HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-03-23, Page 2• .141011; 10144,Mt‘lrieW 7111kr 11A •114:41, • • THE LVCIclicriV $EVITINEL, LUCKN,OW, 11 Ii , • i . "-:{gegirooatoriPmfgowimowzma.ortomicitacKwozgoli . THE ICAIRSHEA WOMEN'S INSTITUTE fl. , i •ANNUAL rzi 0 !..,4 •' TOWN HALL, LUCKNOW ricia Ala*Olft. • Carruthers' :Orchestra 7-- ,Adiiiission • . • Lunch taunter. Floinentatle Pies , • • •-• PRIZE GROUPS r. --,.EIGHT PRIZE • • ge 151apc1 •urider Over;.;,,15 Years • , First aW confi,ltrize d'Av, group for PR..1111ST: TON DRESS PRETTIEST HOME SEWN COTTON DRESS. 11 • Dress' -Parade at 11.00•13.nt. $20b0Olin Prize Money -4. 1st, Prize $3.00; See6nd $2.00 • ' • • r, 410040102tettiAMOSet ANSACOMEStleitiliteleAlleAtillli.t4COW'g..K PURPLE GROVE Claudie Dore,, Jr.„ • is 'Proving and returned liame froth the - hospital -on Sunday. • • Miss 'Margaret 'Robertson 'Visit; ' last week with. Miss' Annie McLeod of Lticknow. ' '1VIr. and Mrs.. •John Emerson visited at the honiei Of 'Mr. arid •,Mrsr-Iseac-Nixon...of„Wfast last ; ,Wecinesday: ( The Farm' Foriun ,•of Purple GroVe, met • last Monday night at ' the • home. of '1VrisSes.• Ma.y. and Edna Boyle with a good altend- a•nee •' Raalph spent last Week at London visiting her. sis- ter,' Mrs. Toni Quigley: . • The Kinlbugh W.1,M.S. met at the home of Mrs. Wesley Guest • last Wednesday. • . Quite a 'number/ in •the com- 'munity,•are suffering' from 'flu. Mr. and Mrs Sam Emerson '& . . • • • Hilda, .Mrs. ,Angus Graham, Mrs. • John Emersdn, spent Thursday at London. , '• ' • • Miss Edith 'Stanley. and Mr. & • Mrs. Wilfred ' Trailer and family SALE POSTPONED. BECAUSE OF GALE Tuesday's gale was re:,Ton- . .sible for the ro;i1::)01'if....r.4r,t. • of. Lorne Reid's „.implement auction until Saturday- At- - though it's nothing new to have w e.a t h e* r conditions force a postponement,never •before. in these Parts. have . we heard of a wind stdrni do-. Mg it. . • There. was a huge crowd , on hand, but the wind .made 'it impossible t�;hear • the audieneer,' ancE-as•Well there was an elerhent• of danger in .standing around in .stiCh . a gale, = . • a • .HUGE, SALE .:SLATED , FOR TUESDAY OF NEXT WEEK igetIOIROL"Wrii. • ‘i WEDNESDAY, MARCU' 213, 1955 .of London visited • at the home of Mr. Milton ..Stanley ,recently. . 1VEr. and Mrs. Harold Camp- bell.' spent last, week -end with the latter's brother, Mr. Clare -Stanley. •• • Mr: Milton Stanley, . Mrs. :Hel- en Swan and, Rosalind and Nor- val visited with Mr. ' and. MrS, RiisSell. Stanley recently,. The Kinlough ' held _theirrBgtilar monthly meeting on Tuesday eirening of ,last ', week. Worshipful Master John Emer-' ,on presided.. Arrangements were 'made for holding. of a 'series of. entertainments, in the hall .dur- ing the months 9f• . April and May. Committees were appoint-. •ed to take charge of the matter, , • A . monsier farm auction is, scheduled for -next Tuesday, March 29th, at the, farm .of Cecil Johnston' in Ashfield. The sale. wi I start at 12.30, and it will be Usy: afternoon for Auctioneer onald 'Blue in -disposing of *the . huge list of modern .implement8 and . household effects,. grain, !:liogs, and some 24 head of •cattle. Last ,September Cecil held, a •dispersion sale of his Angtis cattle nurribering over. 100 head; but 'deferred his 'implement sale Until spring. • : ',.„The Johnston farms,..totalng , 400 acres have been -Said to • . Adrian Van DOrigen,. of Blenheim,' sO ,next Tuesday everything goes I .Without, reserve, ••. Big: Sale „ Thursday Another 13-ig• sale is slafed for this. Thursday at the farm of Ro 'Y Geddes,' Con:' ' 4, Huron', Town-. ship. Featured On this sale is a registered .,and :accredited herd Of Holstein Cow's, as well, as a Mod- ern line ofmachinery, ity. Of grain and . household ef- feets...Emile ;MacLennan is wield- • 'APPOINTED INSPECTOR 41. S .. If .You W.ant-To Sell Your Farm, We Have: Good' Prospects. • 1 • I , . .. • CONTACT: . JOHN -BOSVELD . . R,eal Estate Broker . . e, r O' • ' i., -40' Wellesley St... 'Phone 1108 GODIERICH, ON1:. ....m..............0....0...........i.................04...04....................„„,,,, ... , ....r.......wpopitt.,.1....ri. t. ...r....,,,,..„,„. . . , . STEWART!S Your .New Color, ' Centre For ' Paints • At a special meeting' 'of. West Wawanosh Township Council on Friday ,evening, Jim :Curran was • appointed township warble •fly 'inspector. There was no 'response to th,E..„ first call: for :applications and Council had ,to •advertise a second time, when .they secured' Jim to fill the position.. ' DEPARTMENT: OF EDUCATION , I • BY 'FOUR BRILLIANT .ARTISTS in ][...oacknow .Distrid High 'School Auditoriumi LUCKNOW ' it 8.15 OSEPH PACH; .VIOLINST. Graduate • of •Royal,Conservatory of ,Music. Has appeared. as ,s9loist with Toronto .,Symphony Orchestra' andover the •CI3'C network. • ANGELA .ANTPNELL:I, SOPPANO Studied. at Royal tprisertatory of Music Under Dy Ea \Tina Has . appeared .wi ndinger Symphony Orchestra at Massey Hall and with "Singing Stars of Tomorrow": MANFRED STIER; LYRIC TENOR .Possesses a fine lyrie tenor voice. Hasap:peare.d through- . out Canada/on radio and in concerts, Winner of rrian5t Con- servatory: aWards and bursaries.: , . ' 0 ELA-P6DOJJAKr-Ph&N1ST Member of the, faulty . of. the Royal Conservatory Of , Music.'' On radio and as a. etincert," solbist her hrilliant . per. . formances have • arOused great interest. • • Don't Fail To Hear Thisl Foursome Sponsored by lUeluioW District High School Lite,rary Society Admission 75c—tickets from students or MeKhn'S, IllUbaeh'S ipsz. ' ing' the. haminer: at this .big one; CONCESSION, . Miss Martha Martin of'. Tor- onto visited over the week -end at' the 'twine of Mr. •and,. Mrs. Allan Graham. . • Mr. and' Mrs. , W. F. •MacD9n- -aid, Margaret and. Meek Visited • last Saturday with Mr,' and Mrs. Graham MacDonald. of London. Mr. .Ira Dickie ,has been*. ill With:;pneunionia. Others on the sick 'Hat for the •past week' in- clude:- Mrs. W: G. MacKenzie,Murray • MacKinnon and Allan MacDougall. ' • tilcrat 77 Basic.-Shad FREE COLOR CHIPS • . . to take .home for you to match your drapes and rugs; RUBBERIZED; WASHABI4E,‘' ObORLESS; D1UES IN ONE HOUR: 4 .AlsO, HQUSE;PAINTS.'ancl ENAMELS Etc. • — FLOOR:TILE,: .1Stewart's iDecorating &:c.6ifts f-t--PAINVVVA-LL-P-APER.-and-DRAeE,RIES - 1. t• .-- •' 4,.........;.......0.:.:,....., - . INSTITUTE MAKES FINAL . Wingharri: Hospital Auxiliary in PLANS FOR CALICO, BALL' regardS .• our :Institute, ' assisting with some sewing.. . , The short ‘cetirse,i• "Psychology and You" will,f be' eld in Holy- rood4 •Hall, - April . th, With 'sev- eral Other Institut being invit-: • o4AING • • The March.. Meeting o,of the lairshea Wi. was; held at.Holy-.: roodhall with hostesses Mrs.. H. .BUckton . and Mrs. D.". '1Vlaccon- nell. 1. • The first, vice president, :Mrs. D. L. MaCKinnbh, presided., • A„. ininute's silence Was 'observed in memory of David Carruthers, husband of bin- president. " It ,was decided' to table Until the April meeting the Matter of a •donatiOn towards furnishing a :morn. at Wirigham Hospital: Mrs,' A. Hughes and Mrs.. C. Colwell were appointed • to visit . . AUX I LIAR! ES. .HI.N12 JOINT MEETING The .United • Church. Evening. -Auxiliary was the guest Of the. Presbyterian Evening .Auxiliary, Tuesday, iMarcii.15th, in -the byterian Church. A splendid at- tendanc-e was recorded. Mis. Jack Fisher vireIcorned the visitors and epened the Meeting with hymn 381' and . the Lord's _prayer. She then turned the meeting over to :the -Wnited-Ghureh-la'clies::--,-The- pyesident, Mrs. T. A. MacDonald,' yhanked'iVIrs, Fisher for the Op- portunity of meeting together. Mrs, Leonard Ritchie • read, tWO press.7-eliPpingS-:-0re "-temperance:, Miss -"Helen. -Thompson read, a poOrn on "Cheerful. Giving" and reminde0 .us ' of the ' local -Red Cross drive, An invitation was extended to . all to • attend a meeting sponsored by the 'W.M.Sa ladies in the United Church, Apr, 6th at ,.00--p.nthe-speaker will be IVfiss M.'Rutlierford' of St Hel- ens and her subject "The World Council of Churches", Which She attended, A letter was read from Miss M. Gollan, stressing the need, in:her Work for baby cloth- ing; A prayer for her. Was given! by Mrs,. 1/1„ Sanderson. Mrs: H. R.Allin then tObk Charge of, the following program. • Hymn• 399 Miss J. read the scripture; Mrs., Mur - die led in:prayer. M•188 Helen Thomp'son Very cabably gaveth chapter "Grbwing 'together of the church in from the study book. She: noted .that this 'Year both the Presbyterian and United, W.M.S. are studying about India, possibly beaus e of. all the eastern countrieS, India tsri the forefront in the world's ecoatsrp,iano...Selee44ons-by-.1Virs:* . , ..• Grant lgeiklejOhn and Mfs,. Lloyd Ashton were ,enjoyed .as• was the Singing 9f tWO %veal groups com- prised of Joan Crawford .a0 'Nancy • Webster,. MI's. Morgan Johnston:arid 1VIrs. Raynard'Ack- ert; •Mr. Alex. MacN,ay gave us some • interesting highlights in The conveners of the .Standing • committees met .at the .home , of ID, L. • MaeKinnen. on AOril • '5th to prepare their -rePorts. for the District Annual. , , • First and second pries of 63 -,arid 1C2 are being offered for 'pret- tieSt .cotton •dress and prettiest herne sewen cotton.dress • in two' groups over 25 yee,ars of' age and Urider77-25., for , the anneal. Calico • .Making • a. total •.4.- $20A•ip..pries:' There :will also , a draw for a ,Lazy • Susan .that night.' ',Members :please :note, *An tickets must be in before March • 25th: 'A. nOrninating 'cormnittee was appointed.- .Anyone having. anything to • either give' Or lend to the. Coiiii- the life of Ireland'patron ' Saint ty Museum are asked to get in Miss E; Plumsteel spoke on touch with Mrs H LaviS before • April. lst• • • Mrs. W. F. MacDonald read the scripture, :.Mrs. • a . aa - Donald • :then took, the chair for the prOgrare. .TheTtOrdc-"-00f-- .parisons Of .Present Day Teach - :me -4o Former Days" *as ably. 'given by Mrs. A. Maitin and"a. :questionnaire. Was,passed 9-ut-to;- aid- her in air artidei ning to write: Mrs. G-: Hanilltoe ' gave a, reading and Ross. Hard- • ilton favored' with a. piano ''sdle. • • 'After -The<Queen and:Institute grace, a social hour,; \vas enjoyed. . social time was enjoyed with the • ThP' annual meeting , be heldinroo ciHritoyrlye.anddl.:13itrallsiwgit,hChIS Presbyterian ladies serving lunch, lett hostesses. ' 4;4 .41111.041211•114111WOAME.IIMI.04•11.14114•041411141644441416tl04/461;4=6041.16041111.044/•4/.111111:041116; • ••:.• ",1/Vhat we • can •learn, from 'the • Poets", and stirred our reeniories with her excerpt's' from favorite poems. The program committee,. Mrs. George „Joynr, Mrs. Charles Webster; • 1VIrs. „ Alex • Andrew; Mrs.' .Russ Button and Mrs. H. Ft:: ARM dresSed in Irish costUrne, sang' a, humbrous rendition; of trish-7-aires.7A -beautifnl--evenin-g- prayer by Mrs, .j. C. Me'N,ab,.and the singing of "Blest be the tie that binds"., concluded a .'splp.n7 did pr9Oarn. Mrs. H. R.; Ain 'agairi7thanked-the- Presbyte ladiesfp "the picportimity of a joint, meeting and Miss .Gladys MacDonald replied •,,and quoted a -ifavdrite Prayer, ,A pleasant, ELECTION' CARD 1_ To The Electors Of. The 1 Township of Kinloss: • 'Under sad eircurnsta.nces .it is, ri.ti.eeSsary.tor the eitizeti;: of KinlOssf..':to- Choose 'a successor to our lattl beloved,4 . . speeted, and capable reeve, • ',...As the Senior member of the Board,- I have 1).4,vn .ere,.. 1 1 :vfualillled. s.. udipidinclyoo:tiscrr, k olectiod to „ the :rieeveshili,, ....and . fespect7. 1 . .1 ...Manday. , s,'Upport and .t.oili- vote at th-e' po11.,.1.41, i • . . ! :1, Cowlen, arid •assurb•yeti that if' _elected .1. wilt- do nlY litm.md" i , • -. . , - ..... i 'am serving my .felirtdetith. Year as a rnernljer • o.t.' I to serve you worthily. , Sincerely Yours; • pAist, T. MacKINNON, . 6110041.14/1.14/00(64141.1141111141411110441011111.11411111101