HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-03-16, Page 1Z;50'A Year in Advance --140 Extra' To i7.S:A L?;ICK•NOW..ONTARIO WEDni$•nAY, MARCH 16,•'1955•. • • • .EIGHT PAGES.• CKN:X, Wingham has applied to. Ottawa for a •televisiQf lic- ense., itwas announced this •week byW. T, "Doe" - .Cruickshank, errera inana'ge Qf the- Wing-, ham • radia station:" Mr,,,,,Cruick ',shank said the application to the . Department of Transport and the ':Canadian , lroadeastng Corpdra-, tion • as}s `for,, permission 'toin- stall • and operate a TV, station: on Channe1,8, The':proposed television' station would serve; ffruce, Grey, Hur- on West Dufferiri; North. Perth, North Wellington; and a section of Waterloo County, .according to cleta•ils - released from %the appli•. . cation: ' If . government ..approval is.. granted • it May not come until some 'Weeks following • the: appli cation's 'format hearing. in .Ot- tarva rri,mid-April. "It woUlde our intention to proceed at once with the .install ation so ' 'that service might be available., ^within six:. months' time from the approval • date";' Mr. Cruiekshazik, added: "After. a 'year; 'of investigatitiri :of. fact and with a'. great deal Of consid, eration of the economics:.of : the problem, we <at -•-CI N'X- a-reTco ' fide/1C wve are in a 'strong pos itign. to .operate a television sta- tion: 'Arid, altliottgh we.' :stress: that Our action; "thus far has been only, the applicationfor'. a 'lie- -Oise,. we- feel that' -there is every chance lit will be • granted" 'fContinued''on Page, 8 PAY-TR1-B. UTE TO ---' . AVE CARRUTH . ERS: That . this- -district Was'';deeply touched by the sudden death of David H: Carruthers was '•evi denced .:by the. tribute'.'paid himd last week.. .by hundredsupon. hundreds:Who :passed his bierat. his Kinloss Township` farm..home' and at'::the • funeral service',. in Ripley . Presbyterian ' Church on Thursday. - It was a tribute of respect and esteein • such as .is 'accorded : corn-, paratively: tew -men, and. an ex- pression of deepest sYmp: ath to_ Y.. his. loved ones who have suffer: ed, • a • grievous' ' loss. .,aDTY'ave':died Suddenly on Mon night of1ast Week a - h - 'rt; 'attack.. The remains' rested at ,the ifainily residence " until Thursday, when service was .held --in the -Ramey Presbyterian Church, conducted by Rev..- J. R. MacIlonal i-.who._.spoke-corn€ort :{ ing• words of assurance :to the' bereaved Countless floral., trib= utes banked" • the !bier,- ,end. the 'crowd --,,of - mourners overflowed. the church long before service ade Th? • adxaoe t --hall where the ::set vice : vas' heard +by a; pub- lic address system, , faiiled to. hold the overflow, and some. stood out of -doors." 4 McmLMrs : ofd-Bruce'J County Council' ` and Kinloss Township_ ' Council and • officials, attended the :service in. a body and acted" as 'flower bearers, ;During. the. .Pervi��e .Mrs. John A, MacDonald and Mrs:- Kenneth MacKay :sdrig: . a5 ac. duet, "Beyond- .the • Sunset Interment was in iti...le` Cern r,tci y, The pallbearers 1s Y ' ••lYlcC' p i ei s were Jim �tilrviaJim Burt, 1-iarv�y lloustori, Dan T. McKa.nnon rep- .r�esi,tl°t•ing. Kinloss CounciI, Gor- •doir Stanley, reeve of Ripley' and. Gordon , Brown, reeve. of° Kin- Dave's; Unti <*l n,_ •., n y death, whish cc,nrcci one day\ after, his 4l''t llir'tlirl.,y,, .: ciai-nrAtL h-rte.-•-�ia] �• t-1�'. Rime or life as he was i t l�irt.11.,; tG'r` f ' � SCr'Vrn.y m... as Reeve of • K i n loss and was playing ai•rrn -:ort= a, tit• and , ft br i?. titling role in rnurjurcip ai, civic' . and Church. d activities.:: Ta, his widow, the= former Mar-' iat•et ten:. his ' lViarr�x, ,_ .three daughter, 1vr1, 'Amelia'and. ,,., ��ly� .i�tS Y' Janet, ages brei d 5, and t o his Mother, *hers, and: sisters, .the entiro ;' roynnioni,ty '' ettettd . sincerest sympathy.. • s• ; 4. LUCKNOW, LEGION JUVENILES 'NOSED OUT FOR.ONTARIO CHAMPIONSH> P Y Y ) :,:....� ��' .�a'i.+�'.::�>,7,}.iee�u;�:f- _r .: i:.:hsas.�a:.zr.:•sryr:•wc.. •. .' .' '• , i. ., .. �,. Lucknow• Legron•Juveniles fail., ed by a: whisker to, ;.cope the all Ontario "D".. championship, • but they ma'cle a``rca1.isattle_`-for-' it, alia 'asrunners-up, received the Jack Christie': trophy ': 'from •'the HAROLD ' GREER BUYS • GROCERY .STORE :. A; Main ' Street business- . transaction of :.considerable irnp6rtance•.:was%eported the • first of •'the • w.eek when .•Hari old ' Greer, .9f ''Greer' Radio-.. and E11ectric,:' Purchased. the grocery store building of the:'• :ucknow District . Co -opera:, tive. Details of the transaction• `. have not..beitn.released' as'yet' ,• 'for 'publication: S'FiE RT i1 IlF1i 1 SPELL; IS IIVEPROVINCNICELY • :WM.. G. Webster is confined to,•h is horn' ' a'. a, reeult bf 'a` hl.ar. spell which he: suffered on Sat urday morning: The' affects of the• s°?izure NA ere not so- severe, as"t•1 prev1Jus ati,acIt ,Bill had, and he' is• getting along ,nicely, :end is expected 10 be .able to be Up' sh.ortl`y., possibly by the time. the ,paper: xs Qua • • Bill Was le.ling fine& when he went to ' ork .on Saturday Morn- ing, ...but had' been en the job.' only a ,short time when he suf- feted h'e seizure. ' O.M.•H.A.: This -is in addition t the .cup they will receive .es "D' champions of the W,.O;A.A.. t Pictured above from :-ieit,- to right,. kneeling,• front row, are Eugene Gardner, Roy S,tanle?,c NOMINATE TO o 'Ch'arI>e: � : hin,, George Richards, Roy Emberlin, •• Alvin': : Baker. •Standing,'' Jack .Cook, Garnet Henderson; business managers: g Bob Mowbray, •Paul .Coarse, Ron , Graharii,;'Kenneth MaeNav Erni. i • Gibson, Kent Hedley,' Jack :Chin, •Hughie MacMillan; Kenneth Cameron, Legion president. and Baroid Ritchie, coach FILL' gEYESHIP ,.:Under .the regulations .,of the Municipal Act a'' . "warra `t" has been• issued for :the in hold . r g :of a norhination meeting in .Kinl`oss' Township 'to :•gleet; a reeve- to succeed the late' David . R. Car - rut' ers;' whose iuntinaely` death last •'week Shocked .,a'nd saddened th°Q:.res'idents of the. Township: The meeting- will lie. held' in' the: Township,: Ball, Holyrood, front•.2;00' to ,3.00•'.0.m.. on Mon=' ,day, :March'; 21st, and should ;a. 9011 be • required it u i]1 be held the ;following -Monday. If the Vacancy is :filled from Within . .the 'Council. Board- • as _ _ it resumably might' be; it. w,ill.:then. be' necessary ''to ' hold. another*: nommat. on.� ;tip fill.:.:the '_chU.n.cil member vacancy .9r vacancies. • . S NTI11TE1L: TAKING ORDERS FOR :JUVENILE TEAM: PHOTOS Photos—of the Lucknow Legion Juveniles, runners-up, •. for the all Ontario `D'• charas - ' ,{ pbnshp;, may be• ordered at The SentinelOffice. Merril ' Cantelbn of •Wingh'arrt. took sdme' good shots of the. team, • and. rite. •:enlarged 'Photos ;are available•.at' $1.00 `each. They. Y • can; 'be had iii attractive • frames .for ,Proofs may.. • be, seen at The Sentinel: • TWO GROUPS EXTRA PROMS - FOR KAIRSHE 4i' CALICO BALL •The "Kairshea: Institute` titan+.xal Ca•1'ico :Bali is little:: rnore.' than ; ,wee �,.,.a_w�y-:�'ri�dauv March 25 This is .always ' a•. popular event with, .a la ge. entry Lin •the 1,1_ 0 c,'clock dress' parade:, • The .Institute `:is th'ti . r, Year id'ing• the contest intotwo clastics •,-ori,e for . ladies. '25. ears' !and under. and •the other,* for: o those. cit ei .s`t'ars: First and_second Prizes will be Offered in each group .for' both, the. prettiest • cot= ton dress the prtiettiest Arne' sewn cotton dress FEAR FRACTURED • ANKL) • Mrs Joseph: Agn,ww had the,. misfortune to. fall down'the'cel- lar stairs. -at 'her-- home • on --Mon-: Mon- day • morning: It , is feared het•• ankle may'.be broken, but x-rays had .yet to be taken on Tuesday to determine 'the extent of the N;ONAGEN Rr•A,N' H_ ` •B K �5. �0► EN -Mr, Duncan: MacLeod, Luck flow's grand: old'. plan, .ii a pat- rent in' "%Ingham ld'o piial with a frac ur•ed tight hip. 1hay break' cccur.'red about : '1,R• o'clock 0i Sunday, Mr. MacLeod was in the basement at . the time When. the, limb .collapsed. udder. him,. :He was. take? '11y anthulance to Wingham 1 os.nital where he has been resting c omfortaibiy and t ane . e' f4„, The limb was expected ''.to be• set arra Tties d.ay, luncl t;)unc as he i; f`arn- iliart`ly� known to rnaxv, obscr:ved his ?lend bir�thdary on' Christmas' Day, but °de rite- his .yeatr-s tc'ti:r' enjoying. goad ,health and has re- • tained, all his faculties to a re- markable degrts44 Being ' hoc pi- tallied is a nes e perren - e kr the beiov tt dTd` ` entl'leman. ° inJurY.• .. . li'JCLiSfCAL - TREAT COMING SEEK' ITEMS FOR. Residents • of ' this cornmnunity are • in for a musical treat to be presented -in the Lucknow Dis`- t ,ict High School:''auditoriuni on Friday, Aril 1 . •y, p st, The program will feature . four Departinent of Education artists, 'and• is under the sponsorship of the High School Literary 'Society,: • Watch" for. further particulars tenet plan tri keep thait date open:. Advance.. sale •tickets arc, now available at 'McKim's tend. t1.in' BFR UCE MUSEUM STUDENTS EXCELL IN FINE• CON:. OERT -The staff and :students of Luck noNt 1�istrict^ High'. School 're rent p ed a most' excellent vairi:et coae'ert'.i thea. hool y' n audrtorurm ,last Thui sd.ay arid, ,Friday to 'ca- . pa'city •aud'iences 'Which. . on' :1h ' second night overflowed. the. rot:, °seati•tag ,accomodation-; The evening •commence a with numbers by .the "L.D.H:S. Brass • Band. under: the, direction •of Principal P. W; ' Hoa Mac Mee-. :g'. Donald' o aid 'inticdu•Ced the sslect•ians. The ` Glee `: CIub' ':sang three number.: '''Where . or V,rh in',, 'T'he Man., w•it , the Banjo' J and ., Nor.. r Nobis ,Dornine Mr. G.:AC ; Flemi g :k:`R.C:T:� of ); i cardrne School• 711tr5;C instl'uctoi', was }reit ;lcad�i. - • Kenneth. M'a'c Nab.:, pre i;lent: of the' Literary'.' 'Society, \t•eTconu d the a:udience. and' ou 1i'i. 1 the cco»•_�li hrnent,''and Or•o,jr:cis of the Society,. }it or-aised Sid ;, n..y WhTth for tics, cx cellent ,,iob he .. was .'doing •as caretaker, • and as• manager„ of' tho~ tit;:h'oo] lowt acrid" found clecuar;tment: Kenny ,nn - !,g • t•ronecik that -.the -Society, heel- to mfnd the' I urchasing..crf _.a tape• • recorder R Y .,ccrnil link: �ted the Now that :.the, Bruce. .County Museun: is 'anti cstabl i;;hed fact,: an appeal is • sent out' to anyone who has 'article. they might wish" h" to donate or loan; as' the case may 'be. If loarned, those articles can. :be -reclaimed at th 'end ii.t the museum, ,year which is. May 1st :to. Nov ember' lst, . Or left for 'mother° yeatr still on .loan; student,; who• had ;Worked. bard, and •g]�°:ei1 df' their tirri4 to ` riail::e the con :c' t' a success, • 'T1ie ,sc'hooi "gym" : team �r,' g'„ t �ftt ut�cic,,, the tut:oirshrp. of 'l . B: Burden;. gave a fine• displary of tib• mils-: tics. A novelty 'dance* iv.as,.titri.,t. l by Beatrice` Gibson, .Jot•. (. ()n1er rh�ilis j Sas, i ; ix, Lard>arr•a1 Ic�ry- itt. • Audrey: Stanley,' •�Z;ii.rcl tate l'e�{ with' accompaniment by thils• M`c. - .• nrlis oil violin and •Ether ljlzte_-, ever, if the donor' can see fit i•1Jon aid on .pial tr: 1 baeh's drugstores. •t0 glv‘e, thein outright, all the; • better. cotiiical perttrtr°crl of a S)iairl 1kILt-TCft-•'.•CIMt[rY• I$1OV` dk• Mr; • and Mrs. Bart }tasted ant four children;fl.arm, Youst, :Van- na . and Sibr - e - �rr;d..•,have • moved • tc7 flee' 1!ton is trice.. The froisteds hid •bee*om c'till kirovrn and . ci well rik•ed h:vre:, ,They resided in the Alton home�:,south• of the'village.. Mr'. and Mrs. A. Lina and `fam- ily have moved there,, t=rot Mrs. �,ernple Clark's house on C'atrnp- ' 1 bell St, East, • • All donations or loans sit'otidd rsh 'bull. fight c»'ot°.c1 'thou a Com: ane �v a - l it 4 �rla � .•and. -enter•* aa.'uita to age ,Or assoc iatiotl ettti Notice included Emmeline •:Miller,, ti 0 • • 94 Jim will be given •regarding the col-; 1'*e'ed• Jack Chin, ,TecI' 'rcrl r isr, leeti f I'a ul Cort: S at'1e :11::j111Citt; n v oir ...5 ..the' atzot~e, :.The rvhr•lt ;� b. , :liar r :vl�lcl1rn , Lee, not Iinirtecl act Instittr•f.^. mein-; r�ald, IstirS �torl 'airlcl'•`.,. leers •but is .fo.r everyone The ; hu'tlr l •r l.ealren•' Miss deadline has 'been set for April 1st,. at'. which time ,the completed 1 a listhas''' to..be hairld,..d, in to - an of the museum committee.. Mis: Mary MacLeod, Mips. Alex Hav- • ens• ,. Mrs. George: Kennedy, ' .The feature of the evening was' h * .irc'sti ;. r •+� 1-tytart:on cif � thy. .c l:tsSit� y' -'"The Merchant. of "Vence", The entire cast showed ,groat r,hilit.v' in a finely di:•ectecd play.' 'chose • (Continued on page .g l • •