HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-03-16, Page 8M / . moi.'. PAGE EIGII']J. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL LUCKNOW, ONTARIO :WEDNESDAY',; MARCH 16; 1955 • a, • �!1 s► • 41 CALI Friday, March 25th. • Sure - - SPECIAL PRIZES;'Presented to ' FROM O�IER, YAIi.Dize G ODS or ers wearing .dresses Made . wearing dresses bought FROM OUR STOCK:. New Summer Cottons In: Now More Teena-Paige' dresses'.this week ' For - styles•. see "Seventeen' Magazine. • SALEOFADIES' HANDBAGS We have receiVa quantity of manufacturer's samples . L to be cleared' at Ai: ,GREAT SAVING :This. 'week- only, AGENT. FOR :KINCARDINE CLEANERS i Free Pick -Up, and 'beliv7ery •Monday and Thursday. • Men's, 'Ladies', Children's Wear Piece Goods. 8i, Woollens 1 BORN EADIE—in Wingham' Hospital, cn . ' Wednesday, . March Gtl, ' to Mr. and Mrs. Lorne 'Eadie, Holy - rood,. a .song a brother . for Doug- las, David. and . Kenneth. -13.011N ,---. In Wingham . General • Hospital, on •Monday, March 7, 1955.', to 'Mr. and 'Mrs: James Burns,' Wing••harn, man Robert. .•. a son; • THAT Mr. and . Mrs. Jack Boyd 'of Monkton were dinner guests last-'Wddizesd of Mr.. and Mrs Jim '.Duncan, on the oc- casion of. the 28th; wedding an- niversary. of, both couples. .._ GREEN GIANT:NIBLETS 1.4 oz.. TWO for RASPBERRY JAM ,Breakfast' Club, .24 -oz. • MARGENE. MARGARINE Pound PREMUM SODAS Christies, one pound ,. FACE .:TISSUE Facelle ' TWO for All merchandise sold ' under money -back guarantee. • . e 1 1 : • SEE BY THE . SENTINEL THAT, Robert:. Ritchie of 'town underwer man- oper'atiOn_ in Vit•_. Joseph's ':Hospital, ,Hospital,.:London, ,. on. Monday .evening .for the re rno'Valx of a • kidney: stone; He. `had been ,ill -for over a 'Week, On Tuesday he was reported tp'. be doing nicely. Mrs, Ritchie has' also .been ' oh the sick" list,, and Was quiteillsi, few day's ;ago, but is now improving:. THAT. Miss• .Mary .Porteous of. Toronto is visiting at Daytona Beach, Florida, 'With .her par-, ents, Mr. andMrs.. W. 'A. Por teous,: who have changed".their plans andare riot leaving for home, • until the .end 'of the _month. THAT George . Irwin,. son 'of•:1VIr •and Mks. Spence Irwin, ' undar- . went an 'appendectomy at Ald ershot .Army :Hospital . in Nova Scotia ..last, Thursday: Ha tele-. phoned, -his parents .on Satur- day to say :he rwas .getting along O.K. • George reported at Alder .shot in January • after .a• fur-. .dough -here fgllow-rng-chis-ret-t • from Korea, • .• Protect. Your Children's Feet With''• Long -Wearing Shoes by Savage. RED SCHOOLHOUSE TEEN- -AGERS BROI,JWER'S RESEARCH Stocked in Brown Oxfords, Straps, Boots in B, C, ' D, E . Widths. THAT Mr.' 'Dan MacLean of Lochalsh has received •word that his sister,: Mrs.-. W •; W; Kincheloe. of Chicago,. had the;'. 'misfortune':. to . fall, and suffer a `broken ';hip:. Mr's. Kin. eheloae was formerly Sadie MacLean, : daughter._`•of_:-_:the_iate_Mrarid_ Mrs. Donald ` .MMac•Lean.'. She left. her native Mownship. many. ';years. ago, 'and has .now passed. the, four score` mark: • ' THAT new 1955 markers are be- Int lost 'already. We have had' • one 'turned in' .at The - Sentinel. –�•53-801C. - , THAT in renewing' her Sentinel :siubscription,Bessie Carnochan • of Ottawa, says; ' "I do, enjoy receiving it • every week and would : not,olike to be . without it". 3th*eU&.S� e` Footwear ' For,. 411 'The. Family Alle.11~WbAleibibA"r1110.111.Ab•Wfr .41,,14"..44, • • Aman came.by plane •to'TOr- onto• . THAT a note from' Mrs,• Sydney Plopwright of Oshawa (nee. • Ruby, 'Nixon) says' that ;the;; enjoyed•, Mr. Rae's' letter from' Lakelannd: ' ;It is over `thirty •years .a"since "S d :and '• Ruby". Y . left THAT :Mrs Ena Anderson 'of :Vancouver,. • B.C., also Mrs. 'Belle Cooper.' and :1VIrs. Jessie 'Aman of Calgary; were "here attending the :rfuunneral. of the late W.'J McDonald, and vis- ited '- wi�" their cousins; . Mrs. •Christens and Miss' Janet Mc- 'time' and space ah• ,The • Sentinel OMIT NON; ESSENTIALS! The Sentinel. carries manyre-. is tOf-- ist-aet–tgr-oulrs adl wielcomnes them:: We',do 'need the° full co-operation *of.'' press. secret-: aries in ,handling 'these,..Reports are coming in '.more promptly: now,but considerable improve. mint. is necessary in the conVos-. ition and contents of 'some, which require:, a good deal of editing;. and on occasions have to be 're-• Written ' Press secretaries- Should bear in mind: that we are not. fainiliar with what took. , place ,at each and`.'every. meeting, and that we can. only 'guess : where .corrections. have to be made. Please avoid abbrebiations,Wand take . care:with o names an e` the spelling f, . d t� sequence of eyents.- ' Above ' all, to conserve space, please avoid non essentials such asthe•••names of hymns; the read- ing'of the minutes, business was, discussed:. That last phrase is 'of rio interest whatever -unless some details, of the discussion .are gip en.:.: A little moretime and carp' in_:preparing som.e of`•the reports. we receive,.will. make them snore.. interesting) and result in ...more reader interest: • i ` . More than that, attenton to these details'4-will save .precious APPLY FOR TV LICENSE • (Continued from `wage ,l): -- w Mr.. Cruickshank also.iiot<c that. "The, radio operation' ' o CKNX„will• "remain.•as it is and • continuee to ;grow: along: with, Varied : Program ':Program 'planning„ for;tht.' >iiro- ,posed CKNX television station • on Channel'8 is based upon pm-, vidi.ng suitable local • service for':. el.rnbst 206,000 4ieOple in the cop- erege–area Initially; th,- station 11 • t' 'would.' transmit . prograrrzs ap••• proximately 760' hours per 'week. • About' one , half of this-•• time • would be `, devoted to network' service, and' the remaining 'time;' almost equally divided;*between . local shows and filth transtnis- • . Included in the `live ,''st:udio productions would be programs'. dealing with: news; short,' wo- men's events, ''f arra even.ts, music, religion, public :service ren's featii es; • it,.D.H:S; CONCERT' 6 • (Continued from':Page ' 1) . rating 'were: -Shylock,. aim` Reed; Ahtonio, Geor.'g'e Richards; Pop. tia,, Marilyn Kilpatrick,; Sa1arino, Berl '.Moulton:. Sala.nio, Dale Hal.: d ;1y,• Bassanip, Archie 'M, cQuil. 1 anY Lorenzo„, Marvin McDonald Gratiano, Beverley'' Ma:cKenzi •;•. Stephano, Arnold 'Hartford; Ner- Xssa,-. Edith 'Marshall; Servant,'• Bill Marshall; Jessica; Ann Craw- ford; Duke,. Bob fM,oW bray; guards, • ` Roy Einberlin, • 'Alvin Baker; Magnificoes, . Ken Mac Nay; Beverley Ashton, Jack; Chin, Bessie.:'' Reavie, Rodriie Wraith,' Ruth .fireleaven, $ill Donald. •-ars: Cooper and Mrsr Office. Fisher.. 4' • ntin LOADS . OF BARGAINS IN•..EVERY DEPARTMENT • Men's White Tee- Shirts. 55c, 2. for, $1.00 Boys' White Tee Shirts. . 39e,, . 2 for 75c Kiddies' White 'Tee 'Shirts Ea.' 29e; Kiddies' Anklets; reg. '29c to 35c Pr. 12c ;'42” Pillow Slips, • good 'quality Ea. 39c ' Men's' Athletic Briefs ,fit Tops, reg.. 69e Ea. 39c • 18x36 Corigoleum Mats' 17c Ea. 3 for ,49e " Wool Work Sox, 4 lbs Pr. $1.26, 2prs. $2.39 Sanforized Bib' Overalls, men's, 6 oz, Pr: -$3.88, Boys' Bib - Overalls, .Sanforized,. best quality available, bargain price, Pr. $2.70 Men's' Wool Pants, reg t'o $8.75, bargain price , Pr. 4.77 Men's kine Dress Shirts .,:.:.. $2.88,. 2 for $.5.0) Nylons, subs Of a • better line, good wear Men's Fur Felt Hats, seco,tids, dan 4. for ;everyday ." • • 100% Nylon_W,ork__Sox ._. ...Pr. _88c_ g r. Final Clearance Men's Fleece. Underwear, • $2.98-$3.50,; at' . • Ea.. $2,33. Ladies' Wool and- Cotton Hose' Pr. m 36"" Plastic Film,°many patterns, reg: 65c Yd. 39c. Crisp •Patterned New, House 'Frocks- ' trEa. 0;9'1 Dimity' and ..Kriskay : Dress Material, .bar-' gain' price ... Yd, 1P•c 'Print 'Quilt Patches . Ea.2c, 3c, '1e Rubberized Greyhora 'Scatter . Rugs, c STK e • .a '1 11 1 s c' Ladies' Wool 'Pullovers, pastel :colors,; Ea.?,:',S; Kiddies Nylon Anklets,, reg. 490 Pr.''e kaor