HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-03-23, Page 7It1/41)11ESDAYi Niii*CH ZS, 1955
rftE LUC4NOW , SENTINEL, 1:it1t.S..6J OW, :QNTARI0
• A Nuniber Of
Chev. Belalr Powprglide Coaches and Sedans
.*$750.00 Below "List Price
•AptetAf.0,.--_1.1.451.1Wair •CheVAnDoor_Sedati....A.......-. '$1,295
TWO .1954 Deluxe" Power -glide Sedans:fullyequipped $1,995
1954 Chev. Deluxe- Sedan,' fully- equipped • $1;950'
.10.4 f hev.: Sedan, fully equipped • - • •• ' $1,$50
- 1953 Chev. Belai.r.`, Sedan, Piny equipped :,. • •.„
1953 poOtia,c Sedan r ; , , , , $1,495 .
1953 Chev. *Sedan $11395,
1953 Henry., 4 -cylinder With overdrive - • $ 850
1952 Pontiac PoWerglide Sedate , , , . .... . . . :1-$1,295
1951 Chev. Powerglide. Sedan , • • • $1,145
1949 Ford Sedan ... . . . .. ... ....... , ..... ..... ... .. $ -150 °
'1949 .
Angela • • • ' •
1040 .Chv. Coach- . ... ..$$ .729455
e,- '
1949 Ford Coach . • , ,„ „, •„, $ 750
1948 Oldsfitobile lFleetline Coach • $ 050
1948 Chev. Coach, -fully reconditioned $ '650 •
1947 Monarch 5 -passenger Coupe , $ 395
1947 Chev, Sedan ' • $ 595.
1953 Chev. %;:Ton Pick -Up. .... ... . .. . .. : . . .
1050, Chet!. 17Ton Stake
1047 Fargo 1 -Ton, ••eledtrieign. bad* • $ 495
Brussels tors
• Huron Countri ForeMast Used Car Dealers
Cash; Trade, Terms •-- Open Evenings .Until 10'
pities .erv!ee Dealer . , Phone 13X; ,Brussels
ny omen! lid at
. ,
15(),i 60! Wan. t.
• Thouratnds ansazed what, a
, 'pepping up" with
Oihrex has done. For body
old 'after 40 .just because
,low in iron. Iptroductm or "ge.t,acquainted'.
size only 600. Ti—y—Ottrex' 'roma TribTiti forir
no. pep, vigor and younger- feeling,. this very
ariy..14 all ding stores,
Want tofeel
.Mr. and Dune Thoinpson
entertained Bethany, ,Farm For-
um at their twine. On MendaY
, esrening.'. • The topic; "40 -Hour
•Week on the Farm", Was ..the
Subject : for discussion. There
- seemed little t� be said about
• it as the farmer.'who keeps live-
stock and poultry. is in
tray diffErent position to that
of .the • bpsiriess man in urban
centres: We. felt that ,the farm-
er, who hires a married Man
and provides .him with_ fi-ee
house,: ksrclen, milk, etC., Was' in
this , way Making up fin° the
higher Wages: :paid turbanwOrk-
: ers, Farmers, . could ProVide
•. workmen's compensation; try" tO,
improve 'working conditions•.and
---in some • caseaTib-diter--=-1iving ac-
comeciations. We ,:felt the only
was by :More Mechanized. farm-
ing which, is,. expensive. If live -
.,stock (especially dairying), and
poultry were kept it would' still
:be •a--7'..--day week ;job • the. Year
round, Euchre 'was played. The•
hostess Served :lunch, The next.
° meeting Will, be: at the home of
Mr, and Mrs..Alex' Whan
ytock d
• Miss -Annie' fTmrsi-
Gertie, Walsh, :.Kirilough, spent
Monday, afternocin with the ,.for,
riier'S nephew, Mr. Prank BrownrPwn
and Mrs. .Brown'.and 'Reg.. • '
The robins are back and sing-
ifg merrily. • .' •
Mrs. Dave ,Rosa is supply tea-
ching at SalemschoOl owing to
:the illnessK of the teacher.
• Eli Morgan. •
Several of •the men from the
' .coMmtlnity , • attended* the joint
Meeting of the. Pederation 'Of
• Agriculture' and the Farmers'
Union in Walkerton on Tuesday
afternoOn.' °• •
' • ,
. MT. and Mrs. .,Albert.
and can -lily 1W -the hydro turn-
ed On Wednesday. night.
Mrs. Dtincan 'Ttkorripson was
• hostess 'to the • on Wed.,-,
nesday afternoon. ,'Tliere WaS,
, good turnout, •
Miss" Helen Seinirnachet spent
'a few: days itt 'Mrs. R. White -
hears,• TeesWatef; ' •
Congratulatiorts to' Mr. IVtis,
Rarold' OM (Marie Edgar)
who were Thar -Tied SaturdaY.
▪ • •
and. Mrs. Paul. ,Vanstone
and 'Joe 'of Wingharn :and Peter a
pAgx $Ey4N
Congratulations" to Mrs,
Gerald Rhody; Con. ,10, on the
gift of a little son, a brother lot,
David and Allan,
Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs.
Morley. Bushell who are the
proud parents'. of i little -son, a
brother • for Margaret ,and Mari-
lyn, • • •
Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Cox 'visited
Thursday afternoon with Mr. and
Mks. A, Graham,
. Mrs. Charlie Rodgins of. Wing -
ham visited Thursday' 4A,
age., -• . •
„ ,
IVIrs. Wesley' Guest 'was. hostess
to the .Presbyterian WaVI,S, :with
Mrs.'. John EinerSon presiding:
Mrs. John, Barr read the Scrip-
ture and gave ttke Meditation.'
Prayer Was• offer4d by Mr. Mark
Johniton. Each. member answer-
ecl.the roll call with a verse con-
taining 4'.`diSciple".: Several ladies
took'part in reading from the
study book. Mrs. Perry Hodgins.
gave a .stun -nary of the work of
Several i me es
HA:00140 W. SHORE
Rea, Estate .Broker flaniilton St. co3DERicH, ONT. $
'her home at Kinloss. Tier 'many
riads wih sher improved health.
1VIrS. 'Ezra ,Stanley .is
!, Miss Annie Wall and Mr Ger-
trude. Walsh spent an .afternoon
at ',the home
Frank "Brown, Com, 16.•
'Mr. and Mrs, Bert' Nieholson
visited on .Stifiday with Mr. and
' Mrs, Nb r man, Nicholson at
Molesworth, '
',Friends from here attended the
funeral of the late* 1Vira: Hib-
bert at 'Walkerton on Saturday.
. .
afternoon.' She Was the former
Miss- Itabel McConnell, mission- Jennie Miller of the Westford
ary in Jobat, India, Other ladies diStricts.
contributing to the programWIth Mrs. D. MacDonald is visitingreadinga were Mrs, Tom. Mac- with Mr: and Mra.. Harold Perey
Don,ald, Mrs. Mark Johnston -and and ' Mrs. Wm., Percy,
Mrs. John Barr thanked the hos- .• misses' Nellie and Margaret/
tess: , The benediction by mrsmatooho of. LueknOw. Visited on
John 'Emersonclosed the. meet- Saturday in, the village.
ing and dainty' refreshments -Friends here • were sorry to
Were served by the hOstesS. The learn of the death of Mrs: Wes -
April hostess is Mrs.. Lyman Put- ley Hedley, -formerly of ingarf.
ton .and a special 'gaiter program Sympathy is extended to the ..ibe7
is planned': • ' ' ' reeved. • :1/4 •
On 'Saturday evening the lad- .The. , Will hold • the
• ies• \in the community .gathered social atthe,church. on .Friday
at the. Schoorfor A .miscellaneous evening ,that -had to 'l'Wa4t'-'-
shower" in honor Of MrsGerald poried from last week,. Everyone
Gibson (nee Ruth .Suttori). The is :Welcome.. •
Classroom wals.nidely decorated Mrs J., Colwell 'Visited, on Sun
with pink and, white . streamers daY with Mr. and Mrs:. Yttilligtri
Eadie at Holyrood.
tid a large 'white Wedding bell.
.6 91e strains Of the ibridal char-
s .played by • Miss• Edna BOyle,
he bride 'was shown to her place
Of honeiv, by Eringa Jean PercY,,
. :
sisted• in opening' the gifts .1.vhile
Miss.,Marion Percy, read the at
ached Verses. Ruth made. .a
ink': reply thanking : the. ladies
or .rememberineher. Mrs, Frank
MaUlcierc 'then ch
took:: arge" for
he folloWing . program; readings
'y Miss .:May Boyle, 'Mrs. .Roy
chrieller, MTs: Tom, Hodgins',.
rs Art •Graham and Mrs Bert
ieholSon;.• solos by Mrs. • John'
merSon- and Sandra Perey:
CrlteSi :by '1Vkarion• Percy; 'piano
uet • Efy Margaret' Malcolm and
dna Boyle Dainty refreshments
ere Served :and •a Social* trnie
..as enjoyed by.'all, • „.
Lorne Kraerner and' son,
arry. :of Toronto, Mrs:, Bob Dales.
'rid :daughter Wendy . of :Hama,
spent' the Past :,Week with:
Steer -Were visitors on .Saturday T
'with yfr, and Mrs. Gorden Wall
and family.
Miss • t
Margaret.Mor and Miss
Florence.Of. -Toronto were
week -end visitors With. Mr. and
;Mrs.: James Richardson.
. Mrs. Harry. s.
, lAvis ...and Mr
Roderick Cainpbell‘ were. Suri-:
day - , afternoOri Callers with' Mr. t
John' .Purvis .• t
' Mr:. andMrs. Oswald. Rudi• Of. f
London visited Sunday' afternoon.
with. her Mother Mrs: William
Orr...a/1441m and BO: .
Mr. Fred Smith of Tiverton m
• visited • On Wednesday afternoon
With. Mr. and Mrs., Frank Miller k;
and Harvey; .
• Miss Glady MacDonald,. d
'Mandie •Fisher • and : Neil` E
MacCalluin Of- .LucknoW 'were w
Sunday afternOori callers With v.
Mrs. Win, ; Scott. •• •
Miss Annie MX'S, Milton L
‘4,7aisli :and. son, Scott 'Walsh,,,, of a
kinlongh, were .Sunday • after-
13.0On* VisitOrs with Mr: and Mrs.
• The...WOmen's Miisioriary. Soc-
he best wishes of the 'cornmtinjety met on. Tuesday. afternoon.
tyHer sister, Joan. Sutton,
at, the home of Mrs,. H. JefferSon.
the prograrn,WhiCh was prepared
by 'MrS,''Sartr. thompson,.'waS..in:
charge of,' Mrs: - Chas. jefferson.
Hymn 1.5,5' WaS..sUng in Opening'
followed bY prayer by 'Mrs,
man Thompson:. Miss ,Elaine Jef-
ferson favored...With a 'solo, Mrs,
Stuart .chamney read an •article-
On.:Chtistiap. Ste,;vardship,... Three
'Verses of hymn 259 was .sung
fol -
]owed by another scriptirte.read-
ing' b,y Mrs. g, Robison arid
prayer •by. the leader. Mrs. •J•61in
,ThornPson read the Chapter in
lhe:study'bOok The business ,part
of the. Meeting' was conducted
by,. -the 1st. yiee pres. •qffer-
Mg. was *received' by; ,,Lorne•
WoodaT•and hymn 25 'was' 'sung,
. closing: ,
, And Mrs. 11: .Charriney.
. .
their parents,: Mr. •and MrS. P. have. returned froin. Florida • and
• • ' their claughter,•Mrs.Verna Doerr
e: are sorry to report :that-7e-tiTia-g7T-1-Flilr s,,sperit.the,
week -
Mrs ;.Walter , suffered, 'a ,encl, with ; them and other mem,
stroke and is confined tO 15P11, bers. orlhe 4
. ,
Miss • Jean Cochrane spent the.
weekend at T -the - -home:-.7-ot`her:
'parents-. . •'. • •
• .
• °Mr : Jo'shita :Dawson had ine• rn.:.
bers • of his family home for the
Week -end in ,obseTvance: of- his
•birthdayTon Sattirday; M'arch
Many happy returns of the day..
• • IVIarch is a very populffr month
for birthdays in A?this district, So
to all_ who have;•birthdaYs, 'many
.--haPPY' returns,. One who observ-
ed -her birthday this week—i-S
:Mrs: Wilsbn Wall On Mar. ,23rd,
- The slicies,'• "Fishers of Men",
was slnOwn bY Rev. CasWell at
the Y.P.- on Monday. evening.,,..in
the church. ' : , :
The boys', meetincg will be
held Sattirday morning at l0
a.m.,, at the .chttich. .Mr John
Pollock kindly consented to be
their, leader: '
• Mrs; Albert • McQuillin of
Whitechurch: Spent :a few days
with her niece, :Mrs, Wm, Scott.
We, are glad' to repqrt she was
able to .be. up, the . last ot the
week after a Week in, bed, •
Mr, and 1V1rs. Gordon Wall 'and
with • Mrs. 'Wall's mother, ,1VIrs,
Arthur in Auburh.
Phe Ladies': Aid,.'T, which ' was
"postponed en accbUnt Of, 'the
storm Wednesdey evening, wai
held Thursday evdning at the.
h.Ome' of Mrs. Bert Moffat, Mrs,
Chas. Tiffin, vice presjdent, pre -
Wed, Mrs. Prank Miller and
Ws." Peter Moffat were in charge
of the program.
We are. the only. manufac-
turers in'this Part of °Mari�.
of high class monuments
whci,iMpOrt granite from the .
Old' 'Country in the rough by
the carload:and Process from,
the rough to the finished'
monument. NO Middleman.
When chOsing• a..montonent
.Come, and see, one• Of. the
largest selections in Ontario,
Established .0t4fer silty yeara...
*rite or ,phime•Walkeitim
and -re -verse -charges. -
. .
Armature and Field Winding;
Brushes; Bearings, Etc'.
'Repairs to '
••Fractional and Integral
, Horsepower 'MotOrs,
Also Electric Fans, Vacuums,
' Clippers, ,Drills, :Eta.
Phone Ripley 111-r-29 •
:When one Of_the family calls you to the
phone and whispers, thinkit's busi,
• 'ness,',' it reminds you how iinPortant .
'calls .of tha,t kind are, even at 'home,.
You 'don't have to upset your eve• . .
ning'S plans, because your telephone gCtS ' •
• things done, quickly, nearby or far aw_aY.'..
'Whether it's a matter Of sales, or sery'-;'• '
• ice, whether it's. early eyening .or, late at
night,You can depend on your telephone.. '
• Just give if a thought next time .one of
the famil Sa 8, "It's for you, ,Dad,!'.
9. .
I. •