HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-02-23, Page 2.4141 R'te 0 • • r.n, r Et •Al Sfi t�r ,• PAGE TWQ Bl . t ,,qr, 'Ni'rlll TIEK►I�I L.IICKNUW,. UNTARIO • NEW. 9 EA • EAQNOMY'_ ENTIRELY _ Witb. Furs ses... .made atour store. ::including u selection 0f l.:• - CANADA PACKERS PRODUCTS we w Will give you entir'ely. free any,one ,p1ece of Wen. ROGERS �.. Du' Barry Silverplatee you' wish ��l :• •hCABLE AT 'OUR STORE • ' INFORMATION AVAILABLE ST . HELENS' High _honorsnt to Mrs. . Al- lan Miller • for• .the ° ladies• and Bob Lyons for the men at the Progressive euchre party held in the Community Hall. on Friday evening sponsored' by ,the Wo- men's Institute. Lois Miller and Donald Murray won consolation prizes. Shirley McNeill was the winner of the lucky chair prize; .In the, dance that followed- to' music' by Mr. and' Mrs: Chester -Taylor _With-. Donald .Murray as t'l caller -off, . the, spot dance prize went to Misses:'Joyce Little.' and. Anna Robb sand ,,the elimination • oltror,•' .CHURCH CHANNELS On Thursday, February. 17th, the Lucknow•' Ministerial Ass'n. held a Religious Forum. -in the Ltickno. w United : Church' ' While _the -attendance was small due to various. causes the interest and enthusiastii was good The 'meet,' iiig .divided.. iintb ',groups to dis a• ' WEDIsIESDA'Y, Tom, 23rd, 1955 ',cuss the- -question, •Does the Prize -tt� llffr,:: and-,Ni`r�..c �oss. E� ;. rington,... 4 ,' Christian .Church need; 'a • r rev]v= Murray Gaunt t - vas •Lornefrom..air. • . • u s',re- • the 0:A,C , • r for the week poi is of the gro p . Gue1..h The re ass .Ann'Stuart.�.following: The •Per,. end• , • .. vealed • the j• rt ' Mx. & centage of people who 'regularly M art 'of Toronto spent. the , wee Oen withattend ;public worship and other tuart and Mr. .10'4. !church activities is not high Mrs. - George .enough to fulfil .the demands of :'Stuart. ..• . Mr; and Mts. Gordon Miller & the G'.ospel v of Christ. Only 25' •Larry of •Londe n. •were week: end' percent • of the possible attend- guests of. Mr and Mrs. Chester1 ers are:. regular. The present of Taylor. ' • 1 feet 'of. the ,Christian• 'Church' on. n. PEANUT .w9, BUTTER,t'' Free Deliver Phone 82, Lucknow . AGENT FOR i4 OANOVER CLEARERS: The 'World Day .of 'prayer will individual lives : is not sufficient; t,, be observed at the 'home of Mrs.• Robinson Woods on . Friday •. af- ternoon' at .2.30. An .invitation is; extended to all .the .ladies- of 'the. community. • Misss;'Mary • Nic'ho11s•xt is'sion= ary' from India, who,•was unable, to : 'be here '':last Sunday, will, be guest speaker at the services -next Sunday :• xeport•t . • that We a>1e '.sorry to •. under Mr. W. J. Hunr►phrey is : near ' the doctor's.. care.. His.. y. friends :hope. : for, a speedy re- • covery Mrs Will McCrest a returned. os home • from Wingham ' K•� ,p ital' on Friday.; • - The .March meeting of the Wo- men's Institute °will be held'at•; Bible. study and the family pew. the Home of Mrs,Lorne Woods:i'More:' evidence of Christian act, on Thursday, March 3rd, at '2.30,1 ivity would attract outsiders to; r Rolh -call; an' Irish joke:�. motto, the church. to give Democracy; its s ren in ' individual character. T h e' Christian concept' of the Sabbath, recreation, ‘education, commerce and .voluntary abstinence' are not acceptable ..'to the general, 'pub lic.aThe church is , riot produeing enough consecrated Christians' who 'are befievers in Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord: Private " and home; devotional • life' have :been neglected. There. is. a need: for conversion • and.,'(/. decision for Christ...in 'the Chfirc'h:,.religious 'education'. program'' • .Theadmitt- • ance .to' "Church• �mem�bership and. development, of the Christian life and_ service has been too.. • There ._should be a revival of It's not what you start, it's' what you f liish, • by Mrs. Geo.., Stuart. Mrs: Durnin.'Phillips the district president,; will be the guest; 1. speaker.. • Program and lunch 1 committee, • Miss W. D. Ruther :r , ford and "Mrs. `' W A. Humphrey, St. • Helen's :YP.0 , The meeting •of the St. •H'elen's, YP.U. Was. held on .Sunday.'.:The . worship ;service /ivas under the ,: leadership: of ` the :Stew•ards'hip & Training -convener, :Doris :Miller:. '. I Anne Todd opened -'the worship Qllivet W,1VY.S.' The February 'meeting ' Of the ' ` ands of the ladies 'by the ens= • b reading •a` poem en - service y l:panel discussion on prayer, M,any titled "Prayer .is the.. Soul's'Sin-. thoughts . were • brought to the sere Desire".'.This was .followed ,by :' a hymn. The . scripture'' was given tlby Shirley :McNeil. Doris Miller "gave •a prayer• and then: she read: "A :'Message' on . Prayer". 'A sing song':followed led by Anne 'Todd with. Mr, • Spariing at' the piano ' Mr. Sparling •. led 'in the. Bible study. A' d'iscusson, took 1,M,S.wias held at', the'home 'vmver do questions discussed : in Mrs, `Alex. McTavish with Miss • Mrs. Oliver ssed . r-- of; lt¢r koulston's group in _• h _:� les had•.Charge of ' the paper on each group, . Mrs:. Herb Clayttin . was leader Citizenship:Plans were. made. for 1Or 'the 'devotional' part of the . the. World. Day . of "'Prayer ser- .prOgram with Mrs.. ,Sandy Mb- • vice.: Mrs: !Amer OShorne mOyed •.,,Charles reading the ScriPture and .IVIrs: C1134on leading iri -prayer a vote of, thanks to those 'taking. •• ,After, Miss Beth McTavish had 'sang -a solo -Mis.,s laorraine Rosser It was. -a*, decided conclusion of'. the meeting that the 'church certainly needs A revival •A start. in' this :'direction °' would. be . for each . church 'member to pray,' Lord, revive thy'church by be ginning .'with mss HORN CARRUTHERS --- in ,Kincardine Hospital on Tuesday,. February 15; ' 1955 to Mr. and ;Mrs. Elliott: Carruthers; R. 3, Holyrood,• twin sons: : N1acKENZIE •In Kincardine Hospital,''on Tuesday; February: 15; 1955, to Mr, and Mrs. N: John .1...MacKenzie, .• R 3, •Lucknow, daughter;•• • . .. CAESAR at Alexandra Hospi- tal; 'Goderich, on .February •12th, .7.955; :to' Mr.: and Mrs. •Paul' Cae-• sar,- R 1',; Dungannon, a son.• ,GILLESP'IE-flack and Olive Gil-. part and following the singing, lace on PhaPPians. The • the. birth AnnO in meeting closed .vvith taps arid ' • •Have you reneVired your .Sen-Ithe ;benediction which .was given • • denly be'Cornes an extra special Sunday!. • Whether the call comes from miles away or just hea0 it ,OYer. the telephone. Old and young alike turn tothe phone'when • they're in a hurry. A. round -up Of the gang, a family reunion, a, holiday dinner, a big date — ' And even the blow pf, bad news can usually , e-softCnecl-b-y-a-sympathetiosoicet to seeing the peoPle you care about hearing THE tigi,LJELAPHONE e• happy ° to 'announce Of a"daughter, Lorraine the St. Joseph l-tospir .Sister for Donna and •Bair'y. • •Wirigham Hospital en Thursday; February , Nth; to. pw1unity oa p 44asEa in "FREEDOM" INSURANSE In the 'trained skiI1 'and, Cour- age of Canada's ; soldiers ties a; wealth of insurance, "F.reedom"'insurance ., .. for - against aggr-ess!on. 'The opportunitles for young men with the night :tempera-� • Jaen! and intelligence t'o make g,,career•.in: the Army are ekcel- lent. Asa modern, progressive orgonizatien, the Army is 'equipped, to. offer • top' rote schdoling4a. nd training to. career soldiers. There • is a place in the Canadian Arm, y for young men who can rriet the challenge... . • The Army has. a continuing • nc.'ed for good men' .:' . men- like en like you, who, Want to make a. ocareer of protecting Canada's freedom,' and •your. own, /n. '°the Army. Serve Canada and R Yourself :in tthe•Arm, y to be 'eligible you must be '17 to. 40 years'bfaflte, skilled tradesmen to 45. When •' app.lyin9 bring birth • certificate or .other. proof of.age.• ' • Apply right ,oway foh. full in • formojfort write. or ,visit fbs AS R.c,uiting Centra nearest Xour home. • Ile 13 Plnonnet DSPOt, Watts Noutar Ridnau i Charlelfe;Sls ONawa, Ont. _ T4lophoirn 9+4107. Canadian Army Rouuiting Stition,164 WsINngtos, St.. IUngston; Oe6 = Telephone 1736 Canadian Almy Recruiting tenth 90 Richmond St: W..: torento.Oral, 'titephone'Em.6.8341:—Local 276%' No. 7 Personnel Depot. Wotieaerlarraths,' ' O,dord8 Eltubeth Sts., London, Ont c Telsphone 41601.--toull3S Army Recruiting Centre 230 Main St W„ ..North Bay. Ont.',—Telephone:4S6 (.anadian'Army Recruiting Station 184'ging St,.East• tIamllton,OOE-Telephone 2,,8708 Wingharn ,Hospital 7riclay,. She and project for the Itairshea-...gir.I*, "The Milky Way". all 6f Tox,onto• spent 'the week - Lloyd: MacDougall, : ,Sey,erdi rnore triissedi Mr. ''.Mack MacDonald,. enioyed r' day night, • N). sh 4.A OF" AitS1INEN ful memories and, gouricl prin. WoUld you liN'e richly, keenlY and fully? Rest assured "that drinking wen't h6lp. Good heal,* is one- requisite tO good . •and 'not Only is alcoholism the world'is'- fourth most ser- ious 'disease, 'but in sbine degree al.cohol tne,natices the health 6i I all 'who u'Se it Drink is a prin.. cipa cause arid ths•-° • ever ea ter, or other tragedies..know at first'. hand boW egsential 'Red Crass serviCes. are to dor tui- •Mve Obt,lea'rned from $0111 tf- $5,494,100 is neede t is yea aster in the fieme 66 - street. This N.' established' 1•*, there ate . More.- thrill§ tri .sioilulLd.if‘adreivitl.y life than in all tr.) drinking one earl , do in a 1