HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-02-23, Page 8PACE EIGHT N • . TEE. E'• • L•UCKNOW .SENTINEL,. LUCKNOW, . TT4RIO WEDTESPAX, . FEB, 23rd, l955. • Ir/1lew1rri1 in iNren'S Wear THIS WEEK': 1. SEEP THE SENTINEL, THAT we received •a copy..of the visitors . guide, entitled "Day by -Day from W. A. Porteous in • 'Florida. 'T h i s Ale piablsshed weekly An •'adva., ce,and keeps winter . visitors . abreast with°, • What •is going on along the :world's most •famous beach. "A, snap of the.' Daytona Beach area is contaned in; the booklet and •Bill . marked on it.' the. location :o -Mr, and Mrs Roach of: town,; ' Mr. anal Mrs. James of ,'Leam- ington, Mr. and Mrs. McCool. of :Wingham ' '•and their `own quarters. All are ;within .a few blocks.'of each other. . THAT Mrs 'Allan Stuart (Ethel` M, *' -- ds & Woollens rn s, Ladies . Children's Near-' Pfece Goods • Free 'Fick:..Up and DeliVery • Monday: and ;Thursday:, CULROSS CORNERS I ,/, final•deoision'oyer till .next week. , Other busmess . Was "dealt With' the:" birth ,..tiki . a ,t. daughter. 'Mrs; "and a period of recreatiOn lei, Was the former Jean lowed. The hostess -served lunch. :Miss Alice Haldenby, stu night with Mr. and Mrs. Midford s, tithe, Ithine of Mr. and. Mrs. • Frank. Brown:and Reg wag the meeting Place for members Iof, Bethany Fenn-F.0'111w on: •MOn; daY :night ThereY were', 15 .pres- ent. -The toPic.. reqUired-ra -Vied : -deal of study but we decided that. 'price atipports, . should protect the fatiner,•but,that they. &hong countries. pm ‘proAtio -theaper ;than .we can-. in .Canadt, ak that price,suPports Should be higher' than export' Markets., We 'muse be able. to Meet' operating costs and hate soznething to live: .number our foruni would put' On at Alie. public '-speaking. cOnte.st :Mr; Albert Harris , is h'aving the 'hydror installed: Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Cornish last week with Mr... and Mrs. :Tom • Stewarc and Harold SteWart .returned :to Belleville." With them.. Mirs.--41145n--1-7Srewa spent Su day. with •lYir. 'and -Mra Ian Mc.. Pherson and family, 8th Con. - Mrs. Jack-,Schtunaelier -& 'Helen were Mr, end Mrs: Melvin' Zet.1 Tel and. family of Walkerton, Mr, and Mrs. ,Wrri. Kinlough; and' Miss Marian Shantz of ,Pine Martin) of Eganyille says•they ,have been hating lots of •snow and cold weather "up there", With temperatures down -to 30 " to worry about the cold as long as they keeP .a good stOck pile ,wood, which . should be ,no trouble as thef have 250 acres of hitsh on their 'farm,- Mrs.' Rabert Hamilton and Garfield MacDonald were the iary's Friday night Shoot • party THAT in renewmg her- entinel K • 'e of Toronto said she. was so Very pleased to see the ae- -count•-of. Alex ,Macintyre's 'suc- spending, the winter with Mrs. MAT Friday. is the 'World Day of Prayer, and will be. observ- ' ed .as such by the members' of the Various WOmen'S.iVItasion!- ary Societies this' diatrict. It,G.A. Orange Marmalade 29e• Mazola Oil . 3 Ogilvie Cherry Sunny Morn' Coffee, Ih. • 89c Rival- Guest Coffee„ -lb. -.._97c Quaker Muffets 2 -for 31c :THAT the presentation Of ,,"The MerChant Of Venice. will be a feature of. the' Lucknow triot High Scliool 'concert set for Thursday.'and,Friday;-Mar. 10th and llth. • • Men's Knee Length' :Rubber Boots.. ed soles Blaok with . red o.4 SFEOIAT , ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,....,„4....'..... .4. lst '@uality,d • ober Boots . Side Rti 0 ' :Boys Red (],. First . 6ualty, Sixes 1=5 �. • L . 0 ECIAL . ,,, A. pi ,'''� r 20 a o Ratbwell&S0fl ; Fine, Footwear. For All The Family THAT there Were ..eleven table's .• of, players at the' euchre party Holyrood on Tuesday Of last week.'"Prize winners were Mrs. Barkwell and. Jack Ackert, • with consolation , prizes, going •Mrs. Weir Eckenswiller and lowed With Donald MacPher,- Ripe 'n Ragged. peaches, 20 Iv, Zle LG.A. olden Bantam' Domestic ShorteolOgI Gold Seal Joy Liquid Detergent • 39c AYLM:E.R. BABY FOOD _Regular 15c—Special 2 for 15e Store- -Will; 'lac cibelED ivi0i0i.AY For 'STOCK. TAKVG SMITIVS ,1111, ...A. AK. • ng1/0/.# aelt et;it • th tii se o1 do bE nc gra dEl sal .pl . of dy re Lloyd who-has_beeneeled vrith me, in the business for 1, - like to thank' all my custonterS and frientls for their'. very. .1 •, We have bad liamr*gpoti times together and Will alwayS7 look back, with .happy memories to the setenteen years spent in, the 'grocerY 'business in Lucluiow.' However. there does • come a..time in every 'man's life: When' these ehangeS have . 'to 'be., Made • regardless, .of the fact we regret and hesitater„! • I feel quite' confideni, however; that Lloyd Will still .1, • -give you -,the• iame' fair deal and prompt- service •that this i .litetire has always tried .tO 'give yoU in the past... , Wishing you all the 'beit and' Wiping, tO see. you from I- • .THAT Mrs: AliCe Robb of town observed her 88th birthday in January. Her .lniece, Miss Mary Jane .Robb. of.. Dungannon, is -spending the Winter With her THAT Dtingannon is still four- ' 'teen miles from:,Lueknow,• ac -7. -cording' to that highway 'Sign nting'Pouth on Main ,Street. THAT Allan Reed • took a but .load of hockey; fans ,to Tor - Onto on' SatuidaY to see the HIGH' 'SdlOOL..ASSESSMiin cards"; and, .will be ,available at It was decided' that..ach man-. .submit its "equalized. figures and that. the 'Board See- retary work out 'the ..pro -rata pereentage- that -each. --municipal- ity would assurne tOn this basis. ed' to 'the various, COuncils con- cerned for. .their approval.. or . Under the existing. set:up. the following have been the .'percen- Greenobk HAT in renewiriglber Sentinel MI'S; Margaret .Murray Algeo of Neir York finds the+ paper , of interest thongh there are not . many familiar name§ " now, She..says "even the. ad.: vertisements .are interesting to 18.399 27:306 3.599 2.951 The Purple Grete Instal:de hod a 'social 'evening the .15th',, ,school house.. ori., Friday evening . which included .filits and .euchre,, The Far* Fortim! was: • held at Mr. and -Mrs. George Em - 'Congratulations to Mr. Mrs, Donald. McKay en:the 'arrival.Of The Ptu-Ple. Grate .Institute Victor GaWiey, last Ttiesd:ay With London visited with the latteee. rell recently. ••• ,Sister, Mrs,.. 'Tom :Quigley :of • 'Mark and' Dickie' tisited. with , Kinloss • on. Sunday. ONITIr'SJUL-einiloan;e. aeliCin- id' -(51- .at-kthe---hoirie- of Mr. Milton 'Staii. ley ;when he obserVed his biTth: • day on Stinday. Marlene. ind.'.Groladys visited Mrs.. ing. agreed uPori,'.)1,i'Slifield'S share will be reduced tO approkimately 39 percent; West Wawanosh to..ap- prOximatelY 15 percent, • while LucknOw will he:. increased 10 abOut 19 percent and Kinloss to. about 29 percent. Or a tr ic in lo SE h la ac ta si BABY SETS Infante' 3 -piece' Botany wool set •in fancy knit. jacket bonnet and booties,. colors •white pink and blue, .Price $2.59 Three-piece set in wool and tot- . ton, colors White ,with, pink, and white With blue, Only Baby lot,, size 26;26:- 'One' dozen LADIES' SLIPS SKI CAPS FOR BOYS Ileaty weigkiit 'cotton. 'gabardine ....ski caps With ,self .ear flaps so that they may be' worn' up or Shades 'of brown, blige. or grey; MEN'S .OVERALL PANTS • two, front p6ckets, match. pocket. two hip pOcketh, belt .loopP, metal rivets at. all.ppints Of strain, Sizes' .30 to.44 waist, 3,19 Snag:-Procif brand,. sanforiZed blue -Sturdy :close Weave cloth' that .latinderP wen. Pants have adjust - sett' in ,back.' ,Assorted. stripes. It a.