HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-02-16, Page 4dr* ,,,,-4.15eeseeemee.,y0e**.yef.. tlit.'4111k PAGE FOUR • LUOKNOW, ONTARIO R. S. Hethetinitonl 1. FOR RENT - heated. apartment 1 GRASS FARM WANTED--pa.rty available. Gammie Apartrnents„ FOR, SALE-t-purebted Shorthorn • bull, 11 months old:dark red. Al Irwin, 3, Lu iNcknow. 6 • Ft SALE -et of team harteis, in-,..-gdocl condition. joe • Weiler,. phone 101-i-31, LucknOW. • LOST-.1arge round silver brooch • engraved ,MAY. Reward. Mrs. A. E. McKim. FOR SALE -I weinling pigs. Ap- wiIeS tO buy 100 -acre ,grass farin.. Must be. on. highway . near- LucknoW: APply. to Norman S. Kincardine;___E. H. Agnew, LUcloisoW, XePreSentative, . S. • .1;•PY1M Eusinesa.-4nd Tax-'_$_erviceS Periodidat AnditS :' For. ;ft Small Meta -tont, ProfessiOnal . :4+.1111,000"?.41.0N-ilwomist COMIING EVENTS • FRIDAY, MARCH 25t1. Keep this. date for. a Monster card party in the . Reere.ati9n Centre, sponsored by the LOtal,i Association Canadian Girl Guides. .ANDY ROBINSON REPORTS Listen to the second. rePort. • from Porliatnent by Andy •Rob- . Olson, Federal Member for Bruce •ovet...CK.NX, Sunday, February 20th atAO.1am. and over CFOS,. Tuesday, *February 22nd at 7.00 ,..ElaCIIIRE AND imi4cE ,PrOgre.iWe euehreand dont ff in the Com:Min-illy Hall, St. Hel- ens On 'Friday evening, Febru.ary . 8tii at'• 8.30. under a. us, o . r1 P.O. ,I1o7,c. '74, Lueknow,. 0 the Women's Institute...Silver-col- suRGE DEALER - ; lection. Ladies peasebring 111.fle-11:• Barrister Etc. ingll'ain and Lucknow IN LIJCKNOW • ..•.Each Monday and WednesdaY Located on the grOund floor in the ;front of Johni• "Kilpatrick's 'Phone, 'WIngha.m.• Office 48 ' • Residence 917. ray to kn.gminerson., 'phonel. _ Ripley• 5-25., oV L ell H 1VIeGuire 'Surge , • Wing.hAniz invites enquiries IkANTED--100-acre grass. farm. 'about your • cow_mill4ng. „prob., Eliner Voran, R. R. 2, Lucknow, leins, 'Wingham 593 col,. phOne 45443, Lticknow. • • lect. ,New. tand used milkerS. ANTED' 'tor trailer -iri....good ••• • - BAR,LEY . CONTRACTS condition, preferablY' one with .15- • inch wheels: •Apply, at. Sentinel 'Office. _ FOR SALE --.,Afax • Seed oats, rtlearied - and. ,triated.---Wan.-_,%: HolytOod; • Phone_ 24-i-24 Ripley, • 'chunks of P.igs, 9 tweelp:S.'old';Wm.. Hunter, .R. 3, Lueltiow;.phone 69-r-1 Dungan - F• ve000dR s:ateg.......sr es i.tn.a, lot.. wg *msoryturothaper; ford, R.•2, .Lucknow,• phone .211- r-13. • Barley contracts. now available. Improved contract • from 1954, supply.. of :seed limited.. Act a• t once... Contracts ' available at Elliott's. Seed lionse,..Lutltriow, -phone 154-J. • . • BARGAIN Do Yott need.a new well PunIllq If so it will pay ,you to see We have a -few on. hand which WM be .sold at'..greatly reduced, 'prices. M1JRDIE .& SON.. , BANQUET. . . Father and Son- Banquet in the. Unitecl•Chureh, ,Lucknow, on Fri- day, 'March '18tii, 1955; • at'• 7.00 under 'auspices Of. Group. I • of the WOrneres. Association.. Ticket S $1.-50. eaCh available. from Mrs. Ewart .Taylor, :Is. Raynata• l Ackert, iVIrs. George Joynt. • FARMERS , • • We are noW operating our seed. -Cle aning-rnachiner-y-fer--r-emoving. buckhorn and ribgrass froin. ,cloyer. seeds:. If you are in need of this Service kindly bring in •your sped as early, as possible. We „carry a coMPlete'.. stock 'Of, clovers and ',grasses for -all: your spring seeding requirements, and •you will• sive many, dollars 'by • • PERSONAL • • ,, • ANI)St •, WIVES! . WANT DO,RNE,.arid DORIS McLELLA , LICENSER Al1CTI0NEER Man and the Farmer.S buYing •your seed . from .Roy • I PEP, Ostreic.,Tonic !Tablets Cramm & Son (Seed MerchantS), • IIOUSE FOR •SAt modern 8.. crease vigor. .`Get,acqUaintecr ' • • • m e on, p ne-Cargill__08-wr3 ,revitalize iron -deficient Tio'd3r• 110 • • • Luck - room brick house on Havelock . . HOUSE FOR SAL - Luck size only 80c.. All thugglat.s.. - - . . St. Oil' Inmate, hardwood now Apply, to Lorne .Farrish,, R,,i . Apply lo•Dr. 'I*. B. • Lila-. • ArPL1lCATIONS WANTED .Lucknow,* phone 1311.,ingonnon nOw."- _ Sealed, marked applications for 82-15. • . • , - - .. . --_-_,. ' oition f Warble Flr, In- . PERSONALIZED LABELS • . . We' cai. now .:siipply you .With personalizes: la.bels; att.: sctiVely. . rinted .in two 'Colots, and: in p -handy plastic ,clispenser:'You re-- ceiVe 409. _Useful labels foronly $1.50. . 1.1S0 'them, to .stamp your • books,. recOrds; letters, packages,, etc. Drop•in..and See a sarnple.. LUCKNOW SENTINEL" . CHAIN•'SAW AGENCY .:.• . .ec,fOt Wes;WaWanOsh Twp.. ---------- Agent for I.E:L. Mall and Clin- sP '. will be received by the under - ton.' chain ..kaws,:' Call. for. free' signed .up. to. and including March deinanstration...Jack Barri: Kin- 5,- 1955. Applicants to State salary , . , expected. •The inspector' appoint- loUgh, Phone .1348' Ripley. ,.... FEIWALE HELP 'WANTED ' . ed must provide his own • trans - Mature '..woman. Earn. ,. good. liortation. ,• . • .:'..... . , -money' in. , your. spOre. hours .as ,r• J. F. Foran, ,Township Clerk, representatiVe, for 'Avon Cosrnet7:. . • • • • • fcs: Write-BOx A, 'Lucknow .Sen- • . tinel, ' ' ..:, — • CIIRONIE, PISTON...RINGS. 31Vlbre and more car -.Owners are enjeiyirig :..the ,wpriderfkil : serv,ite • TENDERS • TENDERS WANTED, • . :Tenders for the Watble. Fly spraying of cattle in .West Wawa - nosh TrownSfiiip will bereceived. by :the: inidersign.ed Up to and , ^1••• No Sale too large or too small ••• BERVIE, ONTARIO 'Phone Ripley 77442 •fistair a. ,. nIVIarch .5, , in•ynnr /nounow:1 of -.these chrome,. rings. .1955. Tend.ers e 'to state .price .per...heact.:for. each :Also 'valve grinding, ignition and • carb.: WOrk. • . • . . spray.. tenderers ; to . supply al NWWIN'i'ARSTEIN necessary equipment and help MunicipalitY, will supply the.: MEAT FOR-. 1Warble_Fly „pb_wde_r._ Cattle over , . _ Good beef for sale by •the three years old are. p*ernpt from • . .quarter..Beetkilled under license -frOm----10,-Department of Health• Front quarters 24c, hind qUaiteri- •RaYnard 'Ached; Holyroor11 Splaying bV 'a. TownShip j. ,F. Foran,'TOwnship Clerk. •TENDERS.. . SEALIKD TENDERS -will: be, re- Thone 21-30 Ripley. : .'ceived .by :the undersigned, until, • , • 'REST HOME ACCOMODATION .Saturday, March. 5th, 1955'. • Accomodation a v ail a b 1 e..at 0. for the. spraying of cattle in. Carruther's ConvoleScent Home. the. Township of ' Ashfield for • ' libine-cooked Meals, niOderri- -W-arble Flr Control:- Sprayer- op- . veniencesovarrn, Registered nurs- 'aVailable if required in. case • Of sickness. Apply JO Elliott Car- ruthers, R: .3, • HOlyroOd, • phone •!' 27 ,•16 . • WEDNESDAY,. FEB, 15th,' 1956 KennettiJuMacKqviiie • . Ontatnetrist LISTOVVEL„ ONT: at the former Wrona JeWelerY, istore,Rinley, 10 'a.m. to 9, p.m,, iirEii.NESDAY,'1VIABC111 • ea • • , and , every. Second Wednesday. Eyes exainined::, Glasses' fitted • For. appOintMent; 'phone' • MacKenzie, 96-r-24 Itipley. TENDERS., Wood Tenders ,Wanted' Tenders , be received .,by the Undersigned' until SitUrdaY, March 5th, 1955, _for • 30. ,cords Of green .beech wood, 16 inches long.,. not . less than six inches, nor Mote than. 12 •inches in diameter,'.to be delivered and. piled at :The .Town LuCk- now, , 'Juiy. lst; 1955: Lowest 6i., any tender not nee--; essarily accepted. : • • • .E. H.. AgneW; Clerk, Village of. CARD:OF :THANKS W01.110 1115e to sincerely thank all those who -sent parcels 'and *cards and all. those who visited rne . When was sick. These . kind- ness -et :were . much aPprtkciated:,- ROY - K.: BENTLEY . , ronp.A.ccountaric Br:Aaiun* • ..(corner So'uth.'Stl• ..4.001Enicpt.oNT, inSnre- „with., The Ulf° ,S•••• Mutual plift ,StIttANC CO: • •• for:," Reasonable rates,' , Sound 'prd- tection prompt, Satisfactory Settlement Of claims.• . -FARIS,' 10OFFAT Youe•Local Agent it, ToesviAter. 'Phone Tees: • • 41 • 1. gneWs gency Howard Agnew. --- Jas. .agniii - • .. • • . MEMBER. OP: • Ontarie':Insurance 'I:AgentS'ASsociation:: • GEN.EitAL. INSURANCE Tstablished Over 302yeatsri Ago ARV QrromErric.- GIODERICH( Foe• APPOINTIKEN 'Phone 1100 • - ...Appointment' 'or :infotniation . See, Win. A. Schmid, 'Phone .467w, Lticknow . • .• ;Telephones: ttusiness 39. .• Residence 138. erator to carry,';1iability insurance' . . . Ivan IVIcQuAlin. .and collect his'..fee from cattle ' • ' , •• . --_•. owners., '' • • Mi., and . Mrs..' John Scott. and (2) lot: the :position of Warble jack of LondOn Wish to sincerely Fly Inspector in the Township of thank friends in the Lucknow 'Ase1-d.--4-'-"-- - ---•,L "'"— District who .sent-thern,tardanst ... ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION, r . Lowest' or, any tender. not nee- other reinembrantes. All .. were Witer16o__ tattle •,Breedil*, . eSsarily accet:•ted, ,. ' . . . much aPpreciated. :. • AssOciation , _• _:... , , .. •_. s Signed, - Don -aid! lq,. Simpson, : Artificial, :insemination •service I fail, pritario. . ,, John COx wish. to tiiank theirv for all breeds or cattle; For ser, : \ I rela.O.Veg, , neighbors and friendS1 vite or ',information phorie Clifi- Notic o re 1 ora , g N t'' T C ' d't . 1, for rneSsogeS of sympathy, beaut- ton 242 colleCt, betwen 7:30 and • ' .1iful. floral tributes, ncl. assistance i 10:00 a.rri,/ on week days and 7.30 ALL PERSONS 1.vho have claims i gi'Ven e.t. the time of. the passingil and 930 a.m.! on ',undays,..,, • against the Estate c;if JOH.N. T.! of their beloved Mother and , , CARTER.' late of the. TbwrishiGrandmother. ' SPecial 'than-ics MACLENNAN an • MACKENZIE • FUNERAL SERVIpE Services .:conducted .,acCord- ing to • your •wishes at yOtir Horner Your . Church, or at eniOrial Chapel ;at no • iadditionat.tharge.' 'AMBULANCE. SERVICE 'Phone 181, Lucknow. Day. ; or Night 1: our M SURAMCE tr :Ativ.romosiLg • AND LIFE:, • To Protect Your Jack,. • -Insiire_Vith :jack Today. • McDONAcH . . 3; Lue.Ow; Ont.,; 190*,61.75. Dungannon , • Clerk; 'Township of Ashfield, Th. 'family of- the -late Mrs: "Where Better .Bulls Used , -•-•••—••• • • ABYCHICKS - . oi Kinloss in the, County . of goes to Dr. J. B.Tui a ,, e HV.1, 'loose the breed .or cross '.'3 Bruce, retired farmer, who died''John ?rest: ana the Rev-. C: special. •ms ..1 . meet your own speCiaarket , on 27th day of January,' 1955 C0\ . . i and make -good profits", TheneW i . I ate hereb,, notified to. sencl)-to — Bray catalog features a. wide i fhe underSigned on or before the • choice ,breecls and ,crosses incluci-list day or. Mareh, 1955, lull par-.„. , log -Ames In-CToss. . ,-.Get-c,(11),Y,--..--,4•tow-; ...o.f_theifr;c1.airns in. RoaaldAMt and select 'the- breed • that ' meets 1 • -, ng In m iediotexy "afterythe said'. your aiet. Agent . .: .1 lsf of Isitarch,-.195a.„ the assets, of ,. .,, D. h. "FINLAYSON% Luckn6W.,,. :,,the ''estate .i.i.,-ill. be , ditribuied . ." FOR SALE=. -2 )MY •Singer re- amen8 the- partie entitled -there-ThI ver-se.stit6h console sewing Tne!..1 to having regard -only to claim chines; also three Singer port,' of which the Executor shall then ables,• Thee machine's are shop :have no,tice.. • demoristtatbrs , al:o •have new Dated 7at. Winghain, 'Ontario,• . ,machine guarantees, Phone .today this 5th (1-0-Y of FettniatY, 1954. as these Machines are prided -16r , Crawford & 1-lotheitingtOn, .. :,, , • quick sale. For a hOme „demon- . Barristers.. & e.... . .. ' .. stration pWING4LAIVI,ONTARIO • hone 403 or *rite, Sink', ' er S" • ' '' .:. Centre, ' Hanover, . Solicitors for the. Executor. f • ' i , . fl STATE FARM. NUTUA17 AUTOMOBILE 1NtpRANCE Investigate B'efort:InVesting , • 4 " REUBEN WILSON, 1.R.• 3,..Goderi0 • Ph6tie 80.-r-8 'Dungannon :ANDREW Barrister and .Solieitor LISTOWEL,' ONTARIO • , • •.gVerY .,:Wednesday and •Sattirday Afternoon ' , Office in the JOynt Block: , _Telephone: 'Office 1:36 . Residence 31-.1 public Accontant CLINTON ONTARIO • Phones: 561, 435 Office:',,Roya1 )3ank " Residente...:Rattettbnry St, INSURANCE Co.OPerative Life Insurance Co -Operative Automobile . Barrister and Solicitor :WAIfICERTON, ONTARIO IN LtiCKN.OW Bach Wednesday • ' •.OFFICE, IN .• . HENDERSON BLOCK . --7101414STI,NE,FUT NERAL HOIAEL_ !Phone 76,, Day or Night • y Anibulnnee': Service . Mereantile & 1arrn' Fite Insurance leanoffiieal• find , See . . •,T. A. tAMERON tockimw . Phone 70,r-10 DOngannoli . does your Sentinel label read? USE OF FUNERAL •HOME • At No , Extra Cost s' • Moderate Prices . . ALAN WILLIAMS . optometrisi ' (Mike On. Patrick. St., just St! in WINGI1AM :Professional Eye Examination 'Optical S.Cri/ict:s • Evenitigsh appOintrnont , Phone:. ()Wei 770; ROI 291