HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-02-23, Page 3WEDNESDAY, t7,13 ip55 THE LUCji,NOW: SENTINEL* LUCKNOW, 'ONTARIO NNW' t.4•41411,4,411.041111.11.41144411111111. • --ItUcKil I UNITED COURCHI: • Minister:, ' ittev,, a, A. MeiklejohN ,B.A.; B.D. • i: SUNDAY; FEBRUARY '27th ilL(to n.m.:' Building in Chris NCIL -MINUTES 12.15 P.m.: Chord), School.. i / 'T 1 .7,00 p.m.; A* Bible 'Character.- '0.91mci1. met in the Hall, Feb- ruary 14th:01,1955, as, per. adj4Urn- ment, 'All ;members• ,present. but Councillor Murray,- . • Percy-dVIOffat that the 'minutes of •the last regular meeting of .JanuarY 10th as, read be approv- ed' and signed. McKinnonqVIofaft. that having received' the, Goyt, grant on the Elliott brairi;• it be rebated to the ratepayers entitled .thereto. Percy -McKinnon • that we re- . Und'the 1954 taxes on: the Lang - side Centre HalL -:-Moffat-Percy- -t,hat.-we -contact „he Stratford Division .of the .Dept. of Highways re Old bridges' for, ,sale. . • :• ' „ • . . • - Percy -Moffat -that on onsid- ,eration Of .the gravel tender's re-': aceePt the tender of. H: -Bannerman at 58e per yet,. McKinnon -Percy that we make aPplicatian • for' the stattitorY grant on 'the. road .,•expendittire 'of $40,868.19 for the. Year 1954.* •Percy -Moffat, that We . for :tenders for: (1). warble fly in- spector;. .:(2):. tractor .M.ari,; (3) ' Spray rnan - at a rate per hOur be in 'Clerk's hands:on_pr be- 'L'�re' March .7t,h;'• -• - ,Moffat -Percy • that there being no, appeal' to the Court of, Re,. vision 9n•. the' -kraernerMurray Drain, .we •10se, the Court of:Re- vision and ,gii,e..the ..by -low, first and- second..;: readings. and the. •Clerk forward to 'the '.0ntario, :Municipal ..Board .fpy .:t.fitir an- ProVal. • Perey,;Moff.at, that we.. AO.' ,nOW adjOurn ..to -meet "again on Mon day, March 7fh„ 1955. • •• Cheques . issued: Treas Wing-• hairtn. Hospital; part paYnient•Kin,.• loss , share, : li7.1009.09; HOward Har.ris, 3 .fox, bounty,. 3.00;:. •cipal'-WOrld',--:, 10,- ,:sUbScriptions,2. • 39.00; 11:', B.Qu'ane, refund, on .1954'taxeS,' 42.18; Cecil Congrarn, • share GOVt...grant. Elliott drain,. .2,57;•„R; Elliott,.s,hare Gosit:.grant• Elliott drain,°•42804;. Earl-HarriS; John Finnigan Finnigan, second, high go - share Govt grant E11iott .4i..alp; I ing: to. Ws,. Bessie Stewart • and 6f.04;.-rownshio.laf hioSS,. Share David McAllister:: .ucknow: Presbyterian Church Rev. Wallace McClean, Minister SUNDAY, FEBB11:JAHi 27th I 11.00 a.m.: Maiming lynrship. Sunday Sclnool Following Service. , • p.m..: Erskine,Z D-Wig.and 7.00 p.m.: Evening Worship. • Our skilled inechaniCs have'handy • references -•-• John. Deere Service, liferivals---fOr those iirifainiliar service problems..These aids are packed with •selvicing reconimeridetions of. engi-:. • .mee'rs who •design and build John • • Deere F.ciuip*ent. These' manuals, Which no • other shop in:this community can have, .•help us to offer the bid service •for your john Deere Egnipnient. call us , . for a free estimate, • • I I9NLOUGH W. BRECKLES' , phone18-r-2.00 Ripley Mr W.m, Potter was taken,111 with diabetes the first of the Week and is in Wingharn Hospi- tal for treatment. Miss Ann Ramsay of London WM • a week -end. .guest of the M•iises MeQuaig. •'' " • .' Dan Rose of Toronto spent the week -end at .the home of Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Agnew. • • Mr, Wm,' I. Douglas suffered a heart spell on Monday evenin He was better on. Tuesday but will be confined to 'bed for a fevv : • , MeNall, 'Who is not enjOying:the "pest of health, Was admitted to Baker's Private HOS- pital this week . - A.,•MacDonald: 'returned re- cently to Mane • at Lochalsh after Undergoing an operation, in St, Joseph's •Hospital, London. IVIiss. Flora Andrew returned to her. home Onighurida.Y 'After being ho'spitaniedin London for a lengthy period with jaundice. She is 'still a bed patient at her home but is'muCh SIXTH- .AND. NINTH .-Miss'• Anna •Stuart of Toronto. • visited with and Mrs. Geo. Stuart over the week -end: ' The cominunity .pleased • to know Mr 'S: Cyril .Boyle is able to be home. • ---- Mrs. Gordon iMeTavish .spent a, -few Clays this Week :with .rela- tives in London, • Mr : -Robert • •Haines of Jordan 1:tiiter, Sask. and' Mr.‘ Vellingtan Haines of Wood -BaY, Man. are visitors with Mr.!,• and -Mrs.Wrn Purdon The Sixth Line • Euchre thernbers Visitors Spe'nt yery enjoyable ',evening at • the. horne- Of .Mrs : Redmond and Gus for.• the-faSt party of 'the Season. with'seventables playing. High p'rizes wer,e Won by Mr, and ,IVIrg.• PA6g THEE 'Ladies' and Men's Wear. Fashion Milhinery !PHONE 85, LUcliNOW nen , We carry ',a new a.ndimoderate price' range, top quality,. o ,slieets, pillow cages, bedspreads, blankets, 'towels, 'Innen luncheon and table cloths • SP.ECIALS BEDSPREAD'S, Chenille t.05 $1.00. PILLOW. CASES, pair IIATI-I4TQWELS; ea-Chr... HAND 'TOWELS, each ,,39 . • .1. 1r • BABY BpANBETS,, .PLA*TEX 'PANTIES; 'FACE CLOTHS • , . Girt. Wrapped Free , of Charge, • r ••,4•74 Govt. grant' Elliott Orairk, 154,41; — relief, 109.00;' -J. R.' Lane, ?tin. stamp s $5.40, r'eg.. 13, M. and p; 1954, .$1.7574.15; Raynard...Ack- ert, wood, :at hall 15.00; Frank Thotripson,.. postage, 5,004 . JamesG. .MOC,:at,' refund taxes •Larigside Hall, 34.72; James lyleEwan; live stOck inspeetor, ,900;"Mrs. caretaking, 18.00; , James. A. ..Mr;•Gus.Kinahan of London is visiting' with Mr and mr.s,, Bill •Kinahan. .• . • 'The:Farm ForUin'.meeting ,was .held at the hothe, of Mr and. Mrs. :Albert Taylor on Monday night' good attendance: The topic for discu'ssion was,.1, "City: Worker or, Farther, Which is bet- ter off?" ,The questions• asked in HoWes, 'engineer"s„ fee . Kraemer the Farm ,.POrum, guide' which 10:00 on.taxib:cfrood.Roads broughtjforth an 'interesting' • cussion and a variety Of answerS,, • were: .1; (a) What factors do you thitrik sholuld. be considered in decidng ,Which is. better. •.off, .fa.rnier: or. :urban,' worliorl) ..(3) Takingthese: factorS. into considr eirifiZ7Vvinieli,of the two groups •clO'you feel * better' off? 2. How do you thing fanners and Urban, workers Might get to Understand. •each other's view points iu'd KO- bleifils better? •The •sOcial.,part:of the 'evening ,vas 'spent at play- ing 610i -re. .High prizes went ,to Mrs. John Finnigan and Bill Kin- •ahan and ),Ovi to Lynn F,innigan and Frank iMcQuillin., Ass'n.,,•mernbership fee, 10.00o.• • Highway cheques: Pay. Roll,No .$448:40;.'g,•FI Agriew insur- •anFe; premium. on, ,grader, 160,00:: Bruce County . C. Becker CO.; repairs, 5.00,;' Dorn - inion' Road Mach: " Co, repairs • G 9.01; C. ..E. McTavish, fuel sand ARAG'E . grease,:.• ..Letiane 'B,ecking, snowplowing, 519:25; Dept of •Highways, .fuel ta'xi 60.96; R..For,- Ster; welding, 83.00r$0.th ,4arripS, 2.00-;•ThoS. Mansfield, repairs, 15.90; Harold*McQUillizi, gravel; lo.po;,.T.Q.vvnshitt of • lcin';- loss, assesati'kot Henderson drain, THE HOME Of QUALITY SERVICE aqd Geiluine JOHN DEERE PARS .J: R. LANE, Clerk. c‘„'„,... • . . Have, you renewed your Sen- tinel gubscription?' ' • • i . 4 0 • , . • , ''.., V1411.114.0110.1,41111i0.11.1.011,6011,04..1.04,1.4 .4M. " 4...."..11".1.".."11"1"4"."4.1"."..P. • .. . . . •-,.jS. JUST AROUND.'.TFiE Floor Paints I Interior 'Ffousepaints Exterior' licnisePaints • Eniin;e1S Undercoaters 411 colors. GAILI.40N .95 OBITUARY , 4.. A lifelong and esteemed reSi- ,dent, of the. 'district, William J. ;Dawson passed away at ' his borne Whitechurch :after a lengthy iflnesS, He was 73 yeas Of age. • • .'• He Was bon...-the,•__Secorid. Concession; Kinloss, and in 1906 *married • Myrtle M. Purdon Of. Whitechurch, who survives along with orie daughter,. Jean, Mrs. WfsSley • Tiffin' of •COn., '4,'. Kin - Mr. DaWson attended school at S.S., No. 1OE Kinloss and farmed • in, the 'vicinity allhis life until retiring in 1948„ 'waS a mem- ber .of Whitechurch Presbyterian ,Church,. • The fkineral setviCe was' held at Curries. Funeral Home, Wing- hath,on-Tliursday,, conducted by' Rev, Norman 'Caswell of White- church. Interment ,was in. Wing- I ham Cemetery • with tlie, bearers being Aldin Purdon. mer Purdon, Athol Purdon,,Dav Henderson, Itobeft Stewart, and Dawson 'Craig. F1'Ower, bearers were Harris PUrdon, Robt. Hall, Cecil Falconer, Totra.l. PurclOn,• , 'Herbert Laidlw and Robt. derson, We have, a full stock of best quality RD -COAL — STOVE and NUT, , and HARD COAL BRIQUETTES. -..4/1,4,W. SEE'REMONSTRATION .OF . thern; •Tickets were -sold on ohe SERVING .TRA'f PAINTING: , of 'thes:e• trays, and , Mrs. Allan , . ., The Februa]Y Meeting of •the1 TMacDonaldsrctiva.se,"tdili elucky :gliavdeyt;.. Pu rran w d at Kairh4 .'1,nst.itute.' 91'.'•• }:lel • ' ' -bY',..1%—rs. D. 'L. MacKinno• Mrs. ;the: home, Of ars. Harvey . Hous -.T. A...: MacnOnald drew "attention, ion::Busiriess,Was•.dealt with ad to, the good reading on the mus - it was decided ..to 'donate. $5. 01 eum in -1-iome 0 i..ok,nti-y",... wits. , . , toward the Mental Health; It WWI McTavish. faVOred.-with :•a , Solo also decided to table%the requestiaccompanied' by Mrs. .1-iou.,4tOn or .help toward a robin in the and, a.,:piano duet was Played by I .new wink of winghnm Hogpithl Mrs Houston and her 4pli J.. X. until further information . was I Current- . events we're. given . by • reeeived. • Help was also asked sl Mrs. -.Allan McDonald and Mrs for. their rurn.ma.P.,:e sale of any.' Harry Lafis-:' gave : a ' vete ot. • one who had 'good ,second • hail... thanks to the • hostess and all articles: The date for., their an -will° • took part' The Qiieen'. ntial :Calico .Ball 1,4i6s set for Mar bre.gghi. ths 'interesting meeting , I 25th; -Mrs. 'Torn MacKenzie took to. ••,ny Close- when .a clanty..lunch • charge of the prOgrain.. She. 'in.- '.wai served., The jUdges,.• for the troduced Mrs. Shelton, the gues •oatmeal cookie contest were Mrs: 1 dernOnstrator, . who . dealt with MeTaviiii,' Mrg. Wm. Eadie „ and the making of Wooden trays- and Mrs. Shelton, ,the highest points! articles and the Painting ot gong to Mrs Harry Lavis, , .85,,...00...!........,.,...................,.................,.....,..,,........4... • . 'rills is the same kind ,of paint that we had. on sale hist year,. . and Which .went Over so big, and rroved so. popular. • at-X][1n ster , • 1.h hhing, Heating, 'Electrit Wiring Phone 50, LuCknoW' • • • • • • •1 1 • . SEP9Y. 50 a 9.00 .TORE DRY GOODS • LADIES a.44.01C4ILDRENS WEAR CHINA 'KITCHEN UTENSILS•GREETiNG CARDS d"kos-e. TOILETRIES a.4.44CTOYS 108W LUCKNOW, ONT. 108W • • -Y • 1 4.