HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-02-23, Page 4---- PAGE- FOLT.,11,_ , THE LUCKNOW • SENTINEL,. LUCKNOW, ONfARIG • • o•.* V • CARPENTER . WORK. - phone i FOR SALE ----FAidaire electric Leo BeauchamP,*91-w LUcknOW.' stoite,' large size,. Archie Smith, FOR RENT -•'-• 114.ated apartment • _ aVailable: G'rFnmie Apa.rtrrient.s.. WAN'VED.. To ilENT--ioo, acre :grass larm. Warren, RL .; -Durigatinon, • -,chu.r COW NG * EvgkiTtl, TIME FuR SEWING " , LADIES! Get started. at your dressep for ,the Calico Ball, to be held on Friday,- March 25th, in the ToWn Hall, Lucknow, • _ WORILD DAY OF PRAYER The WOMerA'S Missionary ,Soc- ' ties, .of the nglican, United, South Kinlos and 'Presbyterian churchesw hold the World's Day Of P yet'. in the Presbyter- ' Lucknow, On PridaY, 5t1 at 3.00 p.in. -j----- rourid brooch ,engraved *AY'.• RseWard.''IVIrs: ,E. McKiin.. • • v ...,FOR •44roXI'matelY-09 muskrat traPs. 'Innes 'MaCSWeeri, .., ----FbruarY SALE ---mixed slabs ..ie 4 -ii two - cord ' or •six cord loads @,' $3.00 . ACT NOW! ' ileriord: Jog. Weiler, pli,o'ne Pt. .'"Things done in.'u h r-31.' '' " ' - ' . • . ' • 'i ' riever.' done welr'-ari .phone 238 Lucknow, . , PIdS FOR SALE •L- two Jitters 1.1..er15" The deaC111./le fel' f , FOR RENT-150t-acre'grais farm, ready. to • wean. Wilfred' IVIcQuil: eel" taX- retUrliS IS . 7 miles west •of LticknoW.' John 1 Ian, R. 1; Lucknow. You have a' ifinited:ulars toge aVIaeRae, phoiie 61wLlicknFOR SALIoW,: I ---,--•,-..E.:•""•'YOrk SOW,' off pure- suggest that NOW i .,-,-,------- ''' your particulars WANTED--100-aCre grass farm: bred SIO-ck ' carrying °•second lit. get btisy. I would a 1- ' ' .-- •••••••••/' .) ". ' '''''''''''''.: I ter due March 7. Arnold Alton, patronage. *. 'S J PY .. Business and Tax Service • • ' k , -P.O. Bea 14 LuCknow .......:•:...~..............:~.........••4 . . . ' INSURANCE Elmer Foran, R. R., 2, Lucknow, , 'phone *45-r.:23, fucknow. • HOUSE FOR SA -- Luck - now. APply, to Lorne .Farrish,ne •R -n ,7, .Lucknow, phoDunganno SALE Mali. seed oats, •••' 'Cleaned .and treated. WM. -.S. Eadie, ,Holyrood, , phone 24,1'14 • ' ' i"-atl;-LE-ob scorn by the tem- Businesd ind Tax Services ' ;Periodical •Andits . • For tif Merehant, Professional. . Man arid the Farmer..Farmer..Boic 74; LnehnOw, Ont. rry are Id pro lirig. in - 'to• get er. I would the time. to eCiate your R. 7, Lucknow phone 6T -r-1 Dun, •ganrion. • • PROPERTY FOR SALE= -7 -room tgarhe house, good tarn, , hydro, and water .throughout, 91/2. 'acres land, 13/4 leS minOrth Of Luck.;- noW, Robert .K. Reid,' phone 101-, r-41'• LUCknow. • S.:J hn de. Beer, R.11: 5,•• Lucknow, phOrie Winghara .402-W-2, .' FOR SALE --5, pigs, 8 weeks old., Frank Ritchie, phone 69-r-12, Dungannon. ,'SURGE DEALER , ° - . HOUSE FOR SALE-'inodern 8-- . Lovell H.' McGuire, Surge deal., room brick house on ;Havelock 1 er, Wingham, Invites enquiries - St Oil , -furnace, hardwood floors. about 'your cOw-milking. prob..' I Apply to Dr. T.' B. Clelso,i, Luck- lems. Phone',Wingliam, .593'col- ' now.. ' . lect. New and used milkers. -,..-,-----;--,---..L.---.--- -el— • •• ; CHAIN SAW AGENCY BARLEY CONTRACTS 1 (gent 'forLE.L., Mall. and Clin- • Barley contracts now available. ton •ehain ' saws. Call for:. free IMProved ,contract • 'from 1954, demonstration. Jack Barr,. Kin-sufSplY • of ',seed limited. Act. at lough, phone 19-29 Ripley. once. ContrEiaa '-aiiallable'-at- I ----17. • . ------"--,,••• -- Elliott'S Seed' ,House, LucknOw, phone .154-J.. • • ' ' ' ' ' CHROME..PISTON RINGS • I More and more car owners are . • . . ; 2__ .enjoying the wonderful service ' ' • •.BARGAIN' of these,chroineT ings. Let: me Do.yon•need a new well pump? If so it ' will . pay you • to see ,us: Insure With•The CULROSS MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO., • for Reasonable 'rites, so4nd pro- tection &prompt, satisfactory settlement of claiats. PARISH SIKAFFAT •Your..Loeal Agent'. . . RM. 3, Teeswater 'Ph�ncTeesUrater , • 44.4WP.rio;e00,04"044.#4.•47,0441.0..4"e4:". ,ARMSTRQNG 4.orro1-ETRI§T • • GODER.ICH FOR APPOINTMENT • • 'Phone 1100 • For Apipointment or Information ' See Wm. A.-Sclunid, 4'Phone 167-w, iliucknow WEDNESDAY, FEB, 23rd, .1955 0......04••••t"e ' Phone 35 ". ARD,, OF THANKS.. wish -to sineerely thank those wh�. rerneinbered me with 'Cards and parcels while:1 Wasin the " . • , hospital. • install a set.in your motor now. • Also -valve. .grinding,' ignition and • carb. Work. ' N. W-,1 WINTERSTEIN mEAT FOR SALE • , • Good beef for sale 4 -by the quarter. Beef killed under license from the Department of. Health. Wehave a. few CRIand which will •be Sold ,at• greatly reduced. prices: WM. MURDIE & SON. • • ' • • • • . Stanley. TENDERS • TOWNSHIP OF KINLOSS ' Tenders .will • be received by the - undersigned on or before March 7th, 1955, at .3.00 o'clock in the afternoon; forthe•folloW- ing 'jobs, .coMnientirig April 1st 'or thereabouts,: and continuing- twO 'roundS :have , been *made Over the ToWnshiP. (1), for Warble •Fly Inspector . (2) .for Spray ,Man: .- .1 (3) -for man to supply :tractor, '• convey. machine and assist. spray7. ApPLICAT1ONS WANTED' Sealed,' marked applications for the position of Warble 'Fly In- sPector for West WawanOsh Twp. Front 'quarters. 24e, hindiquarters will•be,•received by • the under - 32e.' ' •• ' sighed up to and including March • •Itaynard Ackert,' Holyrood 'Phone 24-30 Ripley. KEST HOME ACCOMODATION Accornodation, a v a Liable .at Carrutheres., Convalescent Horne': liome-cooked..,ineals, modern con- veniences, warm. Registered nurs- ing available if .requiredin. case 'Of afar:I-less:Apply. to Elliott Car-. 'ruthers, R.. 3, Holyrood,•• phone .27-16 Ripley., • • ARTIFICIAL 'INSEMINATION Wateiloo Cattle. Breeding, Association; • Where Better 'Bulls Are Used serVice • for all breeds oft attle,,-For ser:: . . vice Or Mformation phone •Clin- ton 242 collect, betwee,n '7:30 and 1000 aah: on week days and 7.30 ancli9:30 aam on...Sundays., ••• 'FARMERS •We are now•operating.our.seed cleaning machinery for removirig huckhorn: and ribgrais, from • clOver seed. If You are in heed '. Of thiS. :service kindly bring in your seed.' as early as possible. . We carry a complete stock of Clovers and grasses for all your spring seeding requirements, and • you• will ,saVe ariany buying your • seed from .3 Roy •Crarnm & Son (Seed Merchants), February 26th, and would be Pinkerton, ,phone Cargill 68-w-3 very pleased to have friends 'tall land visit with them either after- -Irispector' to ...be ._responsible for managing the .campaign,'keep record of all ',trine, and report •Catincil at Council meetings. Tenders' t� be at a rate per hour orin. liupP slim. • j. R. Lane, • Clerk, R. 2, Holyrood;. ,Ont. 5,1955: Applicants to state salary exPected..The inspector apPoint- ed must provide his Own .trans- portation. ' Foran,, Township Clerk. , .TENDR5 TENDERS WANTED,. Tenderi' for theWarble Fly spra.ying. of cattle 'in West Wawa- riosh 'Township will be _received by the undersigned "up to and including March 5,71955. Tenders to state price per head for each spray. "Tendeters to supply all necessary equipment and "help, Municipality __, Will supply the Warble Fly. powder. Cattle over. • three years 'old are exempt :from praying. by •a Township,:by-law. . J. F. Foran, Township Clerk. TENDERS SEALED •TENDERS will •be 're- ceived by the 'undersigned Until Saturday, March' 5th; ,1955. ' 0) fig the • spraying Of ,cattle in the Township .of Ashfield for Warble Fly. Control. Sprayer op- erator .01::e'arry: liability insurance and collect his fee from Cattle . . . owners, • •,, . ..• , • • • (2) forthe'-' position .of -Warble FIY Ihspector in the Township of Ashfield. . ' '. Lowesitt or any tenderpot, nec- essarily aceerited, Signed, Donald *U. Simpson, Clerk Township Of Ashfield tailKin- , • Ontario:. ' • • • FIRE, WIND, CASUALTY-- .AIJTONOBILE AND LiFg • TO P'roteet'YOur Insure' With.. Jack Today. DON J. 3.-,-Lucknow, .Ont: 01-5, 'Dungannsn ..o.e.;.4.'-i!•-004,P#44400•01 R. E ING [ON, P*C• Barrister, Etc. Wingliam and Lueknow • IN LUCKNOW Each Monday . . and VVedneoday Located, in. the "Municipal Office • 'Phone ngham' Office' 48ReSideAlee 97 •••''''''f;'''"4"9"r..".44'"••••!0 ennetli, j.:MacIcenzie, Optometrist :Osirolvet4, ONT. at the former Wrona JeWelerk, - :store, Ripley,. 19 a.m. to 9. p.m., WEDNESDAY,' MARCH 2.nd and every Second Wednesday. . Eyes esanUited r Glasses fitted For appointment 'phone Roy MacKenzie, 96-r-24, Ripley. • • • • R. W. ANDREW: Bariister and Solicitor •LISTOVVEL; ONTARIO , .', • " • • 'NOTICE-- • The regular meeting of the _Ladies, Auxilary'..to_ the_ Canad-, ian Legion Will be held Ori Tues- day, MarCh 1st, at 4.00' pan.' Merit- '6ers. are' recioested .to .he ill, 'at- tendance. • .•• • NOTICE Notice To. Cieditii.ts •ALL PERSONS who have claims against the Estate of JOHN *T. CofARKTER.010.4:, siatiefthe n o,th:e.c.:T0uon'Oitnshy �f 'Bruce, Brucei retired,, farmer, who died .on.the.27th day Of January, 1955, are hereby notified . to send to the, underSigned on. or before, the lst day of March,..1955; full 'par- ticulars ortheir claims in. writ- ing., IMMediatery aftef ...the said '1st of • March, 1:955, the -assets Of the_. estate *ill ..be distributed, arriong.the Parties entitled.there- to having ,regard 'only to • claims' of.,Which the Executor shall then -'have notice., • Dated at •:Wirigham, 'Ontario, this 5th day of February, 1954. ' •Crawford 8411etherington,, _Barristers 18.z ,c., . ONTARIO! • • Solicitor's for the. Executor. IN i„rucKNow . •ETerY •.: ednesday. and• Sitnruiy, • Afternoon . Offit'e the Joynt Block •• •' . • . ;. ,Office 135.. , Residence 31-4 ''''‘c.c.C•in'Ci•oli,;,1-4,4004;4;o4•P•o•444‘;444-4rsoo.s.• Mr. and Mrs. George Jardine lare-observing..: their _„30th ,wed- ding anniversary On Saturday, :TENDERS • Wood Tdnders.VVanted • Tenders the undersigned until Saturda.Y,. • March 5th, 1955, for' 30, cprds _green _beeeh or elm wood„ 16 • inches tong, not than six inches, nor more than 12 inehes in diameter, to be delivered and piled at the Town Mall,. Luck- •• • now's, by July 1st, 1955.. • Lowest or any tender, not het- . essarily accepted. . noon or evening of that .day, . • IN 'MEMORIAM AGNEWS': AGENCY '.Howard Agi—TOW-=-70&-Titgnew:•• avnpArBER: OF • Ontario Iniurance Agent! Association GENERAIO'NSIIRANC-E--. 'EstOlished Oyer 30. Years • . Telephone* -BuSiness 39 Residence 138; P. STUART, MacKENZIE Barrister and Solicitor - VVALICERTON, ONTARIO IN LUCKNOW IIENDBRSON BLO'CK OFFICEIN • Each Wednesday' ,e..-044,44.c.ca,or•-C.C:••••••*. ;!,4;•-c•c•Co!ke WH/TBY-in loving memory ' of Joseph Whitby,' who passed away tWo • years ago, Febrtfark 25th, •A silent thought, g secret. tear, Keepi his rriethork' ever dear, . Tithe takes, away the edge 'of„ grief, But .mor).turns ;back every , • . E. II. AgneiW•Cldrk VillagA of 1 -.Ever reMernbered by. Wife .Luckr4r,-. ' and Family, '' • .cp:App...AuTp. tNsuRANce • NSTONE,'S RAL 419,4M .76 Day Or Night , Ainbillance Service! :USE olF. •FUNERAL HOME . o 'At NExtra, Cost , • , . Moderate Prices McLENNAN . an AVlicKENZIE FUNERAL SERVICE Services conducted accord- - aceOrd- . ing .to your Wishes at your •• Home, your Church; .- or at our. Memorial :Chapel atno. additional AMBULANPE SERVICE Phone -181, Lucknow; Da#:or Night GrALANWI . . Optometrist , Office on Patrick. . off the Main St. in • WINGHAN • Professional, Eye Examination !, t• Optical Services • - Evenings by appointment. • 'phone: Othicen -710; -Res; .2912 STATE FARM:MUTUAL: AUTOliA01), 1 LE INSURANCE •. • 41#4,0•iiatt..., 8004 linvestiiig..: REUBEN S.OS 3,..Gode,rieh ••Phone ' 86-r4.‘ Dungannon • • .. • , INSURANCE' • • • CO-1:.)perative .1,ife Insurance Co=OperatiVe Automobile . Insurance • •" • Mercantile ••& Faint Fire, , • InSUranee toonornica.1, and, Reliabie.. • RON 'Olone /07r-10 Dungannon dia•••••••••4,•••••00~~.., •44.1#40,it4e4r-rokio H.0.1,0,4~‘,41‘40,40.e Can Now Accept TOWN RESIDENTS .&:COMERCIAL, TiOmjcs as well ,as the, farm business For iilforrnation consult T. A. CAMERON, LUCKNOW; Phosie Dungannon '70-r-10. , JON MOMURCHIE•.RIPLEY, Phone 20-r-13 •' € • ItAylioloNsoN: .0ors SANDED AN.D •, FINISHED. Phone Carlow 216 R.R. 10 Pori 'Albert RONALD Cji WICCANN, Atcountiftnt. ' cpiiiT,TNT;'oTARio ?hOnest 461, 455 • Office ROyal Bank 'Blinding... •ReSideneef-Ratteribiltrif'Jt.-..-.- • 444P.,00104 : g—BENTLEY Pugic ,Accountant Brittania Rd. - (corner South 'St.) • dODERICII, ONT. 17M.O.Plione 1011 N