HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-02-09, Page 5' 'WEIAESDAY, FEB. 9th, 1955;
4 :"i'eair
• First.ShoWing at 7,15 p.in„
..Saturday Matinees,' 2.00 ,pan.
Thiirday, -Friday,. Saturday
•' FEB. 10-1142
Jaines.Mason Robert Wagner
Janet Leigh
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
' • •',
, .. • . •
Elizabeth *Taylor Van Johnson
Donfl. a 111;e0d
i.Last Time
The 309 aratlet of the Canad-
ian Legion and the Ladies' Attx.
Wary held their joint installation
Meeting in the Legion: .Roorns,
LtieknoW, on Tuesday, February
lst.."There was a, splendid often-
. „.
dance at this meeting. '
The meeting opened 'With "Q
Canada" wit h% corritacie Cowan
-at the Plane. ;President Kenneth
Cameron introducedPail' Pres1,-
dent' Allister Hughes, who was
'master of • ceremonies. for the in-
stallation 'of officers. for 1955.
Yfr.Fkliaglies :gave •-a•.short ',but
illuminating • repiirt h w
Brailh"'309 has expanded in the
past few. „year.S:, He.•_then caned*
• oil Comrade Ethel Airthstrong• tO
present the officers- for install-
•'4he new • slate of 'officers is
as follows: Pres., Sadie MacMil-
loril 1st vice Pres., Anna John-
, stone;' 2nd vice •pres,, Marg Was-
r.ew;: past 'president- and,. execu:
tive meraber, Eva Black; -treas.,
Sadie HArnilton; sec, Joan Eng -
I Saw.IPa ia'
• eOlour •
land; .rat -Arms, Ethel •Ann!.
strOng; assistant Sgt. -at -Ayes,
Henriette 'McDonald; executive:
coramittee, Comrades • •Ccillyet„
. • - •°,
,President 1.S a d'ie 1%/14cMillar.
thanked one and all for theft'
lOYal;'.support. in the past and was
.iisstired ln .turn �f the'same
sup -
pit in 'the fUture. .
1,Many cards of thanks were•re-
ceived.,and •read. from 'members
and, 0 -lends who received Christ -
. 'mas boxes and gift4.,: "
I The, auditing. . of the books
ing ...duly been completed, 'a very
s .1.
satisfactory:report_was received
:on same...Coinrade 'ushell, as
'Iteasurer,•••.and• ,COrnrade. Hedley,
•as. the ••C'Onverier of the 'Sewing
:Conimittee:-.eertaitily did. a grand
jpb. duting the past- year • and
were :duly thanked by. all. • ".
A1,1. ;in 11 tike .v.iork of the 309
Branch is. going ,ahead, which
put .everyone. in:a happy *rnOod.!
s .•
, A delightful oyster supper'was.
served bythe ladies ,of Auxiliary
iU . ,a•ttei thbusiness of the pven- the. hei.d numbered -150;
' was' • o leted d he k t
Mrs.. ,s1: W, Colwell spent a'few
days in Lticknow with her sister,
Mrs. Wm. Bushell. •'
• Sympathy, is ,extended to. the
Collins family in the' sudden
passing Of the late Mrs. Charles
Collins .at the home of -Mr. and
Mrs, Russell Collins at Purple
Grove. Frnds.from here 'attend-
ed the funeral at. the McLennan
Funeral Home at Ripley on Sat-
urday. • 9•
Mrs. Wesley. Guest *returned
home from. London. last Week
with her' son Fred; who had spent
•the -week -end there -with hisjath-
er, whe is, a patient in Yictoria
•Hespital,. Weh all Wishyour. in
prOved health, Wes. •• •
• :The Vomen's....Institate met
.the .1-1olyrood Hall .on Thiirsday,
afternpon •with Mrs. ' Frank
Thempson'presiding...An interest-
• ing letter was: •read froni Mrs.
• MeFater telling pf the W.I. •act-
ivities,•since she, Was appointed
•;president .that 813 branches' Corp-
tribUted to 'Korean Relief, and ex: -
pressed her thanks to all branCh.7
es for the .splendid'co-operatipn
• she • had •• received. Plans' Were
Made to quilt a Red. Cross quilt.
akt'icl also to sponsor 'a card. party
.and box. sOciar•on Tuesday even-
ing, February .32nd, The tiornin-
.•ating, committee were ire-eletted
and are, Mrs, Tom Hodgins, Mrs,
II0Warci • Harris, Mrs, Itaynard.
'Ackert and Mrs. Frank Maulden.
It .was. decided to pay, the re-
quired amount 4oWards•the"rritis-
Each, Member answered •the
roll an interriatiOnal
event of. the Year. The convener;
:Mrs. Win, Wall,: took the ehair
for the Jollowing. program: Mrs.
Torn Hedging read the paper .pte-
Ion; an atticie•kon flag etiquette
was read hY..Mis.:•Frank Matilden;
.the rniittb, ."United. We stand, .017.
vided•we fall" was capably giVen
'by Eilina Jean Percy. Mrs: 'Ray-
• nard Ackert :gave .a,,• very ;inter -
*Sting. traVeltalk on their. recent
trip ..to Mexico. They •saw :land
worth $1200 .$1200 ,an acre and.•IVIe4i-
an folk busy. picking cotton and.
also 'visited ,.6 dairy farm ;where.
• Two Shows Nightly, First Shovv at 7.15
Thursday, Friday, Saturday,. February 10,
Cornel Wilde, Karl 'MaUlden, Steve: Cochran, in
MOnday, Tuesday, VVidnesday, Feb.
Virginia Mayo, Gene !son, in .
COM1NG—Thursday, Friday,1Saturday, Febi7Uary 17, 1.11,
"cbtoRADo mitiRairqgt
we all hope he may have. many
More.• • ••••• '
Mr. and, Mts. ;:larries Hodging
will be guests at a familydinner
on -Saturday evening •
The '1*oting'15eOple's ineeting-ef
PresbYterian'.church oii-
ened . with-. the • spirituale• "Little
Brown: ChUrcli • in ' the . Vale".
George ..Busliell; and Mac Mac-.
Donald. read the. scripture US-
.sphs and the 'Lord's prayer 'Wag
repeated. A Nalentine party is to
be • al-7rangecl for • February . 14th
with' I3an,MeFarlin, 'john
Elizabth'Seott and Marion' Percy,
On •the Program Corn,Thittee.
'abeth..Scott gave a reading "The
Greater Strength" anti Marion
eVased hbn. about two years" ago,.
The funeral service was .held
at the 'Johnstone .'uneral• liorn"e.
on Saturday,' January 29th, and
was Conducted b'y Mr."John'Mar-
' • of ,,Hawkesville. Interment
Was South: Kinlo.ss :CemeterY, •
the paAbeaters 'being Ross
Milian,- Harry LaviS, James Burt,
• Leonard MaeInnes, Harold. Carni%. -
:bell and Robert Reid. . •
`Mr. Carter is survived, by five
'half: 'brothers and two half.
•ters: Henry. of Ripley,..'Peter ,of
'Guelph, Frank and' • Edward of.,
-Toronto, Richard of. near Brus•-••
sels„ 'Mrs. He.nry Coe • of 'Utopia'
:and :Mts. Christensen of Ailing -
•ton, -Otegon. A Sister' died in
• 'PekeY. give 'seine riddles. Esther infanc•Y•
MacDonald ;gave a Contest on the
A, C'ThtBjbie:riairreS, and
.Sandra . Percy, ..played s'•a; piano
solo The remainder of the eiteti-
tva.s ' spent ..ahswering. don -
tests arid ;closed with the bene-
diction.. Luzieh .waS'•• served by
the hostesses, Marion •and Erlma
'Perqy,. A...vote of thanks Was
fere& by Cecil Sutton for the. lige
of their horrie r 'and eVeryone enL
• joyed ‘•thernselVes. . • - •
- Mr., and MrS. Alex Percy went
—Ono of these/ days . 'loon
will he timelar-spring field work,"'Will
your John Deere Equipment be. in top -
shape.. . ready to go?
'fletter•give it a•going-over, , , now.
If parts 'or' service is required, 'rely on
us; we're fully prepared to take care of
your needs with ,genuine John Deere
parts an factory approved service,
•bee •ps seopii.•
Phone 111-:r720,, Ripley
flan On his nose at St Joseph's
liospita; on Saturday. ,
MacIver Of. L;ucknoi,v
.15e.riding a fevii.„ days. with Mr.
and Mts. Ira Dickie and boys:
•Mrs. Harold Austin spent a
-few days with relatives 'at -Lon-
. 7 4!-i: arousing, item of the even- eV • en,- gathered, shells and saw bananas: to: • on on oyer t .wpe -,end o
ing y. c.,n1P ,- • •.: . :
.ing.was the, quantity of. oys,ters grOWing; in one huge cluster.' to visit With relatives and Mrs: *Al
a tree and after their .0,590 :mile Irwin a,' .1_•,ti•,:ki16-w.,accoinpanied
' consu•nreci '. and ehjoyed,"bY ..ene trip the • nieeSt: :place . they struck them, .: • , : •
, the •lacty • members -5 plates was the little,. burg *caned :Holy:- . •
8.nCi ..9."C .1.3.'°w1:••• °4-: °Y.te.r8.1 , 'rood : and they were 'all,. safely
• • • . • home again.: :The WI, also plan.:
FOURTH .iCONCESSION. flea: to reineMber• Mr and Mrs '
.. Misses. 'Bet:tv ••• Itainilton. -of -James Hodgins on the occasion'
Qneerisville and Joan Hamilton of.' their •golder. wedding.. :Mfg;
of Arthurwere hoine 'for- the
• week -end. •
. . Mr. • and Mr. , Fred dilehriSt.
spent'. the week -end in 'London
where the .fOrrner • had an opera-.
Have you' renewed your
tinel 'subscription?.
e.oeskonmeoemplowesi. .siepemioass4taseoseei,..eiromeoinennsioe*wslitolii!,40861
o Order You
N1111114r.i. •
. ,
)1,11 hirdq.from :Canadian I
• ApptoVed, GovernnienCin-
spected and bleod tested 1
stock No cOmplaints..regis-,
• fere& from our entire
het 0E1951 customers, Your ,1
;patronage ail:predated laSt
yeAr:. we look fiirward -to
Seeing you again. this
Lyman' Sutter). and Mrs. Jack
Hewitt' cy.e're appointed judges:for
the anget cake contest and ,with
only. One bake t� judge the ladies
difficulty, ;With •IVIrs:
Frank • Thompson • „ winning the
prize. Refreshments, 'were served
and: a social time enjoyed,'
• Miss `Joan Sutton has been
home from schoel: sick. with the
jaundiee. • ' •. • , • •
• Misses ,Nellie a and •• Margaret
• Malcolm were. .diriner 'guests of
Mr, and Mrs. Frank Itiaulden and
Mr. and Nits. J. R Lane, On Fri-
day, it beingthe oc...casion of Ws,
. . .
. ,
. . . . .
In failing 'health .fOr aerne time
the death .of .John. T. ,.arter. of
Kinloss • Township, , Occurred on
January 27th at the ,hoine of .his
brother; Richard. Carter' of dq..ey.
Township. Hew a ;' in: hia.. 73rd
Year; • -,•-• • * . c.
John' Carte'? ..,a7as a son ,of the
late Mr: ola uls,.Pitharcl
Carter -and was b,.>rn: in Hurm
lownshiP. As a young man he
sailed.- • the -Great Lakes ::ori:•• the.
City of .collingwood„..; but • the
greater pat • Of .his life.*as spent
in Luck.a.6* and. the itamediate
vicinity Where he ; was ;well
known,' He droVe :the mail on.
Lane's birthday.. R.R. 5 fcir a time and in, 1919,
• The Ilaiispy Hour Farm FOruin
met at the home' of IVIr: and Mr.•
Harold', Percy.'on Mohday even-
ing. Mt, P. A. Murray was the
speaker ands.: discussed • the hOg
marketing scheme with the,For-
-mitliyIr,---and.---MrS. Tom -MacDon-
ald inviteCthose present to their
home forthe meeting On Monday
night; • • 1'
PreSentatiOn Made Vetexan Clerk.
Mr. and Mts., Farish Meffat, and
her father. Mr. Alex MacKenzie,
of Langside, Were dinner ..gueats
at the home. of •Mr. and .Mrs., J.
R. Lane: and Mr: and Mrs. Frank-
•Mainclen . for. a birthday party in
Isonbr of Mr. J, R. Lane's '80th
birthday and Mr. .-MacKenzie's
70th birthday., Both young- fel,
lows- did justice, to a surnptdous
riinn„Py and then an old time cltat
und, enjdyable afternopti, In the
.cvening J. R. was pleatantly sin*.
.pris0 when P. A. Murray . and
IDerold ' Percy, •4'representing, the
Kinloss' Township .Council;, paid
• ;In linexpecfed tall tb present Mr:
Lase with a lovely inantle clock
as he
has served faithfully as
i Township call elt they would
Phone or Call a rfo remember him on his paphlerk • for the past 25
lears and f
tigtnovi 165 Utitigarmon 19-r.
• a ti ons are, extehtled to him and
. ,
' hirthd,ay. A very pleasant tinaP 1,,
).,•ls enjoyed Heartiest coricratu-
Servicp. Station
moved t- to ,his late resiciente pear.
-Sotith Chtireh: .-.4'or
number of' years lie!. Served, as
caretaker of the church and Cern-
Otery. Ile.was' a member, Of L.O.L.
Mr. Carter. Married „Mary El-
Pr,att„..o.Lt.he _Myth district.
She was killed•in a runaway acts
eident.,in Luckhow in 1927, whe
thrpwri • 'from the horse-drawn
'cutter. In; 1932 Mr.' Carter twat
ried Helen, Wright. She prede-
bo it the'MOdern way., With a Gehl
Glind-A11 Hammer Mill Connected • to.
"Your tractor .by P.T.G. and multiple six
.V -belt drive,, you get im to, 504/0 'more
capacity -7 -and with the same' power. NO
.. •Poster iou or 8PeeCY variatiOn, No long
• tractor belt to nal tight or islip. The
new P.T.O. DriVe Can be easily fitted to
" Model 41 Gehl Grind -,111 Hammer Mill:
With Transport Truck, which is' Op;
tional, you can store the,:rnill "wherever
. you wish , Or hitch to your traCtor-
and ,grind in barn, shed, field, or,a1
neighboring farms. Come in and see it.
• With guard
• re.moved
• itkow V -b
' • drive. ,
.prFrict,esytireft, .„,-„
•*Alia-Jet ihriltiOdUarceAtfOrati4iitrOsiSier
. if .
' _' '• 7310410f • • ' 'SW-. Vitioadinkfiwate'
• iagoo' Box .• ,,,..fiaoCuiter Silo Fillers.,
, . . ..,
st Thiri's Nothing lanai' Than. Aliali11
. I • . . , . . .. , .
•. 'Fit0111. FEBRVARY to 1911 •
10% Off All Drygoods
anti other •lieniS at '
Belfast •..q.en.0.41:: :Store.:
JI •