HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-02-16, Page 1-777 • 4. , 4. 12.50 A Year In Advance -41A- ExtraTo U.S.A.. . • ro - LI.J.CICNOW, ONTARIO: WEDNESDAY, FEB, 16th, 1955 EIGHT l'?A.G.ES Wawanoshfil.:70,..1:n.sotante...-(0. , Shows Surplus, Rates Unchanged The, West Wawano.sh Mutual Fire,Insurance COmpany • is in ,a -healthy' financial ;•position, ac- cording to, 'reporp, presented at the. 76th annual meeting held in the Parish 'Hall; :Dungannon, on •, Friday.. The:Meeting was -We11.- tended and Was presided over by President Harvey Anderson. ••Grant MacDiarrnidwas elected • as a director to. succeed Ernest Ackert of 'HolYrood, Who has re- tired. My: lVfacDiarrnid spoke, briefly in accepting the appoint- - • ment, the duties of -which he has assumed immediately in the zone . previously covered by' Mr. • 'Aekt. • ert. Mr. Macniarrnid ..Was• the only candidate for the vacancy • and was elected on motion of Harvey Houston and•Jack:Aekert.' The 'other two retiring, direct- . Ors, George keagan and, George Stuart, were re-elected; Mr. Fea- gan on Motion of Herb Curran and :Wilfred' •Par-fith, Stuart:On 'motion Of Thos:: ger and Herb Stothers. • : ' The: auditors, W. A. Stewart' and P. A., Murray, Were re-elect-. ed••on motion of• Wilfred •Farrish :..and Kenneth Scott.. The,appOint,. merit of 'Officers of the Company • is , made at the first "directors' • meeting. • Discuss Niisance Clainis Los1 iroS-.4.Paid,....by the: Com- pany in .1954,.totalledY29. Of this number 69 claims were ;for. Sums 9f -410.00.0A Under and are clasS ed -as "nuisance claims"; They .are mainly for damage to elect- rical appliances, attributed. to lightning; although When , no other damage results in. the home. :there arises some'incertainty as to lightning.always being •the cause.; , • •• . After some discussion the 'meet:. ing• decided t� ,continue, for the time being at least, the. Policy. ol .paying -these' Small claims, with- out adding a deductible clause to .the &hey. . • • Weather Protection? • • Another. Matter; im ..fOl• discus- sion was, that of supplemental eantraets*, which 'would ,permit' ' the Cpmjiany.:to 'include , Weather 'insurance ,protection along with the fire insurance. Authority Was granted the Board of Din. • ,eetars to ..enter into such an agreement, • if -auci, when ...theY saw Livestoek:•Losses:.0imir_. ° • The Company is holding it , rates at the Present levet.; • and in doing So requests 'the co-op- eration of •allpolicy holders "..to take every' precaution.t' to :.keep claims' to a minimum. ,;the Cgril,- Pally this year shetwed a surplus of $a,000 which increases the • tOtal.'sUrPlus to $151,000, which is well over twice the Surplus required' by the Department of; Insurance.' The. West Wawanosh' • rate& it is 'clairried, are among WILL •OBSeRVE 85th BIRTHDAY THIS WEEK • " , , • Mrs,' DaVe 'Alton' will be 85 years .of age on Saturday,' Feb- ruary; l9th,,She.niateS•I'fir .home with,: her daughter, =Mrs.. W. G. Reed and Mr. Reed; Who reside just north of the .Village. • Mrs. Alton has suffered from S lerin of arthritis for about fif- teen years- and 'for nine'. years has been Crippled to a ,,degitee that confines her to a ,wheel chair. She .has not been able to take "a- step in that time. For a lengthy Period she Suffered 'greatly from theaffliction; hut of ,late .years the. pain has .eased.• Mrs. ,Alton otherwise Continues te .enjoy fairly, good health', is bright ,and cheery and , takes Much .pleasure in hearing from seeii.ig old ,friends. .,thel lowest of any district c9nll • •panieS.. • • 'In, discussing the rates, • the -question of • raising "them - or adopting a classification, rating. was brought. up. • In. this regard 'it was.' pointed out that livestock kand tractor losses' were out of .,.:proportion to other and that, this claSs , of risk was not • carrying ; its share accordingty. However no change of• poliey was decided on. HELI) VALENTINE PARTY . The ..pnpilg of the. LtieknOw iridergarten crass and .their .teaeher, Mrs. Isobel MacKenzie, .•herd a . Valentine • party . last' •ThurSday afternoon With, the .rnotliers' as „guests. It •• Wats Jield in the kindergarten room and was • a Very pleasant • occasion. Were is a class 'Of seventeen arid despite weathekconditions an.d 4Ilness irr. the cknrriutlitYi, ...attendance. figures, have. been high in this class, * :NEW. BILL BOARD , IP :A- bill board , is now . located • in., front of ,Masen!s Garage and is available for publicizing local doings. The; boardhas been, pro- vided by the Lucknow •••Brarih, Of the Canadian' Legion, and will te an asset- in keeping the public. advised, ,Of: 'coriUntirlity and- they. are Many:. GIBRALTAR ' • • ' . • (0y. George. Benson ;Cox), ' • "Strong as Gibraltar'? , is a fre- quentlyused. phrase.' "The Rock" as is spoken of. resembles,. a crOuching:; lion:, and it a fitting symber of British naval power; „arid . it has often been. designated: .":the key to the •Mediterranean". .The Rock -of Gibraltaris a loaf - 'shaped mass of limestone 'tower.. ing 1396 feet above the, sea. The colony has an area of two and a quarter. „square miles. : It. Was a:clear; .Warin morning when.,,We paused before the- famed' fortress. .In theship'stender we were transferred rapidly -to the 'levet landingat the fo6t. of the 'great .k)ck, By automobile' We were . driven through ther.niie- iqng tunnel beneath' the 'Mighty smasS,... named 'the , Way". for a • former governor ' of this .British 'colony- There are. ,other':, tunnels also, . and some • tinder Teonstruetlen , by Spanish' work men • Gibraltar h38 *a popUlation •of , 22,000 and 6;000 workers cross daily frorn. the neighboring Sp6n.... isli, toWns of •La "Linea pnd Al•-• .geciras: The inhabitants are Eng- slish,SParrishHand—Maltese. -They_ reside elliefly.in Well-ctaistructed •apartinent houses, with balebnies for • .eaCh apprtinerit;, In, addition' 'there .are the We1l-15u.ilt barrackS of the. garrison.. , book eleSely yoU•••, niay- see • all over. the. Jace,:, of . the reck,, niches and -openings. 4,Inside or t.hese are the 043n. eniplacements: there are thousands of therii: But . the cannon' are nOt . thei times .of „peace „they are stored. 'elsewhere,. ; •',"The water • ,supply .conStitutes a problem. 'Large, slanting cern- (fliCCl areas may- be seen oil the 'eastern side- of.`the :Rock; these. tire km:4n , as ',catehments..".• The lath which falls on, these is con, ,d ucted 'to reservoirs, and many -millions of • gallons are -Slored,: enough • for a possiblesiege. of • ,tour years, . hcr-narth • of the---foi4ro.,( area. ira level tract ont. mile afid a half mile wide, This is used. as •a British 'airfield with runways. Beyond is a "no ins land", where the , British and .Spanish flags, arid sentries of the two countries; face one another :as they'have done for' two hundred Years, . • Much .more' might berelated of our Mteresting day in "Old aill" if spacewould perrnit." BEEN CHAPTER TREASURER OVER FORTY: YEARS , Mr: W. W. Bill is serving his 43rd year as treasurer of the. Lucknow• Chapter of the ,Royal Arch, Masons., Mr. Hill joined the Phapter in, 1905, abd come May ,he Will have been a member for 50 years, He has been treasurer since 19.1. Mr.'•Hill and the late 4IeX Nicholson joinded the Chap- ter_ about the same 'time.. , Mr. "Hill' also served as treas, tder of Old Light Lodge for some thiRy-six years. He has been a Member of Old Light for over half • a century,having received his fifty year -jewel last- year, • FOUR ,BRUCE BATTALION MAIL' MEN HAVING, .TROUBLE !FINDING BOXES •••••••••• A The lot of the rural mail men is not an easy one these. slays, •with King Winter holding .swayA The Liggeil problern,at times Is "to: find . the mail' :High banks.are being. piled up by con- tinued snoWPIOWing, ,andmail - box,es ih places, are.. accessible. only 13y .°•Serambling over the hanks, in...k..forne cases they. -• are practically :buried., • The. Post Office Department has Week distributed a cir- cu]ar to rural box holders, out-, lining . Department regulation 'with ,resPect to rural mail 'deliv- ery.. •• VETS DIE IN TWO MONTHS • • KiNLOU41-1* COUPLE 'I'wo World War I veterans of FIFTY YEARS the '16(1th Bruce Battalion, Nem 'McLennan and Jack McKendrick • • • gpt .to talking in. The • Sentinel (KINI.;01.1GH NEWS) Office on Satiiklay •whri it was . Oh .gaturday everiing thelam- revealed, that 'four of their, old ily of Mr .• arid Mrs. 'lames Hod, 160th buddies had . died , within gins' gathered' at their home for the pest coliple of months. a family dinner marking their . The four included -Leslie Buck-50th-t7wedding----anniVersarY-.. The Ingham of Kincardine, •Ted Duff home was tastefully, , deCOrated of „north .0.f. Kincardine, Clair Kean 01, Owen Sound and.form- etly. of Tiverton and. Dan Mac- Donald of New York. and,-forin- erly of Huron Towrishipi. , .7 • °Mr. ,MacDOnald's funeral' was held at ,Ripley last .-week. Al- though • he was 5 feet,.-: eleven inches tall; he. was known in the 160th as P ",Little .Dan",. because there-'-wai-another Dap MacDon- ald from 1-Iiiron who vitaiT6 feet.. 4.1 inches and, waScknown-'as Dan''. He too, is dead k Both the. MacDonalds, were born and rear.: ec,l' west ,of Ripley, C'ONPER, 014 .:AssEssMEN.t.::. -t • .„ The 'matter of the equalized :assessment :Of , the Lucknow. High, School District is to the fore at presentand. a:conference of the various 'municipalities concerned is .slated for Thurs.day. ' • HLEAD,#^F DETROIT TOOL AND DIE FIRM • 4The following ,artiele recent 3 appeared in .the busines section of the Detroit NeWs:. •'' for the occasion 'with baskets of spring flowers and other suitable 'decorations' While a, three-storey :cake adorned • the bridal table...A Very ;pleasant evening -*as en- ioyed. .Both Mr .• and, Mrs., Hod - 'gins enjoy: a. measure, Of good health and heartiest congratula- tions are •extended to this highly respected couple:. . Mr. Hodgins WaS.:born" onhF ferm:. that his father; the late° John Hodgins, took • tip as virgin land. over 100. years .ago ..and m .1905 he Ved':Myrtle. Armstrong, 'daughter' Of. the ,•late . Mr: - and Mrs. , Joseph Armstrong. Of Kin- loss, Theywere ,married by the Methodist minister', the Reverend Vance. They Were .blessed 'with 'a :family . of two sons •tand two daughters; 'Torn. and Jack here, (Audrey). Mrs Cliff Borth- wick of St 'Catharines, (Mabel) the late MI'S. Charles •Gillespie of whom they were •sotrawfully be- reaVed. Her. two Stnall, Children, Donald arid Betty' Gillespie: (IVIrs. Dan Bushell) Were brought in the HOdgiins home. . " Mr and digins are vat- ued Members • of •,the :Kinlough Anglican Church where Mr. Hod- • •The National: Association of gins has. served as, thirrch' war. - Engineering ..Companies.has.eleet :din and on the Board of Manage; ed Simon. S. ,Baer and Charles Ment.:,'Mrs: ,HO'dgiris is .a charter Sherwood: directors. Bearis the member of Wornen'S Auxil- toundr and'president of Efficient -lary and . a .life member of ..the. -Engineering Co.. Inc, 'Oak Park; Holyrood WO,meril,s-Institute..0a. and.Sherwood founder and presiL Tuesday afternoon, arni evening dent Of:'RYCO° Engineering* Inc, receptin• was held whenTneigh7 Detrqit..::. • bors and friend called.. o etend . •• Charles Sherwood is •a: Son of lest wiSheS., Many Congratulatory. the:: late :Mr. and MrS., '..Samt.t0 niegsages • and. gifts -Were .reeeiV, (lierwoed and was born' on the ecl., . , • 'tztinily farm on the 10th Coces- sion Ashfield, now :occupied by h'..s-brotlier-in-Iaw: and -sis-ter,"Mr, and, 1VIrs:-Leslie Richic:• •• ,charlie went. to Deealt in 1923 andwaS employed until 1933 the Ford •Moter. CoMpanyintheir.. tool:. and dip department,;during RASH .OF BROKEN '.BONES • LOCALLY There has been a rash of brok- en bones in this-corriniunity ing the past •ten days. On Monday 'afternoon.'Melviri:. liedgins; 16 -Year-old son of Mr. " and -Ur's, Oscar Hodgins suffer: - ed a • frktwe • of the 'right leg, in': •a-: an in front of Spence. Jrwin?s-ternei while the .37-Outh, ,was coining ' Marie- from school. ° The break • was midway between. : the kripe and the ankle. He was taken to. Wingham 'Hospital. • Fractures ate nothing new ,in; the Hodgins' household.. Two :kcither Sons, Clayton and Alvin, suffered -fractured ankles a few years ago, and. Oscar was badly .smashed up When working, on • HighWay, .,66; When'. pavng was being carried On:west:of town. f' Breaks -Arm. • • Last Thursday,. Margaret '.Ann Rees, .-11-yearold , daughter of and 'Mrs. George. Westlake,' 'fell . on '1Vrain Street and broke • both bones • iir.her . left forearm. : •Margaret---th-La-thirdTroOnn-,stiident at Lucknow Public SchOet • Leg Racily Broken': On Thursday, February . 3rd, Clifford Meriary of Ashfield suf- fered a badly fractured right leg; while assisting ••in. Unloading, a. • 'cattle •beast • at. the "Hedley!' slaiigher .:. house; „South of • the High ,School. 'Cliff . Was assisting Frank Ritchie when the beast bolted"' from the. •trailei.)' scarcely.knoWg 'What •• haPPened except that = when he tried .to get. up he 'couldn't., The •reason Was . three breaks in the right leg between::the kric...e :and .ankle. He was taken to ...Wingliani Hoipital, for; treatment, and, will be there , fOF six or eight •weelts:.', • „-, 4 .‘ Fractures Wrist , .Late" SuridaY. night, Febrtiar3r • 8th; 1Mrs. Wm..:I MaoCrostie re- ceived a bad: fracture of ithe,Aeft -Wrist when she ,slip'ped and fell in • her ,...b.edroorn. She was taken° to • Winghain Hospital' for 'treat- , ment, suffering also. from sllOcIt. • MAKE.. PRESENTATION TO mks. .JOHN ApA:ms, ., • Mrs. J. L. 1VIacMillan•Was Ids-, tess. to the. Bridge Club and close .., neighbors ; on .1Vlenday everting . with 'Mrs. John Adarni, -whose • • marriage took .place 'last week., • .a.s. guest of hpnor. • • , ,, . Mrs. Adams, was presented with a lace table .cloth,- candle sticks,. -i fancy -teapot and --other gifts:',. Mrs._ W.. C. Attridge won the bridge prize .for the high la -d -Y-' mong the neig .bors,, and Mrs. 1 R; H. Thompson won the prize . fox' the high Score of the, Bridge Club rnemOers., .. orripleth unicipa .pipitatm40:: Of Monday Lt a s ecial Trie.,etm Of the 'which tunehe atten.e. a5s. • Village Council on 'Monday even- 'I'echnieal High. SehOolan- d the ,ing, the Board colk.v,ileted th,t ap- paintrxrent•ot.:Villat..i.,e On ,,-Motioyi-7-ofl•tottne ill4r8 At- tridge ancl...-.Toynt, ap pointed T. Eli Morgan "of:.Tees1,ya'ter as Ltteknow assess:01.'1'er the year 1955, at a Salary of $575-, Mr,' Morgan •at,ended- Monday night's meeting.' He waS • I•Ord., •Eriginp.ering . institute, He 'later •-•afterided•-•-the' Detroit' Cbl - lege,' of Applied Seienc'e. • In the interirn . between his 'cOnnection With 'Ford Motor Com- panyand the •founding Of. his ,Own he,. Was .constantly • 'employed, in vAriou8phases �f engineering werk: ' • Township assessor fOr.three years In 194.7, he , and Mr.' George Nidiffer .• of Detroit organized with Ripley's new • assessment ftYco Engineering, Inc, The first He i now teaching, school at few months • were, difficult, ones Teeswater. • but; they ended ihe first ?year Oii Mecron•of and,''.• we .."'Undkrstand,. asSisted, • 'Road estiMated $6,000.60, . will be apprOved Jur the subsidy D'epartment- in 1955, al- thetigh ..that atneunt.7.will. not nee- • c'- 1i *be 'Spc.tit.*--.A .' break d ofthat an-ioLirit !Ni,(10f0r •c•onstruction, .$5.,opo. tor mainten-. arwe aria.,.$50q, for briclg.,'s and CulVerts.: The'' Peeve. ,and.• \yore auiliorized to sign the office lease 'with First and k second .r0a,cting iv:1s :given, By -Law Np.. 2, covering, the ° issuing, of d.ebentuves in the firnount of $5777,77.:in connection.. ;with Luck'now's Share. of the con - with an engineering force Of' 8•'• Leod an' MoWbray, Catincil re- streCtion• of. the ,Wingham hien, •Sinee then, .,the cornnanJIenaed Alex Havens as. town • .. has enjoyed continual growth andl foreman at a salary of $2,400. now has ank.engineering• persin- .nel of Over 100 engaged in de- signing tools, dies, fixtures, 'far pec- mah and products for • the automotive, " aircraft and other intlustries, • in the Detroit a*reas. approxi- mately AO of :the leaciin'g fvgin- ecring compaPies are metribers of the National Association of., Engineering Companies. , Apply, For 'Road. Subsily ' Council with petition the Hight ways Pepartment, for the subsidy on1954,road expericbtures A total of $4,2$3.43'twas spent,ofiUage roads in 1954 This amotint. was reduced; bY $88541 from . County graits and .other receipts; leav. lig a „balance Of • $3,363,02 on whieh• the .governmeht •sulvidy. Of , 50 percent, will aPply, ' pital chronic Patients 'wine; the issue requires equal anntialPy-• monis of principal' and in,10'rest: in:•the amount. of $7:12.33 for ten for appi oVal to the 'Mtinicipal Board before the third and. final r,eading. 'Council t PdVertisine for 30 cords of bi'h or 61n1 �qi1t<0 be delivered.: and piled at- TOW11' Hall Prior 10 July 11.4; • •