HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-02-23, Page 5WEIN\IASDAN, PE 3rd, •1955
• eV
First SiloWing at 7.15 p.m,
Sa9.irday.- Matinees, 2.00 . p.m,
Wed., Thurs., ‘Fri., Sat. '
FEBRUARY 23, 24, 25; 26
, . .
Irving Berlin , 'Songs, techni-
•color and VistaVision and a
, cast including :Bing CrosbyL
• Danny Kaye; Rosernary Cloon-.
ey and .Vel4a .
...1)fatinee Sat. afternoon 2 p.m.
Evenings 7c. and 25e
Matinee 5 and 2k..
MondaY, 1:1160113, Wednesday
FEB, go, MAR 1-2:-
"Doitot irtithe House."
The u,;7011tious stori of the:
Ups-anci-dOWns, the lives and
loves of four students during
their five years of medical the • making Of Serving trays, ;arid
demonstrated the hand -Painting
schOol. Starring :are Dirk Bo -
garde and Kenneth More:. of therm
Mr. and Mrs. Shelton are kept
busy. in ' the manufacture-
_ -
DEMONSTRATES PAINTJNG and painting of 'these Lazy Susan
. OF SERtING TRAYS serving. trays, Which: ar.e. in, pop-
ular ,demand, and, are being ship.!
Canadian Industries was the ped coast-to-coast from the local
subject for the last • meeting --of r1nL- _
the Kairshea Institute, and on "'One of the. trays Whicii-Wai-
this occasiOn Mrs: Chris 'Sheltonpresented. to ,the Kairshea Insti-•
was •the guest; and eprplained- tute is. to be raffled Off..
wiSh to thank all those° who assisted' them end were so kind
in .various ways follOwing 'thei;
re tt misfortune. All these
nd acts' were much appreciat-
Mrs; Elwood Bathe= wishes
o Sincerely thank all.these Who
were so kind: mid' sympathetic
at .the, tline:„of • the death of her
'father, with special thanks to
the Wirighani Hospital staff,
, I wish to, thank all my friendS
and • relatiVeS, for lovely. gifts,
retters,:' cad ani Calit- on try
birthday, Thank you one and
all.• . , , • .
, Elizabeth 11/1.- Alton;
IWish to thank' the Monday
Night. Shoot Club and:all those
who. 'contributed to ' the benefit
draw which was. • heid in:
behalf. ,•• ,• •
• June Collyer,
,The WA, meeting was held: at
the home of Mrs, George Ore.,'
ham With Mrs. Award' Thomp-
son in Charge: "Soldiers of the
Cross' Arise', was .the opening
• hymn followed by prayers. Mrs..
Bert Nicholson gave: the thought
for the day "It •pays to pray".
The word, for the roll Call we -.5-.
"repent", Rey, J. Prest read the
scripture. A n?inute's silence was
• Observed in Memory of the late
Mrs. John Cox., a. former rn,eiri-.
ber. An article on ;the xibork' df
Miss Elsa ,Peters was read,- also,
a 1etter<2 froin ,:Canon • Allan
Greene: of ',the Columbia Coast
• Mission was read by Mrs; J. W.
tOW'ell.: Th60 theme', Of the meet.;
ing.: was the ch.urch...and W.A.•
Newfdundland., MrS,, Torn: Hod
gips read from the: Living 'Meas-
• age on this work 'which was fur-.
ther' :described by. Mrs. Don. Mc -
cosh; the guest speaker, using a
map to illustrate her talk on,the
many iikteresting things- about;
the CoUntry end the workthat is
being parried on there.Mrs. Geo.
Ilaldenby gave the closing reL
marks. "Breathe �n. me Breath
of God",4as the -closing hymn
which was folic:4%16cl • by the -lit-
any. Dainty -refreshments were
ser.v,ed by the..hOstes.S.
Recent visitors with• Mrs. Ger-
trude Walsh and '.1‘iliss • Annie
Wall were 'Miss Jean Osborne of.
Luclmow • and Miss Evelyn
borne. of Huron. '
.Mrs..Bill'AUrtis suffering frOrii
an 'attack Of, jaundice: ,
"The Happy' HOur": Farm For -
met: on Monday ,evening it
the liomeof. Mr. and.,M3m. Frank
Matilden. ' '
: Mrs M.. Dudley visited Thurs-
• day 'with Mrs., James Hodge and,
with MiSs Annie Wall. and Mrs.
.; .
-,Mr-,-and Mrs._ Howard MeGnire
of Olivet viSited. with Mr.' and
and.'George :HaldenbY:
Mrs Perry Bushelland Judy
spent a. fey das, in Toronto
th relatives-:._ .• ,
Mr.; arid. Mrs. Lynn, Geddes •Sz.
Bobby Of ,Kinioss•• visited .Thurs-
day With.Mr. J.- W., ColWell.
,- 'Friday, February:25th is World .contest was conducted. by Mre. interesting ::paper on the, lrfe ot
, under the, auspices of •
The :Ontario Beef Cattle Improvement Association
The Sheep and Swine Arena,
RoYal-Winter Fait Buildings.' Toronto—.
Tuesday,- Match ,8th. and. Wednesday,,, March. 9th
• Shorthorn bill's 'sell on Tuesday,' March 6th: at 10:00 a.m.
Aberdeen Angns, and, Hereford bulls' sell On Wednesday,
• ' ,11flarch 9th at 4.0:00 :a.m.
1955 ,
. , „
, 1. Every bull delivered to the *pre,rnises wilj be inspected
. ,
and Only those 'considered to beup, to a. high standard will
be offered for sale;
• 2. At no Other Sale will beef 'Producers' have the op-
pOrinnitY, of choosing front' such,•:a large offering. ;
Every Ontario. resident " who buys a bu.l1 for Use:
-.oti his .,herd Will be, eligible for a .:prernitim- equal to :-25- pet''
Cent of the purchase .-price, but not exceeding • $150.90::;
,or catalogues apply to . .
B. B.' Wernica, President, 'W P..Watson, 4eVY".,
Barrie, R.R..No, 4. Parliament Buildings, Toronto:
. , „
To 'Order Your.
All 'birds from Canadian II.
• ApprOve61, •Ctoyernment in-'
spected` and blood tested
Sioek NocoiP1i1flt$ regis-
TWo Shows •Nightly, First Show at 7.15
' Matinee Saturday at 2.00
Thursday, ittuiday, February 24, 25, 2
6ty .Grintoaati John Garfield, in
• •
Aboard the 'submarine "Copperfin" with a cargo Of cduraie
' • and TNT they slug itoutwith the Japs. •
• ,
Tuesday, Wednesday, Feb. 2.8,. mar,
. . . , • . •
Crawford:- and -Clair .,Treifor,
. • . .
eill-Slay--.-YaHii.Darpon. yOn's nen-es
10.11gli :genSO.tiotle "
COMING—March 3, 4 ' 5, :"Two Year Before The Mast'''.
• ."
games Were played 60a lunch United 'Church Evg. Auxiliary
was served: The closing- remarks
were giyen, by Joyce .Haldenby.
• Mr. and Mrs. George Heiden -
by • spent Sunday with .°Mr. and
' Clare Sperling :at Walker-
ton, it being the occasion of Al-
lanitSparling's ,:2nd birthday. °
• Mrs. Frank 'Maulden enter-
, .
tained the Presbyterian W.M.S.
at her 'hoine on Wednesday af'-' Presbyterian Evening Auxiliary'
ternoon., ;
• The''Evening Auxiliaryof the
met in the church fel-
lowship room', for their .rebruaz7;
'meeting witik, an ,attendance
37..: The president, Mrs. T. A.
.MacDonald, conducted the' de--
yotie44nd 'business 'period.
pur Auxiliary 'accepted tWitit•
. the invitation of- e
to join with them for the 11Lareh
meeting in their church ,March
The Paramount • Women's In-
stitute' meeting ,.1,Arai held.' at..the
•'horde of Ors: J.'. Henderson ph
Feloriiaty 5th. The 'meeting op -
15th. An evening .seryice on the .
World's Day of Prayer was sug-
gested bueit was decided to, ton-
tinue With 'just the usual :after-
noon' service' for this year, but
to consider an evening service *
the future. Red Cross sewing Was.,
ened` with Xthe ' ode and all re.; given out, this to be finished and
.peated the. Mary 'Stewart Col- handed:in at the next ,meeting.
lect. The roll call was ',answered A6 bin& of either sandwiches or
cookies' wIl be • provided tVare
lay a -home remedy. Each mein-
-her paid :their. dollar for ,• the
museum project. Miss Joan Cor -
Mack spoke ,on -"Health" and all,
enjoSoreci 7 her talk , Very much:.
•Mrs. 0: Richards moved -vote,
members for the Mission: Band
. . . •
Meeting each month. The '-'to-pic':-
',Growth of the Church in •India'
.3x-.ae capably .prepared by Mrs:.
W. Howey and. givezi in. her ab.'
. Cormack„.Mrs sence.• by ..Mrs. Roy' Black with...
F. Martin, caPably, gave the cur-. Mrs. '.K ••Murdie, 'Mts. Ed John -
rent. eirents. Mrs. Alex. :MacNey ston and Mrs. Mel Stewart :assist -
gave ' a Valentine reading and a ing.. Mrs Alex IVIacNay gave a#
Day of'plyter- when women' of K:' MacNay. 'L-Unch was served Saint.Valentine and a-humorons.
levery-deno ination are urged to by, themildsLes.S., • •
'attend, the prayer service in their. „
community. ' ForKinlough: and 1, 'Some people are funny", : said.
„ ,
, , ,
district all, ladies ,are .invited to uncle 7 .Fil8ert, "Map • -',.I know
the Anglican 'Church at 2.30 with hadn't kissed .his wife for ten
Mrs. • Perry: . Hodgins' the key- years. ,Then he, goes and shoots
woman. , The.:,EVening., . Guilda fellow who,did".
meeting will,1?e,held•••follevritig :•
the praker meeting. ,' •
Mrs. :Elizabeth Alton -of. Luck -
now celebrated celebrated' -her ••85th' birth-
clay.on Saturday4t at the .horne
• of her daughter,Mis. W. •• G.
Reed. Relatives from here •visit -
,ed with. her to. Mark the happy
occasion. iMeSsrs. J. R. and. lgai-
• colm Lane are brothers ' of the:
dear lady „ Congratulations are
eXtended• fi431111 old friends here.
.Misses, ,MarionShantz and
,Schumacher Spent the
week -end with Mr. and: Mrs...
Wm.' Wail. • °'
and. Mrs; Joe Wall of
Luc now. spent an afternoon
• With Mi .v Annie' Wall here.
Mr,. anUttri.-,Duncan MacIten-
zie left Fridak,to spend a. While
at Sarnia 'before 'retUrning to
.theirhome at Moose Jaw:. Sask.
They were here attending , the
funeral of! -..their Mint,the late
Mrs. Co*" and , spent the ..paet
week wit,h':'iMrrand Mrs: William
COX and • other relatives,: •
' Mr, and Mrs., Clayton NichOl-
Son and family, con. 4; Huron,.
visited Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs ,' Bert NichOlson,
• Mr, 'arid Mrs. P. A. Murray,
Frank, Varbara and Elaine were
to• Toronto over last'. Week -end
and attetidelithe baPtisrn of their.
• gr'andson, Lawrence, Alexander
,(Larry)': Kraemer, ihrant sem .of
1V/r. arid Mrs. Lorne Kraemer.
'• Mr. and Mrs, Howard ThOrrip.
son and grandchildren,' 'John D.
and.' Susan Coiling, Visited on
Sunday' with. Mr. and Mrs Alex'
; Mr, an rs, a rice -dd
of London and Ellwood HodginS•
of Toronto spent the week -end
with _relativeshere, •
Mr, Russell Barr. of Toronto
spent the week -end at his home ,
here. •
'On Saturday evening the 'Pres
• tered front our entire nunt-
ber of 1954 customers. Your
patronagd appreciated last i•
• year; We look for
• seeing •you again t
Phone' or Call'
Lticknow 165 . 'Dungannon 19-r-12 i
, g People , held a'
sleiqhriding party, . Later; they
Pit tied to the church where
_ _ _ _
reading.' ',`Leave it to :n the Lad-
les' Aid". Mrs. Lloyd Ashton awl
'Mrs,. Mel:. Stewart conducted: a
musical contest on "Het
Songs". Following the :closing de-
votional the committee in charge
served lunch. . •
0-04/;VO- BUT/ COULL
d I
- . I
Alt Chicks:Love