HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-03-23, Page 5'WDN D•1,Y, MARCH 23, •1055. �eum Theatre WINGHAM F.irst'Showing' at 7,15 •pmn, Thursday, 'Erida3!, Saturday ' 1444011 .2445-26 "Crest -Of. The ' Wave": An interesting British=rnade melodrama about British ,and Arnericaii naval • officers .an"cd. enlisted .armen...._at_ a.:.,remot perrimental station: •. Starrinit are •�.;ne Kelly and, Joh Jus- tin, . • • ..� Monday, Tuesday MARCEL 28-29 "The Brack :Widow" (adult;",-exrtertainment) • A taut and suspensful mur- der. 'mystery ih Cmei aScope and • color.. Starring are Van. Heflin, Gene .Tierney and Gin- ger .Rogers,..: Tooled To ` Repair All Makes Of . Tractors 10% DISCOUNT ON TWO NEW TRACTORS.' John:' Deere. 40. with plow. and pulley John Deeere ` t, with power-troI and remote cylinder Used 3 -furrow Coekshutt • Plow 'in A-1' condition Set Used Spring -Tooth . Harrows in Good Condition KI.1,1LOUdi.1GARAGE W. BRECKLES Phone 18-r-20, Ripley .. ' .CARD .OF THANKS • Melvin' Hod ins •vides, g to. sin •cerely thank all. those who sent, him': 'cards, 'fruit. and 'treats as well as those: whldrzsp)Sed-int+s- " see hien While' in the hospital. • These. many' kind—acts-Were icer •" much appreciated" 1 THE LOCKNoW SENTINEL, . LUCKNOW, ".ONTARIO BARLEY COIF ; RACT ' l3arley contracts now available. Improved contract from 1954, supply of seed limited. Act at once, Contracts available at Elji,ott's Seed House, •Lucknow, Phone' 154-J. . NOTICE E F •L FAIR CONTEST, Liicknow ,Agricultural Society is: Offering .prizes ..of • $5, .$3 and $2,00' to the public orhigh school students submitting the . best pracical suggestions for improv ing the . local fair. Entries :are to be in; the hands of Alex T. Mac Nay, Secretary, L'ucknowt, not. later than April 15th, 1. • NOTICE An informatfo Meeting. , cwi1f be held in the Parish .Hall, Dun- gannon, on ; Wednesday evening, March 30th at. 8.30, sponsored by the -West Wawanosh Federation of Agriculture, ,Speakers be Jack Myers, Wingharn,, insur- ance., and Lloyd Jasper, Mildmay; .general information.' Notice` To Creditors ALL;1 ERSON$ .'having claims against the estate of, James Allan Aitchison; :late. 'of. 'the Township of West .Wawanosh• in the Coun- ty of Huron, •Labourer, who died ,on or about the twenty-third day of January A.D. 1955, are not- ified to, •send "ta• the undersigned .ort or ; before the • ?twenty-sixth day of March' - A,D, 1955; •.":'fu11 particulars • of ` their'. chirps in writin5, Immediately after. ' the,. 'said: twenty-sixth clay of March, the=-as-sets--af--�h�a-id—:te-stator_ be distributed -amongst" the. parties entitled thereto, having regard only to 'claire s ofwhich the` executors : shall :.then have notice. ,r •..Dated .this third•day of March, A:D. 1955. ' . • • Crawfdrd & ,:Hetherington •Win'gham Ontario,' Solicitors for the Executors IN MEMORI•AM • CAMPBELL in:loving memory of •Lyall Bradley.. Campbell, virho' died :on March 26th,' 1952:. Three: years have gone'.sirice you were: snatched away', in all -your prime, • . °:Arid 'hearts behind oft linger on • 'the m.einory of the. time` When :life Was .gladdened by Your. strength:Yew cheery voice and, °And ever; long . as rernory lasts, You never ' will grow old,,_ - Ancl something. of '.you We. will, soe a.s other. lives unfold. • ' ry-El er. 11:ennemtiered by., 'Mother,' Father .and. Family; . IN' MEMORIAM LAM ,--- . in loving memory of: Mrs. George La.vis, :who passed away:4,wtwo: year§ ago,. March 20th, 1953. -Her-Memory is-aS,41ear-:today_; As in the hour she. passed "away. Even- remembered -by, - Husband. and. Relatives. . .. .. 1,All��ra•Mliw.u�.�++�rF�t�.(r�+.�is�►t r�,.if �.�s,�� raw or o. Order . Your. •from Ch c�C Hatchery - All birds..from Canadian Approved, Government in.: 1 spected ant blood tested • stock No "complaints regis- tened,fro►n our entire num- her of 1954: cult zners, lour patraitage appreciated last year; we )ook 'forward to seeing: you again' -'tills Year. CONTRACTS AVAILABLE Phone or CA! Luchnow "16 : -- Dung non..194.12 • • Ni -'' i.�f'" .• ALL PERSONS having 'claims against the . estate of William John McDonald, /ate of the Vill- age of . Lueknow in the County of Bruce, Retired Farmer, who died. on or about the 'twenty- seventh day of 11'ebruary A.D. 1955; are notified to send to, the undersigned, on or rb'efere thetwenty-sixth day .of °�Marc+h A.D. 1955 full 'partiet4la oi? their, claims. in writing. •Irnnlediately after . the said_ twenty-sixth• day of March the assets of the said • testator w i 1`1; be distributed:' amongst-,--the--parties thereto; .(having regard' Only to claims ,of . which the 'executor' shall then have notice? - Dated this third day.of M •a'' 1`A rch' .D, 1955. Crawford & :Hetherington, Win:ghai'n, Ontario. Solicitors for the ,Executor, SEED FOR SALE All Govt..' graded No. 1 stock, Ontario, , Western,- Grimm, or Northern U.S. alfalfa, $34.90 per bus.; ,Ranger alfalfa, $35.00 .per bus.; double cut Red •.Clover and Mammoth 'single cut . red clover, $3.6.00 per bus.; Timothy, $13.0Q per. bus.., We. carry a . complete' stock of .clovers and' grasses for alt` hay 'and'; permanent pasture mixtures at prices that .will save you money ,Custom seed •clean- ing by .,'appointment::' We, are in' the market for • good .oats an .barley for need. •Roy Gramm'' Son, Pinkerton; `Ont., :phone, Lar gill -68-w-3 TENDERS TENDERS WANTED ---=---for 20 cords of'green Maple and beech ' 16ineh body , wood . and 5 . corals, of dry wood of the same type:, Tenders will be' ,received by the, undersigned "until Apill .1, :1955: Mrs. Otto : 'Papp, : •Secretary; " Dungannon United .Church, - phone 52-r-3: . NOTICE. 'TO. CRuITORS • AND, OTHERS 1n the matter.' of the . Estate of George . Enoch. Rower,• deceas- ed; 'Notice. is hereby given ,that .all persons having claims against the estate of George Enoch ..Bower, 1,1•ho: died .at the Town of Wing ham in ; the County of Huron on. the Nineteenth day of June, A.D. 1954, are hereby notified to send their "claims d'oly verified :te, the undersigned before the Twenty? Seventh day .of April, A.D. " 1955; after 'which ::date the estate will be distributed , amongst the part'' les entitled 'thereto having regard only -to :such claims as are then received. Dated at Walkerton, this Eight- eenth dayof. March, . A.D. 1955. Mrs. Rose Bower; Administra- trix, P. •'Stuart ; .MacKenzie,, Walkerton, Ont., he solicitor•. Have you renewed your Sen- .... . !AGE°FXVE L' FULL NE CSE.. Voveiiinaent Standard No, 1 ` :IN . SEALEP BUSHE ..L SAGS. LEGUME -AID JNOCULANT • FOR .ALE %I4FFI': & GLOVERS Increases; yieidst4ii/rOv-e Attahitvaad baiidsi.0• - soil fertility ,• GRIMM ALFALFA SEED k• Per Bushel -- $34:00 .FINLA,T,SON 'PHONE:, .9I, LLiCIINOW '►t . Your • 1)1:1 • AT 'MONTGOMERY. MOTORS SPECIAL PRICE„ Kook,.,:1OTOR HEAVY DUTY. , OIL iSpeeial Price: On Five. Case Lots) KOOLMOTOR HEAVY Iffy oil, 5 Gallen Farm Pails. • Pails Returnable. . at .$1.00' • KOOLIVIOTOR GREASE 25 : Pound • Pails , ...... Ford -,Monarch, Dealer 'Phone .40; .Ltieknow • ;CARD 0 f t rade . Ethel Armstrong ' re ANDS. g : p s�rii=ink: the color's and withComrade I would' like to thank .everyone Mildred 'Irwin. at the `Piano. vi•ho rengiri�bered ,rine' :with :earcls ', Zone: and flowers ere.d --I: w Cornmander., Hail, is to be invited ., was hos pita!, and .after I returned •home: to'.the April rriegting. Thanit' you,. tyonnie Shelton notes were , refrom'• the,, Canadian.. Legion branch' 309 for' donation received;: also from, •Cornrade:Ttoyle, .past` Zone. -Com„=. mander, •: w•ho'• has been ill.. Date. • for `the birthday • supper was. set ' '' for April 7th. Penny aprons are, • to be made and. distributed, so watch :your waistline, gals!, The Reverend• and Mrs:H. Ir: Jennings wish. to thank the church organizations,. church members, • Dr, M„ H . Corrin, 'Mills. of Gerrie. and their many friends': for their kindness:` dur- ing Mrs:. Jenning's recent illness. ps y Agnes Thompson won :the m s- • LADIES' AUXILIARY TO' TOE ter box: A motion w Y as made to 'CANADIAN LEGION' ?purchasea new flag, :holder and • gauntlets. Our .Cheer Cpmmitteee• have, been very busy" The inteet- inga closed:: iii 'the iusual "rnanner --I�ie� revtitlar maw+,g -oft Ladies Auxiliary. to ; the ':Canad- ion L-egion-•'was-held-awith-iColne..anci...lun,ah-w*.ser_ved, L/JW/TEQ invite you to attend a meeting to discuss ot,4. m4S8GEgENT sponsoted by : Lucht idw District . 'Co-operative •:In T'he RECREATIONAL HALL, .LUCi�1V(J r b. TUESDAY,, MARCH 29th at 8.30 p.m, 'xl ns olid slides *yill he showtx R fE itESl4ME iTS B1 SPONSOR • • 11* tt.