HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-03-16, Page 6t• PAGE SIX glE11. ,a• . THE LUCKNOW.. SENTIREL,. LUCKli OW'," ONTARI6 • • • $hp)tled is. 11, Ontazia-Tx.tle ..Sertes " Biooklin Juveniles won-' the P. Trari.1PaScpe, R'Tstan,•Grun- O.M.H.A. Juvenile ,"D" , champ- dy,.• Vipond, MacDulf,, J•ohnston. ionship when -th.eyf defeated. the - Lucknow; goal, .Wchards;: clef:, • Lucknow 1Legion Juvenile .8-7 MaeNaY, Graham; J. Chm; in the Put Perry arena on, Sat- wings,' C.' Chin, Stanley; alt., urday night. The first, garde in Hedley, Gibson, Gardner, Cousei Lucknow ended. 5-3 for Brooklm Baker, Mowbray, Emberlin, Mac - 'giving, them a 13-10 total pzi the \Milian. gOals7to-count round.. . First • Period . Quite a large number of Luk- (Baldwin') Thow`latis-macie the -long trip to $34- •• . Port Perry to, cheer the lbeal 2-Lucknow, •MagNay (Stanley) 6.51 • „ The • genie was fast and '•cieari. 3-l3rooltlin, P. Tran (Jones) ' with few ipenaltiesi Again it was ,19.13 .• • • ' • the'. Pe.r.fettly • OalanCedteam for • Second. Period', Brooklin that „defeated the :legal 4.-Brooklin, Gibson (Baldwin). boys. Lucknow's line of C. Chin- • 2:57 Chin -Stanley were outstand- 5--:-LucknoW, S. Chin 3.55 ing, and outplayed the opposition 6-Lucknow; J. Chin 5.38 . • at all times, and ,accounted for 7-Brooklia, P. Tran (H: Tran) • •all of the Lucknow goals. •Jack 9.46 . • Chin did e Masterful lob a kill-, 9-43rooklintoR. Tran 9.46. ing penalties, and had the lirciek-' ,9•,-..Brookliri, Gibson 11.34 lin team literally, '"looking at 10L-Lucknow, C. Chin (Graham)' ?themselves". • • . 12.20 • . 13rooklin.had a 2-1 edge at the 1i--BrOoklin, P:. Tran (11,° Tran) .end of the first . period on goals .7-; 13.12 : • by Paul Tran and Gibson. Penalties : C. 'Chin, G: vay- scored ' -for Lucknow :n' -9 a McKinneY., hard shot -from the blue line Thrd period IA the second BroOklin, Scored 'Abson (1?. Tra 5 and Lucknow .3. . Marksmen g.38. • . • • ' - A numb& from this commun- 'ity attended the funeral • of the Township Reeve the late David Carruthers, on 'thurgclay.• Sym- pathy •is extended to the. ibereav- Jones- • •. Were Paul Tian '2,,' Herb ,Tran • 1 13,_.• Licjaki....owl J. Chili, (q. chin) and Gibson 2 for .the opposition, • 13.24 • , ..• • , • with ..Taek:. Chin *king ni3 2 for 14-.Lucknow, C. Chin •(MaeNey) the Lucknow 'crew and brother. '19.24 : Charlie '1•.' That made it .74 at. 15-Lucknow, Stanley (c -Chin) the end of ..the, Second.' ''. 9,56 . • ' . - "RrOo li pened,:igiifi.. • iza.:_ga•ok.u* q. .Chin', When:Gibstte scOred his 4th goal pas60e, Gth§on. • • . of • the night. Lucknow fought .... back. garrielY. . ti score' three. goals.., before theend: of the ` period. : afarksm.en Were J: Chin, C....Chin* _ and 'Stanley. Two of these goals The Zebras continued' to win ' were scored With .40 • seconds to by takirig, 4 •points from the Wol, • . laY :/ .• • • • . .: '• verines who couldn't seem to get ' The BrOoklin team are strong .started. Bob Boak, Eunice and from the •goaltender to ,the utility Bob. Rea- and .Ruth .75trdine all: Men., mid_ are well deserving . of rolled totals of over 600 fel- the the , chainpionship. Their big , Zebras, While Murray Cottse with :lin,. was united in :marriage to bin the came the second period 581:' was the best Wolverine. ef-i :i ',Gerald Williarn :Gibipn,: son: Of when th :referees handed out an fort. The Zebras have their sights g • Mrs Margaret Gibson. of London interference penalty to Charlie: ..011 the silverware as they plaY. 'and the 'late Ebner'. Gibion. The, Chin which seemed by all to ibe the second place Cubs Wedriest - , : ,F "a Cheap, one". •Brpoklin fired day night Sp far they % have tak- home wasdecorated. ' tastefully • two quick goals to jump 'into a en 1with Pink and white Streahiers '1 of • a'possible .12 pointi. sPring, .1.16*- • 5-3 lead The referees were from • The Kangarpoo,,got'iljack in the,..ah.,d. :.a Pr°61s.i°i1... 0 oshawa ' ahd Aurora, and aside race. yvithla • 3 . point victory over: '.1.' . •• :-: b '• ' • ' TIPS. 'Mrs. Tom Hodgin.s. entertained •the Anglican W.A. at her ..home. On. Friday afternoon, M. How- ard, 'Thompson presided: The op-- 'ening'hymn, Vass Me not 0. Gentle Saviour". was sung: •Mrs. ,Gertritde Walsh read the scrip- ture taken.from Colossians, Clip. Prayers—fatoWed with Mrs; Wm. Wall offering the Prayer, partners. prayer. Each member answered the call with •the Weixi “Glery,". A letter of thankS tO • the Social •Ser•vice ' secretary' for • a remembrance, was. read. Money was 'receiVed• for a quilt the. ladies had quilted during the week at the ,home of Mrs. Welsh, Plans were made to rnake another OM •with• the President, Mrs, • Thompson arid Mrs. Hod- gins, in 'charge of : same. Mrs. 'Bert ,Nicholson.'invited. the. lad- ies ,to her home for the. APril meeting. Howard ThOinp-. .Son gave the thought, for the day, and concluded With a 'reading;, "Never, ...Quit". Mrs. NiChCiiS011: 84 Mrs. Hodgins gave readings. from Living Message: Mrs. Geo. Graham thankekthe hosteSs for having the Meeting end' the r rt. -minder. Pf • the afterrioon was spent in making quilt blOcks. dainty' lunch was, served lay hostess. The: W.A. litany • dined the' meeting. • '----Pri-eitclu-of--Mr7elare-gparlin • of Walkerton: :Ire sorry ,to learn .that he underwent an ernergeney. • pperation :on Saturday. We hope. for a speedy ree6vehy: •GB ISON.: -SUTTN' • . . •O A • plitty but Auiet• wedding was, solc.nnized at. the home of• Mr. .ancl- Mrs. ',Lyman • Sutton,. Kinliitigh; •on Saturday, . When. their eldest_ daughter,Jtuth • .A WEDNESPAY, MARC 1.. • , •-from that one we believe they the . Cubs. Larry Salkeld again The pietty de entered the on the ann... her . did'a good joic. • ••• • , paced the attack With. 677 flat- living roOrn ' 'Afier: genie, jim Austin of for .a.'total. of 737 Witli Joan •father:to the• strains 'of the bria- the Cor- Stouffyille,'executiVe. director of meek •leading• • the ladies with • the'aM.aA., presented the Otto- 633. Dorothy Errington, rolling ' .J. Hart trophy, emblematic of 597 for a 687 total End Dick Park the Juvenile -"D", ehampionship,with a 648 total Made it a close to lmt? Gilson, captain of the. battV all the 'way.* ' BrOoklin team.. . The Squirrels took• one genie . jack Christie •then • Presented from the Pole Cts with.. enough the J.„ A. • Christie trophy 'for to Spare to win the 'e*tra.. point • runners-up to ;Ken Maclqay, cap- on •pinfall., Marie -13uttop•with lain of the,. Lucknow juVeniles. 1744 total led the Souirrels while • BrOoklint • goal, Lightle.;. def.; '•Freck 'Button with 601. and Rpy,, M.zjones, G. JOrteg; cen,, Gibson, Finlayson with 616 were also in. •.wirigg, McKinney, •13a1dwin; alt.,' there pushing.; The Mowbray rlIKAZIPAX4C<KIWNI.riAWAfigki:•ft•KteigiA104.1.424:X.7.;°,4!..i*Aa44,1:17411. ' ..‘ ,Now YOU 4.N HAVEA •:: A' . . • .`!Sta-Dri" a tested product, will. absolutely ; • waterprool Concrete, Cement Blocks, Cinder 'Blocks,. Brick, Stucco, Asbestos, when : appli- ed either from the inside or Outside. , • . • ' ' "STA -DRI": • `f: DECOR.ATES AS WELL AS WATERPROOFS •i 'X • • ", ' . : • : ' • A A ' and comes in 12 Non -Fading Colors, N • 0: , . *.. g2 coats of :"Sta-Dki" will hold a- wall of water , ,., 9. feet high without 4eal.tage. $IN• r - V 0. y - • You Wiit Lie. Surprised lioiv 'Economia:I I'Sta-Dri" Is REE-rsrark Pot your Basement, or any MasOnry including Silos and. Cisterns. al :choruS played by Migs' Rose Mary .0clenhal- and • was -loVelY iri ,a white lace and sating gown Her three-quarter• length veil wag held in place with/. prange blossoms and she 'carried white 'frfurris and red roses. Miis Joan ,Sutton . was ,her sister's brides, 'maid', gowned in a . ballerina length' blue dress••with • a match- • - • Duo,With r 1291 togetheand bin.. nam HamlAton with 051 Were the •Pole 'Cats.rn.ost val17 uable ;'iewlers, Group Standing • Zebras' 11; Cubs 7, Kangaroos ,,. Wolverines 5; Cats 4. • .ANNOU.NCI.N.G nch:aAteci ening rresented by the -4/inglaa,ma Figure Skating Club .Ansosal • Ii;1' THE WINOIAIVtAltENA,- ._._ :IDAY. and SATURDAY it 8.00 p.m. ARTISTS BOTH .NIGHTS:=Rosemary Dignam, silver mecLilli:st �fthe Toronto Skating Club, will be featured • FRIDAY NIGHT -John Railway' of the Toronto Skating' , Club. • .SATURDAY, •NIGHT-DOnald Tobin; professional 'from. Hamilton. . - • BEAUTIFUI. COSTUMES SPOTLIGHTS TICKETS ON SALE- IN LUCKNOW At Webster andMacKinnon Frifilware Or m Wingham from Senior Club memberS or ,Callan's Shoe Store. eseived Seats Obfainable At AfeKibbtin's .Drug Store ' ADMISSION:. Adults 'Children, 25e, . Pre -School Children Free Reserved Seats--25e-Extra- • 1 ° 1 ing :headdress 'and:carried a bou- ,..hOrne, of Mr. and. Mrs. Fiert IVIof-. quet: of 'Spring flowers.. ' '.fat. Mr. Wesley young • waS the • Mi.: Cecil -Sutteni, 'brother of discussion leader The Forum felt the bride; was groomsrnan: The that 'farrn •boys Should.receive•all • ceremony • was performed 4.-3 the education they cpuld.. Cards.' Rev.. J. It` MacDonald' • of , the were. •played follbwed by lunch . [‘Ripley Presbyterian Church. ' and a 's6cial, t'..rie: ,• .Following the .wedding. a cePtion Was held with WS, the home of Miss Emma ,Richarci-'. ton reeeiving inn a charcoal goWn sp: on '•• 'Frida0 The • president; with red .acceSseries..while- Mrs. M•rs..Fa-isli•Moffat, preSided,•The - 'Gibson -Wei gowned in ,.pol,vcier World's; ,pay of :Prayer scirylee blue with nink:aeceSsories. . was ••fol.lowed Mrs,.. Fatish %Moffat • the • leader, ,a:nci .reader; . Were; Mrs: Caswell, Mrs. GOrdon '• Wall andt4Iiss En-una ihid- son Prayers. were taken Mrs,. Lloyd Moffat, Mrs. Peter G. Mof- fat:Mrs. Bert Moffat and .MTS.,. Orr, Mrs:, George " Tiffin • _Teak e letter, from, Mr Angus Mac-KaYrWtio-is-a-tnissionary--sio igrs. Farish Moffat' gave,• .• ; a btipmiai-rot-rpar ti-70--a—a ha pte • •Mrs. George lialdenby 'spent' a in the study bookPlans Yrere •daughter,', Mrs.' Clare .SParling,-. . ing which tA bP held. ip •the . ' • •feW'dayi at Walkerton with her made for the EasterThankoffer.. : church on 'the eVeriirie •of • 1 • • A bUffeC luntheon.*as served after . which the, lu..ery :Couple • left showers of ;confetti and good • wishe- " for -.short _eneymoon, the brick: wearing a pink .suit with navy' aceesSories. • Miss. May rloyle Spent Friday at Ltwart With the family of her cousin, '• •late•Mrs Wesley Revington, • whose.. ftineral wag , • •herd- on SaturdaY. !„..quirrels 3: , , . • r Congratulations! COorrs-, f o r Winning the free bariquet'by tak- ing. 11. points cif a: possible .12, in the Group 2 'playoff. This vveek %Kay Bailey With .697 and Bob.Finlay. with .655: were the Most Valuable players, with • jack and Nora '1VfOPonagli each roll- ingttotalrof -:-Over-•'600• as*.they t•Ook 4-TroinW-frottr, the Gophers'. After losing the first game the • Gophers had no chance to catch' the Coons •and so went in for . a bit of *.sturit rolling One Go- pher rolling. a curve, made a per- . 'feet strike •kan the alley .next to the one .he :was lieWIing on • Th:Beavers 'Scored a 3' peint victory' ' over .the Chipmfinkg 'red. tellyer. set- the 'pace with 642. 04 • for a 783 total with Marion Mc- . 4 Kintion: .and *Frank; 71'homnson • close behind. :with 673 and ,639 1 respeepvely.: •T• 11•6 ChipmunkA , cottile't ccrn to ge't going a,; ei• 5 -foot recess bath with' tub filler ant:1 s'ioWer •,"`va, Black With a .586' 'total h.aci et • 15-18 ledge -back. lavatory • With •• trap, stipplips. 'and • the best seCriT,,: faucets, . , el s',.••••_coupleil tothelLwitil :Mg xroup ina an mg . Coons 11, Eeavtirs .5, Gopheri 4, Chiprnunks 4. . • * * •*- ' ' 4r0 14th. Rey: :Caswell closed . LANGSIDE- NORTH 'Meeting.' with prayer. - • The Hill 'rep Farrh Foru.nn met ,How. does Your %Sentinel label en Monday "evening last atthe read? •••••••-•"4., ly Is:mo Pian,,For 'That roo .We Can SuitiAir You •With .The REE Pl'ECE AT IAN• . EXCEPTIONAL SAVING HENDERSON MBElik • LIMITED Lucknow Pirtle 150 • • A If Uncle Sant doesn't, catch- up' • * ••••' with Guy StarroVv fOr a stinit••, 4 0, • in the SerVice, he'll be back I ;4 ••••,. pitching for IVIeaford • !Knights this season. Guy Was „in.London! • 4., recently % with the Universityof i• Detroit ba.sketball team and tele -1 r untario *4 phoned Tom Sims .40 give him k,0 Att •e• .411 A ' • At. A.A. A.A AA, A A. • /8..0 ••-" ••••••,., • WIC • sit) •!.ritoN to; Ei/ditsiiiv , e,404,1,041Nct . .,,i•A•trrAAtot • --,iy-'••",-,•••