HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-02-23, Page 2.4141
• r.n,
Bl . t ,,qr,
_ Witb. Furs ses...
.made atour store.
::including u
selection 0f l.:• -
we w
Will give you entir'ely. free any,one ,p1ece
of Wen. ROGERS �..
Du' Barry Silverplatee you' wish
High _honorsnt to Mrs. . Al-
lan Miller • for• .the ° ladies• and
Bob Lyons for the men at the
Progressive euchre party held in
the Community Hall. on Friday
evening sponsored' by ,the Wo-
men's Institute. Lois Miller and
Donald Murray won consolation
prizes. Shirley McNeill was the
winner of the lucky chair prize;
.In the, dance that followed- to'
music' by Mr. and' Mrs: Chester
-Taylor _With-. Donald .Murray as
caller -off, . the, spot dance prize
went to Misses:'Joyce Little.' and.
Anna Robb sand ,,the elimination
On Thursday, February. 17th,
the Lucknow•' Ministerial Ass'n.
held a Religious Forum. -in the
Ltickno. w United : Church'
' While
_the -attendance was small due to
various. causes the interest and
enthusiastii was good The 'meet,'
iiig .divided.. iintb ',groups to dis
' WEDIsIESDA'Y, Tom, 23rd, 1955
',cuss the- -question, •Does the
Prize -tt� llffr,:: and-,Ni`r�..c
�oss. E� ;.
rington,... 4 ,' Christian .Church need; 'a
• r rev]v=
Murray Gaunt t - vas •Lornefrom..air. • .
• u s',re-
• the 0:A,C , • r for the week poi is of the gro p .
Gue1..h The re
ass .Ann'Stuart.�.following: The •Per,.
end• , • .. vealed • the
j• rt ' Mx. & centage of people who 'regularly
M art 'of Toronto
spent. the , wee Oen withattend ;public worship and other
tuart and Mr. .10'4. !church activities is not high
Mrs. - George .enough to fulfil .the demands of
:'Stuart. ..• .
Mr; and Mts. Gordon Miller & the G'.ospel v of Christ. Only 25'
•Larry of •Londe n. •were week: end' percent • of the possible attend-
guests of. Mr and Mrs. Chester1
ers are:. regular. The present of
' • 1 feet 'of. the ,Christian• 'Church' on.
Free Deliver Phone 82, Lucknow .
The 'World Day .of 'prayer will individual lives : is not sufficient;
be observed at the 'home of Mrs.•
Robinson Woods on . Friday •. af-
ternoon' at .2.30. An .invitation is;
extended to all .the .ladies- of 'the.
community. •
Misss;'Mary • Nic'ho11s•xt is'sion=
ary' from India, who,•was unable,
to : 'be here '':last Sunday, will, be
guest speaker at the services
-next Sunday :• xeport•t
. •
We a>1e '.sorry to •. under
Mr. W. J. Hunr►phrey is : near '
the doctor's.. care.. His.. y.
friends :hope. : for, a speedy re-
• covery
Mrs Will McCrest a returned.
home • from Wingham ' K•� ,p ital'
on Friday.; • -
The .March meeting of the Wo-
men's Institute °will be held'at•; Bible. study and the family pew.
the Home of Mrs,Lorne Woods:i'More:' evidence of Christian act,
on Thursday, March 3rd, at '2.30,1 ivity would attract outsiders to;
r Rolh -call; an' Irish joke:�. motto, the church.
to give Democracy; its s ren
in ' individual character. T h e'
Christian concept' of the Sabbath,
recreation, ‘education, commerce
and .voluntary abstinence' are not
acceptable ..'to the general, 'pub
lic.aThe church is , riot produeing
enough consecrated Christians'
who 'are befievers in Jesus Christ
as Saviour and Lord: Private " and
home; devotional • life' have :been
neglected. There. is. a need: for
conversion • and.,'(/. decision for
Christ...in 'the Chfirc'h:,.religious
'education'. program'' • .Theadmitt-
ance .to' "Church• �mem�bership and.
development, of the Christian life
and_ service has been too.. •
There ._should be a revival of
It's not what you start, it's' what
you f liish, • by Mrs. Geo.., Stuart.
Mrs: Durnin.'Phillips the district
president,; will be the guest;
speaker.. • Program and lunch
committee, • Miss W. D. Ruther
:r , ford and "Mrs. `' W A. Humphrey,
St. • Helen's :YP.0 ,
The meeting •of the St. •H'elen's,
YP.U. Was. held on .Sunday.'.:The
worship ;service /ivas under the
,: leadership: of ` the :Stew•ards'hip &
Training -convener, :Doris :Miller:.
'. I Anne Todd opened -'the worship
Qllivet W,1VY.S.'
The February 'meeting ' Of the ' ` ands of the ladies 'by the ens= •
b reading •a` poem en -
service y
l:panel discussion on prayer, M,any titled "Prayer .is the.. Soul's'Sin-.
thoughts . were • brought to the sere Desire".'.This was .followed
,by :' a hymn. The . scripture'' was
given tlby Shirley :McNeil. Doris
Miller "gave •a prayer• and then:
she read: "A :'Message' on . Prayer".
'A sing song':followed led by
Anne 'Todd with. Mr, • Spariing at'
the piano ' Mr. Sparling •. led 'in
the. Bible study. A' d'iscusson, took
1,M,S.wias held at', the'home 'vmver do questions discussed : in
Mrs, `Alex. McTavish with Miss • Mrs. Oliver ssed . r--
of; lt¢r koulston's group in
_• h _:� les had•.Charge of ' the paper on
each group,
. Mrs:. Herb Clayttin . was leader
Citizenship:Plans were. made. for
1Or 'the 'devotional' part of the .
the. World. Day . of "'Prayer ser-
.prOgram with Mrs.. ,Sandy Mb- • vice.: Mrs: !Amer OShorne mOyed
•.,,Charles reading the ScriPture and
.IVIrs: C1134on leading iri -prayer a vote of, thanks to those 'taking.
•• ,After, Miss Beth McTavish had
'sang -a solo -Mis.,s laorraine Rosser
It was. -a*, decided conclusion
of'. the meeting that the 'church
certainly needs A revival •A start.
in' this :'direction °' would. be . for
each . church 'member to pray,'
Lord, revive thy'church by be
ginning .'with mss
CARRUTHERS --- in ,Kincardine
Hospital on Tuesday,. February
15; ' 1955 to Mr. and ;Mrs. Elliott:
Carruthers; R. 3, Holyrood,• twin
sons: :
N1acKENZIE •In Kincardine
Hospital,''on Tuesday; February:
15; 1955, to Mr, and Mrs. N: John
.1...MacKenzie, .• R 3, •Lucknow,
daughter;•• • . ..
CAESAR at Alexandra Hospi-
tal; 'Goderich, on .February •12th,
.7.955; :to' Mr.: and Mrs. •Paul' Cae-•
sar,- R 1',; Dungannon, a son.•
,GILLESP'IE-flack and Olive Gil-.
part and following the singing, lace on PhaPPians. The • the. birth
AnnO in
meeting closed .vvith taps arid '
•Have you reneVired your .Sen-Ithe ;benediction which .was given
denly be'Cornes an extra special Sunday!.
Whether the call comes from miles away or just
hea0 it ,OYer. the telephone.
Old and young alike turn tothe phone'when •
they're in a hurry. A. round -up Of the gang,
a family reunion, a, holiday dinner, a big date —
' And even the blow pf, bad news can usually ,
e-softCnecl-b-y-a-sympathetiosoicet to
seeing the peoPle you care about hearing
e• happy ° to 'announce
Of a"daughter, Lorraine
the St. Joseph l-tospir
.Sister for Donna and •Bair'y. •
•Wirigham Hospital
en Thursday; February , Nth; to.
oa p 44asEa in
In the 'trained skiI1 'and, Cour-
age of Canada's ; soldiers ties
a; wealth of insurance,
"F.reedom"'insurance ., .. for -
against aggr-ess!on.
'The opportunitles for young
men with the night :tempera-�
• Jaen! and intelligence t'o make
g,,career•.in: the Army are ekcel-
lent. Asa modern, progressive
orgonizatien, the Army is
'equipped, to. offer • top' rote
nd training to.
career soldiers. There • is a
place in the Canadian Arm, y
for young men who can rriet
the challenge... . •
The Army has. a continuing •
nc.'ed for good men' .:' . men-
like you, who, Want to make a.
ocareer of protecting Canada's
freedom,' and •your. own, /n.
'°the Army.
Serve Canada and
R Yourself :in tthe•Arm, y
to be 'eligible you must be '17 to. 40
years'bfaflte, skilled tradesmen to
45. When •' app.lyin9 bring birth
• certificate or .other. proof of.age.•
• Apply right ,oway foh. full in
formojfort write. or ,visit fbs AS R.c,uiting Centra nearest Xour home. •
Ile 13 Plnonnet DSPOt,
Watts Noutar Ridnau i Charlelfe;Sls
ONawa, Ont. _ T4lophoirn 9+4107.
Canadian Army Rouuiting Stition,164 WsINngtos, St..
IUngston; Oe6 = Telephone 1736
Canadian Almy Recruiting tenth 90 Richmond St: W..:
torento.Oral, 'titephone'Em.6.8341:—Local 276%'
No. 7 Personnel Depot. Wotieaerlarraths,' '
O,dord8 Eltubeth Sts., London, Ont
c Telsphone 41601.--toull3S
Army Recruiting Centre 230 Main St W„
..North Bay. Ont.',—Telephone:4S6
(.anadian'Army Recruiting Station
184'ging St,.East• tIamllton,OOE-Telephone 2,,8708
Wingharn ,Hospital
7riclay,. She and
project for the Itairshea-...gir.I*,
"The Milky Way".
all 6f Tox,onto• spent 'the week -
Lloyd: MacDougall, :
,Sey,erdi rnore triissedi
Mr. ''.Mack MacDonald,. enioyed r'
day night,
• N).
sh 4.A
ful memories and, gouricl prin.
WoUld you liN'e richly,
keenlY and fully? Rest assured
"that drinking wen't h6lp. Good
heal,* is one- requisite tO good .
•and 'not Only is alcoholism
the world'is'- fourth most ser-
ious 'disease, 'but in sbine degree
al.cohol tne,natices the health 6i
I all 'who u'Se it Drink is a prin..
cipa cause arid ths•-°
ever ea
ter, or other tragedies..know at
first'. hand boW egsential
'Red Crass serviCes. are to dor tui-
•Mve Obt,lea'rned from $0111
$5,494,100 is neede t is yea
aster in the fieme 66 -
street. This N.' established' 1•*,
there ate . More.- thrill§ tri
.sioilulLd.if‘adreivitl.y life than in all tr.)
drinking one earl , do in a 1