HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-02-16, Page 5tt/ElYNI' SD'AY, FEB. 16th, 1955
►tetim,1 b e .trp
First Showing at 7.15 p.rn,
Saturday Matinees, 2.00,: p,r>..
Thursday, Friday, Saturday
FEBRUARY 17, 18, :19'
Jane ',gook Edmund Purdo
Mon., . Tues;, Wed., Thur$',
Fri., Sat: .- .
FEB. 21, 22, '23, 24,, 25,.26
Bing Crosby, t Danny . Kaye,
Rosemary Clooney, Vera Ellen
. ,,iy� �.
"White ,b. ,$turas" ,
Vista. Viision,: and Coto*-.•
Adult's 75c' Children 35e.
•. Why be burdened with, :a •slug:
gib tractor that costsY ou : time:
and money every day in: the field?
Lex our skilled nxechanics give it
net pep .: new life . •
Our service facilities are eficient
...economical. Get the •facts
'come. in soon. •.
Phone 18-r,20,••
• Miss loans .Murray 'returned
on Thursday, , from. Victoria Hos-
pital, London, and'is under doc-.
tor',s orders te' 'take a complete.
Fest. ..
11!lr�� and Mrs. Eldon M=il�ler,, Mrs.
Fred Meguillin .and Barry and
Mr. Gordon Lyons were victor, ,
on. Thursday with Mrs, John• Mei„'
ler who has been indisposed at
the home. of her, d.au,ghter, Mrs.
John Sperkes, at London: •
Barry McQui.11in ,,suffered an
unfortunate ,eaecident ,to his- knee
while playing basketball' at the
-Wuag1 ; T$istxjct" ll�gh Sci col
'last week,
The February rneeting of, the;
W.A. of the United' Church. was
held at the home of Miss . W,:` D.
Rutherford' an •Thursday .after-
noon with 13 ladies present, Mrs ,
T, J.' Todd;, the •;president; *con,:
ducted a short worship-.. service
;which' opened with the use of
the theme hymn and prayer. The
theme: was "The Friend" and:.Mrs
Charles McDonald read the• scrip-
ture lesson and Mrs: Jas':. Curran
the • lesson .ttorghts.: Mrs: Todd
and Miss Rutherford ' were ap
pointed' 'to contact Mr. W. A.
liuinphrey about the • cupboards
to be built .in the ;church kitchen.
The :remainder .af lthe., atterrioon
was, spent. in•,making quilt 'blocks.
lunch, served:' by; Mrs. W. I Mik
ler and •?tf r s, 'L Woods, 'brought
a ..pleasant and prngfitable• after•
noon to . a close. .
There was 'no' service. in.: thN
United Church on ;"Sunday owing,
to weather arid. road, conditions..
The special service. ')with Miss
Mary Nicholls; who was 'a mis-
sionary ;in. India ` as speaker, will
Held•. Variety•' -Program •
West Wawanosli Council Minute
West Wawanosh. Twp. Counci
met 'on Febnzary 8th with al
members present and Reeve •Dur
nin 'presiding,. •
The minutes 6f 'the • January
meetings :were 'read,,.and . were
adopted as read on.motion of
Councillors •Durnin and Culbert
It was.. moved by Councille -
Culbert and •seconded. by Cour
eillor McPhee that t e.Reeyp. and
Clerk be autherii d to: pp1y, for
the .balande.. of• the soli sidy. on
.1954 road expenditures: Motion
• By lav( NO, . 4,'• 1955,;was read
a 'tl•iird• time'. arid: passed .oi. ".rno-
: tioa. of-;' Councilllers ,Miller - and
Culbert. This by-law provides for
the tectal '1955 expep`ditiire: on
Township ' roads:::;Duplicate' . cop=
les: are to be' forwarded -to, the
District 'Municipal Engineer.
On a -notion: of Councillors Mc
' Phee : and " Durnin;' -.'By-law..No. ` 5
vias Passed'. This. by-law deals
with York Street •'in ' the' Police
Village of Auburn. -
On , a motion of iCouriciliors
'Miller: and Durnin : theClerk was
instructed to: advertise in` the two
local 'newspapers' for tenders for
the Warble. Fly spraying, ,of' Cat-
tle and also : to advertise.. for
applications for. .a. Wobble :F'ly in=
spector. . ;
Tt was decided on a . motion
of Councillors ••McPhee and Mil
ler •'that °the Township order 500
lb's. of .C.1 L. Warble 'fly powder
:from'Robert: Purves,
•'Messrs; ,T. , H. Kinkead, I:P.S::
and `'Archie •MacMillan appeared
•be#ore'-Council in regard,•to school
assessments sand kindred` , prob
*her spite' of adverseweather.
and. road ; con.ditions there was a:
good''attendance at •.they' variety
program Friday evening'., udder
the. auspices of the .Women's,'
stitute...Mrs Andrew Gaunt, vice
president, was chairlady . of • the
program ,'which opened with com-
01.u1iity singing with:,:Mrs, ;�hestei�
Taylor at,, the ..piano. Other, nutt
hers included .piano. solos by Mrs,
Taylor;; , Miss Lois... Webb, Joyce•
McDonald, Eddie Gaunt ,and•Ter'
ry Wilson; a humorous. reading
by Miss W • D': , Rutherford;'solos
P.hyllis Barbour . and •Gladys
NI:cDonakei and duets b;y•.Beverle:y•
Gaunt and ' -`Betty. McDonald.
Dancing, . was. : enjoyed` 'to • nrnsic
by Mr. Chester Taylor 'andm•Dori
,;...ameron with ;:accornpanixnent
by' Mrs T,ayl•ort... Mts.':> -Ernest
Walkei.. and Miss •'Barbara Wilson
with eDonald. Murray as caller-
Plans : are 'being ' made • for a
progressive ::euchre •apd ,dance 'on
Friday evening in .the hall .an,
• ranged by the Women's Institute-.
Have .y6u renewed your Sen- The ladies' are asked to bring
t;nel subscription? . ca`r°i tables, cards ,and .lunch
ti41 +, „sib .,..0o4.00M„„,w;iE<nru41ru4ru411111111,„41rri,41rs°,wn,.1e.r, !,Mir , 4VP,.
0 Order. Your
77v -
All birds krona Canadian
Aplilroved, :i •overiinient in-
spected • 'and ,blond tested • 1:
stork No to iapaaints
tered fRoni our..entire num- . n.
ber:of'195.1• ottstomers,,' Voir 1
patronage i pi recut ~.lt sty
year; IWe look..fohvard. •to
.seeing you ogain.thise, year,„
a_ ' otion of Councillors
Culbert and,Durn%n, i was agree
that the..:Township 'pay'Mrs :;May
Smith .a monthly relief allowance
Said 'allowance is :to, be'refunded
100 percent' by the City of 'Tor
The applications for 'Township
assessor. ^were opened and read.
There were three 'applications;. It
was . moved by - •Gouncillbr Mc
Phee and seconded ;by:Councill'or
Culbert' that ;las K. S tt be ap-
tion carried :As: ssor.'ssala to
.Abe."x'300 per:annum.
The :following. "accounts, were
ordered paid on Motion • of 'Couri-
cillors. Miller and:`.Culbert 'God
erich .Signaly-Star ; Ltd,;' adv;ertis
ing aic., $2.00; A. Roll'inson,: en-
velopes •:and stamps;; 3.03; "The
MunicipalWorld'.'; 8 subs; for 1
year •@ $3.00 .each, 24.00; J.::. F.
Foran, registration, of vital stat-
istics; 1:50, '`H E:P.C., ; .Wi ighain,,
Twp... hall lighting,. ' 6.07z •Robert'
Purves,: refund. of, Fed.' .of . •Age.•
;fees, 450; West • Wawanosh Mut-•
pal •fire Ins. Co.,•° insurance, On
office : equiprpent,.,,.2.00; Salvation
Arrny, .London, grant,,'20.00, Mrs:
Mary Sn i.411� relief•allowance 21 16.
Lorne Ivers, salary; $112.50;`
Kenny. 'Lecldy,. erecting,. snow
'fence,, 4:00; ' Ed : Leddy, erecting
snow fence, • : 4.90;
erecting snow fence,.; 4.90; John
Ledtiy, erecting .snow fence, 4.90.;
Imperial Oil Ltd., fuel, 35.28,
Dept. of Highways, - fuel tax,
.19.80; Eastern Steel Products Ltd.,;,
bearing and oil, • seal;' 9.9;1;: Gus,
°Devereau:c, salt and oil, 9:50; :Ev-
Brett Errington, welding snow-,
blow, . 17.50;' Robt. Stothers, ''gear
61`4;fi5-Montgzinri'ery- Motors;
:universal joint, .10,45; '. fi prrnan,
McDonald,_ plowing, •snow with:
truck; 762,00;.,, Total
On h- Motion of.' COuncillors•
1;lootball 'stadiums are te
capacity—not to inention -softie 'of
'the spectators, ••
'Phone Carlow 2105 ,
trtSbow's .First Show at 7.15
Matinee Saturday at 2.00 pm:..
Chursday, Friday S
� Saturday, .ay, Fabruary l�
'cel lylacltae, Virginia Mayo, in
Monday, •Tuesda , W''edriesda: Febru!fi
ary 2 22` 23
Y r a.
If umphrey Bogart, Lauren Bacall, Edward G.:lioliinson, , in
COMING-,–Thursda.y, Friday, . Sato r y, . February . 24, '25, '26
.The February meeting of . the
W.M.S. •was' held,;: at the hom a of
Mrs. V. 0. Hunter With, an •at=
tendani�e •of , ' eleven. • The presi-
dent : • 'presided, "fallowing the
World's Day `of -Prayer. service.
Readings were given ; "'by' Mrs.'
Charlie Wilkins, an.d Mrs. Lloyd'
Hunter.' Mrs. Wilkins is to get
the prograrn for the next Meet-
ing. The study. book on .India
Was, taken by Ntrs: Ray:nard. Mrs..
G. Ritchie took over for: the W.
A; meeting- Mts.—Gibson read the.
'scripture. There was scale sewing'
given out for the, bazaar. 'A: let
ter.: of' .thanks from Jim Barger
was :read :Mrs. Ritchie closed
with prayer, after !which a »social
hour was:spent With the, hostess„
servi lunch, ''
A number: of ou.ng;:' `eop e
'from. • here.` enjoyed the..- skating
party:.yin Lucknow`Friday . night
sponsored. • by: : ,Lucknow. .Young
Mr. •.;and : _Mrs ,Frank Ritchie
spent Tuesday evening: at the
heine••of Mr. and Mrs. Bill ,R.oss,'
• Lochalsh.
::Church service was withdrawn
at Zion ,on. Sunday due;' to..,the
road Conditions,,,:. r:
,Mr. and •Mrs. 'doe Freexian of
Colborne visited ; on Monday -
with"Mrs. 'Wi'llGardner and Mr.:
and Mrs. Bill '.1.n
• Ernie .1Vlagoffin. ; has :beery.ern2
ployed, at farm work. :by Jo•hne'
Jarnes Henry. Webster, of Foil .
ington, died .on . Tuesday morning;
of last week; at the. resider'i fit
his daughter, 1VIrs. P. E. „`air; ,;,
'1.05 I3althoral • :Avenue South.
Hamilton,• aged 783,, after a 'brief'
illness; lie. • was. a• `'son of the late .
Mt. and 'Mrs.. John •Webster and
was born on• ,Concession, 12; ;Ashy ••
field. Webster moved. to
ton 45.. years ago, residing ,there
since A-• carpenter and • a, furni-
ture builderby trade, he ,was Out-
standing in • his profession; anc •
Wes, for 'many years, employed
With':the A: S. Nicholson, & Son
I. Lumber Cbrrlpany; Butlington,:
He wasa member of Trinity Un-.
ited. Church, Burlington, Survive
in besides his wife, the 'former.
Sarah Jane Uze I, are: one au
'ghter 'Mrs, R.. E.:Fairbank, Ham-
ilton; a son, • Elven Webstej^,: of.'
Torerito; tuvo grandchildren :..sand
two great-grandchildren...He was
the. last .surviving. member of his
• The funeral was.held'on'Tliurs,- •
day condicted,by: Rev, R. Keith
Pallbearers ^Twere ;Jelin Lockhart,
Getlrge'.Pocock;;.Fred Keatsv-Fred•: "=
Cox,,: Wilfred; Allison, Peter. Po
cock„ 'Interment ;took: 'place in
White Chapel' IVIethorial::. Gardens: •
Jamieson of- 1.3elgrave,
A Valentine party Was held
istrict C
'PHONE 71,,, IIIICIE?!101V