HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-02-16, Page 3Nwmicz$pAy, MI 16th, 1955 •‘: THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNCIW, ONTARIO • • ! • I • PAGE TURFX 0..."..,,,,,,,,..11.4411.0411111004.0111141111.41111.1104WIL411110041111, ._40.11-CKNOw UNITEDCHURCH Minister: •. Rev, G.,A, Meiklijohn, • B.A., 113.D. • , `.4 • SUNDAY,. FEBRVARY ZOtli 11.00 a.m.: The _Biggest Human Problem.- . .. 12.,1 p.m.; Church School. 7.00 •p.m.: Missionary Slides, o'New• Cnadians-at chur.er, Lucknow' • Presbyterian Church' Rev. Wallace McClean', • Minister , • ‘. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 2,0th 11.00 Morning Worahip, Sunday School .F011Owing Service.... 3..00 mi -p.m.:, Eraltibei ,Dungan 7:00 .Eveaing .WorshiP,. • _._1:LASILFIELDASIOTES .There was , no service .in the , Presbyterian,' church. on Sunday.' On account of the .Condition, the roads: Mrs. Elwood. Drennan :is a pat- ient in .Goderich. Hospital. KINGSBRI".15GE• e irs e jion of the month.: ly'Sehool, Paper for the year 1955 is now off the press,!and again proves to .be- most interesting reading .-material for all those who". have the . 'welfare' of our school children at heart'. Lenten message to the child- ren from our pastor, Rev. r ather Van Vynckt, accompanied same, wherein. he stressed the irnport- ance ..of. children practising pen- ance; andl mortification, even iri little matters, esPecially during, the Lenten seaspn, and encour- aged all to Work diligently.ay by-,-clay-,--Tin-,;•-order that greater gimes§"may be achieved in the future. - • • ',• 'Mr. Peter LierrnaiVWaS chOsen the mot competent Speaker .of a group 'cOf five Goderich: district students, 'who.' took part in. the Goderich.Lipms Secondary School Oratorical tonteSt. Peter will now enter the ,Lions 'Zone. Oratorical contest/ and we wiShcon- tintied. success, . ' , Kr. - Douglas' Frayrie returned. to. Tororito ori Sunday 'after ipeerne!ling a: week at home Mr. GordonValad..returned his. home here fibril the GOder,: leh Hospital last ,week,, and is Making sati'sfactory .1Progress. " Mrs.,. Mary. Austin, has been a patient in GoderiCh Hos- Pital'for several•montha_Past, fell and broke her iiip :recently. .- , The infant son,of Mr: and Mrs: Jr1. O'Keefe.: was',baptized. ori Sunday, "Jdseph .Gerard" by Reit. Father'. Van. VYnekt, with Mr.:and2. Mrs; Eugene:O'Keefe of Itaritilton ' Mr 'John Cathcart la a patient • • . in •Wingharri Hospital., s' p.14.. MacLennan under- t- atroperati4ri-irr-Wirig-ha fl�spitaJ -last Week. --Mr;' and Mrs. Wm. MadDolfaid- . 03,CPeet to leave on Wednesday of this week for theirtrip to Mex - co, The. trip was previously 'post- poned - because .of •the-, death of MrS. MacDonald's father, Mr A. MaeDonald. of Huron Townehip, FOURTH CONCESSION Russell .1gaelSugall :.Of B.C.;:' spent a few .daYs with. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mac- DOugall. :.She has .been in Tor - Onto for several • weeks due °. to the illness of; her mother: , .Mises Marian‘•Bucktori and'Jo- hanna s'De, Buckton ,.afict:BobGilchrist have'. all been with the • ", There Was Jib :church in South -Kinlossori Sunday 'due Ite-, road :conditions. • Mr. and' Mrs.. L. DifacDougall, Allan' arid Grace and :Mrs; R.. Mac- • .Dougall motored; to Cheslek fon • Thursday to Visit .Mr: and Mrs.. . • Clair MacDougall and. family', • WOMerea.ASSoCiation Graiip II • The February meeting of •Group 117-ef. of •Miss MacGregor with 27 lad- ies present: Mrs -,--,-,-,George- Brooks presided and the meeting opened with the hymn "Blessed ante" anCi prayer -by Mrs. MrS.;-MaCIVIillan read 0-iesbr.t.P.-. titre:lesson. and the'meditation Was taken by Mrs. BrookS., The roll call was .answered by a VaiL. entizie verse:, -The 'business. .of the meeting consisted .of the, 'cliacifssion of the year's. project: The. sewingand cheerio. corninit- tee reported. Mrs. Brecklesi,Con- Nener of the program, Committee; took' the chair for: the Program: -Mrs. CbuSe. gave a reading, "The Ward", written'. by. Mrs..: W. :V: Johnston. 'A: duet. -Waisuri-g:bY Mr. and Mrs. Bert ThompSon of Donnybrook left last week fpr a two month...5' vacation in Cali- tornia . • 'Mr. and ' Mrs. T. -1.• Salkeflcl have left on a month's trip to Arizona. Mrs. Jessie Allin been . a patient: in Wingliam Hospital with blood poisoning rin her hand. . • : . Harvey Hall of, Detroit Spent the week -end with his .parents, Mr: and 1VIrs,'John Hall *, OLD COLONY REVIVAL - Possibly, the last' -chance of • a' lifctime, to complete your ser- , - kiee-of Rogers,-..fros, ,01d Colony design silverware. Orders taken: to February 25th for. Fall delivery. Wm. A. Schmid, Jeikel• ler, -- Mr. 'and IVIrs R F. 'Gill Of . • R. Jasim, Sask., are spending, , a y. week with 'relaties in the Com- munity. Mrs.Gil1 was:formerly Emma JohnstOri of Ashfield.. It is some 48 :years since she left her natiVe township. • Wm. J. 'MacDonald, WhO purchased the "Garfield MacDon- ald residence last year, is not 'enjoying the beat of health -and is at the Baker' Private .1•IoSpital at present. • ersont Ladieenand IVIen't Wear Fashion"•Millin4ji- .THONE 85; LUCKNOW ork Clothes for Men, Boys By' --GREAT WEST , -KITCHENS ---CARIIA.RR'I' --BROTHERHOOD ,sanforized•and all, sizes. A aVER. LSr-OVERALLS; -SNOOKS; -JEANSi-PANTS- •• fy, • I Caps, GloveS, Nylon and All WOOI Sox, 'Underwear, Sweaters, Shirts, `Braces,- Belts, Jackets,' Hats, T -Shirts' Sox Savers . SPECIALS Heavy Wool Shirts,. • Half. Price. ' Boys'. Heavy Sox for ,boots 69c. Wide Leather Belts, . new shipment. ° . . .• . HOSIERy. Stretehy, top tor the, stout leg, 45 gauge, 39, denier.. •."'Regular $1.50 for99c T .1.74.7;0 • PAIR These are yeti dura*e. in 'Girdles, Brassiers, Gloves, Baby Panties, Bibs, Rubber Shee DrYper.Diapers With Pads, Powder., , Try a product and you will soon want another. WHITECHURCH The coz-nrnunity was shoCked to hear . of the :death. of Mr. Herb Pettipieee whiCh .oeCurred early. Saturday morning in -Wingham HoSpital. . • Mr' and Mrs, J. C. ,Gillespie Barry. of .Sarnia Visited with Mr,. andMrs. G. E; Farrier.on Thurs Mrs'.. -/G. • GilleSpie spent. Thurs- day in tonclinf.T :Rev and Mrs. Robert Watt of Mitchell -visited wth' his -parents, Reit; and Mrs., W. J. Watt on SUriday- everiing. • SeUs Store Business •., Mr.: and Mrs. Les ftirnett -has sold ,his' store. ,to -Mrs. .,D. WiUis Of, Palmerston: •The ,: new: owner .will :take .charge the: end of . Feb- ruary. -• . We .are ,sorry to hear that Tohn Simpsan .has: been under the, doctor's :care: Mit. Ale* Simp- soh !and. 'Don of .Xintail visited With. •him on MOriday, Wni...,DaWson Passes . The: cornrininity was saddened .to hear,e1, the d.eath:of lyfr: :Wm. Dawson. his. 73rd year, Who Passed away bn :Monday. morn- ing He to motirn; his wife .the former Myrtle. Purdon and a daughter Jean, 140.: Wesley Tiffin. • .. •Mrs.. OUSsell. Purdbn and' dau- ghter •:came:hoinefriim the',hos- Pital • on 'Saturday. ,-Weare.sOrrY.to hear that Miss *hie, Kerniedy.....has..been,..:a„Patt., ient *Ingham 'Hospital. with the •iflti. . . , • , ,. The ' United, Church 'Young Adtilt Group met on Tuesday eV- eriing,.: February 8th,. :at the home 'of Mr. and Mrs. •Qarnet Farrier: Ivan • Laidlaw led the. • business section: 'Rny.,.:Brojok ,a PrOject • for. Young People: The meeting wa6 then' .turned Over to Mrs. 'Milap Moore' who gave the .Call t45.; worship.. Jack .Co,tiltes.. read the scripture, folloWed • by the meditation by. Clarence MeCleziaaian. M r s Garnet.FaFrierplayed reCords tv,to sOngs - by' the. jubilee 8ingers. The topic, .1`tan ;Racial Prej udice hvOVereoine by Was' given by Mrs. Milan Moore.' The ineeting Was' closed ' by a ieCord. • At Skating Party A"number of the Yourig Adult Group; of 'the United ChurCh at- tended a' Skating party at Ltick- now on Friday .eVening as guests of the Lticknow Group. Follow-' ing .ari eVening :at the arena %the grcitip returned to the chureli _where the Members of theLuck- nw grim> etired refreshments.- 'Arthur',Laidiaw, moved, a•vote oI thanks'. on behalf, of the visitors:, All ertjOyed • a 'pod tirne.. J. W. Joynt' and.' Miss 'Robertson and. a reading given. by Mm. J. Kilpatrick,. .,-What. horde :means to :Me". Mrs. breek- les closed the Meeting with praY-. , er: The committee in charge ser - 'ed lunch and an' interesting contest consisting of •i b caI people's names 'Was enjoyed: 0. Jones moved a..-v.ote of, thanks to..the hOstess, • 00, 'OF ENTIRE STOciC OF Drop. In, And See ,For YOurself. Phone 76, Lucknow LAINIGSIDE Herbert, Pettiplece Passes This' community extends its deepest, syrripathy to, Mr. Jamie. son Pettipiece and, Mrs..":Elwood Barbour ,(Sadie) • of. St: Held -is arid 'other relatives. .f. the'. late Mr. Iterbert•Petsse:asa- ed away iu.Wingham Hospital on Saturday. mornirfg, February 1.2.. He had 'been in declining health .for 'a .'while. He was .86 Years ,b1 age: and was'',a teSident, of the 4th Con. Of Kinloss; each of Lang - side -all his.; life. Twice ;married; he was Predec.eased,l-by Matilda Hetherington in 1907 and by:Har- riett Clarke in 1944. OW•0 sons' alSg predeceased hird,',iii0liard ii .1914 and .Paliner in 1945. Funeral, service was from Clint. .•-.-rie's Funeral Home in. Wingham: Monday afternoOn,. at' 2.00' P.m. with Rev..IC A. Brook of 'Blue- . Mother Piisaea - Mrs; Robe'rt Mact)onalcL, of Itolyrood was recently, berea'ved by the death' of.her 'mother, Mrs. .Tames "E! .Turribtitl of truce TOWriship,' who passed away at • Pinkerton :in her 82nd year. • of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. l'Tiffin. ,.Sympathy is expressed to Mr. ° and Mrs. • Wes; Tiffin in the death of Mrs., Tiffin's father, Mr. Wm.; Dawson' of Whitechurch Which' occurred on Monday morning: . • Lingside could spare some:, snow. The ,bantis are getting.: pretty high around here. • PONNYBROOK •The. .W.M.S. and W.A. met on - Tuesday. 'at the •home of .Mrs, Nbrinan Thornpion- with • . Miss Hazel Stamper in ;charge. •Akr11111 297Was . sung in Opening. The rpro-.. gram .frorn the' DdissionarY • Monthly .was read by. Mrs. Sam Thompson,- Mrs.. Bill• -•Hardy, Mrs. Gordon Chainney and MrS. . a-: Jefferson. Miss Stamper read the • 'scripture from St John, chap 17. verses '18. to 21. •Hyrnii' -36.2 WAS 4 sung. Mrs: -Sam Thompson read a paper,pn.Chris-tian Stewardship; '. vale. officiating,. Interment Wai..ancl. Mrs. Norman Thompson read in-..Langside ,cerne,tery. Pallbear7 one, on Heralds. The 'Study book, er.S..were . Wallace. and ,• Johnson was taken •by Mrs., Hardy. The minutes of the last meeting were read. 'The roll call was answered by .."Your Favorite Flower". A layette is being:,rna'de 'for. the,, spring' V'aie, .Hymn 500 was sung. The .meetingclosed with -prayer by Miss Hazel' Stamper. There was an' attendance of Conn, Joe Tiffin, -Russell. Ross, Chas. Taylor, and Robt. Hender- Mr ' -Mervin Conley of Tavis •tock scent the 'week -end at the hinne of ,his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim- Cdnley. Mary f Jane Tiffin is visit- ing .with Mr. and Mrs: Russell • Allan• Miller. of: KincarOine, spent the Week -end., at .hia hoine. --Thc-dance•rar:Larig-side-comi rnunity Hall on' Friday night waS well attended 'in 'sPite.of weather and roads. A euchre party for this -Friday evening. The ',Vdieiltine Meetingof the Young People4S.Societv Was h d on Monday evening at the FRIDAY •iav.e you yotir coSturne ready, for the ',Tnasquerade- carnival ort Friday night? Indications point ..,..... to: a .colortul. event, preceded' by a figure skating performance by, -Wipgham Slating, Club and concluding with/a lively' broom ball game between.. Ashfield,,,and ome Kinloss. 1 E CC)Aie Ir TF0701s.coosot .;;" YOU HAVENY COME 13E.POIRZ, LEM.' G:grAcQgwrED AelopE euic,14,0R 40' SHOD PAYS : , L.4.1CM, '144..).(),ESIM4KS, toe SEP9Y 5,0 a.101,0,C),,,41TORE DRY GOODS LADIES 4 CHI LE5REN CHINA •KITCHEN LITENSiLS.GREETING CARDS • critost, TOILETRIES t -TOYS olkitt4.4_ 108W LUCRNOW, ONT. 108Vtci 4