HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-03-16, Page 5WEDNESDAY,, MARCH• •.16 1955 THE LUCKNQW 'SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, •ONTARIO cCU111 Th WINGHAMi First Showing at 4.15. p:r ►, • y Thursday, Friday,, Saturday • MARCH. • 17-1849 4`H NDS" A firStrratewestern • in color, with John . Wayne in a role hat fits . his , rsofality as thatV the:tough and fearless hero and with 'Geraldine Page as the heroine. Saturday Matinees,. 2.00 m•.. Ail' Govt. graded No. 1, stock. Ontario, Western' Grin m or. Northern. U.S. alfalfa, $34.00 per ,bis,;. Ranger alfalfa, $35.00 per bus.; double, cut Red Clover and Mammoth single cut red' clover, $36,00 per bus.; . Timothy, $13.00 per 'bus, We carry :a complete stock of clovers' and grasses. for all hay and , permanent pasture mixtures at prices that will save you. money. Custom" seed Mclean- ing by appointment. We are in• the market :for good oats and 'barley for. seed. Roy Craxnm Son, Pinkerton, Ont.,. phone Car' -w-3 • Monday, TuesdaY, Wednesday MARCH '21-22-23 "Deep In My ,'Heart". A lavish musical treat based on' .the 'career of Sigtnond Romberg. The story is thigh- lighted by. Rberg's popular music..: This is a humorous 'and romantic filen with . Jose Ferrer as Romberg and .He1: ' Traub.el, the:farfed opera star, as his•friend..` The photography is in. colour, Notice To Creditors •ALL `PERSONS having;' claims against the 'estate 'of William John' McDonald; late of the . Vi11-, 'age of_ Lucknow in .'the . 'County of Bruce, Retired .Farmer;' who died on , :or about the ' twenty- seventh day of February A:D .1057are notified-to-serrd~6.7t-he- Pursuant to the Municipal Act, R.S.O., 1950, Chapter 243, Section 168 (2:) • • To: J. R. LANE, Returning Of- ficer; Township Of Kinloss. Whereas, David .11, Carruthers,. the incumbent Reeve . 'of . the Township of Kinloss, died on .or about the 8th day of March, 1955, And by reason thereof a vacancy, now exists in the offiee of. Reeve of the said Township of Kinloss. You are', hereby. •authorized and required pursuant to the. Muni cipal. Act, R.S.O.,: Chapter 243, -Section�188 ('5 within 15 -days- after the receipt 'by:' you of ,the Notice To Creditors •. within ,"Warrant" to cause an- .• AY•L,; PE ..SONS having 'claims against the estate 'of' Jarnes Allan• Aitchison,,late, of the Township of, West Wawanosh in the Coun- ty of Huron, •Labourer, ' who died 'on or about the twenty-third day' of January "A.D. 1955, are 'not- ified not-ified to: send to the 'undersigned on. or before • the rtwenty-sixth day of March A.D.. 1955, full, particulars ,of their claims'' 'in writing. Immediately after' the said twenty-sixth " day of March the assets of the ' said ;' testator 'will be distributed."a.mongst. •the parties entitled thereto, having regard ' only to claims • of which the executors shall. then .have notice. • ' Dated:' this third day of March, A:D,. 1955. Crawford '& .Hetherington • Wingham, "Ontario Solicitors for 'the..Execiitors; • Election to.' be. held' for 'the'E1-- ' ection of a. Reeve for , t e •said Township of Kinloss,: 'in t tr place and :'stead of the saki Da 'd'. H.: Carruthers. And take • notice that I hereby 'appoint ` Monday, the 21st day of • March, .1955, at the Township Hall, Holyrood., at the hour; of from .2,00 o'clock to 3.00 o'clock' 'in the' afternoon,,' for the. Nomination of Candidates for the said Office of, Reeve for . the said . Township • of Kinloss for the residue of the term of office;. for which' the said David H. 'Car=; rirthers was elected. And a- fur ther appoint Monday, the 28th: day Of" March, 1955, for t15e tak= ing' of : a. Poll, 'should a Poll;` b& reatired. ` • • Witness my, hand; and, the seal of the.'Corporation of the Town-. ship of Kinloss this 14th day of ,March, • 1955. J. R. ' LANE; Clerk ; of the ]Municipality of 'the Township of Kinloss.... : • undersigned ` on or :: before .:the twenty-sixth. day' of March A:.Di' • '1955' full particulars of their • claims in_ writing. .Immediately • after th'e:. said twenty-sixth day of . Mai ch -the; assets: of the 'said testator •. 'w i l 1 b:e distributed • arnongst,' „ the parties entitled thereto, .'having ' regard only.' to claims of Which the -executor 'shall then' have notice." Dated' this third •day of 'March A.D.: 1:955. • Crawford & :-Hetherington,. W'ingham: Ontario Solicitors• for' the•. Executor. 'CARD 'OF.' THANKS . In• the .midst 'of our .sorrow we. ',wishto -• a ."P r ess our heartfelt -thanks' and : appreciation: •for the. of . kind:ne4s, rnessi get : `' of symp•ath'r and '..'• beautiful'' floral 'offe,i ings• froin •tives and friends, der in,g oui ..re-• .cent bereavement' in-:: the foss of a 12eloved husband: and father-: : . Mrs: D. H'.: `.Carruthers, 1Vlai'i-. lyn, Amelia and Janet: I wish;'to 'thank ::all the mein ':Pers of,.t •e Zioir. congregation for. -the iov'.e-ly hyrrinary and ..electric • • clock that' they., have given :me. I. thank you all. for these lovely,. gfts;• . 1VIrs, Wesley Ritchie. • .• Tooled 'o Repair .All. Makes . Of 'Tractors 10%0 DISCOUNT .ON TWO NEW- TRACTORS " John Deere '40 .withplow and' pulley Johns Deere 60, with :power-troi `ante d. remocylinder 1C• 'sed'• 34u. crow Cocksh.utt .' Plow r;n.;Condition • Set i'sed Spring=Tooth Har ows in Good -Conditi;on • KINL:OUGH GARAGE .w. 'BRECRLES Phone" 18 r-20, ]Eiipley ; • THE HOME OF. QUAtIT1'SERVICE and (leonine JOHN DEERE PUNTS Or er' Is Your:. Subscription~' Paid?.,. FOURTH CONCESSIOQN • Deepest 'sympathy is extended' to ` Mrs." David Carruthers ,arid daughters in ' their bereavement,. Miss' Margaret MacDonald '' of S rain was home •for the week' 'end, Mrs.. E. Purvis • has been 'i11• at the, home of ' her :daughter, Mrs. Cliff Roulston • Mr. 'and Mrs.' L. ' ' MacDougall and farriily spent .; a week=end' recently with ;Mr. and ..Mrs'... Jack Needham and girls of. Corunna •• ',Quite a .: num'be'r of parents: from this section:- visited Luck now :.S.chool'on 'Thursday after- . e.• �rawror'd. S from r _ (hkk Hatdtery. !, ,' • .. < Luck>n,o* 165 • -- Dungan no 19- qm�a,c�txb'rmA�:e�u•.s`#=•-�•:rr-kra:u�i:: u.>.,+mxi•.�s�.�e" vauex.-a�e�ar:�w�•,�.�au<��e�i y+,r wrw„"; , ui, ;w►04/11/ wrw..ire.+.4411r•arr.r ai4411,4 +lrww+ ++ . . • Alt `birds from, Canadian:: ' Alprov cd,' .Government •spec:ted 'anil. 'blood tested , :;tock' .•No complaints regis- tered fruni Our entire num- '11� ber 01 .054 rstomers: •*our, I patron.ge appreciated last • year.; we look forward to ' seeing you_.`again OK year..! k• • HOG CONTRACTS AVAI•ABLE:. Phone otr''Call. PAGE FIVE fiwo Shows Nightly; 'First S' ow at 7.15 Matinee Saturday at 2. Wednesday,, Thursday, , March 16th,; Nth Loretta Young; and ' Henry! Wilcoxon,, itn "THE ' CRUSADERS" Friday, Saturday, March . 18th, .19th =iFIenryt Fonda, lit u c �t. Ml ` DARLINGTCL-EMENTINE"ry � • onday, Tuesday, March ,21st, 22nd Paul. Douglas; Jean. ; Peters, in. a"LOVE THAT BRUTE" Wednesday,' Thursday, March -23rd, 24th. "WILD HARVEST",: 4 c f.1 41111111411M 4141.m. How,: • noon.•, CULROSS CORNERS Owing to 'the storm . last Mon- day, our ' farm • forummeeting was held: Tuesday night 'at the horns of Mr, .$&' Mrs. 'Mae Thom'-. son with . an attendance of 'six teen. The. topic, "Education for Farming",.,' was discus'set A re- creation ,period ecreationperiod • followed._ :The hostess 'served -lunch 'The_next. meeting will. ,be held at . the home 1VIr'.-'and-Mrs Dunn-Thempson.w We • are, glad .to report that. Donna ' Wall is home from the hospital, though at time of writ • ing she is still confined to bed. ,Mr. '• and Mrs. 'Don' 'Donaldson, accompanied .,, by: Mr:: ,a- nd --Mrs. Marley"; V4'arlt; mc3tored" to Toron to , on =Wednesday. • - ' We are •sorry .to 'report, that - Elaine'. Green, ,daughter: Of Mr. and, Mars Prank' Greetirlt a tiat� ay_i lent in. •Winghain Hosptal': We hope : youwill soon'. `be:.. home, Elaine. • • : : ' ' • • We are"' glad to report that -Mrs. Chas: .Schumacher jis able to be out 'again: • , • Mr, and •Mrs 'Joe Wall; Tees-. water, visited .Sunday 'afternoon ;with •Mrs, Mary: Wall., and 'Mr.' and Mi'S, , Orval Wilson and Mr Jim' Wilson,. • Mr. 'and : Mrs. ' Tom Hackett & Doug of .Ashfield visited Sunday ,with Mr. and Mrs. Milford Wall an Donnie. • • Mm, :and Mrs. John Stewart •8z "• family, Who have. been 'visiting rs: Tom. Stewart, returned •to 'Trenton , last week Suday visitors with: • Mr. and Mrs. Tom Stewart were Mr and Mrs.- Ron Stanley- and George of .Kinloss and Mr; and Mrs Ralph Goesei •'and family, Kincardine. . Visitors on Sunday at . the• horne of Mr and Mrs. Grant .Wall' were Mr 8i Mrs. E. Thackr er,. Mr.:and. Mrs; Hugh McXague and Brian and Mr., and Mrs. Joe ��• of .Teeswater.. 1 CLEARING 1101 of 'FARM: STOCK ' and • IMPLEMENTS at the farm, of The Late Davi'd H. 'Carruthers LOT' 1, . CON s; KLNEOSs TWP. 3 ` Miles East of the, Ripley Road, on ��1�a3�� :MalC at X.00' pan. 15 Milk Cows 30 Head Young .Cattle : i • 1 Angus Bull' 1'$• Pigs i - N - I MOLINE' -TRACTOR on--rubber,-la-r-ge-size:-.-� MINNEAPQL, S !, 6 -Ft. CASE. GRAIN COMBINE, like new: 1 TRACTOR. PLOW, .3 -Furrow i , . RUBBER=TIRED WAGON: ' .UNIVERSAL. MILKING MACHINE, two. omits,` 1.. WOODS ` ELECTRIC GRAIN GRINDER ` ' ' I ,'MOWER ! Quar►tity. of l'iay; like new 400' Sus. NLared grain TERMS - CASH Donald ,B::Blue, Auc: $ • • COME•'CHI1.,D EN T731S` PIG -PRE STARTER. 'WILL MAKE `SOU.GROW' ' • i r 1' • 1Pre-Stariter' Baby . Pigs" "A Complete Feed For • Drop , >n at your. Local Co-op and discuss .this -feeding-.program with. your Local Manager.,.. 'PHONE 71, LUCRNOW