HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-03-09, Page 4PAGE FOUR * T14-47 LLICKN OW' NE.„ f„ ' • • r.NT141 WORK phone, S Leo • .13eaucha 'MO; 97.:W Lucknow • FOR SALE 4•-: .cotn by the, tioward Blake* phone, 174- ' 14. Dungannon.' * . , .1414.N_TEl)--an anvi1 Geo.; R.'.-.1,-,I1O1Y1:;-.664,,--phOrie .`"..FOR'*;RENT.151-aere gra§4 tatni, .•7 :Miles• West_ oL Lticknow: Jb.hri MaCitae,....Plidne 61-* LuCknow, FON •SALe1414 al good cook stove in. . 004_ .Mrs. James fliodge, FOICSALE:---9 good pits, 9 weeks cAtf. Gordon " Kirkland, 'phone 69:4,41 DungannOn.: • Folt SALE2--10.0 acre. grAss farni s• In. .:West Wawanosh, 15 ,acres: !broken,: Spring creek: Apply Sentinel •Offide.•• , RAW WANTED -2 or 3 tons #oodo bated' oat straw. John Form; Auburn,. `LOGS WANTED — preparegl-t�-. •buy, hard maple and basswOod 16'gs, standing or cut, J., Weilet, 'phorie.-r- .10131, Lucknow, . _ _ FOR S, -.ALE —!• nurriber, Of • 'bred' Yorkshire saws to farroW , in. March. Orland Richards, R.R: 3, LucknoW; [phone. 684 Dungan - FOR .SALF.e-,...-•quantity of Abewit oats:, suitablefor seed. Russell Irvin, It.- R. 7 Lucknow, phone .,11)tmgannon ' :11r1r.,41,,,:trrattoNigibmnrawn...- , • °Is 'Vrto' , • • .......sso.S.•••••••.•••uom•wome.WP•••••••b•mosi•mo.. COM! NG EVENTS, . . , PARMA, MENT HILL REPORT Andy Robinson,.;.Federal Mem.- ber of .Parliarnent 'for /3ruce, will gi'Ve his thyd report ftom Parliament Hill o v'e r CKNX, Sunday, ,March 13 at 10,15 •and over .CFOS Owen Sound on Tuesday, :Match. 15 at 1,00 " • • CAttCO'BAL14., 'EveryOne busy sewing at thei•r dres-ses? ?. 7. If not, better hurry. up -Calico . Bali corning up, in Ltteknow. TfaWn :Hall, Friday. March 25th; 17. — ' • . •RECEPTION. „ WEDNESDAY1 ,10/4RCH 9, 195a •Insure 'With The R. S. 1FIETHERINTON CU LROSS MUTUAL Barrister, Ete. FIRE INSURANCE CO. 'Wtalrhani and Lucknow • for IN LI.ICICNOW ' d ro- • . • Reasonable rates, Sourt p. • tection &prompt, satisfactory • Each Monday. Located in the Municipal Office - 'Tour Loeal Agent Settlement of -claims,. FARISII MOFFAT R.R. 3 Teeswater • 'Phone Wingham Phone Teeswater. 57-r-41 Office 48 ''•Reafil,Pnee 97 andlVidneSday, • •••• • • . s • A reception Will •be• in • the Recreation' Hall, Lucknow, on ,Friday, March '18th, in honor of M. and Mrs Allan 'Barger !'• ' ' (Marie Sparling), Henderson's orchestra. Everyone •welcome. • , . NOTIM FISHING TACKLE• Hazel's 'Beauty Salon will: be Huge Fishing ''Tackle • Display, . .,1 d NI *day Tuesday and •open to .eVeryone, March 14th, •15th and • 16th. • Hartley Smoke I 'Shop, Walkerton, Ontario.' ' ose on on •, Wednesday, March 14; 15,: &, 16, While Miss 1Culthert is. attending the Hairclrea.sers' Convention. ' • FOR SALE Beaver oats' con- ' DOME$71C HELP WANTED taining 4 percent barley,,Suitable full tirne, live in, ,teen-ager pre- for seed, • Germinatien 99. per-, ferrela. APAY Box:209, LuCknow. teent. 'Andrew geiinti. 13,' R. 1, SALE - HOUSE P1ot. 4' . Lucknow, phone. 87.44.1.• • now.. Apply : to Lorne FarriSh;.R': FOR SALE -50 ares of iand, kileknow,- 'Phone Dungannon Lot 0, Con. 5, Kinloss: Ap, toslirs: S. Chadwick, 'Tees, water. • ••1*. --- HELP* WANTED-7'....single• Man .for general , farm • work. -Apply to. Harold Congram, R.R., • 3, Holy - rood, phone 24-25 'Ripley ' • , demonstraticin. Jack Barr; •Kin- --FOR: SALE —Ajax seed Oats; lough, phone 1849 Ripley. . cleaned ,...and , treated: . Wrn. 7.S. ... • - ' . Eadie Holyrood ,' phone 24-r-24 101f- SALE --.4 reasonable,_4,1ate ,Ripley... . • - model :po able - electric sewing machine, owned bY,`Mrs'; 1.1'arVeY FOR .SALE.4-Allis-Chahfiers. Roth! Webatet. Can ibe seen at .Greer - gilor;,, also 4 nearly new New Radio and Electric. ' , , ' Idea' ,pOwer ' mower-,with.rope• . Irt ' ._m RINGS ;lift aoth?.m.aalinei .am ingood , CHROME PIS , . 1 condition alio are priced to sell,, : More and more cat owners ire Anderson, R• 3; Lucknow• :. enjoying'. the Wonderful, service , of these chrome ring. Let m:e install"a" set in your. motor. now. Also valvegrinding, , ignition and carb. work.• ' ' .. *. •N. W.' WINTERSTEIN, • • CHAIN SAW AGENCY IAgentler I.E.L.;-..1VIa11 ,and tOn chain saws .'7 Call for free —7 • 11 HOUSE !FOR • SALE:=--rnodern 8. room brick house on Havelook St Oil furnace, hardwood floors. Apply to Dr. T, B. Clelari, Luck& - now. NOTICE _IThearuilial meeting .of . the DOligaMion 'Agricultural.: SOciety will be, in. the Agricultural Hall,Diingannen,. on WedneadaY, March 16th at 8.30. p.m. •Omar. Brooks Pres. • ' NOTICE, The monthly Chld Health ,Conference. will lbe :held • in '.the 'Legion Hall, Lueknow,..on Tues- day; Mach45th from. 10, to1L30 a.m. 13abieS and 'Pre -School child- _ -Ten • welcome. --- • ,BARLEY CONTRACTS. , 'SURGE ogALgit .Barleycontracts now available. Lovell H. McGuire, Surge deal- Improved contract from • 1954, er, Wingharn, invites .enCniiries. supply of seed limited. Actat about your cow -milking • prob- once, Contracts • available at ems Phone • Wingharn 593 ' col- Elliott'S :Seed House, • Lueknow, lect.New and used milkers. phone 154-J.- • , . NEAT POR SALE GOod beef •for: sale by the •quarter. Beef killed under license . ARTIFICIAL 'INSEMINATION ' Waterloo Cattle ,Breeding. . . . . .. . Association. ' "Where Better' Bulls Are • Used: " from .the .Department of -,Health. " Artificial insemination service eriont quarters . lc,.hirid cit.iarters for all 'breeds Of cattle. For ser- 32c. .-Vice-or--InfOrroation_pbo_u0 Cluv ..Raynard•Ackert,• Holyrood ' 'Phone 24730 Ripley. ton 242 collect between 1:30, arid 1000 a.m. on weekdays.. and 730 _.AprucATioNs ,WANTED ' and 9:30 a.m. on Sunday's. , . APPLICATIONS- will be receiv- ' HELP WANTED FEMALE • ed ,by' the , Undersigned , until SaturdaY,, IlViarth 19th, ' for. the. Avon Cosmetics has ' opening position a .,.assessor for the for ambitious ' woman' in • Luck- ' Tavvnship- of Ashfield' at :a •sal- -Wow who , can dev o te apprexi., , Apply t� 'Donald M. Simpson, • NOTICE . '4-H:' CLUB 'MEETINGS • All farm boys and -girls in this district, between. the ages Of 12, and 21, are invited' to the 445 Club organization `T.neeting next Tuesday Evening,. March 15th, in the Township Hall, .Itipley at &30 • All beef,: dairy, grain .and ,stiiine clubs' in Bruce County are beibg organized on Mara,' 15th, 4rid .plana Will be made • then for • our. local ',Clubs., Details for the dub. plans for. this district .may be had from. officers' of our local Agricultural Society • club leaders.. 'Parents ...will be M OS.t W: el c orn ..and .new: members are also: cordially inyited to attend and ta.ke -part in. 4-41 Club iVities., • .ARMSTRONIG, **heti); ...1.*KicKinzie, • Ono:4181E7E1S• T GODER.ICI-1 00tome usTowEL; it ;the former Wrona Jewelery • FOR APPOINTMENT •• Store, Ripley, 10a.m. t� 9. p.m, ' WEDNESDAY* MARCH 16th: , . 'Phone 1100 , , , , For ' • • * • and, every Second Wednesday: • I. Appointment or inforination Eyes examined - Glasses fitted . . . See Wii:n Avi Schmid, . • 'For appointment, 'Phone Roy 'Phone 167-4,, LucknoW MacKenzie, 91-r-24, Ripley:: . - '' . .. • • ' . 4•04.04:4.!"."04*. •,,....;444.m.,4.p...~4.0.44:44.44,................. . . • ary $45677 . • mately 3 hours' per daY. Excel- ientcommissiofl. Customers wait- •ing for service.. Write now' to Mrs. M. S,tock, 78Duchess Ave.,. --Kitchener. ' 'FOR SALE—adding machine and Cash. register rolls for any type of machine are now, aVailable at The.Sentin, el Office phone a5; . .1Notice 'To Creditors rhisuRANct. .• 'AGRosii! AGENCY RE;;WIND, CASUALTY Howard, 'Agnew , Jos .• AgneW. .. AUTOMOBILE ANDLIFE . To Protect Your Jack, Insure With Jack Today. 3 A. 1VIcDONAGH _ R.R. 3, Lueknow, Ont. 'Phone 61-5, Dungannon R W. .ANDREW .7-Banister---and-Solicitor, iirgroirelt, ONTARIO, IN. LIJCKNOW _ Every • WedneSday and. Saturday Afternoon • • • Office in the •Joynt Block telephone: Office .435 Residence 314. .4.4.0~9.0;•••:;*;044.04.44;?*.******°444. STUART MacKENZIE Barrister and Solicitor 'VVALKERTON, ONTARIO IN LUCKNOW Each Wednesday . OFFICE IN HENDERSON, BLOCK. MEMBER OF `Ontario Insurance' Agents' Association GENERAC INSURANCE . . •Established ..Over :Tears AO Telephones:. • • • •• nosiness Residence ALL .T3ERsbiir having • claims against the -estate .,of•- William John McDonald, ,:late of the Vili- age of Lutkpow . in. the County of Bruce, Retired Farmer, who died on Or •about the tWenty- • seventh 'day of •February. A.D. • 1955, are notified to send to the undersigned on or • before the Clerk -Treasurer, Kintail. • • , tWentY-sixth clay of March A.D. SAVE HALF 1955 • full particulars Of their ' .. For a _Aim e a _r_e f. claims ' .in, Writing, Immediately. or, a lied ew . __.o , . l:eader),a Digest for 'NEW alter ^ the said . twenty :*.siottir- day • • BOXED OR1ETING CARDS ' bins:rt. Ifbeim at ,hau prSpecial ke. sal of 'March the, assets of the Aid ., '• . -. • ..Save. money by 'buying your price , a ,months for $1.00. testator w ill -\.b e distributed parties. entitled greeting . card by the oox. I - DON THOMPSON. '', amongst ., ..the . . . .. thereto, having -regard only to claims Of, which the . executor Shall then have: notice. ,. , • . Dated this third day of March AD. . 1955, •• ' h, • Crakvford & Hetherington, . • Whigham, `Ontario.. Solicitbts for. the Executor,' .have. in stock boxes of assorted all occation, floral. pen.'notes. and .1florat. stationery; also straight SEED FORSALE • boxes of sympathy; get -well, • All .GOO.Ataded. No.. 1 stock, - • 'birthday and -Easter cards., 0.,ntario.;......,,WelStern Grimm : or • DON THOMPSON. •Northern U,S.• alfalfa, $64,00 per. bus::, Ranger. alfalfa; 05.00' er double cut Red' !Clover. and REST • HOME ACCOMODATION Ma/T=6th single Cut red clover, Accomodation availah.lea36.00 ner bus Timothy, $13.00 ,, • ... • • • Phone 33 or 35 'Phone 33 or 35 Catruther's Convalescent Home. Horne -cooked Mears, modern con- veniences, warm. Registered nufs- ing available if required in case mixtures at prices' that will save 0 sickness. A. 1 • to Elliott Car- :Money Custn ed clean- .vutherS; R. 3, •Ilolyroo "e ing by appointment...We ar• e in 27-16 Ripley. APPLICATIONS WANTED,' barley ..for seed: Roy -Cramm Sealed; marked applications for Son,Pinkerton, Ont ,i phone Car- gilP 68-w-3. spector for West Wawanosh Twp, lCARTER—in loving 'memory of Mrs.Peter Carter, who 'passed away three years 'ago," Marth" 7, 1952; ' --Ever reinernbered. and sadly per. bus: ---We carry a. complete stock of clovers, and grasse!i for all hay and *perMatient pasture • 0 the market 'for good 'Oats arid •.the pOsitibn of Warble. Fly In,• . will be received by• the under- signed ip to and inctuding March :IN MEMORIAM 16, 1955. Applicants to state sal- ary expected. The inspector ap- pointed must provide •his own transportation. • J. Voran, Tovttnship Clerk, ; I Missed by her son Peter,, his Auburr%, Ont. wife and .farnily,' (Additional Classified on Page ,7) . • ' 0,04iitO NS:UR:0;E Can. NOW...Accept_ TOWN RESIDENTS1 .&.COMERCIAL TRUdKS as Well as the farm' busines•..4„ • For inforination •CrOnstilt • tAmtkoN,.L111CRNTOW•; . 'Phone .Dungalmoti 70-r.40 .1OHN'.1ileMURCHIE,...RIPLElt; • .• • Phone '*0..t.4.-3, • • JcilH NSTONE. FU NERAL .Homg 'Phone 76. •, • Day or Night .• ;. Ambulance Service'' • psx :OF FUNERAL HOME. • At ,NO Extra.Co Moderate Prices 1 138 G. ALANVILLIAMS: I . 1 IVIcLNNAN and: Mae:KENZIE. FUNERAL SERVICE srvicep Conducted accord- • ing to Your wishes at your Homo, yir...itir 'Church; or at •our 'Memorial Chapelat no . additional, Charge... . AMBUL, ANCE SERVICE 4.14ucknow; Day..,01 Nigbt • .Optmfietrist •• OffiPe' on Patrick St.., 'jli0 off the Main 5t. In • • • vviNciumm: Professional Eye 'Examination, 'Optical Services .• • 'Evenings by appointtrient.• 'Phone: •Offjee '770; Res. 291 , . STATE FAII,M MUTUAL AUT'OMOBILE I NSURANCE • Investigate Before Investing „*.s.s."4,44.•— 40~~,O.4944....1.4P044..r.o.r. .•••••••=081.00.1011romMiole. • REUBEN 1VILSON R.R.' 3, Goderich • • Phone 99-r-8 :Dungannon •••••••or.# , I N SU RANCE ''-operative pie Insurance-- - • Co -Operative Autornobile ' Insurance • Mercantile & Farm -Eire . Insurance •• • EconomicalTand-iteliable. see . T; A. CAMERQN. ,1,,ucKNow 'Phone 70,1710..DUriganOiY. • " RONALD G. MCCANN" Public Accountant ,CLINTON, ONTARIO • Phone: 561,455 • , Office:. Royal Bank Building • Residence:', Rattenbury St. RAY ROB I N SQN, loots LAID, SAND,ED AND FINISHED:, , ,'Phorie Carlotv • 41).5 R.1L 10 Tort Albert ROY - N. B ENT L,EY PubIle Acc Otani • 4 Brittania Rd. (corner South St) • •'OaDElitielEiro ONT. • Telephone 1011 4##•404...a..,e4a;4••••#4...