HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-03-23, Page 6tT rt,,t1 F -1 te!i t. 4 AGE lSIX--1 ••• .4,1ThA 111111V.X7IratIrrarrialima. THE ON'i`ARIU p:r.exxciOiwtxc<>1.x,;',40:.>:€<>1.K:Wi'4.>C16.&41:1+..r:;:it•trOW.X.X4+:11 . • TIMBER >4. The 'Pole Cats mustered. their and. Sid. WHEN Ars , WIE.SIEt‘- 0-0 ogrOfi48.ig that ladi and .protectg We Recoinmend: • WES.TEEL. • .1 "Security" Ribbed 7 Gives it.Cl iti7'1 . -Weatherproof.job,. • • ri. , • 4 • . . , Because.4:WESTEEL" Sheets (gri.ve full 32 .1.4 coverage you can actually save one square or more 0, on --a large.barns Available in all lengths. • 'Supply .FRE 'ESTIMATES $ PECIA.L PRICE ON QUANTITY ORDERS. HN Vtr* BENDERS LUMBER LIMITE Luckn`ow ,WHITECHIJRCHL,-1 Meetin was closed With .p‘ra.yer hone. 140 Ontario .03 /tweet an4 took 4 pOints froin the Wolverines by rolling s a grand total of 3,222 pins .which is the second 'highest total of, the Play- offs: Lois lyfcIntosh. with 672, Dinnie Hamilton with 666, Ken Mowbray w-ith 638 and. Bob MC- IntOsh with 6:18 made a pretty tough. combination:but the Wol- verines gave th.ean -trouble all the way. May and Jack Fisher, With 627 and 610 respectively, making a total 'of 1,399,,, handicap included, -,-led the:--ttemn• Greer' also ' scoredwell With a Ibtar of, 600, • . , • • „Th.e'big battle, took place on alleyS 3 and 4 as .the Zebras, took ' One game front, the Cubs and 'made the other two close enough to. win. the extra point. Jack Caesar led the Clibt with 660 with Noreen and Dick Park close behind with 831 and 609 respectively: Ruth and Ken '4ar-- dine With 650 and 602 respective- ly,,led the Zebras who have jut 'about Wrapped upthe series,. However. if the pole Cats keep up the. good bowling against the Zebrat,next Week and the Kang- aroos and Cubs pull, up their 'socks it • could end • a. three- way tie... • 's Lois sCrorwatOns With 685, Larry Salkeld. with 681: and,.Gladys • Hamilton With 618 figurein the: •KarigarOos 3 'paint victory over the Squirrele. Roy and Betty, Finlayson with 610 and. 609 re. spectivelY and Shirley:. Brooks with 604 all. .rolled well :for the Scjuirrels.' GroiiP Standing Zebras 13, Cubs 9, Kangaropt ' • wEDNEspli:y; MARCH 23, 1955 „ ••.•:,•• • • f ;•• •• , . 421Ritifgit44021ggiV.Wikoltigffitigani*N.474-.7.4. - , • A • Thc W.Imen's_anstitixte .had a ...Successirt frish coxitert in .the Memorial liall on Thursday ev- ening: Rey.' N. Caswell acted as chairman. The prograrn consisted of accordiati selections' by Wa17 ter. James ,with, James as accornpanist; : mouth organ sel- ections by 'CharleS7-Martir---- Mrs. E. SchOltt • as accoinpaniati piano &feta, by Doris ,Pickell and ;Joan Stabo,. piano instrumental 'by' Carolyn., Maths and, IVErs, • bon ..Ross; readings. by, Kathleen Fisher, Mrs J. D. Beecroft, . Mrs. Jas.' Falconer arid Mrs.' Jack Eur - chill;' solot by. Reg „Mae- ,nrae and IVIrs.. Jas. Richardson; • o • quartette. of Mrs. ,,E. • &Woltz, • MO. GrroskOrth,7 Karen Gros- korth and Mary. Fisher with Mrs. G. Farrier. as* accom.panist; sax, oPhorie and clarinet•solot by Gat-riet 1 Farrier with Mrs. Farirer :as :accompanist. was slosect with the national i.rithern. Lunch was serVe.ls.and the rest �f the 'e.ven= s:ing wai. spent in dancing. ',Mrs, V.' .Etherson had a plastic demonstration at her home on •%Friday evening with MrS:g- Geo.. nilaer, as the. demonstrator.. he re lar *meeting of the WM.'S was, held at the home of Coultes• on Wednesday • with :the pres., 'Mrs:, Jas. Farcon- ..er and the sec.,. Mrs. E Scholtz, • charge. The meeting 'opened itK_htmn45 followed by the scripture reading by ' Mrs.- , charge. rd WCTU clip sheets. • Mrs; D. Ileecroft giye 'piano instruniental and': had ...Charge of by. Mrs. R"Grotkort : The WA. took over with ,their Meeting and. the quarterly birthday tea was'. n enjoyed'.by The hostess was P610 .C.4ts•8, Wolverines- 5. .thanked for the use of her home. Squirrels - 4' • Mrand. aVIrs; Bert Porter of • Weston spent the week -end with •LOCAL. BANTAMS QUALIFY her sister,: Mr.,. and 'Mit: Elwood FOR TOURNEY PLAYOFFS . • Groskorth. 'Mr. and Mrs ..;• Clarence' Stokes ,LuckneW Bantams won • an and—E-lizabet103f_Gorrie_visitesl, easy_6-4 victott_over • Ebenezer on Sunday with Mr. and WS.. E. on Saturday afternoon 3n the Moore. •first round -of the 'Grey -Bruce , • . 'Phyllis lVfOore patient in 'Police. Association. liantaM. hook-. Wingham HosPital.ls • ey.tourney, being Played at Kin - • 1 — been -wider' ,the doctor's 'care fbr Allan Chin Set , the • pace fOr. cardine. . . • • . : Mrs," a D..*.M6ClerOghan has week: . •• LucknoW. with '3' goals. Paul Hen - the past , deongotstwo and Art .• . Mr. arid. IVErs. Don, Bushell ..,&. one while Jerry Mowbray•i 'Alip .' . was hurling in a good family . of 'Kinlough 'visited with localnets Mi. ' and Mrs.' g. Laidlaw and ' . ' game to all but Chalk up, a shut-- otherfriends OA Sundayaut Mrs; W. J. Coulter .. and- 'Mrs. T'We l V e 'teams ' ccir,nPeted C , Moffat: 'of .Wingharnv•.isited:,thrbughout Saturday and the six with Mr: : and Mrs. : R,obt. Ross Winners' will pair 'off next Sat: - on. Sunday. ' • ' , " , , piday at Kincardine • in . another ReY. George Watt. of -Dungan- elimination ., set leading , te the. . . ,non visited With his •parents, Rev.' .tourney . championship... Q th cr. and MrS. W. S. Watt on -wo_ winners' besides the LucknoW nesda.y.•'Mrs. Watt returned home •squad were Mild/nay, ', Owen at DithgannOn..... • .' - ,and Walkertini.' s 6 With 'him to spend a few days Sound, ' T,Oberinory, Port Elgin ' Mr: and MrS. Clark MacGreg- ' '. LuelcnPml:' goal, Jerry Mow- , ' Pr aridbray; def, Fraser Ashton,Bill . familY and Mrs T, H, .MoOre--8'visited on -Sunday --»--with- Robinson, , centre, ,•Allan Chin; Mr: and, Mrs. jack, 'Henderson,. Wings; 'gin 'Pedersen, Art-How- -we.st-of lAteknow' . . .p.H.; • ',foyers MR) ., • . • The. 'pick "(As the nation's blhOdlineirL'thai's . • •Swifts . Sky -Hi La'yer Chicks, % They grow quickly into medium -weight white birds with - 'quality flecks'?: • Under good farm- management, Swift's breed- ing in Sky -Hi layers assures you: Moro Eggs.:-. low feed cost per dozen. ,Extra vigor-4rom scientifically selected cross- . 'qutting. s' . • ,Exceptional --;as chicks and is, laying guiot—easY4O-man a g 'e flocks. . Ask for free colourful bOOkkt on Swifes strain: --tested-layeriL4Itc-pick---of-the-natiotes_b_Lood. lines for high 'production .farm flocks meta b svssfet trademark. SIATift's,.11:tche':ry 'HANOVEIR. •4; PHONE 284 or. see your. local dealer: - ,ORVILLE ELLIOTT,' R.R. 3, HOLYROOI) and Spring flowers. 'Reports were Wilson read psalm,118. The lead- . given of 'the • .work the yariout ling. thought:. s was. "This: is the . . . Day". Mrs," Richard . Park gave , the. Glad I -Tidings 'prayer: Mrs:" Robert Moore , gave a . reading, -"The 'Stowaway". .Mrs. Mason McAllister read ari interesting . letter from. a Missionary, 13;cv. Board of Stewards, climaxed ,the George'Malcolin of Formosa, Af entertainment. with his slight of hand tricks. He was assisted by Miss Lillian Popp. , • St, 'Paul's, ffrigliCan' 'Guild SpOnsored ,a euchre Party at the Parish Hall on St. Patrick's night; There were '11 tables: Winners Were. Carman Hayden ':.and Gor- dOnSaunders and low, Billy Hay, den. The; 'ladies' Priz'es were ,won by• Mrs. ;Jack Chisholm; Mrs. Clarence • Essex and low,Mrs. Lorne Ivert. 'organizations do ,in the year. s Enr • tertaining riumbert yy•diregivetY - by each 'group. A journal. with sparkle, 'naming localities, lent, humor to the' evening. :1V1r; K., • K. • Kavvson, representing the Mr. and Mrs Farrier and Winnifred„ of Toronto Spent the week,.. -tend at their borne here. 1V1i. ancl-MeS.-F.ifrier will remain liere-after•-.spendings the, past 3_ Months at Long Branch with Mr. and Mrs. Carmen Farrier and Mr:. and Mrs.: J., Gillespie at Sar - the study book on India. The nia. otorists have +peen, initructed by fhe Municipal Council of the Village of, Luclmow to proseCute forthwith, without further warning; anyone guilty of: UNNECESSARY HORN BLOWING . ECIK.LESS-LDRIVI- SPEEDING CREATING...A PUBLIC NUISANCE within thecorporate limits of the Village of Lucknow.. • By order, •CONSTABLENALEX M. HAVENS, Mrs. George ,Harria, •who Was 'tted_to...pital. 10 dayt• ago, feared to have a par-' and' has Come back a little 'to- ward ' recovery.. •• • • . s • Mrs: frank Jones was /hottest .at' herAiorne on 'Mareh 17th :in the- afternoon„for ,the ,March Meeting of Erskine Presbyterian church. Mrs. Herb Stothers, pres- ident, led ,and read•Psalm 72 and followed with prayer,, Mrs. Jas. ald; Mt., Paul Hendersen, Gary RitchiajWice Baker, Thom Cb11- alytie yer„ Barry Makonagh, Bob 'And- rew, . Murray Hunter, Donald Kirkland: _ _ DU,NcsANNON COME . TO. SEE — On l'ii.oliday night., March 28th, at 8.06 p.m...at .the .Parish Hall,interesting_picl .tures.. ett..."XelleWatone National. Park", "Calgary Stampede", "Big. Game. Hunting", "Alaska High: way" -and "Niagara" presented by Mr. AlbertCbuivoisier,, who 'has returned and :settled here after many, years Of 'wide.. experience as a•• trapper in the • far north. Sponsors are Prosperity Corners • 1 Farm Foruiri, Adinissidn„ 35c and 20 c.—A dv t. '. . : ter a hymn the meeting closed - with prayer's andthe hostdsseg served shinch•.: s • . . Mrs, IrVins•Eedy'is in 'Lbnclon • receiving •tr,eatinent . and •-eration' on her 'nose,. Mrs. McKY of Gbelerich, her mother; is help- ing withthe children. , Mrs. Gordon COngram, 'who• . Underwent an appendix opera- tion at Goderich :Hospital about two ,weeks ago; 'is grradually -proving but was stili at the hos- pital at tune of 'writing, . • • 1V/ARB.F.X.=StORIE.1-_WIN-NE•it , • The, store -wide sale. which had .been in full swing at The Mar- ket- Sfifres,--'-cames to- a -Siiccessful zcorielutien on :Saturday nighti„,_ 'winner • of the free 'draw' fors; a .'2O -pie China' set , which was a give-away. :feature of, the: sale. was 'Miss loari ,Cormaolt. •• Now Is The 'Thne To Plan ,For Tliat . • , March winds are •eitperienced these clays and the popular wors: ry has been Stovepipes., Two,vill- • #0 s, • • •age chimney fires svithin,the last week occ.urred in to householdt 'without• much damage. They .4 NOT* at'lyfiss Lily Ma'cLein'S and The Dungannon 'United church .Cimgregation 'on Friday -night en- jOyed a bountiful turkey supper, which is an event. Sup- per was served at 6 p.m., and 7 • pan; to accomodate all, dommup• - ity.„,singing filled space for those who waited inthe auditor - juin. After supper a fine program of local talent was enjoyed:Six• ladies' were seated on the plat-, ,sfnrrn-byaaa.:',4iner?•'-tscmemettabl sCan Supply You With , .THREE. PIECES AT AN EXCEPTIONAL SAVING 5 -foot receSS bath with tub filler and shower . ss • .1548 ledge• -back lavatory with Crap, supplies and faucets:... . • Close • coupled toilet -.with •supply " , • .42teee4gt004W44*444***44:%42toc:ign '