HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-03-16, Page 4,4,f4•k- .414-411t- --„++ larorMeillIMPRZ14-1,"/PrEirar-rtiaggi a• • ••• •PAGE FOUR • ' 1 6.A0 •vti„ sihN LIJCKNOW COM1 NG. :EVENTS/. • : RECEPTION • - A' reception will be held in the Recreation Hall, .Lucknow,,on Friday, March .16th, in honor of Mr. • and ' Mrs. Allan Barger 'FOR RENT= --house on 'Campbell I FOR. sALEL-quantitY. of • Abe;vit (Marie - SParling). Hendersan's St. Apply to. Mrs. Temple Clark,' oats, suitable for sood. Ru,§scii erchestra'.. Everyone welcome. ,. Lucknow. ' ••••• - - Irvin, R. R. 7; Lucknow, phone PROGRAM AND DANCE F —OR' SALE - baled hayDungannon 6447 ', Bert_ • Whitechureh W.I. will -Sponsor 'Reid ' R. 1 -Dungannon phone LOGS WANTED ---.,prePaWc1-10- an Irish nre'gram' 'and' dance In . . buy hard hstaarnddimailg peiler . :untc,1 ib.aswsweioloord,. tmhaercehonivrthunaittY8,3r, plan, .P:,p-roeed:cisT, . F,' t , ' 784.7'; . CARP' ENT, ER WORK .... phone phone 101,r41, LUcknow. • f.or.11, osP,italohe,n,efits. Lunch:serv- 1.!eo. 'Beauchanip, • 97-w ' LucknoW. FO,R sA4E. ......,,seav e. d. AchnisSion. '50c , and 18c,•_ , e—r ,o ---its coh., , FOR' RENT-150-41ere grass.farm, CARD PARTY *AND DANCE • iviaope phone 61-w Linomovv. 101'1 seed. Germination, 08 Per:- cei.Lt.• AncireW Gaunt, R. R. 4, WI' auspices' will be - e • in t. A card partY' and `dance under 7 miles West of Lucknow.•• John taining 4 Peroent barleY, suitable , . 'Helens Hall On Friday, March FOR SALE - .quantitY' of baled ,I4nOcillYvv, Phone 87-r-12. • mixed hay. 'Clifford. Crozier, •R• FOR • • • • . 1.8th, Cards at. 8.30, dance .after. SALE -50 acres of. land, , Admission- 40c and .25c.. Ladies 1, DuntP..nn°P, phone 784-13.' W.H. Lot 8; Con. 5, Kiriloss. Ap- with.' lunch, fiee. 'MIS takes DOMES -TIC HELP WANTED. •-•:.: Ply to. Mrs., s. Chadwick, Tees- the Place of the Variety C,o,neer 'water. • • • . cancelled because of- illness. ' . .. . , .: ON'TARK:. ••••••••••••••••• • ..44P full time, live in, teen -ger pre- • •ferr.eil.' Apply Sclx 200, 44ticknow. • CHAIN .sAw AGENCY • .,f . . , ,.,,. FOR S:ALE ,--• quantity of baled Agent for LEI., Mali and Clin- , ton •Chain. -saws. Call .fer, free hay; first ' cut J. R. .Murray,. R. 2LkrioWhone56-r-2dernanstration. Jack • Barr, 'Kin- ,ue.......,, p. . - t ' • lOugh, phone 18-29 Ripley. •,_ _____..—.., ; , . .. • . . . . FOR •SALE-tWo used oil' ibath FOR. SALE..,-.• Tarn '11:og, 8 mos. old. .Allan IVIacIntyre, It, 6; Luck- . •. . now, phon _.• .wiridanills one 7 ft one 8 ft . wial; else,. 65. acres of pasture • 0072.4 -Ripley . :. . • .. FOR. SALE - quantity of cob, for •tent Apply to Wrn,_Fitspit- , • • corn and feed turnips. John de 'rick, R. 3;,.Godericli, phonee 127.3; , , . . .a . „ . . • Boer, R. R. 5, Lticknow, Phone Dungannori...: t - Wingham :402.7w,-2. • .ott: SALE - Ajax seed oats; barley, heavy. .yielding sMooth, elean'ed ' and treated. Wret-S-.---jawfis:-vatiety-idealLy; s to , Eadie,..:_1101YrOOd,..Phone' :247.-24 mix with oatsfor feed •Raynard RipleY. • .. ;. • ' . Ackert, kolyrood, pharie 24-39; .. Ripley 0 FOR SALEwood ,and. coal, Air, I _:,...„' L14, -ea nate in '. A-1 condition. Allister •FOR W. t--.'•: two-storey - frame: . :Xiiighes, ,phone 101.01; LUelv-• building on Campbell •St, .Luck - now. •• , • ..°' -. now ., (the former Andrew Iiri, plernent, Shan). Building to :be kolt.' SALE-4ydrO; telephone :& removed by purehaser. •Apply at ., litter carrier_poles. Alex:Farrish, MontigomerY's . Garage; ' phone '4() .iR..7, LueknOW, Phone, 82-7 Dun- ,LucknoW. • • ' ., . . i • • .. '''. ' • . ,. CHROME PISTON RINGS . .garinciii. .: • F013, SALE '7.-. six-roomframe.. -.• More and More car owners::are . . :house on CamPbell.St,.tucknow, •enjoying the vvencierful 'service new insul brick Siding, new sun of these thrOme. rings. Let me . porch, 1/2 -acre ;of land, • smallinstall a set in your rrtotOt now:. ..barn: G. Wagner:. ----- . . , carbAlso Vabiework.grinding, ignition arid F , -,--i- -- ---•'-L . ' .• . • .. ' HOUSE OR' SALErnodern 8- I i ' • •-D.T...W. WINTEfi.S',IEIN,,, room- brick house on , Havelock I - St Oil furnace, 'hardwood floors.1 . MEAT FOR SALE. • APPlY to Ijr. T. l'-3 Clelarl4; Luck-,- Good beef far Sale :by the, now. quarter Beef Beef.killed under license . • frorn :the Department of 'Health. 'FOR a SALE -3,000 - square bales Ackert; Holyrood :. • of choice hay and' 400 bales a ' 'Phene 24-39. Ripley.„ . FOR:•.pALE ,quaritity of .seed IP 7 ' SHOOT PARTY Thete Will. be .a Shoot Party at Zion Orange Hall on Thurs-, day,. March 17th :at .8.30, Good'. ptizee,. ladies bring.:luncli, silver collection. —, •,• , . • 'BARLEY' ccINTA-Acts. Barley-cantt-acts7nOw-available,-- Improved .contract froth ; 1954, Ripply of Seed limited. Act at once .Contracts at Elliott's . Seed House,, Lucknow, phone. 1$4J.. • • . . • • "Insure With The ' CULROSS MUTUAL TIRE INSURANCE CO. . for Reasonable rates, sptincl pro- tection 4 prompt, satisfactory settlement of claims. * 'FARM' 'MOFFAT Your Local Agent • R.R., 3, Teeswater. 'Phone Tee0water 574-41 good • 'dry straw. Wm. • Rantoul, 1 • ". It; 2; Lucknow, phone 717-w=2, , . ••SAVE''HAL# Wingham. : , -- . • '' '-'•" - • • For a limited time we • are- of- , a FOR SALE -3 or 4'ton of secoTd feting ,Reader's Digest' for NEW • subscribers at ,half price: Special :ciii alfalfa; . and .thnothy. Seed. price 8 months' for ,$1:00. : Apply- to • . Gordon • -Struthers " •DON THOMPSON .: phone Ducknow .64-r-22.• • . , . Thane 33 or 35 , . , F011 SALE L---.50, weanling. pigs, MILKING' MACHINES' , 17. Sows due to fa-tralic soon7.-and . New and. used units .$20:00. anti several ifolatein heifers to freak.- ' nn We handle, milking 'equip - en soen.'Lorne FarrIsh, It R.-7, --7-- ' titent only. • Loveir11:. Difetilire, .LucknoW; phone .Dung-anrion 82- ,g. • . , . , •.:,15. . • . . : phone 593; ' collect, Wingham. .„ . . . . . Surge Service Dealer.. . — -4 REST HOME AccomopAnoN —7" ; ....kccamodp.tion a v a 11 a b 1 e .at Iron SALE -Teal:- good. step -lad,:-, Carriither'S ;Convalescent .,Horne, der, ' 8: ft' high'i: long chiolS.en. ..., ._ crate, can be used for:fattening nome-cooked meals modern eon-' , chickens • or .' 'putting% clocking -Arentences; warm. Registered nurs- Weatherhead, • . Mg. available if. required in 'cage hens. in. . Mrs. C. .4-of'sicknesS. Apply, to •Elliott Car...! Ph°4 191-w LucknOW. • ' raliers; •R. 3,•: Holyrooci, •-phone.'•'-. , -grimy toicKs . 27-46. Ripley.. -. '' • • ' -...•• --- - • • '' ' -'----------:-:- - --:--2- • . __•--.--:.---L. Order your eni-ek'S now,. -Bray, , BOXED GREETING CARDS.' , fries. wide choice' Of breeds , and ••Save money by buying, yank Crosses.' Ask us for complete. liSt. .4 • greeting, Cards by ' the box. 1-• Including Ames ,In-CrasS.; Canack . have in stock boxes' a issotted ian Approved. Chicks to produce : all occasion, floral •pen notes and 'on all rnarketS. Som 'Started' • floral -stationery; alsa straight •pulleti. Agent-,, ' .-,... • boxes. • of ;sympathy, • get -well, D. R: FIN, LAYSON, Lucknew,. . irthday. , and Easter cards., . PERSONAL , • E,ON • THOlyIPSON ., .„ , . ' 'Phone 33'or 35 • a•nitarr-Sevrage-DisPoS4 Have YOut septic tanks, cessr pools,, cellars, etc., pumped and ,cleaned with sanitary modern eqUipment All work guaranteed . atisfactory, For quick 'service • • Barrister and SOlicitor 1 ' WEDNESDAY; MA.ACH, 16, 1955 R. S. HETI1ERINGTON, Q.C. • • ." • Barrister, Etc. VVingham and LucknOw IN LUCKISTOW • Each Monday and Wednesday • Located th vetffice •• 'Phone, Winginun , Office 48 , Residence 97' F. T. ARMSTRONG, OPTOMEiST FOR ,APPOINTM- ENT 'Phone 1100 • . For Appointment or Inforrnation :'• • See Wm. A. •Sclunid, • 'Phone 167-w, Lucknow .1.NS.URACE .• CAsuA.Li'Y '.4.%.uTomoBi.LE AND LIFE. -.To-Proteet \Tont Jack, •With Jack TodaY:. . , J. A. .McDONAai R.R. Lueknow, Ont.. 'Phone 61-5'; Dungamion , •Kennetil R.O. - • • Op__toMetrist LISTOVVEL; ONT. 'at the former Wrona Jeweler) store. 1;ilEiPs1;);A, it10, ammtc.rn. tour.9. spothan.,, and everY.,Second Wednesday.. Eyes examined ..lasses fitted For aPpOintment 'Phone. Roy ' 'MacKenzie, 96-r-4, Ripley.: AGNEWS1 AGENCY Howard- Agnew jes. Agnew '• , • • MEMBER OF - Ontarie Insurance --Agent.s' Association • , • GENERAL INSURANCE Established ,OVer .30 Years Ago . • Telephones:. .Businesi. 39 Residence 138 • 4 4 -4 R. W ANDREW •write. phone; , Leuis Brussels, -Ont., phone Brussels k .42-t-6. AUCTION SALE. A — Clearing ;a-actiOn sale Of fain :steel( and.. implements .• at the , farina of .Harry•COuriSe11; Lot 20, Can: 9,: ,Kirtea.rdirie ;Township,. 5, Miles e ast. of ; Bluew ater ighW ay on Thursday, •March 24th •at 1.00 p.m. •See bills. for list and terms„ Ratty 1Counse1i, .)1. -pe, Aue. - • . AUCTION,SALlE • -,Clearing :auction , sale, orreg-• istered. and • accredited ' Holstein cattle;.and..farm rnachinets, at -the :farm of 'Rey Geddes;' Let :20; Con, 4,-. Huron.. Township,- 1 LI • miles, east of. the 7B1newatet Highway, an ,Thursday, March 24th at,..1..00. sharp. No reserve. 'See ,bil):S for. list .&, terms: .Roy, Geddes, Prop.': Emile Mdcf..entian, AUCTION SALE • Clearing auction, sale of im- , plements, .livestock, 'grain.' and household effects at the farm of OFINSTO NrS AISTOWEL ONTARIO LUCKNOW.' ' •EVery ' . Wednesday:And Saturday "••• Afternoini.: • • 'Office 'in the joynt Bleck Telephone: , , • Office 135 ,...lieSidenee 314 41.1i00"P.-aiso.44; P. STUART . MacKENZIE ,Barrister and Solicitor i'vALKERTON, ONTARIO INLUCKNOW Each Wednesday , "OFFICE IN HENDERSON. BLOCK, Cecil Johnston, Lot' 7, .Can. 8, E.D.--AshfieltVrownship_on.jues-'.• FUNERALHOME day; 1VIarch 29th4See bilis for large list ofmodern inwplernents,',. .24 ,head of cattle, pigs, grain' and' household furniture. MostOo_f the tically as good as new.. Due tki the size of this sale it must start not later than 12,36. Farrns have, 'been ,sold and .eVerything goes .without -reserve .at !buyer's Price. •erna• s -- cash.-Ccfl--3Oh-flStOfl bonatil ..13:.'Bitie,77.•Alie,* • ' NOTICE. A .joint • Meeting af, the Luck-. no*jCalf Club and the.Dungan•- non• Calf and Swine Clubs will be .held in Dungannon Parish Hall; •Wednesday, March 23rd ' at "Phone '76 Day ,or Night . Ambulance Service 'USE OF -FUNERAL -HOME At No Extra Cost . Moderate Prices McLENNAN and ,MacKENZIE , • SerVices con.ducted • aceotd: • ing yOur. Wishes ' at •yOur . Horne,. your Church, or at our Memorial Chapel,. at ne additional charge. ^ AMBULANCE SERVICEiv Phone 181,.Luckno1 Day Night, ,. • • , • • . ' • STATE PAR*, aviviiiimi AUTOMOB I LE INSURANCE Inireitigate Before lnve.sting • REUBEN. .WILSON 3, goclerich F'herie '80-r-8 Dungannon • • ..s#4.04,4••.4.•••!•••4'14,4';',444•'''.."'"•"". 4.4.4P-S4•044';;+-*4.0#44.44`.rn#4.".‘• G. ALAN WILUAMS Optometrist 7.1 Offiee on 'Patrick' St., just *"`--- • off the Main St. in, *INGHAM -Professional Eye Examination Optical Services EVinings' by appointment. 'Phone: Office 770; Res. 291 MEN,' WOMEN! • OLT, AT 40, 50, I Additional' Classified • on Page .5 60! Tablets pep up • bOdies weak,1 years younger? Ostrex Tonle!, • Want to feel normallY P°.•b- PY' .N44,4•04.4.‘"•,.....4:#"!".4,4"44;vv INGHAM "old" becauSe lacking iron': In -,1 '• MEMOIOAL, SHOP' • We Have .Ileen -Merna'rial ra smerihitty- vt.! ,Years, AlwaYs• Using • ,THE BEST GRANITES A:long-With 'Expert Designing and .:Workmanship, Prices Most Reasonable CeineterY Lettering a Specialty Re A. SPOTTON 'Phone 256; 'Winghami Ontario ttaro*narsmtrgft0surearofigssitouVelrrnesi.Latkeedxstoisclifttprtdasi.A.1..e... 044 • ARTIFICIAL'INSEMINATION Waterloo Cattle Breeding. • 'Association • "Where Better Bulls Are Used" trocluetory,: "get -acquainted" size Artificial insemination service only 60i All druggists. „alt-breeds-of-cattle.:-Enr-ger-- Vice or .inforMatian phone Min- N71‘,41VIORIAM to • n 242 collect; betVveen 7:30 and.' - 10:00 a.m. on week.days and .7,30 ANDERSONIn loving m•:;?.rnery ef • ovr dear father„"who died on and 9:30 aan.. on Stinday's..-- •- - January„ 17th, 1946, ,and deaf -APPLICATIONS • WANTED mother, who died on 1Viarch 27, APPLICATIONS will be receiv- 1954. ' .• • ed by the Undersigned until Years may Wipe out many things Saturday, 'March • I9th„ fc,r the But this they we out never, position 6f assessor • fOr the The Memory of those happy days • Tc•whship of Ashfield at a sal- When', we were all together. ary of $450. • • sL.-Ever ,rernembered by ,their 'Xpeprrtrftited'Ii -daug4tersrElizabetbs.ita. 11,..Asj 7 , Olt 'ri . 'prer, • Kintail.. Hazel, • • 44).BI NSO Co4/perative Life Insurance Co -Operative. .Automobile- '•Instirance Mercantile 81 Farm Fire' Insurance _ _ _ Econ omical and Reliable., • See '• .CAMERON 141,JcitNow 'Phone 70-t-10. Dungannon , • RONALDG. PAcCANN Public. Accountant 'CLINTQN;' ONTARIO • ' Phones: 561, 455 Office': Royal •Bank Building Residence: Rattenbury St. .i••••,*004.44‘04,•0* LA10, SANDED AND, • FINISHED: 'Phone Catio3N 2105 . R.R. 1, Port Albett .ROY . N. BENTL •Accountant • 4, Brittania Rd, (corner ',-SoUth GODERICH '0 -NT. 'Telephone .1,On 11446.044.04044444 •