HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-02-09, Page 7WEDNESDAY, FEB. 9th, 1955 .• , k THE' tdRciCNOW SENTIN4. LUCKNOW, ONTARIO aterloo Cattle Breeding Assoc. "Where Better Bulls Are Used" lqild.ut;e• Of Our. aull0 Vill Astaire YOU That:. - •__ _. . • YOUR YOUNG STOCK WILL 10AVB*.THE INRERANT ABILITY TO PRODUCE be. they beef or dairy,. The goOd producers make nitrre ,dollars,. . 0 . : ___._ YOUR • YOUNG STOCK WILL NOT IlAit INHERANT_ UNDESIRABLE CHARACTERISTICS.: Special attention IC' paid tothis in the bull selection for Unit use, . . • n . . , ' FREEDOM FROM THE 1DANGEir OF HANDLiNQ BULL:Several people are killed or httrt, eack`y,ear, on Ontario • .fartns: by .bulls. Inseminators are 'not, dangerous. . '* .. — . . • •, , . % ,FREEDOM OF THE DANGER OF SPREADING, Dim- EASIE..Unit-btills'are testect ,for many diseases , and are under very Striet...healthride's,. A good *ay to spread infection is the neighboUrhood Use "of a • bull.- Inseminators are train'ed ..... . . , . to .disinfect boots between: farms -and use a new disposable breeding 'tube ter each pow.. •'' ': ' . . • ; . .. , $ YOUR TOTAL . BREEDING COSTS • 'WILL •BE LOWER.' • iNo capital investment in. a bullAs reiluired and ,:ihereis risk of death loss of sires. The estimated.cdst to keep a bt'ol ' on the farm' is •$200.08 to 83,80.00 per year., •YOU WILL HAVE ACCURATE BREEDING RECORDS: During January • 1955, we had a 16.6 percent increase . over ' January. 1954 or. 479 cows.. FOR INFORMATION OR SERVICE . „ • 'PHONE CLINTON 242 , between 7:30 and 10:00 a.m.-Week dayst or 7:30 to, 9:30 a.M. on Sundays. • If you are interested .in artificial inseminatiCriz, send . the coupon below to the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Associa- • tion, „Clinton, Ontario, and one of our menwill call at your •farm. to , give further information. . #.00.411.1,41•111•141..11.111.441,11.1141111•11:11a1.11.11.111111.111i1111110141.11111161.• i41.0.0•111110.1111,1•1111111411111111.0.1/111.,1111.1016.1111all.Q46111•14., 1 • Please call, at sni.farm,. to give. further: :information NAME..... ADDRESS. • . • • • . . . , .. .. ••• .. . , • • ........ • '• . • • . . . ...... . , . ... Location of Farm: • Concession . .... :1 • • .. : ... . . .. • ... ... .. . • . . .. .... .... , V.. ... .... • • ... .. ... ....... a•Lot.. , f I f ifff; Iiii.i.;14;.11•48.1.11461101) iiii.iff4.1.0fkiiieff I .1.111114 • Ulf i 41.;!fellirtfli;11 ' • " ' " , • • , , . . • PAGE SEVEN UrstWitir :Sponsor "lVfilky Way" . • Owing tn.' a postponeinent ,the January Meeting of the Dungan, - non ,Women's InStittite was held on February .3rd at the here of Mrs.. .E, 'Errington with •Mrs. Brooks residing and 19 members and tIko visitors present. It was, •decided to '..sporisor the. project "The 1y1illw WaY", with Mrs. Har- vey Mole as leader and Mrs. Dick Kilpatrick,. assistant. A. motion was carried to pay 25c a member toWards' the .A.C.W.W, clelegateS• to Ceylon •and. 12e a member' for the. Horne- and .Country. The pro,- jeet of a' hoine-making Centre row .villaga: "Ceylon '' was did; cused. Arrangements' were made fel' the Institute February 24, The Motto, "WhOle- Some hemes are 'stepPinstOnes •to a great nation!' was prepared by Mrs. D. 'Phillips and read by. Mrs.., Ivers. , Mks, R. Irvin chose as her tOpic,. .Our New. Canad- ,iatis", and Mrs. 'Watt shared :the • reading Of it. Current events were given by ' Mrsi*: C Ftewler.The Meeting. closed y*.r.ith,The • Oueen and-Junch__Was ser...ved by the.. hos-.. •,tesses. • • .‘ Don • Glenn, R C fi, London, Spent the week -end with his par- ents, Mr. and ' Mrs.:Frank Glenn. The St. .Paurs Anglican Guild held the ..FehrttarY • meeting on Thursday' afternoon at the 'home of Mrs. Gladys. Rivett. ,.,Mrs. El- mer • Black, :pres., • . opened :With the Auxiliark ' prayer arid 'Lord's prayer in. unisth Mrs Bob Mole ead-4,:hylpri'. A moment" Of. observed in respect for .the late Mrs. Hugh Stewart, Who had, been • a charter .inentber of • the • Guild. GladYs. Rivett .read the 23rd :psalm.: Mrs. /j�) 131aCk 'gave.: the', minutes ot the -last.meeting ,was answered by:.a Verse With the ,word Judia;Plans.Were made for the. &Ohre party, on febritary.. ilth. Mrs.: Victor *Black gave a. reading.' Mks'. tElmeir.'.131ack read .''Goci Bless Yoti!'. and Closed with: the benediction. Lunch waS ser- ved by the, hostess asSiste0 • by. Mrs. Elnier..Black..,and.Mrs.-Bdb . „ • Mr. and Mrs. Jas : Wilsonenter- tained the Sixth Con Euchre Club on Wednesday night of last, week. There ere 28 present .- An agitising :ce-iricidence. was 1 that theladies' and gents' prizes Were • won by Mr. :and .Mrs. .tealin Fin-. nigan;a .first, and :Mr:, and Mrs. flarVey • Anderson second.: .The party this week is at the hoine of .Mr. and Mrs,. Harold' Erring- tOn on WednesdaY 'night. • • Mr.. Carleton 'Stingel,..who is doing temporary work for awhile in Toronttic' was• home :;for the: returnibg • Sunday. •• Mrs. :Herb Finnigan entertain- ed the Iinitedchurch for th.e.: February Meeting en 'Friday • • . . WHITBY .RE' -.ELECTED . CHIEF. OF*.E.IRE.,•COMPANY',' : At the February -meeting of the ..i.ettelZnow"•• Fire Company • the Town: Hall 'On' Monday,: the elecH ..tion of officers' was rdade for ' the.Comingyear. Thelist rerriains. tinchangecl . from last year: :•'Fire • Chief,. George • Whitby; -Deputy Chief,,Bill JohnstOne; secretary,: Stuart'. Collyer; treasurer,. .41f • Ritchie,YVire Captains,,•Tom And: erson„:3ack Cook; Titistees: Lloyd Hall,.'Roy :flans,. Bud:, Thomp'-... Fon. South Kinloss February tarirtetin. g of South. . „ . . as. held at the fit:Sine ,Alex Sutherland : , , under tie directorship .of Mr. Lloyd MacDougall. and: • Mrs.' .Fraser MacKinnon. -Mrs.Williani Macintyre.'preSided and vatiouS "Thank :Yen," notes 'W'pre read by _the. secretary. 'Roll call Was - sPended to with a Bible verse containing the .woral, An'llie • MacIntyre.Tiad the scrip.; 4iie lesson, and a very •helpful• 'Meditation on ,the PasSage. : -Prayer ,Circle.'was Nrldtteted .• • ...ALARM CLOCK WINIERS • • AT BUTTON:S MEAT MARKET In. connection with the arini- • ••versary 'sale; at 'Ili.itton's Meat • 'Market. ten' luCky . people., w,ere their meat free • :alarm .clock Was . set to . .ring .througliout,' the day::• aild if :you \\ c‘re. paying for Your order ..v1 -fen • flip alarm sotinde.d.:you received , . 111 liners; AVerel Mrs. r r: lArafitEir,;" Prea M. 'Mtirray, Cd.usbv Alin Georg §bundeni, iiin 1ngland. 1it111.9Nco C 4:01; RE P dr0 • Heavy snowfalls coupled with high .winds completely 'blocked, most country roads On' January: 12.7th Agricultural :activities wore ColltiCCIUeritlY curtailed tthe 1, .remainder of that.' wok • • evcrLt..0Ax. dicated by the attendoianc‘e, 200. tiFthe annual. County llog To+ ,ducers' meeting on February Seed cleaning plants report creased lictivity and • numerous inquiries are being received re-' SourceS-er seed suppl 10S. A record nuniber of 74411• Club nlenibprships have been received f•or, this season of the year: • Have •you reneWed your , Sen.: • tinsub,scripficrn? ,• CTMacIVE7Mrs•TWT-P, Wiaellonald and .Mr. IP., Steer, Mrs. H. 1...,avis,.gaVo a ;report Or the :Presby,teriel, Meeting held in Winghakitiri .1.anuar,...1‘,/,1r.... Steel: accompanied .b,y A.4'1%4.; A. Hughes, coritributed•'w,:•Solg.Mikl, Coll- yer icdthe cYQfii four. fOreign and Mrs. IL The new study •book .fOr the year: Was in- troduced' by grs. .Douglas,. gra .- ham yOth the...aid% Of 's6.'erat inaps 4. Ind la.... uml. "pic1 tiros :of ..ott - work'Osth ei.c. f;khe'lls"(ed •sey'erill 11•1,6sofis wo...kAutdc3 .p.art Vu : ,st Udy Of ,that .cp.uniry; .11 1.ms-di:Tided fo''aCTept an hivitatiOn crop.), th LOCknoW 1.6 join . with them; and, Other town.. Churciir.s ibr' the k or. Prayt;:t. 't6 in the Pres11t(..r.4i,1:1 ch:urch, Fcjz.r.tiary 25th. . Mrs. L. •MaeDougall thikd 'Mrs. Sfilh- , .cyland .for her hospital ity and lunch wasserved by the liosttss ad dit,cctoi$,.. • . • ffieeRS-- iOn Tuesday afternoon of la0; • .the Orange ,County Lodge I of West Brtice held their 'annual I Meeting in the Lodge...rooms at AMberley with ,a large attend - ane, "Worshipful County Master John NfeCormick. Presided and reported. on what favorable pro- gress the .1.edges in West .Brueti, had. made this past year With new. trierobers being added., to the: • roll apd Suspensions being cut to„.„.a Mibirnttni. He: also. ,gaVe report on his visit to Grand Lodge., at Niagara •F,alls -last . May. and. Meeting of the cow* Masters at Owen Sound • in .Septernb.er, 'DePtitY' Cp.u.nty ',Master.. john Emerson spoke, Rommending "Bro. McCormick on his splendid. re- port arid .hi S efficiency inlooking after the, Priinary ..1..Odges.• He concluded his. remarks by saying, •"Bro. McCormick• ,is, •the right Man in..the right .place". The sec- retary's • report • Was ' then •read and confirmed by the. MaSter' and reports • given by'other. officials and committees: .. . pailie, of Blyth extended an invitation, to. the Brethren -of. Weft. Brueeto::atiend the cele- bration of the •12th �f JulY. at. 'Myth,- -Which ywaS unarittnously • accepted.. '•• The present officers - Were* re; .aPPOinted, being as follows: Co. Master,:jOlin MeCOrrniek; De.Puty Master, John Ernerson; .ehaplain, Rev. J. C. Hutton; marshall,. ;Har- ry '),Graham; 'treasurer, •:Bert Al-. ,ton; •seereiary, . Earl Tont; •finan-r, cial 'Secretary,. Cbester. Emitter - ton, lecturers, Charles Eininerton and Bob •CamPbell. . An invitation :was.: given ' . Jchn Emerson ;t6,hcact. their semi - :annual . 'annual irtrte-eting .a7-'"Kinlotigh. On June. 7th.• ReV., :Button Closed ,the Meeting With , prayer: .after whih • HALDENBY ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICE... Armature -and-Field "Winding. • Itrushes4; Bearings, Etc., Repairs to •- 'Fraction:al and Integral • Horsepower Motots;'.',*" Also Electric Fans,Vaeuinns, Clippers, Drills, Etc.• • .11.ALDENBY ElLECTIt1C •• • Kinfotigh -Phone Ripley. 1,11-r 29 Offered prayer. Mrs, M. Reed .readi the aim and object. 1Virs..Arthur -Elliott led 'in the worship ser -.1 Vice • and %gave the topic, "The •• 'church .Universal, in India". Sev- enteen members answered •the toll call. It waw• reported that 11 house calls and two hospital calls were made during .the month. Mrs. Reed, read .a letter from a WALKF.RTON missionary,' Miss Blanche . Get - .hard ..of Carlfile,..Sask. • Mrs.. G: • • I .MONUMENTS ELT WALKERTON 7 We are ,the only, manufac- turers in this part of Ontario • of high class Monuments • who import granite from the .1 Old Country in the rough by • • the carload and process from the rough to the finished monument, No middleman,. . , When choosing a. inonunient •'come and see one Of' the 'largest selections an Ontario . • Established over sixty ,years. Write or plione.Walkerton. 8 • _and reverse charges... . • SKELTON.. MEMORIALS _ • _ • Watt was invited to bethe speak-, .• • RECEIVE; CITIZENSHIP er at the World's. Day. of Prayer' , • ,. .in the '.1inited -Church ; on. Febru- ep.yetit,7nifie‘:Hui ori Count y ary "25th. WS.' Raymond Firini- residents, took: oaths' Of allegiance.. gap read from -the 'Study boOk. • • Mrs Clifford 'Crozier gave a. and .receie.xl.. 'citizenship :. papers: readiing. MrS. 'Herb .04-nligah ye- ..at a record-breaking' session at Ported 'there were 15 members 111 Goderi6 la'st eek Arn Ong the the C.G.LT. The Meeting closed number wii;,; became .Canadiaisi ,Witha hYriin'and- Mrs. ' Hedges; • • • • , , the presc, ident, cloSinwith itiens:was Mrs1:343.',LP1* ' • .A:. And- aft6rnobri. Mrs; George Flodges • er: Mrs. Finnigan, the:.hostess.erson o Di.Ingannon, •is .4 served native. of •rrurkey. , - • • ifJIiLJYL N1 SERVICP e+n / ' •91 . .: • . . A- Masonic funeral SerViCe Was •held hist ThursaaY 'eVening'. at the McLennan ;Funeral llom.e• in Ripley for the hitt.? Norman IVIason, a for in or. *Ripryite 'whiz died at ,Warsaw, INIEV York and wa.s Ijrought to Ripley,for inter- ment. *.The Masonic ritual Was conducted hy NV:Lerman and - Worshipful Master' Harvey 1,V01). ster, Mr.' Matheson Light Lodge^ 1918. . • • ••Hugreffe • , 'The Bourke family in the Bell cafeteria (left to right): Lauretit• 21, Toll Testing, Montreal-- 24, Toll Operator, Montreal—Lucie, 17,Stenagrapher, Montreal—tOrO y, 23, Central ffice, St. Lambert Plant -- Suzanne, 20, tenagraphee, Montreal.:—Gator,, 25, Toll Testing, Montreal. •' • , • ay baek$64-422ra yoUng man tkietnain--, of ...4yrthur Bourke joined our company. Little did he rahthat his children -all six ef them -would follow le his footsteps to careers at the net TodAy` Mr. Bourke would be more Than 'proud of his handsome family. We, know we ale! The B.ourkes, like all telephone people, know from -their own experience that the 114 is 44' good Place to work"; They il ,?ae found Pleasant adeociates. and e Bour es all work at the Bell • % • -intere.sting-y,verk-,at--good,wagert-h found satisfaction and opportunity:in serVing the pubhc izi an essential business: • • • And this is as it should be, for good* fere- phone service depends upon people who iitie their jobs," and convey this feelin., ,to our .• .'customers. This is the, feeling -that is' , largely responsible for "the; spirit service"; you. find in Aell .empl4(1 s wherever you Meet, them. , . THE BELt TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANAD).k , '0