aster Visitors and -17,
Mrs: Archie . MacIntyre and .
There was a large attendance
't theregular meeting of Old.
Light. Ledge last Thursday even-
ing on the official 'visit. Of :Rt.
Wei': Harold T,..Vociden,
' Blythe
R.' A. 'Grant of Ashfielcl, whb ,
has .been a mernber of Old Light -
for .53 years, had the ,disfiriction
of being, in point of.,tnerribershiP;
the oldest member • present: ...,,
The District Deputy -addressed
-gathering. in . the banquet
hall, at an informal social 'time, ;
'presided. oyer by W M Harvey.
W.ebster, J. W. •Jo' nt proposf.d
toastto the visitors and aniong
, • , • ,
those called in reply Were R.
W. Madill. of Blvth. W. S
, of Winghatn, Walter. Smith' of
Teeswater. and •Rev • A ,W Wt-
sonof 1yth. .
,Others called on Were Roy
:Havens, t, e can ate; and Mr.
Grant. Vtolity Seleptions wer(•,;
played by -Dr.. Jas. Little with
acdoinpaniment bycl-loward Cow -
4 5 6 Teta)!
• 4,1 27 L54 .78 225
64 47 19 , 8• 153-
• -11 60 ; 148
57 ' 39 7 —• 3 .1.41