The Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-03-09, Page 3• W.ED•N'ESD,AY,, amtag 1955 4 .. D LUCKNOW UNITED' CHU•RCI „ Minister'; • Rev.. G. A• McIkl.ejohn, SUNDAY,'MARC'1F; 18th THE LUCKNOW SENTINE1 LITCKNOW, QNTARIO • 0.00'4,14 °od: is Calling. p.x 12.15 .gin.. Uhtiirc4 pool.• " QO S:m. Motion- Piet ire, e "Beyond Our Own'► . , • The Kairshea institute ,meeting will be het on, Thursday,' March Pith .at Holyrood Hail., . • Mr and Yrs, Bill.Blue of De- treit (spent tie week -end with her parents, Mr,. and ,Mrs, J. D. Anderson, • Mrs. H. .L, Jennings who has been ill tivitii virus pneumonia, Is making 'satisfactory progress At, the 'home of her mother, . Mrs: •CLawrence of Corrie; Lucknow Presbyterian (hurchl Kest,. . Wallace McClean; I• Minister • ii SUNDAY,MARCH 13th Yl . 11..00 'a.m.: Morning Worship, i • Sunday • . School Following Service. 3.00 p.m.: Erskine, ,Dungan.. j. 7:00. p.tn..Evening. Worship: • Mr. arid' Mrs -Janie*. Gauley' and Barrie and William Hackett of, Wingham; .were Sunday, visi- tors with Mrs.'MeNall at ,Baker's 'Private Hospital. A note from Mrs. Sid Free.of BirantfoPd, formerly Marys Camp- bell of Lticknow;•.'inforiris us that Mr: Free ,is ',hot very. -well. ' He had a 'photography business the village at • one . tine. °Mr and Mrs. Newton ..i arises leave Daytona Beach` next week to return to .Leamington They report having 'had• a nice winter and enjoyed having "Jenny and Bill":so ,elese to then. ' • Mrs. Ci'arlt , Lo:.znz returned' to her •(•Lome here from Cleveland the first of the week:' She'. was acooinpani:gid by 'her' daughter' Mrs Clarence Bell, .w'he will• re- main; for a. few weeks. The ':regular meeting of •..the I;uckn,ow: Woile'i';s Institute will be. held. in . the Recreation, :Hall at' 2.30 'on Friday, March.: 11th.; .Hostesses are Mrs. Ho ,ward .Rob inson, Mrs. ' M. Sproul, Mrs: Har- ry. Nixon, Mrs.. . T. Clarke, Mrs. Alex 'MacLennan; MOTION PICTURE FILM • SUNDAY,: MARCH: 13th, ' at ;7.00 p.m ' LUCICNOW UNITED :CHURCH Fellowship,: Room •' The • Lucknow . and V c n ty $ranch of the Canadian Red Cross COMMENCES'` NEXT: MONDAY •:THE WORK OF MERCY NEVER ,ENDS- . , WELCOME` the .REIy •CROSS CANVASSER WHEN HES CALLS The' Red Cross .canvasser, who, will. call on;you, . works without 'Pay, Unselfishly �levotin;g his spare tine�� ih �i • cause' that has no aim but to help others • GOOD CITIZENS ... Will` Show These Worksis:. Every. Courtesy'. T CUGI`I.TFU.L ; Ci''TIZENS V M give •gladly,, generously, 'gratefully to keep The, lied" Cross ready.. NO •canvass, has been at`ran! eft . • RURAL RESIDENTS outside t�'e Village, ,]lift • arrangements lave' lie 4'n made to have ebneril:utio?Ys left at Country 'Stores it, the di��'�riot, or : at . iteliiin"s Dt''ug • Store and the Bank of Mott t'real;.• • • y„1 CIV;, CENE•ROUSLY 'TO' TH14. WORT.:I'Y CAUSE • MARK DIAMOND ANNIVE_r_RSARY Messages 'orf. ' congratulations from the Queen, pplitical . digna- taries: and. friends, 'poured in to honour, Mr.' and . 'Mrs. Ezekiel Phillips of :Auburn on the oc . casion of otheir 60th •wedding an- niversary, nniversar r, while scares of „welt' wishers called to "extend their congratulatic ns : Among those who called to• erc. tend congratulations . was . Mr:. 'hill's' sister,..,'. Mrs, . Humphrey of t, lielerts,-who, is -86 -.years of age and .who last nar ,with her 'husband. ceLebrat d .their 62nd. wedding anniversary; T'he young- est peraon . tti. register . was Den- nis Glasgovtfr four. years old; Both Mr,. and .Mrs. Phillips are enjoying gogd 'health; A. fat>Liily'dinner was previoii.s- ly' held . at . the' home of :their son Robert and Mrs, Phillips, Among those ..present were' the attend- ants of :sixty . years. ago,..lyirs., A. Tebbutt, Goderich and. James W. :Medd of,'Auburn.,' :Following 'the. dinner,' Robert J:: Phillips, on behalf of the. fain-. 'ly;.' presented his . mother .with. 'a ., diamond necklace, ''and . his, :father with an :onyx.. signet ring, in a horseshoe design set. with a diamond., r Mrs. ,A, Tebbutt pre= sented her• brother, Mr.. Phillips, with. a morocco prayer ani 'I nn book, while •Mr.; Medd presented his sister, Mrs. .Philli s, with : •a similar' gift. The wedding 60 yearsago was perf orinedi. , at the Angi iean' rec- tory 'in, Lucknaw ` by R;ev:. Chas.. Miles. Following,, the wedding ;the' couple resided for 12• years . at . Whitechurch, where Mr. Phil lips was .• engaged as •blackSinitn They then .;:moved ' to _ Auburn, where- they. -have :since—resided. Both are valued. Members of St. Mai k's Anglican church Mrs Philips was formerly Margaret Ellen Medd,_' younge,t daughter .of :the'`late.'- Mr.: and. AO's. . Robert. Medd''. of West Wa wanosh township: She attended; S.S. 3; • Colborne .:.totivnship. Mr Phillips is the youngest son of the -late . Mr, and ' Mrs Ezekiel ph ililps of Fordyce. . He at'tertded Fordyce' school, and, learned . the blacksmith trade. with his father. In: those (Clays.. the : father .arid• three . sons were engageed in the business. --John on : thel_Oth of. West Wawanosh, Thomas' ; at •St. Helens,: ' Ezekiel, Jr.t at .Whitechurch,. and the 'fath- . er at Fordyce.' 1VIr.: Phillips has two:: sisters, Mrs., • William (Ke2iah) Hum'- •phrey, St Helens: Mrs. Alfred (Eliza) "'l'ebbutt,• Goderich, and. one brother, 'John ,Phill-ips; 'Yelm' lowgrass;.' Sask. Two sisters. and on e brother 'have. died.: ' •'Mrs.. Phillips has :one bra'ther, James '�V :' Medd, Auburn. Two, Isis rs ,an our broth s -ha died. 'Mr. and Mr Ph.i;1''ps have one • sor., Robert 'J., Aub'ur n;: and. two daughters,', Mrs. Thoma., S. (El= len) Johnston, Auburn, and. Miss Laura' at :hone. PAGE THREE . Ladies', and, 11!en's: Wear — Fashion . Millinery . .IPHQNE 85, ' LUCKNOW .,.. PERSONALLY SPEAKING.. •We• take.leasulre in presenting just ipr ,you • Choice styling at down to earth prices,' Beautiful . ,:� � • . • Iash><on-wise fabric*, -... . • Tailored expertly to your measure. • Coinpl`ete 'satisfaction 'guaranteed in 9 1Vlade-to-Measure BY/ Top Ta UUo s • for Men and Women and Misses. 'R Drop in at your leisure and see our new materials and styles. 'RACK Of SUITS $17,95 to $29.9 terian' Church on. Friday night. • Mrs. Gordon Elliott,. Mr' • and Mrs.•. Walter Elliott .:and 1Vtr, and Mrs. Bill 1VlacPherson :visited,. on B, D.. MDcClenaghan.. . 'Mt..and: Mrs. Jack Coultes of Morris visited recently with •Mrp and:. Mrs. A. Coulter • Sunday . With :' Mr., and Mrs. Mit-' Mr 'and' Mrs.. Elmer Huffman ehell Elliott in' London and Raymond a.n • r , ' Q Y �ufim motored Miss Margaret . ay1or : return-' to London on Sunday- Raymond .. ed. home alter t,Fenaing the past twill ` be hospitalized in' :Victoria two.' weeks with 1.;er niece, Mr. Hospital and' ;Mrs:. ` Jack. 'Ackert Of Holy= rood and Mr..and Mrs: Alec Reid THEY'RE ' BACK . at.`Winghari... dor limited time or]y eight Mrs Doris''• Wil] is , and , her three beautiful, j1atterns . in :Coiri:rwuty sons,- Bill, Garry and Jo'.n have • silverplate may, be. orderect 'to' moved in •Plast , eek$nu have :complete your_�service.-:The :pat: taken.' over the store and :'.post' terns': include Grosvenor, Patric' office.: We wish 'them every"' suc , i Ian, Sheraton,' . ' 'Pa • e'uere, , cess `-..;,-1-Deauville;, .Milady; Bi Par Mr: and Mrs. Harry. Moss and adise, ;Adam: Order before. April family -of right spentthe week -.1st for fall delivery. end with her : parents,',]VIr.• & 'Mrs., • . 'M. • A., SCHMID, 'Jeweller • .;, ... u, .i.,:1•p...u,..i ligr.pme.n...o.;M.4, r•u4•44•0:r r.. u0:J.o.r•.+ tt.aru raea.,,.;•.'.• . ake ; Webster and MacKinnon�s Your Headquarters For ar w r and 1 u l ers' ,Sup plies Electrical :'Supplies .and ' Heating Units Plumbing •Installation and Repairs COAL and CEMENT Bron' In" Anil Look Around F1=e-re--Wel°1-Stockd•--To ervr-e-You I WHITECHURC.H•'• jack' Coulter is. ,'home from high• school with :the, jaundice. Mr.• and Mrs, ..E; Groskorth family 'spent the . week -end .:with friends at Wil'lowdale and Union �•i.lIe. . : Mrs,,'Harry Tichborne Of God-' erich spent• • the 'week -end. with her 'mother, grss Kennedy and Pete ... Quite a fe*a'frorn around here attended' the trousseau : tea on Wednesday, at the .home of Marie Sparling of Winghaip, bride elect ,of, the month. ,r' . . Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gisher or 1(i3thenen spent the Week—end With his parents, Mr. and MN. George Fisher. • The Y.P $..got the Pr65bytcriaii. r hu r"`"`-1rLlrel -Sunday School rooin oti Sunday venig •with. Lorne 'F`orster i charge, Marilyn Morrison ' had the ' scripture' and , meditation.. Nernia Forister favor>ed with. piano, solo Mrs. A.• McQuill in rave a reading. Rev. N. Caswell, tck k the tonic...Mrs.:1ua'h Situp- syn conducted 'a tett : , The meet closed with. prayer. r '►"•^':f'.:5. ` held a 'skating f* lit the Lrielr+itiw arena and • Wit. :1/4•'rt.• `, v thP PreshY• Plumbing, ,Heating, Iectrie Wiring 'Phone 50,' Lueknow • p.. r.3 fir. 1� s..sn.a..,:.:tmiume.r.,r.amuoi. ,om..wry.ons.r.m., ,..... ►.l►.+son.wir t..n.�.:,,.r.4mo. :4e •./M.....4 r,N11144uM+:• i.41111114,4.1r,rIMN r.111l/,rr 1‘1110a41M1►,i,rrOiN/a �1►4411111 +r..• siy.eia�rrr��,�►.� . r•• U LOCAL TRADEMARKS, 4. SEPOY 5 ti $LOO DRY GOODS • LADIES ct.c.42 CI -lit -ME -NS WEAR. CHINA .KITCHEN ureNSiLS.6REETiNO CARbS 014.0.,g.4„ TOILETRIES a.i.,tcL'TOYS 140044 108W LUCRNOW, ONT. IO8W • F . •