HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-03-16, Page 7WEDNESDAY, It/LARCH •16, 1955 xot7p4NOw SENTINEL, LUC:KNOW, ONTARIO • .7 -PAGE. siVgisi _DUNGANNON • SALIAOWS—FINNIGAN A• quiet, but. pretty, wedding was so1einn1z6c1 Saturday At 12.30 p.mat the Dungannon. United • Chureli ParSonage, when Shirley °Anrla Mae, (Ally daUghter of M. • i.,nd Mrs. John Finnigan,,, Con. 6, West WawanOsh Township,' was united in marriage to Donald Roy Sallows;son of mi. and Mrs. Reuben SalloWs,. Geiderich.. • Rev, G.' D. Watt performed the wedding ceremony,,,• The bride, given in, •Marriage 'byher father, wore a pale blue tara Sheen. accessories; r'ect,roses with fern. corsage and • a pearl .necklace, a gift„ of the .room , completed • her eosturne. Thebride bride,was...at.-- tended, by Miss: Aly Great, ° whb ,wore •a pale blue suit with • navy trim, pink hat, naVy: acees- soiies and 'cle40 Pink' roses and • fern. corsage. The groomsman was Mr. Williarn Berry of Goderieh. Miss Barbara. Wilson. played the wedding, music and Miss Lois .17tlebster sang "0 Per- fect pove". • ; • Following thecerembny; a re- ception wa held' at the home. Of • the.bride's parents; where 'about. . cOmenty-six • immediate ielatives end ;lose .friends were ente,-- tained with the bride's mother • receiving theguests‘- wearing. a• pale blue Corded silk-cire-ss;. and carnatibn corsage., Fh e groom's.:. Mother assisted, wear- ing a white and green figured 'silk dressi green hat and rriat,(41.- Ing acceSsories and' white earn- . , I,TECHURCII bbine one, .cbxne all to the Irish concert and. dance in the White- church hall on Thursday, March 17th. , 1W.. and Mrs. J. D. Finlayson and family of .Kincardine visited on • Sunday with Mr, and- 'Mrs. W. irnes. • symPathy. Is extended, to Mr. ,and Mrs. George Fisher in the_sudden death of the la.ttet's. brother, Mr. D. Carruthers. , Mrs. Carmen Farrier, Brian 81: Coleen ef Long. Branch visited Wit15 Mr, and Mrs. Garnet Far- -Tier -On -Thursday: •- • Mr.; and E. Scholtz- at- tended the !funeral of their brb- ther-in-laW-,, Mr. Nivens at Au- burn On .Monday.. • `, Mr: "and"Mrs.-Robert Secord „Si Susan: Of Hanover visite Sun- day with Mr... and •Mrs. IE. H. G'roSkorth, played Irish tunes o • The regular meeting •of .the and Mrs.. ,Andrew. closed, the United . Church' • Young. Adult Group. was held on Tuesday ev- ening, .March 8th, at the home of Mr. and. Mrs. 'Garnet Farrier.. • The %meeting Opened. with • the singing • ef' hymn 358.: The bust; portion 4.f the meeting. was cenducted by the. president, CM - :ford 1.daidla-W.. The nw,eting -wasthen •ttirned :over , to Clarence McClenaghan who gave the. call • to 'worship; Rev. Watt read the seripture, followed by the medi- tation'Mrs.' E. Groskorth and •Paul. GrOskorth: .•Karen Gros.- korth and :Wayne Farrier sang "ppen your.Heart"...Arthur• LaidlaW led, in . prayer followed by a hymn: Rev. Brook had the topic . evening' . the "SigifiCance of • Lent". •• MOthen'S A5.4°CiAtfOnf GrQUP 11 ow, roup of theWA. met on Wednesday afternbon at•the home of Nib. R. X. Button with twenty-two ladies present: Mrs. Howey presided.. The theme for the devotional period Was .“The Man of Sorrows". The Scripture lesson was taken by Mrs. Clar- ence Greer, Mrs: George Brboks read a Pbein ahd. Mr s.° Howey led in 'prayer. Announcement wa$ made' of the. annual Pr,?s- byterial W.A. Meeting in the Un- ited Church, Lucknow,„..on April 5th; . a's& a Educational Leadership school', at Five :Oaks -the' last -,Week -IVIarc .-Th ,Was,:ansirered by. a house- hold hint: An, Jrish verSe .waS read.; also averse to "Otir Neigh- bors". Mrs. Hoag gave a splen- did 'paper on gileat Ywornen the present ,daY and what made , thern ' Mrs. M iklejohn. the piano atien corsage Pink and White( streamers festOdned the 'dining' • 'main ,ahd. a. white wedding beil. was suspended •above a lovely 3 - tier wedding cake that *centred the linen 'covered dining table: ; Assisting with the dinner were • three aunts, Misset Christine and • Myrtle., Finnigan,. ; Mrs.,Alber .Taylbr and a cousin, ,Mrs.. John On a -•hcineYinoon trip • to ,Toranto : and,- :other' Ontario points, the bride travelled 'weal.: ing a dress of 'rciSe satin -back ..acelate,. :navy bengaline' . coat• : tiaVy hat Tand accessories. UPOrr • their return,they ,will make:their home in', GOderich. pricir ' to.. the •rnarria:ge, the. bride Was :fetedwith a .misce).- • laneous. shower . by neighboring •. girl. friends, Misses Barbara son and:Lois Webster at:the lat- : ter's horrie. • h • • • 'ASItS*. rROVISIONS FOR TAKING SEAMEN'S VOTE • Andrew.' E.. Robinson, ConSer; .spots of particular•Anterest and. N44ive. M.P: for Bruce, has gone beauty and ;:adding touches of to bat for Great. Lakes seamen humont.., Who he clairns ai e. at times de-. During the busineis' :Part of -pri-ved, f tIir. tra.ncliise by the4neeting____cOndlicted- by ._the_ .meeting. with prayer. The corn:- • mittee in charge conducted Irish contests and served lunch anda very successful sale added to the treasury with Mr.'s. Vernon Hun', ter acting as auctioneer. Mrs: Couse 'moved • a Vote of thanks to • the 'bostess and • all ' taking W.I. DONATES To BRUCE MUSEUM • Thirty -four -ladies gathered in the 'Recreational .Centre„ Ltick- nevir, for the March Meeting of •the VI, which Was highlighted by an address by .Rev. Wallace ' "A •Little• Jaunt Through Ireland". HimSelf it nat- ive ..:14 thei Emerald Isle;:.. Mr: • Mc- Clean took his hearers,On, a tour of :.North_ein and SOtithern.• Ire- land. dwelling on places and reason of••• their employment, as .many are away from their ,con- stittienties,on election days m6n . • The comittee privileges and •elections°,1,,vill consider. the ouestiofi 'ICer: • preSident, Mrs. C. Codk,.a:•ciona- tion• of i$10.00 was voted -Jo the BrUce County NfuSetun' at .Sbuth.„- anipton and 'a • cbminittee ap12 pointed to lOOkafter articles that May be 'donated.tq.. the same; Committees were also appointed Stinied the reSporisibilit of god- to arrange for catering fo the Parent:Sin an Anglican „church ' 'bowlers' banquet on 'March 30th,. baptismal Service. • , • 2:" tUriltna$ .sale in April and the .Mrs. Gordon .Congram u a g • ride g therin of woollens to be sent t• aterloo Cattle Breeding Assoc. "Where Better Bulls Are Used" • MORE DOLLARS FOR YOU. Artificial service frcina our Association does not cost, it pays: • • BECAUSE the dollar outlay is very nominal;Less than the ee4 Of keeping a bull on your farm.. AECAUSE-'otir bulls will transmit •better than average , money. making qualities to their offspring. Every tool avail- able is used tO test these qua/Kies and the information is given to our members. ' •,* •• •The • Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association is a ,non-profit, co-operative, being strengthened every day by old Members - --continuing to iise-its•services--and-by-a,.dditionafieW-inembers,--- beginning to use its services. • : • Miring. 'January. 1955, 101 new..ntembers joined our As-. soeiation. -• • • During Febrgari.'055; 111 ,nely .*emb6i, joined our AisOciation. ' • During January and February 1955, 830 More cows were inseminated by tfie Waterloo Unit than „dieing the corres- ponding months in the previous Tear. This is an inereage of 143 percent. • • NEW BUSINESS 'SOLICITED. For „more information send in the coupon or phone our office at: CLINTON 242, between: 730 & 10.00. a.m. week days; 7.30 &• 930 a.m. SundayS. • . • I • Please ,call at my 'farm to give further information' • I • on your .Artificial..Insemination service. NIME ADDRESS Location ;of ralaig., .coricossiop . Lot..No. , 4 I.dotnemo•Theistimie.941ormmeopositt•iiemi.iliirkim.,Haiwomindmison.immi.q.a.,:wit• Mrs. Bill PuFdon were:Mt. Wm. Dawson, Mr:', and Mrs: .Wes Tif- fin.:. of -WhiteChurcb. and :Tom Fur - thin: of .LuektioW..' '. • .. • . , ....On 'Monday. night ithe:, Central Farrn,,FOriiin met, at 'the 'home ef. Mr. and, Mrs. Bill Kinahan, with a -good 'The....topi for discussion. 'Wag. "The 4O -Hr Week in '•AgrieUltiire" the question- asked in .the Guide was 1.. HW can. the . farmer offset indUstry'S' .ihigher • wages ,•• •and shorter hours.' in, ordbr to .secure farm labor? The general °Pinion was . this , might ,..be obtained by better ,°layout• ,•of :barns,. ;of .up -to -.date ,maehinery, days: off - • 'went an emergency, operation at .to the Preston Mills. ' . . Mr. and. Mrs. T. 'C. Andersoni Goderich Hospital for removal - of, • The roll call was answered by., *.spent Sunday. • With the 'forMer'sPpendix, We hear her condition 'An. Irish Story". 1VIrs,.• R.. Rbb;• is satisfactory, •ertSon gave a• paper on Public also on the Relations and 'COmrnimity Act - 4th -Con.; v. a', taken/ to Gbderich ivities, Suminarizing things done Hospital': the •first ,of the, week.1 the Institute ,during the year. • sister,. Mrs. • George Wh itlarn anel Whitlam and" 'family. It: was • ;the occasion for: the christening. o.f...little'•Geoffrey George Whit - lam. Mr: arid', Mrs. AnderSOn aS,,, feelinq:. rather pocirly. •,1114111110114•11MISM111.14M.,,111‘61.,../..af‘;,14.11111,114=6.11/4•1111.0.• 1141111.441.,.141111.111...14111111.1/4M1.1?...14111111.0.1111111.1111.1/0411.:140:41. NORTH .AMERICAN CYANAMID Liiiiited invite you to attend a meeting to discuss Mrs. A. •Stitithers .had the cur:: rent events: and 'Mrs. HoWard. , 'Robinson gave the; 'n-iette ' "How to live on .24 liotirs • day", Mrs, 'Sproul • condUcted. a Sharrirock ebrits;st...Presentation , Was made to AdaMS, who expressed sppfeciation-•of a ely. .table_lamp;Mrs.:. H. Rob:. inson, Mrs,' 4: MacLennan Mrs H., Nixon, Mr,s. Sproul' and Mrs. T. Clark served, lurich.:April. will be the. annUal meeting at twhieh. • Mrs. H. Robinson and IVIrS.,:Ger•-' _the: !, slate 'of officer's* for...the corning. :year,: anageme4 , 'sponsored by the - :OPERATIVE • •.- • In the ECREATIONAL HALL, g:.30-, • ;. Films ancl Shdes Will 13 .:Shown• .r• SIXTH -AND -NINTH A Mr, and, Mrs. • Bill 'Kinahari and !' baby visited with her parents" at :Seaforth on Fuda. Mr.. arid Mrs. 'Robert MeAlli- :stet.; Mary Louaid Kenneth Ake - Allister visited With Mrs. mcAl-, inOther . and. Sister, at VN,atei'lbo on Stinday 1• •• .Mr: and , Mrs, Alvin McDosVell Of. Westfield Were Sunday . Door Prize and , Refreshnients by, Sponsor . - ' 'Icirl 'q-1. 1Y117'•:•RP4'..-.1‘./44°. Vi°t°17 ..,,,,...,,..‘,...,,...i.„,......,,......,,......,..........,....0...,,,,......4......, ,,-,•-, •• ' - ' -.,... ......,„....„......:4,...i.,„..,•.4....4 . %Visitors with Mr, • Toni k''oran , , . . ' ..-, •• . -......- --------.. . •-.•-• -.'....'t.. t77.: it t. the"Week-efici were. Mrs.. Clara, I...,<!...........#,......”....,,......,..,„,.......„.,:•,{,,„.....,,,.......,...! . winter4, of Toronto, , mrs,., jack 6 •• • • ' . • 3 ! .McGuire ahd Mis$ Lenor..e Mc - Ar ---PT• Guire of• .--,--,eru-s--'-1•Einalra* • •_-_, and ' Michael of London spent : FOR SALE . IN GODERIC the wook--,,,nCi with 'Mr. arid. MtS. "8111,-Kinahan and Bobby, THROUGH 1*. Mr. and, Mrs, Sthhil Not mah Of . . .HAROLDW. SHORE • . i R-incardine were recent rvisitors •1 . with Mr, and Mrs. :361in 'Finni-` , . . t. . gam • , to cerePensate for the . loriget, bburs. rush seascinS' o±. seed-,,.. ng, haying and harvest..goos 'wages; .good food . and separate living quarteis. for married help... The SoCial 'part Of the evening , was spent in playing ,cards' with • high prizes .going. to IVIr..,84- WaIlace Wilsen and • the conso.t.:: ation• prizes g,oing to Mrs : John Fiririigan arid Mr. Mark Arm - Strong. I.A.inch Was served by the:, hostess, ...Next 'Monday evening •I March 21st, the Forum will. meet.: at the'horne bf.:Mr. and Mr's, Jas, . Wilson The topic for ...cliscussipia. will be ",Safety •on the 'High - Away" (teal Ps4te Broker • '38 •Ilamilton St. GODERIell, ONT.• • I FARM AND HO•USE LISTINGS' INVITED Miss ,Scan trrington' of Loh - 'don • spent theweek-end at her • hOnw. •,• • Sunday visitor l with M,r. and • OLDYQ11 LIKE, THIS :No thanks very' much. We know.yoie proVide'fOr .the winter by accumulating a hoard of nuts, tait,with people. • it's different.. They haVe .a More advantageous • way. they invest rn..• . . • _ , , • 1/2%' • GUARANTEED TRUST .CERTIFICATES • Authorized investment for trust fund4 0, Short term—fve years • 3Y. earl interest a able half- earl iy „„,, a n lust a.yegrs; an• inVestment of 4)41V.4.10 accuniukiies. $500.0044.1. you. Write for free 'descriptive frig,,,eid)c s. THE cORP 0 R' A T • HEAD OFFI'ciE 372 BOY Si., TorOnto 0' N: • OF.Ftcr 1-1 Dunlop St.,, Otiptie .••• , P 1r