HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-02-23, Page 1t ••-1
•',12,50 A Year In' Advance --$4.00 Extra To
, • , • .
Municipalities Conler On Equalizing
Assessment 01 District High SdloOt
A Meeting, • of representatives
• of • the municipalities. .concerned
11,0141S , held at Ike,: 1.441,10Ory Dis-
trict High .School on Thursday
."to „try to -Iron out!' the matter
. of the 'Dro4ata'assesiment berm.,
- by each,,rnunieiPality inrespect
to 'the Maintenance costs'of the.
school. .• •
The."feeling is that Lucknow'S
*Share Should be based on the
• neW rifuee County equalized, aas-
essment.' of $1,020,000, in round
.; figures, rather than the, present
basis of 5615,585j*.• '
.For •County purposes - the high;
Theis rn-
figure does ,not apply co
ly :until,
• • pletCounty assessment;ecl..;• • ,
••Present • at . -.the • meeting were
: Reeves Cecil Blake ,of AsVield,
• David Carruthers of Kinloss; A.
W. Hamilton Of Lucknow, : John,
DUrnin. of West Wawahoih, M.
Fischer of Culross and R. Atkin-
son of .Greenock;.-Bruce::COunty
Assesso5,EVerettt Finnigan'; Hurs,
• eh County Assessor, Alex. Alex-
• ander; G ' 'Gerrie, and
'Donald ffenderson.,•*. secretary ' 'of
.• the High School Board, Date
Carruthers Was apPOinted
• Man' of the 'meeting; .• ,
Reeve Cecil Blake Pointed out
•, that both .Ashfield • and :West:
WawanoSiiwere. assessed 'under
the new .Syiateetr:'ef assessment
which-has-aphed-in--Huron since
••,1949.. He. pointed; out •that Luck -
now had: Used the new asSeasf:
.4fient for'iocal purposes, but re-
• tained the lav:rer *punt for
..:High :School purposes, •with the
result 'that the ..Village was as•;•
• planing less than 14 percent • of.•
. maintenance costs, , • .while
Ashfiekr Iffid-""WAtkrthCafi'VV'ere
. carrying .approximately 53 per!.
:- cent with ;less than •one-third Of
th pupil. atte.ndanee front, the,
Reeve ,.John Durnin pointed
our that West Wilwa,n0fte;,' was
•..paying More than LueltriiiVr„fdt
the,Operatiori. of the .Se.fitiol with
• far fewer: PiMils attending.
• diSCUSSien Was veryami-
cable with ernnhasiS laid On ,the
.fact that an adjusthient: was .de-
. sirable Without having to. be
:settled by a beard of arbitra-
tion. Inspector Caine said lie felt
it .would be,. 'fa.• grave .mistake"
to have to resort ,to"..:a' board of
arbitration_andAn,this there was
..unanimity: • '
Reeve Hamilton stated that.'hO'
felt Lucknow Was over assessed,'
•••••• and that • i .new asSessMent was:
to 'he •made this year:but , the
figures would not ;get available
• 'Wail the Fall, which 'would be
.• too late for high, aphoO1 pUrPOs-
Ite queried •if.,sorne, in-between
agreement could be worked out
• %ler this year • .
• 'The fact that the district takes
ih municipalities in two counties
. was regardecl.as coMplicating the
However, • -both
Finnigan .and -Mr, Alexander
'band I, they ' are
have examined- aszeisments in
oth counties
...comparatively close. '
• .
Does Not Expect •ifig••Cbtange .
• . Mr, Finnigan said that, he; did
not look. for 'a "big .change in
Lticknow's present equalized .as-.
sessment figure. •'Ssame outlying
MO values May be high, he -said,
but he, 'did not expect therri' to
make a great difference '
• ItinlOsa the old, aSseSsrnent
4.figure has been used for. High
'School purpeses. The hew assess.:
ment has increased the Town -
hip about 25 pereent but Reeve
. Carruthers felt -the Board---Worrld
he WilhngAO adoPt the figure,
a.nd, that it wauld not Make a
• great difference.' Greenockand
etiffOiS Will also be. un `serne,
under 'their•new assessment, but
their shares are small..
VP' 'About Six.* Per cent
Alirhunieipalitioai- with: the
ereeption of "Greenock .have
the new tisSessinent' completed.
Greenoeles rfigures are "on th
on Page, "
• • • • " •
There will be no skating in
the, local arena on Saturday
atternen.. on :aecount of . the
O.M.H.A. -• final . ,Juvenile
'genie that ,evenirig;.,
CLAN$4E144. SurAqt
.,Lucknow •Clansmen ,Club
sta d . a very. :successful ice
carnival in the •local arena on,
Friday night. • It was •the •second
annual carnival since the recent.
re -organization of the club.. • •
, A large .crowd was on 'hand
to: watch the: Wiligham Figure
Skating Club Under the leader-
ship of instructress rsabel
.The 'skaters had an hour-long
program,. Following ,the figure
skating ,..• performance. • costumes
Were judged and races held. The
evening was , climaxed • by • a
broom ball game . between 'Clay-
ton Alton's Ashfield Atoms. and
Allah';aVfacrrityre's Kinloss Km -
eta.' Ashfield 'Won the .game 1.-0;
but it is understood l that a pro-
test has been lodged by •the Kin-
loss team because Of the "iricap-,
abilty" of :referee .Charles'We-
, 'Stuart Collyer acted .as master
of:: cerenio*P';• and :.•theyjUdges
were Mrs. Morgan' Henderson,
ster Hughes, Hoag, W. C..
.Attridge and W. L. MacKenzie.• .
.Fre-Sehool Age, „Chiwien,.
Fancy ' girl, Joan MacKenzie,
'Judy Stewart; comic girl, Shar-
on •Mowbray, ',Bruce Henterson;.
'eernic boy, Brian 'Mowbray, 'Andy
Grades .1 &I • •
Fancy girl, .Barbara Cameron;
Wendy: .1VlacKenzie; fancy .156y;
Wayne ' Jamieson, *Donald And-
rew; ,comic. • boy,' Russell
Terry: Rathwell. .
. .
Grades 3,4, 5 ,
, Panay. girl, Dawn 'Stewart, Kar-
en Kilpatrick; fancy 'boy, .Doug,
McKinnon:, Bob. Hunter; 'ethnic.
. , .
girl, Beverley •Rathwell, Diane
Jamieson; comic 2 boy', Keith
Gardner, Bill 'Gardner. •
• Grades, 8;•. 7, 8
, .Pancy, girl,- Lynn Cause, Jean
Richards; :fancy boy, .Paul Hen-
derson, ,• Evan Agnew; .eornie girt
Nancy .Webster; • Elizabeth. Ban-,
n stem., comic hay,' -Murray—Hun-
The Bruce County Bookmobile
visited the Lucknov..(Fublic•Lib-
,rary on" Thursday When .150
books were exchanged:-
, Thenew books received in-
clude a trio of volumes on•enter-
taining,-; such as "Parties on a
Budget", "Squarel Dances of To-
day", and "Teen -Age Popularity
Guide". , • ,
„ There- is also a good selection
of travel, fiction and children's
books,: • .
. Armstrong's Laundry is . virt-
ually a complete wreck as a. re-
sult of the building collapsing,
early Sunday morning; It ,is be-
lieved-to•have happened prior to
2.00 a.m.,. but the discovery was
not made „until the...next morn-
ing.. '•
IThe building was the. former
,Orange Hall,', situated on Main
-Street across ' from, the. Town
Hall. It was bought by Mr. and
Mrs.. Armstrong in August of
1949, and since .then', they had
conducted 'a, ,,latindry business
there. It is .a real misfortune for
them. , • • . •
The east wall of the upper'
floor pancaked Onto •the roof of
J. Ii:•' IVIacMillan'S' garage Which
adjoins it very ..closely. The :en-
tire 'roof, With .the 'exception 'of
a. few feet Over the hack vesti-
floor and the West wall bulged.
The upper front section of the
,building Was secured on Sunday
,morning :by membersof.-the -Fire
Company, , Se that it would not
crash ehte. Main Street. • •
• The upstairs,: was used •ai a:
drying room and contained' very
little furnishings. The equipment
was moved from the main floor,
• , . , •
which suffered water •damage. •
,'. No • insurance ::is',. carried and
the building is regarded as •Ibe-
yond repair. • . •
• Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong plan
to continue : their laundry busi-
ness- at. their , home --...so far. as
. . .
theyare able.
ter, Thorn Collyer: •*
'High Scheel
Fancy „girl, Sarah Jane.Bannister, Bessie : Reavie;, 'fancy .bOy,
Paul. CoUse; comic :girl, Eliza.
bet), Webster; : • ethnic :boy, Ted
Collyer.'• •
• , 'Adults
Fancy' dy, Mrs, K. _Mowbray,
Mrs., .A E. McKim: fancy 'gent,.
J. 'd Drennan, • Clare Agnew4.
come lady, Mrs: •,.1.1ena McNab,
Mrs, Bruce, 'MacKenzie; comic
gent, Alan Cooper, Russ Button,
-.-specials • .—
oldest lady :on skates, IVIrs: A..
E. IVIcKim; oldest gent on skate.
Rev. Jennings:, boys' mus-
ical :chairs. ,Marshall; giris
Musical' chairs. Marjorie -Arrr.4-
streng.; largest family on Skates'.
Mr: and Mrs. Stewart and
family • '
, • ••• Races'
Grades 1 ,and
Henderson, K. ar e n Wasney;
Wendy MacKenzie; 1 and 2 boys,
Wayne Stanley, -.Robert Banni-
ster; 3.,• 4 and. 6, girls, Dine
'Jamieson, Myrna •Burden: 3, 4
and, 5, "beys;-. Bob Hunter; George
prliunphrey; Wayne .Hackett; 6, 7
& a girls,ancil—TWe'Vre-r;, Jean'
Richards, Elizabeth' -Bannister; 6,
.7 and 8 boys,'v Paul ITeriaerson,
Bruce Baker,- Art flowald.;,:high
school boys, Roy Emberlin, :Paul
Cons, St.twart Stanlex; single
ladies', Nancy Webster, Elizalkth
Bannister, Jean Mullin; single
gents', f.t.oy Emberlin, Paul Hen-
rlerson; married ladies' Mrs. Jack
Bannister, Mrs: Ken Ca.moron;
married, men's, .Mel SteW'n1:21,, 13il1
• •
Miss Patricia Ann' Gallagher,
.daughter of Rev. and Mrs. E.
Gallaher, became.' the, bride of
Robert IL Parsons in vows 'spok-
en recently in Trinity Cathedral,
Dallas,Texas; The bride's father
offiCiated at.,the*deuble ring.Cer-
emony. • • •
ReV, Gallagher. is ,a former
rector of the St. Peter's,' parish
'in' Liickno.w.
- The , bride's sister, , Gail, was
flower girl, and • her brother
inonel. Was one of the uShers. _
After a weddingtrip to Nor-
thern Arizona, Las Vagas: and
Lake Tahoe, the newlyweds will
five in Merced„ California.
Mrs. , • Parsons attended • Si.
Joseph's School of Nursing and
is a graduate of the Amherst Ex-
ytension, School ,fcir Doctor's • As-
sistants,. Her husband -.attended
Modesto juniar College and .gery-
ed four 'years in the • airforce. •
- Smith's 'gra-eery -store
Will change hands effective:next
Tuesday, March 1st... The new
..proprietor will be Charles Short
of Brantfdrd who has been Man-
ager Of an I.G.A. .store in. that
City,:and , will continue the local
Mr. Smith, ar ,Arepie as he is
'known to everyone, purChaSed
the bUsiness from, , W„:W Hill
',Owe Vbars ago,
The Striith fain;ily will vacate
••their apartment; above the Store,
and will take up residened for
'the time being in the South- Kin-
loss Manse, Which. has been va-'
Cant 'sinee th'e !doparture of the
At the Monthly' dinner nieet-,
ing 'of The Clansmen, held at
Cowan's: Restaurant on Monday
evening a financial report of the
carnival showed a,small
The event is not. -primarily
money -making .venture and its
success is .not 'measured in 4°1-
lars and cents. .
• 94,,every..hancl., the public has
expressed pleasure •and satisfac-
tion in the carnival and ;on :Mon-
day night a.'ccimmittee was nam-
ed . to .consider the Weak points
and record th recommended
changes for next year,. , • ,,
•The inefficiency of the public
address ' system discussed,
and members of the cjn4 who ar.e.
on the Arena ComMittee were
asked to have the Matter looked
into. •
A letter -14 - appreciation Was
read from June- Collyer Who re-
ceived first •prize in the Christ --
'pas home decorating' :contest.
A Welfare .work report, was
•Preserited;, '
. The Teeswater .Minstrel Show
was contacted. to. See,' if a 'date
could.- be arranged to havethe
performance' stdged. here...
. .
A miscellaneous shower ..wit;
held Monday in honor of Miss
Marie . $parling;','bride-elect. of.
March.. The shower was iven•b
rte. s. girl ‘'• riends :with whom
she lives, and was held .at their
apartment in the. Anderson block.
About _25. people were present, to
:enjoy the evening :Which includ-
ed contests, readings. Marie 'wti:s
the recipient Of Many lovelyand
useful .gifts; and was assisted. :in
opening therk.by MISS Sybil Bar-
ger,: .
. •
Mr: and Mrs. J.•NanSen, re -
Cent newlYweds,• have taken hp
residence in an. apartment over
the Lucknow Fruit. Market. Mr,.
Nanson is, a rneria4r of the local
,branch of the Bank of Montreal.
The brid,e was formerly Shin=
ley Yvonne • Bartholomew, .dau-
'ghter of Mr.' and Mrs. Harold
Bartholomew- of Preston. The
groom is a ion bef" Mr., and Mrs.
L.. 4. Nan.son - of Preston The
marriage.. was solemnized_ in 'St.
PetePs Lutheran Church, Pres-.
ton, Mr. and .Mrs. .Nanson • took
up residenoe., here upon their' re-
turn from a .we,dding trip to the
Southern States. • •
• „
The death Of John Malloch oc-
curred on: Friday at the 'home
of Mr, and Mre, Jacob Hunter
of .Ashfield .• He, was 74 years of
age;. ' • • ,
The funeral was held • from
lahnstone'STViineral Home on
Monday afterhoen.' withint•er-
inent in Greenhill Cemetery,..._
The unusually heatry, snowfall
this winter ha3. been. playing-
.some•queer pranks. Among these
was a snowslicle off the ,roof of
-Silverwood:.Dairies plant which
dented, the top of Whi, Andrew's
car and crackkd the vvindshield.
Young. Steven Andrew was in
the ear at the time, while his:
father was in the creamery, MrS;
Jack Curran had been , talking
to4he_larl., just a few nioments,
before but had. Moved , on before
the slide struck.
• /
.• -
Possibly the laSt c nee' of a
lifetime , to cemplete your ser-
vice :of 1,847 Rogers :Bros.' Old
The annual meeting of the
Lucknow District Co-op was held.'
last Wednesday 'night in the:Re- .
reational- Centre.
The • financialstatement; was
presented,' by the. auditor, • Mr,,
Norman Alexander, •representing.
the auditingofirm of G. H. Ward
Co.,and - was "again
gaged. ..••
In a cliltribution of, .earning§
the.',Board •of 'Directors ,recom-
mended. paying a 2 . percent: div-,
idend):•on Members business .,dur!-
ing' the 1054 .fiseal year, :
• Jack McArthur gave the •
manager's :report, and.outlined
details ofa feed millwhich has
been . under consideration. Mr.
McArthur presented 'cost figures
imirenriection "With' such' a ven-
ture; .and.'explained to what ex-
tent*' Head •:OffiCe- would: particil;„
:pate in the Projeet..A showing .
of hands favored a feed mill.,
. Robert Cacberf • of Wingliarn.
Was guest :speaker and peinted:
to. the benefits of farm organiza-
Directors. for • a three-
year ; term Were,, Prank -MeCtitil-
.1in,. • 'Win. R. Putdon, and e Evan
Keith., •
Other MethbOrS of the Board
are: jack :'MacKenzie,'-- pres.;:
Ralph Cameron; vice-pres.; John
R.•McLeod, . Oliver .MccharleS, .
Norval ..Stewart and W.. •
Guire. •' ' '
'Carruthei's ;MU:matt:a.' 'i3.1ayed
7fOr—themdance-2:w .ic o es,
and which featured. • ,.novelty'
,dances. ' 'Ihe top prize, • an elec-
tric clock, went to Mr. • and Mrs.
Gordon MacPherson in ail'
imiriation dance..
r •1,
• ,
LocAt,.. sT.,pDmOts:. sAvv:
- ° • .
• Students and teachers.of Liick; •
noW .District High. School were
in London. on 'Friday evening- to • •
see "The Barretts of Wimpole
Street"; a London Little Theatre
produption staged at The-Grand:7-
•Theatre; •There were .over twen-.•
ty-fiVe in the LucknOw, group •
which,. made the • trip in' Allan
Reed's bus; Students, from 40'
district :schools poured into Lon-
don for the presentation; •whicli.
wasenjoyed by an 'audience .ofi:
nearly'. 1,200.
'•"The Barretts of •Wimpole
'Street" is' a part of the 'tipper
School literature : course: this
• •
.year. . •
.• ••• •
'• ,PASS TIBrOftr-E/CluVIV
Miss Lautine-McNain arretten-
neth • IVIaeNaY 'have 'sbceeisfullv
passed: examinations' in Grade. 2 '
theory, • Royal ,Conservatory of•
Music. 'Ken obtained an unusual-
ly- high mark --of-92,--p•arcent.•
LloYd. "Hap' Hall .ha..iakenolier. his • father's .grocei'y busf-
nesS„. in , a :.transactign„, that be;
came "'effective at-7the first of the
'mohth. Lloyd has been' •.Fissociatt
ed with his father: in) the 'hizsi, •
iless for the past few year Mi
Hall, .whcie -future plans are ,un•-•
certain ,at , present, will assist .
Lloyd for the 'time .beink, '
The'liall.'faMilv came to Luck -
how 17 years'agO,hen. Mr, Hall'
bought out Donald McC-'harlds:
Altogether he has, been ir fly
grocery busineSs for some 01.1.ity
years. /. ''' ' - -
Jack, as he itl'familiarly knew.n,
gre.bs_everanee.„..af . the intim_
ate assoCiatiOns hb' has enjoyed
with the peeple 6f:this cornitim-
ity in both a business and. social, ,
Jvay. "Hap" 'need § no intredtic- • •
tiOn and is :quite ,apable 'of
carryiTIg'. on this busiriess,' which
•has kept step with the .progress
of madern .merchandising meth -4 '
Colony" design silverware. Orders ods. .
taken to‘rebruary 2,5th for Pall
tiow does your Sentinel 'label'
deliery. Wirn, A, Schmid, Jewel -1 :
. • .. :
read?. .
Bauleh' ler, •
• 1•